reverse song

Chapter 667 Silver Egg

Chapter 667

Yi Tian, who arranged this trap, did not expect Tang Mu to suddenly burst into such a terrible power, and Tang Mu could kill so many souls in such a short time. He looked at the sudden whirlpool with a dull face. There should have been no color of wind vortex, because the inhalation of gray fog can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Tang Mu was in the center of the whirlpool, with long hair flying and a cold look on his face. At first glance, the murderous spirit burst out, which made people scared. However, when I looked at it again, I felt that he was erratic, as if he would disappear at any time. This situation shocked Yi Tian again. He originally wanted to consume Tang Mu's power through which remnant souls, and then he took action to control Tang Mu. Now it seems that his plan has failed.

Yi Tian is definitely not a fool. When he found that his plan was completely unworkable, he immediately chose to retreat and had no intention of staying in place at all. He didn't want Tang Mu to find his whereabouts. After comparing the strength between himself and Tang Mu, Yi Tian found that he had no chance of winning at all. Even if he could easily control this body now, there was still no way to deal with Tang Mu. The strength gap between the two of them was there, which was not that at all. It's easy to get over.

Although it took away Yi Tian's body, the remnant soul was not a fool and would not expose his whereabouts so easily. If the remnant soul king takes away Yi Tian's body, it may still have the power to fight with Tang Mu, but it is only the power of a battle. Once Tang Mu bursts out all the power, the remnant soul king can only escape. Needless to say, Yi Tian immediately chose to run away when he saw that the situation was not good.

He flew away without looking back. Yi Tian was running away with all his strength. For him, these gray fogs could not have any impact on him. After all, his essence is a remnant soul, not a real person. Tang Mu would not be so relaxed. However, as soon as he ran out of the distance, he suddenly stopped, because a vague figure suddenly appeared in the fog, and the murderous intention bursting out of the figure made Yi Tian have to stop.

Looking at the figure that suddenly stood in front of him in horror, Yi Tian turned around and was ready to run in another direction without thinking. However, when Yi Tian turned around, the wind suddenly came around, and the wind was turbulent and horrible. The wind tore the air, cut the gray fog, and roared, making people's hearts tremble involuntarily.

Yi Tian suddenly froze in place, because he found that he had no way to escape. Of course, he didn't want to stand still and wait to die, so he wanted to fight. He turned around again and was ready to hit in the direction where the figure had just appeared. In his opinion, that was the only way out. However, as soon as he turned around, he suddenly hit something. This collision made Yi Tian involuntarily retreat. He felt as if he had hit a hill, but he remembered that there was nothing behind him.

"Do you still want to escape?" The voice was so indifferent that it was Tang Mu's voice that there was no change in tone. He spoke coldly and looked coldly at Yi Tian. At this time, he seemed to be completely changed.

"You?" Yi Tian looked up and found that Tang Mu suddenly appeared in front of him. He couldn't help but be shocked. He thought it was another remnant soul that stood in front of him, but he didn't expect it to be Tang Mu. He has carefully concealed his whereabouts. Why was he still found by the other party, and the other party appeared in front of him so quickly?

It was not enough to shape the mood at this time with horror. He stepped back and opened the distance between him and Tang Mu. However, as soon as he moved, Tang Mu also moved, as if there was an invisible rope between the two. This situation made Yi Tian more and more frightened, so he retreated more severely.

The more Yi Tian retreated, the more Tang Mu chased forward, but he always kept the distance from Yi Tian. Tang Mu seemed to deliberately put pressure on Yi Tian and was not in a hurry to do it at all. Such a situation really made Yi Tian more and more panicked.

Panic always makes people go wrong, so Yi Tian made a wrong decision at this time, which is to rush towards Tang Mu. He can't do it without rushing. The other party has forced him to go. How can he not fight back? What's more, people will choose to fight back after being forced, not to mention the extremely fierce soul.

Suddenly, Yi Tian turned into a gray shadow and rushed towards Tang Mu. As he moved, the wind was blowing, and ghosts and wolves cried and howled. In the face of Yi Tian's attack, Tang Mu didn't even blink his eyelids. He still stood there indifferently and waved his hand gently. A strong wind suddenly rose and blocked Yi Tian's retreat.

The figure floated back a little. As soon as Tang Mu raised his hand, several wind blades flew out. There is no regularity in the flight trajectory of these wind blades, and what is more frightening is that the sound of the wind blades is extremely harsh. Originally, the howl caused by Yi Tian's launch was quite loud, but the sound caused by the wind blade was completely suppressed in an instant.

The attack of the wind blade shocked Yi Tian. He had met with Tang Mu before, but he could be sure that Tang Mu had absolutely no such terrible power before. However, now Tang Mu's explosive power completely exceeded Yi Tian's estimation, which made Yi Tian's body immediately deflected when he was afraid.

In the face of such a powerful blade, Yi Tian is absolutely unwilling to accept such an attack no matter how much he trusts his strength. With his body, Yi Tian raised his hand and threw out some gray fog. These fogs look extremely thin, but they have extremely horrible adhesion. As soon as the wind blade rushed into the gray fog, it began to slow down and finally smiled completely inside.

"A little progress." Tang Mu saw that Yi Tian had solved his wind blade with such a hand, and couldn't help praising him. Then he stepped out and appeared in front of Yi Tian very abruptly. "But it's still not enough." Without finishing his words, he directly poked out his right hand and grabbed Yi Tian.

Tang Mu seemed to poke out his right hand very lightly, but there was great pressure under the light attack. There was no roaring wind, but the power that burst out was solid. The huge wind pressure fell and directly shrouded Yi Tian.

Yi Tian, who just wanted to escape, only felt heavy and slowed down. By the time he thought of speeding up, Tang Mu's hand had fallen.

Without any accident, Tang Mu suddenly roared and pressed Yi Tian so hard that he could not move. Previously, he put pressure on Yi Tian to mess up Yi Tian's rhythm. Otherwise, with all kinds of strange means in the ancient battlefield, God knows when he will suddenly slip away. In order to prevent Yi Tian from slipping away again, Tang Mu first blocked the other party's retreat, then put pressure on the other party, and then took action to control the other party when the other party's rhythm was chaotic.

I have to say that Tang Mu's arrangement is extremely powerful, and even Yi Tian has completely fallen into Tang Mu's calculation.

As soon as his right hand grabbed Yi Tian, Tang Mu immediately urged the wind in his body to rush into Yi Tian's body and blocked Yi Tian's actions. After so long in the ancient battlefield, Tang Mu's understanding of the remnant soul has reached an extremely deep level, limiting all the possibilities of Yi Tian as soon as he took action. Then it is to completely seal all the action power of Yi Tian.

As soon as he fell into Tang Mu's hands, Yi Tian wanted to launch the skills of the remnant soul to get rid of Tang Mu's restrictions, but before he could move, he felt a strong force rushing into his body, directly dispersing the power he was ready to condense, and then he lost control of this body. He can feel and see everything outside, but there is no way to control the body. Yi Tian knew that he had lost contact with this body. Of course, this is only temporary, but once this temporary situation becomes long-term, it is another matter.

Tang Mu didn't know what Yi Tian's situation was at this time. He just felt that he had got it, but he was still a little worried, so he made several consecutive seals and completely blocked Yi Tian's mobility before withdrawing the wind around him.

After looking around and making sure that it did not disturb the rest of the remnant souls, Tang Mu flew away in the direction of the lava land with Yi Tian. He knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time, and the big battle just now must have shocked the remnants around him. If you stay any longer, you will only fall into endless trouble. He needs to expel the remnants in the celestial body as soon as possible and then leave this strange place. As for the situation on the other side of the channel, there is no way to explore it for the time being.

If Yi Tian's defects are not solved, Yi Tian will not be able to step into the ancient battlefield at all. This time, the situation is good. It is only an ordinary remnant soul that seizes Yi Tian's body. If the remnant soul at the level of Chrysanthemum King takes away Yi Tian's body, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to deal with. However, even so, Tang Mu still took a lot of effort to catch Yi Tian. Of course, if Yi Tian hadn't taken the initiative to appear this time, Tang Mu might have had a chance to catch Yi Tian.

Now Tang Mu is going to take this opportunity to leave this strange ancient battlefield, otherwise Yi Tian is likely to disappear again. He stared ahead and noticed the changes in the sounds around him. He didn't dare to be careless at all, but when he ran out of a distance, he still heard the sound he didn't want to hear.

The originally extremely calm gray fog suddenly began to surge, and the cold breath suddenly became extremely strong. The sound of ghost crying and wolf howling was strong and sometimes weak, but Tang Mu could be sure that such a situation was just those remnant souls who made to seduce him.

As soon as he sensed the change in the environment, Tang Mu knew that there was a big trouble this time. He thought that such a situation would not happen so soon, but now it has happened. He is not afraid of things, but when he encounters such a situation in such a place, he chooses to avoid it no matter how afraid he is. The remnant soul frenzy came, and even if Tang Mu had the ability to ascend to the sky, he did not want to hit the limelight of this wave at this time.

Without hesitation, he turned around and fled with Yi Tian. Tang Mu didn't think there was anything wrong with escaping. Of course, he knew what the target of those remnant souls was, so he had no reason to stay here to die. Dozens of remnant souls are already a headache, not to mention hundreds of remnant souls.

When Tang Mu rushed to the distance, Yi Tian was another situation. To be more precise, the remnant soul that captured Yi Tian's body was another situation. At first, the remnant soul just felt that he had lost contact with this body, but with the passage of time, he found that he could not feel the existence of this body, and even the previous vision and hearing were gradually disappearing. This made him panic, so that he could not take away a body, so he would be deprived of it?

The remnant soul began to roar, but it was tightly closed in a body. No matter how loud his roar was, it could not reach other people's ears, let alone come out of this body. He began to wander uneasily. He hopes to find hope to get rid of this body. He already knew that he had no chance to control this body again, so he had to save his life anyway, otherwise it would be completely destroyed.

There is no concept of life and death for the remnant soul, but they know that they will completely disappear if they are hit by a powerful impact, which is an innate instinct, so he wants to get rid of the current embarrassment.

When the remnant soul began to swim away, it touched the instinctive reaction of Yitian's body. It is said that Yi Tian had been impacted by the remnant soul before, and the most fundamental consciousness was almost completely destroyed. After all, what the remnant soul attacked on that day was the most fundamental existence of Yi Tian. However, there are too many strange things on Yi Tian's body. Not to mention a remnant soul that has just taken away his body, even the vulture and others who have examined Yi Tian's body can't figure out how many strange things exist in Yi Tian's body.

The wandering soul soon reappeared in the place where he met Yi Tian before. He has certain taboos about this place. After all, this is the foundation of Yi Tian. The remnant soul last appeared here to kill Yi Tian, but now it has unconsciously returned here.

Back to this place again, what the remnant soul sees is nothing, without the difference between up and down, left and right. Only a illusory thing exists. There is no sky, no earth under its feet, but it hovers there, feeling that the sky is on its head and the ground under its feet. This feeling is extremely real, as if in the real world, but the remnant soul knows that this is not the real world, and this is where Yi Tian is located.

At this time, this nihilless place seems to have stopped working, but it seems that there is something else. Unlike the feeling of stepping here last time, this time the remnant soul felt that something was growing little by little, and this time he stepped into here had a very strong sense of uneasiness. This uneasiness is much stronger than the last time he stepped in here. Last time he knew what was there and all the dangers could be predicted, but now it is different. He didn't know what was here at all. Everything was in an unknown state, which made the remnant soul even more uneasy.

looked around, and nothing seemed to exist, and the remnants began to walk inside. He felt that even if something existed, it must be in the depths. He walked in slowly, but the deeper he went, the stronger the sense of danger became, but he still didn't find anything.

When the remnant soul passed through a thin fog, it saw a faint silver light in the distance. The silver light is so weak, but it gives people a sense of vitality. When I saw the silver light, the sense of danger suddenly climbed up. At that moment, the remnant soul actually wanted to turn around and escape. However, he did not escape after all, because he needed to find out what was in the flashing silver light.

When he stepped forward slowly, he noticed that the silver light was getting stronger and stronger, and he also roughly saw the shape of the silver light.

That is a huge oval aperture. At first glance, it looks like seeing a silver giant appear in front of you. As soon as he saw the silver egg, the remnant soul had a very familiar feeling. He felt that he must have seen such a thing, as if not long ago. But he didn't remember when he had seen such a strange thing. Normally, it is difficult to forget such a strange thing once you have seen it.

With the shortening of the distance, the remnant soul has come to the silver egg, and then he sees a vague figure in the silver egg. Although the figure's face was blurred, the remnant soul still recognized who the man was.

Yi Tian, the real master of this body.

Suddenly seeing Yi Tian's figure, the remnant soul couldn't help but be shocked. According to his memory, Yi Tian had been swallowed up by him, and it was impossible to appear again, but why did Yi Tian still exist here? However, he soon found something wrong. Yi Tian's eyes in the silver egg were closed, as if he had no intention of waking up at all. What's the situation?

The remnant soul was very curious about what was going on at present. He tried to touch the silver egg in front of him, because he felt extremely subtle energy fluctuations. He wanted to see if he could pass through this silver film.

The hand of the remnant soul simply penetrated the silver light film and entered the silver egg without any attack or rejection. It was like penetrating a layer of water film. The gentle soft feeling made the remnant soul feel extremely comfortable.

The remnant soul suddenly felt that this was an opportunity. He just felt hungry, because he had never encountered such a situation, but if the person inside was really Yi Tian, then he would have a chance to devour Yi Tian again and get this body again. This is his feeling, an extremely strange feeling. He feels that he must try it, otherwise there will be no such opportunity. The remnant soul entered the silver egg without hesitation.