reverse song

Chapter 632 Taylor's action

Chapter 632

The pressure released by the high-intensity compressed wind is instantly amazing. The hotel room was originally extremely small, causing a strong and amazing wind in such a narrow space without any suspense. The glass doors and windows in the room were all broken, while the decorations inside were washed out lightly, and the heavier ones were immediately crushed into debris and washed out. The violent wind roared indoors as if to tear everything apart.

The roar lasted for nearly five minutes, and then gradually quieted down. When the whole room became quiet, it had been completely emptied, and nothing remained, not even a trace of debris.

The house is still dark, but I don't want to see as light as before. Because the door of the room was destroyed, the light in the corridor penetrated, bringing a little light to the dark space. Although it is impossible for people to see the situation in the room clearly, it can let people see the general situation.

Duguliang and White Wolf hovered outside the broken window and looked into the room to find out if there was still someone inside. According to the information they received, if everything is normal, there should be two people in the room. As they looked into the house, they saw two vague figures sitting on the ground, motionless, whether they were dead or alive. There is no smell of blood from the house, which means that the two people have not been harmed in the strong wind just now. In addition, the breath that has just been washed away reappeared at this time, still as if nothing, is completely different from the previous strong breath that is about to explode, which also shows that the two people in the room are still alive.

Just why don't these two people make any moves? Their companions have come out to meet the enemy. How can these two still sit in it calmly? Did something unexpected happen?

When Duguliang saw the two figures, many thoughts flashed in his mind, and the most important thing was that he felt that the two people inside must be pretending to be dead to deceive them into the trap. He was about to turn his head to ask the white wolf, but he saw that the white wolf had stepped into the window and slowly walked towards the two people.

He raised his hand and threw out a lighting stick. After taking two steps, the white wolf stopped and did not approach the past. Instead, the light on the lighting stick was not strong enough to see what was going on with the two people. After landing, the lighting stick ejected a few times and rolled to the feet of the two people. However, before the light stabilized, the lighting bar suddenly made a crisp sound and shattered, and the light that had just flashed went out suddenly, and it was impossible for people to see the faces of the two people.

This situation did not surprise the White Wolf. He just didn't expect that the two people opposite would react so quickly. Others may not see why the lighting stick suddenly burst, but he can see it clearly or feel it clearly. When the lighting stick rolled to the feet of the two people, the seemingly faint breath just now suddenly became strong and immediately smashed the lighting stick. In this way, it is impossible to see the faces of the two people with the help of the light of the lighting stick.

"Let a windball in." The white wolf did not turn around, but said to Dugu Liang. Since the lighting stick can't play any role, it's better to borrow the light of Dugu Liang's energy, so that the other party can't even break such a thing in an instant.

Duguliang outside the window was stunned at first, and then threw out a wind ball shining with cyan light.

The wind ball swayed to the white wolf, and the light blue light on it reflected the white wolf's face. It's not scary to suddenly see such a face in the dark. The white wolf ignored whether the green light was illuminated in the dark, but reached out to gently hold the wind ball, and then threw it gently. The wind ball hovered out directly, and then slowly hovered over the two people's heads.

The green light fell down. Although it was not as bright as the white light, it was enough to let the white wolf and the lonely cool outside the window see the situation of the two people in the house.

Andy and Taylor sat on the ground with an indescribable expression on their faces. Although they want to smash the wind ball above their heads, the energy required is a little larger, so it is impossible to smash the wind ball in an instant. They can only watch each other look at their embarrassed appearance.

Andy, who was asleep before, has woken up. Unlike before, there was no energy fluctuation on his body at this time, and his breath was extremely weak. If there was nothing, it seemed to disappear at any time. His bright eyes looked a little light, and his face was also a little pale. When he looked at the white wolf, although there was murderous intent in his eyes, he could not do anything. He could only sit on the ground with his hands hanging weakly on both sides.

Taylor stared at the white wolf, grinning like a female wolf protecting the wolf cub. The fierce look was undoubtedly revealed on her body, and the breath was quite strong, and even the murderous intention on her body was not concealed at all. When she looked at the white wolf, she did not hide her murderous intention at all, and the red light flashing in her eyes was also frightening.

When the white wolf saw the two people like this, his face couldn't help but look stunned, and then whistled, "Is that the case?" He said this without end, but he didn't know what he thought of. After seeing the situation in the house, Du Guliang behind him was finally ready to come in.

"Just look at those three people outside." The white wolf waved his hand to Du Guliang behind him, signaling him to stay outside. Although we know the situation of the two people in the room now, the white wolf still doesn't think that the situation in the room is very safe, and if they do it in such a small space, the four people are really too aggrieved. It's better not to let too many people in.

Duguliang didn't expect that the white wolf would stop him from acting. Just as he was about to object, he suddenly heard a rather sharp roar. When the sound suddenly rushed into his ear, it immediately gave him a feeling like a needle, which made him feel a little pain in his head, and his body involuntarily retreated a long distance. Such a sound appeared quite suddenly, and even if he had the intention to defend himself, it was difficult to resist. What shocked Du Guliang was that he did not know where the sound came from.

The white wolf in the room gently pressed his ear and shook his head and said, "If you want to fight, hit it. Why do you roar like this?" When he spoke, his eyes naturally fell on Taylor with a fierce expression. Obviously, Taylor's roar just now came from.

The red light in his eyes suddenly became strong, and Taylor was unwilling to say more, so he suddenly turned into a red light and rushed towards the white wolf. The red light suddenly appeared on his body, and a strong red light spewed out on his ten fingers, as if his nails had been suddenly lengthened. His right hand clawed and grabbed the white wolf's chest directly. Taylor's attack was straight, simple and easy to understand.

Facing Taylor's attack, the white wolf did not advance but retreat. His right foot was a little on the ground, and the whole person immediately flew back without stopping at all. He didn't even intend to do anything, and just retreated straight.

Taylor had no intention of letting go of the white wolf and chased straight after him. In Taylor's view, since his whereabouts have been discovered, he has to fight to the death. The nature of foreigners is inherently fierce, and at this time, it is even more ferocious, giving people a feeling of becoming more and more dangerous.

Seeing that the distance was pulled away by the white wolf little by little, Taylor did not panic at all. When the red light flashed through her eyes, her figure suddenly blurred, and her whole body disappeared directly into the room. By the time she appeared again, she had reached the window position, crossed her hands, pulled forward, and ten red rays flew out in a cross shape, directly sweeping towards the retreating white wolf.

White Wolf didn't expect Taylor to be so fast. In shock, he hurriedly stopped his figure and was about to flash aside. Before he took action, he heard a bad wind in his ear. I don't know when Taylor, who was still at the window, suddenly appeared in front of him, still in the previous blow, and his right hand clawed directly to his chest.

It was the first time that the White Wolf encountered such a strange attack, and there were many changes. Even if he was on the battlefield, he did not figure out how Taylor did it. However, although the situation is critical at present, it will not make the white wolf panic. On a slightly side of her body, the white wolf slowly swam past Taylor's right hand. At the same time, his left hand grabbed Taylor's right wrist and loosened her back, which was sent directly to the ten red light.

Although the white wolf flashed beautifully, there was still no way to completely flash Taylor's claws. The clothes on his chest were broken. Five were not deep, but absolutely not shallow wounds appeared on his body, and bright red blood penetrated from the wound. When the white wolf sent Taylor to the ten red rays, he found that he was injured. The look on his face changed slightly. White Wolf didn't expect Taylor's attack to be so fierce, but no matter how fierce it was, everything was over.

Ten red rays swept past Taylor at an extremely amazing speed, rushed directly into her body, and then penetrated Taylor's body without suspense and continued to rush towards the white wolf. Taylor, who was hit by ten red lights, rushed to the white wolf unharmed. Such a situation is really strange, even though the white wolf is well-informed and has never seen such a situation at all. He clearly caught Taylor just now and knew that the man in front of him was not an illusion, but why didn't those red light hurt her at all? Naturally, there will be no answer, because the white wolf still has to dodge the ten red rays swept in.

Without any hesitation, the white wolf immediately flashed to the side, and then the wall turned around again. He actually changed his body three times in a short period of time. That's why he avoided ten red lights.

Avoiding the red light does not mean that the white wolf avoided Taylor's pursuit. Before he stood still, Taylor appeared in front of him again, still unplayful and straight attack. However, this time, the white wolf has grown up and dares not dare to dodge the opponent's attack in an extremely risky way. After all, he has suffered a secret loss just now. If he does not grow, he deserves to be killed by the other party.

As soon as he patted his right hand forward, he heard a cracking sound. The short attack of the white wolf suddenly smashed the air, forming a mass of fast-moving air and rushing towards Taylor.

Unexpectedly, Taylor was concentrated by the white wolf's air mass, humming, and the figure that had just approached the white wolf flew back. When retreating, Taylor grabbed his right hand and spit out five red rays and rushed towards the white wolf. It is also a red light attack. Compared with the previous ten red light, these five red light are quite dim, and even the speed is much slower. The white wolf did not dare to be careless about this situation. Although these five red rays look like Taylor's exhausted strength, the changes contained in them should not be underestimated.

The five fingers of the left hand moved and hit dozens of times in a row. When transparent air ripples appeared in front of the white wolf, the five red light rushed into it without surprise, causing a series of strange sounds before gradually disappearing.

As soon as the five red rays disappeared, Taylor, who had just been forced back, approached the white wolf again. Taylor's actions were quite strange, and there was no sound between the actions, let alone any rules to pursue, which made her enemies feel quite a headache. Even if the white wolf faced such a varied attack by Taylor, he couldn't help feeling a little troublesome.

The body turned back, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, the white wolf retreated again. He has to guide Taylor out of the city. Here, he dares not do his best at all. Once Taylor is killed here, it is likely to trigger a change in the seal. He didn't want to have any accident at this time. He flew out quickly, but the white wolf did not dare to be careless at all. He knew that Taylor's speed was incredible, so he always paid attention to Taylor's changes.

But just as the white wolf noticed Taylor's changes, he felt that his eyes were blooming. Taylor, who had just been chasing him, disappeared strangely again. Then he caught a glimpse of red light flashing around him, and a sense of danger immediately rushed to his heart. In this way, the white wolf knew that Taylor appeared in front of him again in advance.

Without stopping his body as before, the white wolf pressed down directly and almost flew forward against the ground. His hands suddenly patted on the ground. The figure that had been rushing to Taylor suddenly changed and rushed towards a wall. The white wolf had just changed its direction, and a red light swept past his original place, showing a rather fierce atmosphere. This situation made the white wolf's eyes jump, but at this time, he had approached the wall, and his body was a ball again, followed by his feet on the wall, and flew towards the position of the window again.

The white wolf moves faster, and Taylor moves faster. When the white wolf rebounded through the wall, Taylor stood in front of the white wolf again, raised his hand, and dozens of red lights flew in. When the dense red light penetrated the air, it made a sharp sound, which made people scared. Although the white wolf did not dare to take it when he saw so many red light, he chose to avoid its sharpness.

took a breath, and as soon as his body was heavy, the white wolf fell to the ground again. Without standing in shape, the white wolf ejected backwards and quickly approached the other wall. His left foot stepped on the wall, and his retreat suddenly stopped, and then ejected out again. This time he changed direction, but still towards Flying away from the position of the window.

In a small space, the white wolf can be said to have used all his strength to dodge Taylor's attack. It was not that he was afraid of Taylor, but that he was afraid that he could not control his power to kill Taylor here. Yi Tian is not here, and no one knows what will be uncontrollable after triggering the seal. The white wolf doesn't want to cause trouble.

When the white wolf shot towards the window again, Taylor stood in front of him again. This situation is quite puzzled by the White Wolf. If Taylor has stood in front of him once or twice, it can also be explained by outsiders, but now this situation is not only an accident, but Taylor's speed is very strange at all. With such a strange speed and such a fierce attack, few people can really stop it. However, Taylor, who has such an attack, has never burst out amazing power in close proximity.

When he thought of this, the white wolf seemed to understand something. This time, he did not change his body, but rushed straight to Taylor. He didn't believe that he couldn't break through the blockade of the little woman in front of him and lead the little woman out of the city.

The idea must be that the speed of the white wolf suddenly increased a little, and the momentum of the explosion was also extremely amazing. The white wolf is a master. If he is serious, the momentum that breaks out is very not weak. A strong wind suddenly appeared in the narrow room, followed by an amazing pressure burst out, and some walls could not withstand such pressure and made a crackling sound. The white wolf didn't care about these changes at all, still without scruples to stimulate the energy in his body and rushed towards Taylor. He has made up his mind to hit Taylor directly outside.

Just as the white wolf approached Taylor, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out from the side and hugged Taylor to avoid the impact of the white wolf.