reverse song

Chapter 650 Killed

Chapter 650

Under the influence of the vortex, the gray fog condensed in one place and began to roll violently, like boiling water. The condensed fog became solid and began to evolve. At first glance, a vague figure appeared inside. However, it was gray everywhere, so Yi Tian didn't look very real, but he did see a vague figure in the fog. He was about to come forward to see clearly, and all the fog suddenly disappeared, and even the previous vague figure disappeared.

The gray fog disappears, and the surrounding environment becomes clear. An empty place, nothing exists. At a glance, it is gray everywhere. Even without the influence of fog, it is still gray around.

Looking around, nothing was found, not to mention people, not even a weed appeared. This vulgar environment surprised him a little. If this is a fantasy, it is too clumsy, but if it is not a fantasy, what would it be? This is a completely insoluble problem, unless you can see the people who built this environment.

Yi Tian is not in a hurry at all. He doesn't think that he is in danger now and will not encounter danger again. On the contrary, after years of experience, he has his own way to deal with it. At present, his condition is not good. There is no way to call the energy in his body. He is in a strange and unchanging environment. If everything continues like this, I'm afraid he will be trapped here forever.

Of course, Yi Tian does not think that the person who trapped him in this environment will let him go, and the other party will definitely appear, and what Yi Tian has to do now is wait for the other party to appear and bring some changes. The change of fog just now shows that the person who trapped him into this environment has appeared. As for why the other party has not appeared so far, that is another matter.

When Yi Tian was thinking nonsense, a slight footsteps came from the place where the fog disappeared just now.

, the crisp footsteps spread away in the empty environment, and then disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. A smile appeared at the corners of Yi Tian's mouth when he suddenly heard the sound. He slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and then his smile froze on his face. What did he see? Yi Tian saw a man who looked exactly like him slowly coming towards him. The man's face was almost the same as his smile, and even his small movements were so consistent.

Yi Tian felt dazzled, but the man opposite still walked towards him, which showed that he was not dazzled or dreaming. Everything was really happening.

"Is this a joke?" Yi Tian couldn't help saying such a sentence, but all the smiles on his face disappeared. He could feel the unfriendly atmosphere released by the other party, which made him confirm that he was not dreaming or in a fantasy. If you can see a person like yourself, you can't feel the breath of that person.

While speaking, Yi Tian has retreated. He can't use the energy in his body now. The only thing he can rely on is probably those fighting methods, but his fighting methods are really not in the flow. At most, he can only protect himself. It is still a little difficult to defeat the other party. So he distanced himself from the other party at the beginning to avoid being caught off guard.

When Yi Tian retreated, the fake goods on the opposite side also suddenly accelerated and quickly approached Yi Tian into a gray figure.

When the wind sounded, Yi Tian saw the fake suddenly appear in front of him. He instinctively dodged sideways, and he heard the sound of the evil wind in his ear. The fierce fist wind swept his cheek, which gave him great stimulation. He did not dare to stop. After avoiding the other party's punch, Yi Tian directly approached the other party in the gap and slapped the other party's ribs. The position of this palm is quite clever, which happens to be one of the other party's luck.

Just a face-to-face, Yi Tian knew that the other party could use energy, and without the blessing of energy, it was a fantasy that Yi Tian wanted to win the other party. What relieved Yi Tian a little is that the other party doesn't seem to know any fighting skills at all, which gives Yi Tian, who is in a disadvantageous situation, a little advantage.

Dark energy gushed out of Yi Tian's palm in an attempt to rush into the other party's meridians. However, this dense palm has not yet worked, and a dim gray light suddenly appeared on the fake, which directly resolved Yi Tian's palm. At the same time, the man turned around and tried to catch Yi Tian with his left hand.

Who knew that Yi Tian had expected such a situation for a long time. He had slipped back like a loach and avoided the attack of fakes. As soon as he retreated, his figure had not yet stood firmly. Yi Tian was another sudden bully to the side of the fake. His body was short and swirled, his legs had been leaned out, and he was about to put the man to the ground.

The fake never thought that Yi Tian's attack speed would be so fast, even without any energy support. With a slight shock, the man easily jumped up, avoiding Yi Tian's leg. At the same time, he rotated his body and pressed his right leg down, trying to suppress Yi Tian in place.

However, before the fake's leg fell, Yi Tian had jumped up. Behind the man, his right hand became a hook and pecked on the man's back. When Yi Tian's right hand penetrated the air, it burst into amazing power and pecked on the other party's pipa bones. The dark energy broke out and poured directly into the body of the fake.

Another gray light burst out, and the dark energy that had just come out was dissipated again, but this time Yi Tian was a gain. He found that when attacking the other party's pipa bone, the speed of the counterfeit goods would be a little slower. Although it could not completely limit the operation of the energy in the other party's body, it was at least a way.

After a successful blow, Yi Tian then quickly fell back to the ground and swam away immediately. He doesn't want to stay in one place for too long, which will only give away his life. He knows very well how amazing the speed of the capable man is, so he chooses to swim in a small area instead of continuing to widen the distance between the counterfeit goods.

He was attacked by Yi Tian twice in a row and leaked by Yi Tian twice in a row. The counterfeiter was angry. He had never encountered such a bad thing. It is extremely easy to know that he was extremely easy when he controlled Yi Tian's body before, but it is extremely difficult to deal with Yi Tian himself now.

With anger in his heart, the man's attack power naturally increased a few points.

As soon as the figure turned, the man caught Yi Tian's figure, and a dodge came to Yi Tian's side. He knew that Yi Tian could not mobilize energy, otherwise how could he come to see Yi Tian, but he did not expect that Yi Tian could have such a strange attack method when he lost energy. This time, he approached Yi Tian. The fake did not act in a hurry. He knew that Yi Tian would definitely attack him. If Yi Tian doesn't do this, the end will be ugly.

Any desperate person will choose to attack his enemy instead of continuing to escape when he wants to protect himself. This can be said to be a dying struggle or a fight to the death. If you dare to take action, you will have a chance to live. If you don't take action, you will only have a dead end.

As the man expected, Yi Tian chose to attack without any hesitation when the man approached. Yi Tian's footsteps staggered, and his solid figure suddenly became blurred. When the man saw Yi Tian's pace, he also felt that his eyes were blurred, and he only felt that Yi Tian had turned into several figures approaching him. Such an illusion made the man's heart abrupt, and a sense of danger suddenly rose from his heart.

As soon as the danger appeared, the fake felt a pain in his back. I don't know when Yi Tian in front of him came behind him and launched an attack in a very short time. The unspeakable pain made the fake man open his mouth and let out a cry of pain, and his body staggered forward and almost fell directly to the ground.

In Yi Tian's current situation, his blow is extremely heavy, which can make a capable person cry so awkwardly.

The pain alone is not enough to surprise the counterfeiter. What's more surprising is the sudden burst of power after the attack. The man only felt that a strange energy exploded from the place where he was hit. The energy did not come from Yi Tian, but from himself. Obviously, his own energy was completely out of his control, but directly burst out amazing power, making the surrounding meridians disordered, and the energy suddenly lost control. zhi.

When the energy in the fake cargo was out of control, Yi Tian only felt that his whole body was inexplicably numb. He just felt that some estranged energy actually appeared to be connected for a moment. However, this feeling soon disappeared and returned to its original state. The abnormal situation made Yi Tian a little stunned, and then his eyes changed a little.

Who is he? Such a problem suddenly appeared in Yi Tian's mind. From the appearance of the other party to now, he has not considered this problem, but now he has to consider this problem, because he found that he actually connected the energy in his body when he attacked. Yi Tian himself can't figure out the problem. After all, the other party has not spoken so far.

However, Yi Tian also knew that his blow just now had completely angered the other party, and the next battle was the most difficult. He did not dare to neglect at all. Before the other party approached, he suddenly got out and came behind the man again.

As soon as he approached the fake, Yi Tian wanted to attack, and he saw the other party suddenly emit a gray light. The light was quite dim, but it emitted a chilling atmosphere. Aware that danger was coming, Yi Tian wanted to distance himself from the fake. But the gray light is like a big hand, pulling Yi Tian who wanted to retreat and imprisoning him in the light.

Under the cover of light, the cold breath is pervasive. Yi Tian felt as if he had fallen into the ice cellar. Under the influence of the cold breath, his whole body began to become stiff. Now, not to mention mobilizing energy, even the energy he could feel before is not felt at all.

Looking at the fake in front of him with a shocked face, Yi Tian couldn't see more and more who the person in front of him was exactly like him. The only thing he can know is that this guy is very dangerous and has the determination to kill himself. People always look extremely awake in the face of death, and even their memories will become extremely clear. However, in such a sober state, Yi Tian does not remember when he has offended such a person at all.

People with gray light will appear on their bodies. Such ability is extremely rare. Not to mention that they have been in a relationship, even if they have only seen it, they will remember it very clearly, but Yi Tian does not remember such a number one person at all.

"Who are you?" After all, Yi Tian raised his own doubts. His idea is very simple. Even if he dies, he has to understand it.

The man did not mean to answer Yi Tian's question, but looked at Yi Tian, with a gray light in his eyes, giving people a rather evil feeling. The bottom of his eyes spit out an angry light. Obviously, he was very concerned about what Yi Tian had hurt him just now. After all, Yi Tian is now an ordinary person. How can he hurt himself in the hands of an ordinary person?

"You are awesome." The tone of the fake guy is a little stiff, and his tone is extremely unfriendly.

Yi Tian knew very well that the other party was not really praising him, but he still pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm flattered. He smiled so modestly, as if the blow just now was really insignificant.

The man expected a lot of Yi Tian's reactions, but he absolutely didn't expect Yi Tian to say this to himself with such a calm look. In his opinion, the shallow smile at the corners of Yi Tian's mouth was like sarcasm, making him extremely uncomfortable. With a low roar, the fake grabbed Yi Tian's neck with his right hand and pinched Yi Tian out of breath.

The feeling of suffocation made Yi Tian struggle involuntarily, and his hands directly grabbed the other party's right hand and kept scratching to let the other party release his hand.

At this time, the counterfeiter was determined to kill Yi Tian, how could he let go of his hand and let go of his hand? He laughed ferociously. With a sudden force of his five fingers, he heard a click. Yi Tian, who was still struggling just now, suddenly softened and stopped moving. His breath was completely dead. Obviously, he was in a state of death.

He casually left Yi Tian. The man snorted coldly, and his solid figure became blurred, and finally turned into a gray fog to cover Yi Tian.

In the gray fog, Yi Tian has no breath of living people, but it gives people the feeling that he is still alive, with a sense of unwillingness in his big eyes, unwillingness to death, unwillingness to what he has not done, and to everything in the world. Unwilling, but no matter how unwilling he is, what can he do? When he loses all his strength, he can only turn into fish and let others slaughter him.

At the last moment, Yi Tian suddenly regretted that he should have done what he should have done instead of running around, but it was too late. He saw the ferocious smile on the man's face, which was also the last picture he saw.

The fog surrounding Yi Tian began to flow, like a living thing. It slowly condensed towards Yi Tian and slowly drilled into the hole of Yi Tian's facial features, like a bug, making a slight scalp numbing sound. Fortunately, no one else was present at this time, otherwise I'm afraid I would be scared to death by the current scene.

When all the fog penetrated into Yi Tian's body, there was only one person left in this space. There was nothing superfluous. Is Yi Tian still the same Yitian?

The wide eyes suddenly blinked, and a trace of inspiration suddenly flashed in the eyes that had not been bright for a long time. The unwillingness left in the bottom of the eyes quickly faded and became bright again. The cold and stiff body makes a click sound, which is the sound made by the joints when they move.

Yi Tian, who had just fallen, slowly got up. He looked at his hands and feet as if he had never seen these things. He tried to laugh, but the stiff muscles on his face made him a little unaccustomed. He turned his body again and found that there was no special feeling. Finally, he laughed with joy, and the laughter was a little dry, which made those who heard it feel very uncomfortable.

Then the laughter became louder and louder, resounding throughout the space.

As soon as he stopped laughing, Yi Tian looked into the distance. Of course, there was no such thing as near and far here, but his eyes gave people a feeling of looking into the distance. He stared at the distance as if there was something there. Finally, he slowly withdrew his eyes and looked at his hands again. There was a very strange feeling. He didn't know how to describe this feeling. He could feel the turbulent energy in his body, but he couldn't mobilize it. A little bit. There seems to be a thin film between him and the power. Obviously, he can see and feel it, but he can't touch it, let alone use it.

This feeling of being isolated made Yi Tian feel extremely broken. He kept trying to break through the film to control the power in his body. He knew that those forces were the most fundamental. If there was no way to control these fundamentals, he could only control the body, not really fused into one place.

He kept trying to mobilize energy, but no matter how much effort he spent, he could not mobilize the isolated energy. This made him feel very broken and almost crazy, but it also made him eager to try. He wanted to know what he would become after controlling those energies.