reverse song

Chapter 629 Out of Control

Chapter 629

The marginal city can be said to be an extremely strange existence. Although Xiu and others have substantial control of the city, these people do not have much desire to control ordinary people. They can even say that if it weren't for their own sharpness, I'm afraid they wouldn't pay attention to the existence of this city at all. Death. It is also because they have put too much effort into this city that they are unwilling to watch the city be destroyed. Xiu and others did not manage the development of the city, and the residents of the city naturally formed an organization like the autonomous association.

Of course, the so-called autonomy will be established with the acquiescence of Xiu and others, otherwise this organization will not be built. After the formation of the autonomous meeting, Xiu and others were too lazy to manage and constrain such an autonomous meeting. Anyway, the order management of ordinary people in the whole city fell to the autonomous society, and the ability and external protection depended on Xiu and others.

This is also caused by the current situation of marginal cities. If it hadn't been for too many coveting forces around, I'm afraid that self-government would have been ready to seize power.

Of course, this strange situation at present does not affect any action of Xiu and others. It can even be said that with the help of the Autonomous Council, it is more convenient for Xiu and others to act. The autonomous society manages the ordinary residents in the city, which means that the autonomy society has a great influence among ordinary residents. As an autonomous society that often cooperates with Xiu and others, it naturally needs to strongly support the actions of Xiu and others.

When the white wolf appeared in the room where Xiu and others were, Xiu smelled something quite wrong. The white wolf grinned and said something quite amazing. Of course, everything is only known to the people in the house.

On the other hand, Ning Yu and others, who were monitored by Xiu and others, were not really willing to hide in the room, but in fact, they were very helpless. After checking in the hotel the other day, they found that they had been monitored. However, Ning Yu and others, who are rich in experience, know very well that once they show even a little something wrong, it will immediately trigger hostility from marginal cities. And they are just being monitored now, which is not enough to mean anything. You should know that Xiu and others are in a marginal city, in their own nest, and suddenly detect the existence of capable people, and no one will not monitor them. But the bad situation is bad for Andy three people.

After staying in the hotel, the group also discussed the surveillance, and of course, they also briefly discussed the countermeasures. After they went back to their rooms, they no longer had any communication. Of course, the so-called communication refers to the communication between Ning Yu and Andy. Andy and the three did not enter the room, but in the living room. All three of them closed their eyes to protect themselves. In such a place, they did not dare to release their breath at will to avoid attracting attacks from those in the marginal cities.

The fact that the sickle fell here made Andy quite uneasy. He felt that he had missed something, and he had a strange feeling since he entered the city. This feeling did not disappear because he began to familiarize himself with the city, but became stronger and stronger. This uneasy feeling made Andy feel like a nightmare, but he couldn't wake up.

Andy knew very well that he was resting with his eyes closed, but the heavy pressure on him made him feel as heavy as lead, and his breathing became difficult. He tried to transfer his own power to offset this nightmare-like feeling, but the energy in his body did not respond at all, and all the energy seemed to suddenly disappear.

The heavy and suffocating feeling made Andy feel as if he would die at any time. He tried to wake himself up, but the more he wanted to wake up, the more confused he found that he became, and even his previously clear thinking became blurred at this time. A heavy and evil voice suddenly appeared in his mind. He heard the voice, but he didn't know what it was saying.

The darkness in front of us began to change, from black to bright, and then gradually changed from bright to bright red, blood-like bright red.

At that moment, Andy suddenly found that he could move, but his environment had completely become another place, which was not strange, but definitely not familiar.

The marginal city appeared in front of Andy, and he stood in the air and looked down at the city trapped in darkness. He could detect that there were not many living people in the city. To be more precise, there were no ordinary people, but there were some capable people. The whole city is like a ghost, completely lifeless, but emitting a trace of chill.

Andy didn't understand why he suddenly appeared over the city or why the previously bustling city suddenly became like this. He couldn't figure out all the changes. The only thing he could understand was that he got rid of a rather strange state.

When he was about to land in the city to see what was going on, Andy suddenly heard the noise in the city, and then all kinds of lights suddenly flashed in the dark. Such a sudden change made him stop involuntarily, narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the flashing light in the city. He did not notice anything special. Anyway, such a chaotic scene can be seen everywhere in the world now. He looked at it for a while and felt that it was boring, but he didn't want to fall into the city to join in the fun, so he hovered in the air and waited for the noise to pass.

Suddenly, the whole city suddenly quieted, which was an extremely strange quietness, as if everyone was suddenly strangled by life and could not make a sound at all. Such silence came too suddenly, giving Andy an extremely strange feeling, so he stared at the city again.

Suddenly, a red light rose to the sky, just inside the city. The red light was so bright, like blood, giving Andy a very familiar feeling.

"Scythe!" Andy exclaimed. He never thought that he would see the sickle here and abandoned his body. What the hell is going on?

The red light transformed by the sickle rose to the sky, but as soon as it rose to mid-air, it suddenly stagnate and then suddenly fell down. This is an extremely abnormal situation. After abandoning his body, any foreigner is able to save his life. It is difficult for foreigners to capture in such a state. In the past, not many people have captured foreigners in such a state. Although foreigners without a body are so fragile, they have absolute speed and are unlikely to be caught at all.

But the performance of the sickle just now is completely captured.

Who has the ability to capture such a sickle? Andy was shocked for no reason, and then he heard a roar, which was a sickle's unwilling roar. The whole sky seemed to change suddenly, and then the city fell into silence again.

Andy stared at the darkness in front of him, felt that all the colors had disappeared in front of him, and then fell into complete darkness again.

There seems to be someone's muttering in the dark, which is vague, but it seems to be able to understand what the voice is saying. Andy raised his head quite nervously, and his eyes flashed red and said, "Who? Who are you? Why did you call me? He recognized the meaning of the words, although he did not hear what the voice said.

"Have you finally heard what I said?" The evil voice suddenly appeared in Andy's ear, but it seemed to be right behind him. This abrupt feeling surprised Andy for no reason, and he immediately rushed forward. This is his extremely natural reaction, which is completely instinctive.

"The reaction is very fast." The voice suddenly appeared behind Andy again, making Andy feel creepy.

"Who?" The red light in his eyes flashed, and Andy turned around and swept his hand directly, as if to kill the people behind him.

A long red light spewed out of Andy's hand, cutting directly into the air like a sharp blade.

"The attack is in place, but it's a pity that it failed." The voice said faintly and was not angry at all because of Andy's attack.

Hearing this sound again, Andy found that his whole body was trembling, and an unprecedented sense of fear suddenly spread throughout his body, making the energy in his body become restless and gradually becoming out of control. He didn't know who appeared behind him, but he vaguely felt that there seemed to be any connection between him and the man.

Andy's unstable energy fluctuations shocked the rest of the house, and Arthur and Taylor next to him were the first to be shocked. Suddenly feeling Andy's breath unstable, Arthur's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly put his hands on Andy's body to suppress the uncomfortable breath in Andy's body.

Arthur knows very well that as long as there is a little smell of foreigners in such a place, it will immediately attract attacks from those in marginal cities. But what surprised him was that except for people in marginal cities and places, others did not seem to have any hostility to foreigners. Of course, in this situation, Arthur has no time to think about the problems at all, but concentrates on suppressing Andy's leaked breath.

However, Arthur alone could not suppress the breath leaked by Andy, and vaguely, the energy in Arthur's body was affected by Andy's restless energy and began to become unstable. Such a change made Arthur begin to panic. He has never encountered such a situation. According to his strength, he is not weaker than Andy, and the impact will not affect so much, but according to the present situation, I'm afraid he will be completely out of control.

Taylor also hurried forward to help when she noticed something was wrong with Arthur's body, but as soon as she touched Andy's body, the stable energy in her body was like a ignited explosive. She became restless and became extremely unstable. Taylor didn't notice, and the hidden breath burst out in an instant and quickly spread around. She knew that her breath had leaked out, but Taylor had no way to stop it. She could only look at Andy and Arthur desperately.

At this time, Andy still closed his eyes and his face was full of pain. He didn't know what was wrong with his face. Arthur's face also showed despair. He knew that as long as Taylor's breath leaked out, the whereabouts of their party would be completely exposed, and they would face endless pursuit.

Ning Yu was the first to notice the breath leaked by Taylor. While he was sleeping, he suddenly sensed the breath of Taylor and others. His face suddenly changed and he rushed out of the room. Then he saw that the whole living room was reflected by the red light of Andy and the three people. Before he could ask what had happened, Ning Yu immediately suppressed Taylor's leaked breath and called out both Yiyi and Fatty.

With the cooperation of the three, they barely controlled Taylor's out-of-control breath, but they just controlled it. They couldn't suppress this breath at all. Taylor also can't withdraw her breath. The energy in her body is out of control, and she can't even control her own energy. How can she control her breath?

"Andy must be woken up." Arthur understands that the root of everything is Andy, and their only hope now is that Andy will wake up. But in the current situation, Andy doesn't seem to wake up at all for a while.

The six people were so deadlocked that they did not dare to move at all. This situation lasted for many days, which is why the six of them did not go out for several days in a row.

Time returned to the point where White Wolf appeared in Xiu and others. When everyone was guessing what Ning and his party was thinking, White Wolf slowly came in with a familiar expression on his face. He did not feel guilty for his disappearance for many days, and did not explain why he had not come out for so long. Now, of course, there is no explanation for why several other people have not appeared for such a long time.

The white wolf just looked at Xiang Xiu. After saying a few simple situations, he said, "There will be a good play tonight". As for what the good play is, he didn't make it clear. Xiu and others are not in the mood to ask. They need to discuss things about Ning Yu and others.

The white wolf was not angry that no one paid attention to him. He just looked at Xiang Xiu and others with a smile and began to recall the arrangement of the vulture. It's not really correct to say that it was arranged. The vulture just asked the white wolf to help Xiu and others. The rest did not say anything, not even where they would go. Anyway, after sending the white wolf, the vulture and others disappeared quite mysteriously. This time, even the white wolf did not know where the vulture and others had gone.

What on earth are they going to do? The white wolf was very curious about this, but without any information, he had no idea where the vulture and others had gone. However, compared with Xiu and others, White Wolf knows something about Ning Yu and others. At least he knows that Ning Yu and others are Hydra, but the only thing he doesn't know is that there are three foreigners among these six people.

When the white wolf was thinking about himself, Xiu and others had already stood up and walked out. At this time, it was getting dark, and Xiu and others were about to prepare for action. In the case of inventory of combat strength, Xiucai found that after the absence of William's six people, their combat strength seemed to be greatly reduced. Although there were still Du Guliang and others, they seemed to lack particularly strong combat power.

But on second thought, Xiu felt that such combat power was enough. After all, there was a white wolf behind them.

When Xiu and others walked out of the room, the white wolf slowly followed. He did not ask Xiu and others where they were going, but followed them without saying a word. It feels like being angry with Xiu and others, but in fact it is not.

Out of the room, Xiu and others began to act according to the previous division of labor. Xiu and Du Guliang naturally take the lead, while others enter their posts.

"Go straight to that group of people?" Dugu Liang looked at Xiu and wanted to determine their goal.

"Let's go straight there." Xiu took a breath, and a faint green light flashed in his eyes. Such a light had not appeared on him for a long time. "In this city, we don't have to sneak around. Just go and see what they want to do. When he exhaled that breath, Xiu slowly floated up, emitting a cold breath.

The white wolf behind the two felt the change in the breath of self-cultivation, and his face couldn't help but change slightly. He always knew that the two people around Yi Tian were quite simple. Not to mention Al, who had passed away, Xiu must have been hiding his strength in the past. Now it seems that the white wolf feels that his judgment is not wrong.

Xiu ignored the white wolf behind him, but directly in mid-air. After identifying the hotel where Ning Yu and others were located, his body turned around, and his whole body flew directly in the direction of Ning Yu and others's hotel. The green light flashed on him and soon disappeared, and the Xiu's figure slowly disappeared into the air and became invisible.

Duguliang and the white wolf, who acted together with Xiu, suddenly saw the change in the slimming, and their look suddenly changed. If the change of breath on the slimming just now surprised the two, they are now surprised. At this time, the cultivation seems to be completely integrated into the wind. Not only the body shape, but also the breath becomes empty. If you want to capture it, it gives people a feeling of erratic.

Dugu Liang is a person with wind ability. His understanding of wind far exceeds that of the white wolf, so when he sees the changes in self-cultivation, he understands that Xiu has broken through to another realm. Even Du Guliang is only peeping into a little corner, but Xiu has completely stepped into that. A realm.


It's so late again. It looks like an outbreak of procrastination.