reverse song

Chapter 624 Bug Bug Bug

Chapter 624

A rather strange wind passes by. Obviously, there is no entity, and it is impossible for any entity to pass by, which gives people a sense of substance. When the wind hits the body, the force is extremely strong, like a heavy hammer directly bombarding the body, making people a little unstable. If it hadn't been for the strong physical fitness, I'm afraid that the moment I stepped into this range would be directly smashed by these strange winds. Even so, Yi Tian and Tang Mu also moved forward carefully.

The strange wind hit the body and made a low sound. At first glance, it sounded like a drum, but such a sound from the body was chilling. The strength that any person's body can withstand is limited. As tough as Yi Tian and Tang Mu, they are fearless and beaten and hit by the strange wind. I'm afraid that there are few people who can not change their face.

This place is near the entrance to the passage. The strange wind at the entrance alone seems so crazy that if you go inside again, God knows what will happen. However, it is strange that before Yi Tian and Tang Mu stepped into this entrance area, everything around them seemed so peaceful, and even the oncoming wind was extremely soft. Why is it only one step away that there will be such a big change, and this change is still so horrible and scary.

"What's wrong with this?" Yi Tian couldn't help complaining, and his voice was immediately blown away by the strong wind. However, Tang Mu, who was next to him, did not hear Yi Tian's voice at all and still moved forward.

Every step here takes a lot of energy, and there is no heart to talk to others. It's not that Yi Tian and Tang Mu don't want to protect their bodies with energy, but that they can't release energy outside their bodies at all. They can only protect their bodies with silent energy, but they can't isolate those strange winds.

Seeing that Tang Mu did not respond, Yi Tian seemed to know that it was impossible for the other party to hear him at all, but muttered in his heart and did not speak. It is extremely troublesome to move in such a place, because the strange wind is so strong that their eyes cannot be fully opened, which makes them unable to see things in the distance, and they are greatly restricted here, and it is impossible for them to find farther away. Now they can only do it one step at a time.

Yi Tian thought about how such a strange place was formed? Is the ancient battlefield like this, so those people have to pass through such a strange wind when fighting? That's too laborious, as long as they can stay out of this circle and wait for the enemy to pass.

Yi Tian did not know that the strange environment on the ancient battlefield was caused by the battle. Although it was not a beautiful place in the past, it was also a rare good place. If it hadn't experienced that war, how could the environment here have changed so much? Not to mention Yi Tian, even Tang Mu doesn't know this at all. Tang Mu knew this place, and it was very far away. Although he had experienced several ethnic wars after that, it could not be compared with the situation at that time. In the era of Tang Mu and others, the environment of this place has begun to become worse, and now it has just become worse.

Of course, it is impossible for Tang Mu, who is moving forward, to know the complaints in Yi Tian's heart. He just sighed that time has passed so fast and the environment here is getting worse and worse. Maybe after a while, this road will be completely impassable.

Such an environment, not to mention Tang Mu and others, even foreigners who have adapted to the extremely harsh environment will be extremely difficult here. Of course, these are later words and will not be mentioned here.

And Yi Tian and Tang Mu are in the strange wind circle at this time. This is only the most peripheral environment at the entrance of the whole channel. After passing through the strange wind circle, they will enter the realm of ice and snow. The severe cold there bursts directly from the bones, and it is also extremely difficult to resist it. However, better than the strange wind circle, the energy can be released in the realm of ice and snow, that is to say, Yi Tian and the two can freely control their energy and fly in the sky.

Now the two have not yet passed through the strange wind circle, and they are not sure whether there is anything in such an environment. If so, then such creatures are also extremely horrible. Monsters that can survive in such a harsh environment have usually mutated to some extent. The two of them don't want to encounter anything strange in such a place.

I passed through the strange wind circle in horror all the way, but fortunately, I didn't encounter anything strange along the way. When they stepped out of the strange wind circle, they felt a cold emanating from their bones invade the whole body.

The strange circle near the entrance of this channel is also extremely strange. There is no buffer zone between the two environments. When you reach the junction area, you can step out and directly enter another environment. It feels like two environments are stuck together.

As soon as I came out of the strange wind circle, before I fully recovered, a deep chill hit me. This made Yi Tian's thrilling chills, and half of his body stiffened in an instant. Fortunately, the energy in his body ran at the first time, quickly driving away the cold air that invaded his body. On the other hand, Tang Mu did not have any damage. After all, he knew something about the nearby environment, so he was already prepared when he stepped out of the strange wind circle.

In fact, when he came out of the wind circle, Tang Mu also reminded Yi Tian, but as the situation when Yi Tian spoke, Tang Mu's words were immediately blown away as soon as they were out, and did not reach Yi Tian's ears at all. Although Tang Mu is good at controlling the wind, he is also completely useless in the strange wind circle.

However, it is said that the biggest feeling of the two people after stepping into the realm of ice and snow is cold, and the other feeling is quiet. There is no unpredictable and powerful strange wind here, so there is no violent wind noise in my ears. But compared with the strange wind circle, it is too quiet. As long as you drop a needle, you can hear the sound.

Affected by the environment, Yi Tian and Tang Mu did not speak. Only the sound of their breathing and heartbeats were extremely obvious in such a quiet environment, let alone talking. They looked into the distance, a vast expanse of white, with a cold light hanging above their heads that they didn't know whether it was the sun or something.

The light shines on the snow-white ground, reflecting a stronger light. For a short time, Yi Tian and Tang Mu felt that what their eyes saw had changed. Shocked, the two hurriedly operated energy to dispel the discomfort of their eyes, and then protected their eyes with energy, which was regarded as eliminating the feeling of discomfort just now.

"It's too careless." Yi Tian couldn't help exhaling and carefully said such a sentence. He deliberately lowered his voice for fear that his voice would alarm something strange in this quiet environment.

Yi Tian didn't expect that this seemingly harmless environment would make his eyes uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for the timely response, he and Tang Mu would have been blinded at this time. Although their strength is amazing, their blindness has a great impact on them. It is also at this moment that Yi Tiancai feels that the natural environment is actually the most terrible enemy, and you will unconsciously fall into the trap of nature. On the contrary, the human harm is extremely small at this moment.

Tang Mu nodded and agreed with Yi Tian's words. He didn't expect that he, who had always been careful, would also be tricked.

"You can't fly here, you can only go." Tang Mu looked at Yi Tian. When he was about to tell him the danger here, he saw Yi Tian rise up and rush directly into the air.

As soon as Tang Mu finished speaking, Yi Tian, who had just risen to the air, suddenly stagnated and fell directly from the air. The speed was so fast and amazing that there was no time to react at all. With a crack, Yi Tian plunged head down into the snow. If it hadn't been for his strength, he would have killed him directly. Even so, Yi Tian was not uncomfortable. He only felt that the energy in his body was disordered, and it seemed that he was going to break out of the body. He calmed it for a long time before straightening out the disordered energy in his body.

Getting up from the snow, Yi Tian opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of snow mixed with blood, looking at Tang Mu beside him with a blank face. Just now, he had just risen in mid-air, and before he could see the surrounding environment clearly, he felt that the energy in his body suddenly stagnate, and then his whole body fell from mid-air completely uncontrollably. How fast was that? Before Yi Tian could control his body, he had plunged into the snow.

looked at Tang Mu blankly. Yi Tian wanted an answer, or he needed an answer to solve his doubts.

Tang Mu pointed to the sky and said, "There is a turbulence of energy on it, and there is a cold air that can freeze human energy. If you go up rashly, it will be dangerous." He didn't say what kind of energy turbulence it was, and he didn't say what kind of cold it was. Maybe he didn't know it himself.

"You can only walk here. However, compared with the wind circle, it is slightly better here, at least not so violent. Tang Mu spread his hands helplessly, saying that this is an environmental decision. "But I didn't expect that this turbulence had become lower and lower." He just saw that Yi Tian did not rise very high, otherwise Yi Tian would not have been hurt at all.

There is another meaning in Tang Mu's words, that is, after a while, I'm afraid that the turbulence will overw the ground. At that time, this seemingly calm ice and snow will become more terrible than the wind circle.

The only thing that makes Yi Tian can't figure out is that there is such a horrible environment around him, and how foreigners get out of such a place. They took so much effort just to go through a wind circle, and foreigners have to go out from the inside and go through many difficulties to reach the outside.

"Let's go. You can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise there will be trouble. Tang Mu has heard a small sound from the distance, which is extremely subtle. Even if you don't listen carefully in such a quiet environment, it is difficult to find it.

"What's wrong?" Yi Tian noticed that something was wrong on Tang Mu's face and hurriedly asked.

"Nothing. It's just that some annoying things are gathering this way, and there will be no problem for us to leave here. Without waiting for Yi Tian to ask questions, Tang Mu took the lead in taking a step to escape into the distance. He did not fly, but clicked quickly on the ground with his feet, which made him look like flying fast against the ground. Tang Mu rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, and the airflow that broke out around him was also huge. The snow fell on the ground in an instant rolled up a snow-white passage in a snow-white world.

Yi Tian learned from Tang Mu and rushed to the ground. Until he began to do so, Yi Tian realized the difficulties. Even if the body is pressed to the lowest position, once it moves, the surroundings will be extremely energetic, interfering with the energy in the body, and as the energy runs, the chill becomes more and more intense. For this reason, Yi Tian also had to use the energy in his body to dispel the chill. In this way, his consumption becomes more and more.

It was just a journey of more than ten kilometers, and Yi Tian showed fatigue. Fortunately, Tang Mu had also stopped at this time, and Yi Tiancai stopped to take a rest. Obviously, he ran the same road at the same speed, but it seems that Tang Mu's consumption does not seem to be so much, at least his condition looks much better than that of Yi Tian.

"This place is so fucking weird." As soon as he stopped, Yi Tian couldn't help cursing. It's really too strange here. If you don't use energy, those chills will weaken, but once you use energy, the chills will burst out in an instant, and may even devour the whole body in an instant.

Tang Mu smiled and said, "This place is the case. This is just the peripheral environment near the entrance of the passage, and the environment inside is really bad. Thinking of the environment near the passage, the smile on Tang Mu's face couldn't help but condense. There was probably nothing left in those places.

Yi Tian didn't care about what Tang Mu said about the worse environment. He listened and seemed to hear an extremely subtle sound in his ear. The voice is quite dense. At first glance, it sounds like someone's whisper, but when you listen carefully, you will find that something is wrong. The tone of all the voices is almost the same and dense. It is not like the sound of words at all, but like the sound of something when crawling quickly. It's just that the voice is too subtle to make it clear.

"Listen, what's the sound?" Yi Tian asked Tang Mu to listen to the sound he heard.

As soon as Tang Mugang heard Yi Tian's words, his face suddenly changed. He didn't say much at all. He directly pulled Yi Tian up and rushed to the distance. He walked without hesitation, or even in a hurry, as if he had seen something terrible. Only Yi Tian, who was dragged away by Tang Mu, was confused. He didn't know why Tang Mu behaved so flustered. It sounded to him just a few subtle sounds.

But the next second, Yi Tian's stunned expression suddenly changed, because he saw that the snow-white ground began to surge, and the fine sound just now became extremely clear. He finally understood why Tang Mu was so flustered. This seemingly calm ice and snow situation was actually a hidden murder.

"The ground is moving." Yi Tian exclaimed. He saw that the snow-white ground was surging crazily, and the fine sound became more frightening with the surge of the ground.

"What ground?" Tang Mu was shocked and thought that there was something strange after not coming to this place for so long. While running forward, he looked back and saw the surging ground. It was a whole white ground surging. At a glance, the shock in my heart was completely indescribable.

Seeing the surging picture of the ground, Tang Mu directly scolded his mother. As a person who knew a little about this environment, how could he not know what the surging ground represented? What the hell is this? It's full of bugs, fist-sized scary bugs. These bugs are completely unaffected in this environment and may even become stronger due to the emergence of energy turbulence.

At this time, Yi Tian finally saw that the ground was surging at all, but a large group of snow-white insects were attacking, and the dense area looked scary. However, the only fortunate thing is that these bugs don't seem to fly and can only follow them and keep running close to them. But even so, the speed of those bugs running is really too scary, and more importantly, the number is too large.

In an ordinary environment, with the strength of Yi Tian and Tang Mu, they would not worry about these strange bugs at all, but at present, their ability is limited and they can't fly up, so they can't deal with so many bugs at all. The only way is to escape from this horrible place as soon as possible. Yi Tian's understanding of the environment here is that as long as he crosses the scope of this environment, he can get rid of these bugs.

Of course, Yi Tian's idea is right, but it is extremely difficult to implement. After all, he and Tang Mu can't fly, and the only thing they can rely on are two feet. However, those bugs have six feet and are so fast that they are amazingly fast. More importantly, those bugs not only appear behind them, but also make fine sounds on their left and right sides at this time, and there seems to be a faint picture of the ground surging in front of them. In this way, the two were completely surrounded by insects.