reverse song

Chapter 671 Flashing Silver Light

Chapter 671

Forced by Tang Mu, Lao Wu actually chose to seize the control of Yi Tian's body at the last moment. According to Lao Wu's original idea, this extremely strong body is extremely difficult to capture. After all, before they came to grab it, they received some simple information and knew that someone had controlled Yi Tian's body, and before he was controlled, Yi Tian was not a mediocre hand. Now in such an emergency situation, it is extremely dangerous to seize a body controlled by a remnant soul.

Before 13 wanted to take this body, but it turned out to be defeated by Tang Mu. Now Lao Wu has also been forced to a desperate end by Tang Mu. Lao Wu is very clear about the risks of seizing the body in his hand. The original owner of this body has extremely strong power. Just seizing the remnant soul of Yi Tian's body has the ability to compete with Lao Wu. After all, the remnant soul has merged with this body first, which is equivalent to half of the master of this body. Once the body is controlled, these remnant souls have great resistance to attacks of the same type.

He gritted his teeth and rushed directly into Yi Tian's body. As soon as he entered, Lao Wu found the strange place in it. Generally speaking, even if this body does not have the original master's will, there should be another remnant soul. However, after Lao Wu entered, he found that the body was like an empty shell, and he was completely deprived of control of the body at all.

The smooth seizure process surprised Lao Wu and made him excited. As long as he could control a body, he could ensure that his body would not be dispersed, and under such circumstances, he could burst out more amazing power. What surprised Lao Wu was that the body was far more inclusive of the remnant soul than he expected. Just as he captured Yi Tian's body, Lao Wu found that he had begun to merge with this body. Such a discovery made him ecstatic. Although he had never taken any body, his intuition told him that it was a good thing.

The originally uncertain body gradually became stable, and there was a feeling of being imprisoned. Although this feeling made Lao Wu feel uncomfortable, it also brought him an inexplicable sense of security. He tried to smile, and then felt the special feeling brought by the muscles when the muscles were touched. This made Lao Wu's face involuntarily smile, and then burst into laughter.

Laughter, laughing crazily. As he laughed, the gray fog that had just converged into his body gushed out again and wrapped around his body in an instant. The originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and two gray rays spewed out of his eyes, with endless fierceness.

The Tang Mu he saw this time was no longer vague, but very real. He could feel Tang Mu's heartbeat and the crazy anger revealed. Somehow, when he felt the anger in Tang Mu, Lao Wu actually felt extremely happy, which was a feeling he did not have when he was a remnant soul.

Mobilizing energy in his familiar way, Lao Wu felt that the cells of his whole body were alive in an instant, and the flabby muscles were instantly tense and full of infinite power. With a fierce roar, Lao Wu rushed to Tang Mu with gray fog all over his body.

Tang Mu didn't expect that it would be so easy for Lao Wu to seize Yi Tian's body. He did not know that the remnant soul that had invaded Yi Tian's body had disappeared, let alone that Yi Tian's body was basically an empty shell at this time, and the real Yi Tian was actually still half sinking. In the state of sleep, as for what conditions are needed to wake up, it is another matter.

Seeing Yi Tian with a fierce atmosphere rushing towards him, Tang Mu's face suddenly changed and hurriedly retreated. This time, the changes in Yi Tian's body are extremely obvious, and the power revealed is also quite amazing. Unexpectedly, Tang Mu could only choose to avoid it first. Although he had been prepared for Lao Wu's sudden escape, after all, it was used to deal with Lao Wu, not Yi Tian. And the person who attacked him in front of him was Lao Wu who captured Yi Tian's body. Yi Tian's body alone was enough to make Tang Mu afraid.

Lao Wu, who rushed out, felt extremely sensitive. He clearly captured Tang Mu's scruples. Although he didn't understand why Tang Mu was so scrupulous, he felt that it was time to take action. He had to take action. Although he took a body, the situation of being forced into trouble has not changed.

Pus out to Tang Mu. Lao Wu has already thought that what he needs now is just to get out of the predicament. Just unite with Lao Qi to deal with Tang Mu and take Tang Mu back to work by the way. When this idea appeared in his mind, he couldn't help praising himself. Such an idea was really perfect. He actually forgot that he was chased by Tang Mu just now, and Lao 7 and 12 directly stopped to observe the change of the situation.

Old Seven and Twelve, who observed the situation from a distance, naturally saw the change of the situation. They were stunned first and then realized that things had been reversed. This made the two of them laugh involutarily. Without the need for the fifth to say hello, the two guys approached. If they don't know how to pursue at this time, they will miss an excellent opportunity.

Lao Qi and 12 approached Tang Mu in the situation of enveloping behind. According to the two of them, Tang Mu is likely to choose to escape at this time, just like he had faced the remnant soul frenzy before, so the two approached with the situation of enveloping. However, to the surprise of Lao Qi and 12, Tang Mu withdrew from a distance and avoided Lao Wu's attack, and immediately approached Lao Wu.

Tang Mu's behavior is very unexpected. There is no reason for Tang Mu not to feel the change of breath on Lao Wu, and there is no reason for him to rush towards Lao Wu. What's more, at this time, the surrounding souls have also been mobilized by Lao Qi and Twelve. It won't take long for the remnant soul frenzy to appear again. At that time, Tang Mu will still escape. But this guy didn't choose to escape under such a relatively safe situation. Is that person important to him?

Of course, Lao Qi and Twelve will not think about this problem. They want Tang Mu not to escape, so that they will have a chance to seize Tom's body. As for who took it, it will be said after Tang Mu is taken down. Now what they have to do is to take down Tang Mu first.

In the face of Lao Wu's attack, Tang Mu chose to avoid it and then rushed over again. He didn't care about the old seven and twelve behind him. After all, the two guys were a little far away from him to catch up with him, but the remnants of the restlessness around him made Tang Mu a little uneasy. In the face of such a few remnant souls, no matter how strong Tang Mu is, he is a little afraid. What's more, once these remnant souls become restless, they will cry and howling. In the previous escape, Tang Mu's mind was slightly hurt. If he was hurt again, I'm afraid he could only escape in dismay.

Quick battle, this is the only way Tang Mu can think of, so he did not hesitate to speed up and approach Lao Wu. However, before Tang Mu approached, the surrounding souls suddenly made a sharp roar. When the invisible sound dispersed, it rushed away the gray fog around, forming a circle of fog ripples rolling around.

These roars are nothing for the remnant soul, but for people, this sound is undoubtedly extremely horrible. Ordinary people can't live under such a roar, and ordinary people are most likely to go crazy in an instant. As for the stronger ones, their minds are traumatized. As long as they reach the level of Tang Mu The defense would not be shaken at all, but the bad was that Tang Mu's mind was shaken before. Now after such an emergency, he suddenly heard the roar of the remnant soul and immediately hummed. The body suddenly stopped and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

And Lao Wu, who rushed to Tang Mu again, trembled involuntarily when he heard the roar and stopped in place. Generally speaking, the roar of these remnant souls should not affect Lao Wu. Although Lao Wu has now seized a body, in the final analysis, he is still a remnant soul. He is not a real person at all. He should not be affected by the roar of the remnant souls, but he has been affected.

This situation shocked Lao Wu himself. As a remnant soul, he knew that he had not been affected. The body under his control was affected. The pause just now was the reaction of the body after feeling the impact on the roar on the mind. This discovery gave Lao Wu a very bad feeling, but before he could figure out what was going on with this bad feeling, he felt an energy rush out of the depths of his body, which was a force with great impact. Lao Wu's sudden dizziness and almost did not come from this body. The body was washed out.

The sudden emergence of the crisis made Lao Wu feel afraid. He found that the body began to be a little out of his control, and it seemed that there was someone or something who wanted to seize control of the body. Lao Wu, who had just seized this body and was still extremely strange to control his body, began to feel panic. He originally thought it was an empty shell body, but now he found that it was not the same thing at all. The previous feeling of free will completely disappeared, and there was only the feeling of being impact.

Losing control of the body is a small matter. The worst thing is to give up this body, but the problem is that he can't even give up this body now. He didn't know what had happened. He just felt as if he had been suddenly locked in a box, completely was completely isolated from the outside world. The scene he had just seen completely disappeared at this time, and the rest was darkness, and there was something he didn't know existed in this darkness.

Lao Wu's intuition is that the roar just caused all these changes, otherwise it would not have been possible for such a situation. He thought about how he could get rid of this current predicament, but so far, he has no choice but to wait in place while under the pressure that his surroundings are gradually getting stronger.

Lao Wu fell into trouble again, while Tang Mu outside saw another scene. Originally, when he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, Tang Mu knew that the situation was bad, but then he saw that Yi Tian, who rushed towards him, also stopped and began to tremble uncontrollably. Tang Mu didn't know what had happened to Yi Tian, but his intuition told him that things had turned around. He quickly controlled his body to approach Yi Tian and wanted to take back Yi Tian again, at least to force out the remnant soul that rushed into Yi Tian's body.

Just as Tang Mu approached Yi Tian, Lao Qi and 12 also roared and approached Tang Mu. When they saw Tang Mu's bleeding scene just now, they naturally knew that Tang Mu must have been injured. If Tang Mu is intact, the two of them may be a little afraid, but what can Tang Mu be afraid of in this situation? Lao Qi and Twelve quickly approached without any hesitation and wanted to take Tang Mu down.

The whole scene seemed a little strange. Lao Wu, who took Yi Tian's body, stood still. Tang Mu rushed to Yi Tian, and Lao Qi and 12 chased Tang Mu. The contrast between movement and silence was very great, and Tang Mu completely ignored the two remnant souls chasing behind him and rushed directly to Yi Tian.

Soon, Tang Mu came to Yi Tian's side and raised his hand to grab Yi Tian's shoulder. Now is not the time to stay here. He must take Yi Tian out of here as soon as possible. However, as soon as Tang Mu's hand touched Yi Tian's shoulder, it immediately bounced away like an electric shock. At that moment, Tang Mu only felt that extremely wild power suddenly gushed out of Yi Tian's body and bounced his hand away. There was a look of horror on his face, and then Tang Mu saw a faint silver light flashing under Yi Tian's skin.

As soon as he saw the silver light flashed, Tang Mu was slightly shocked. He was very familiar with such a silver light, which made him excited.

The silver light began to become strong, and then spread away, wrapping not only Yi Tian's body, but also Tang Mu next to him. An unprecedented warm feeling hit the body, making Tang Mu, who had been tense, involuntarily relaxed. Tang Mu did not realize that he had relaxed. He just looked at Yi Tian puzzledly. In this silver light, he felt a very familiar energy fluctuation, but there were also strange fluctuations, but no matter what, he could be sure that this was the energy released by Yi Tian.

When the silver light appeared, Lao Wu felt that the pressure that had just appeared was suddenly strong, which suppressed him and made him unable to move at all. This situation made Lao Wu, who was already panicked, even more panicked. He struggled to get rid of the restrictions of pressure, but the more he struggled, the greater the pressure became, and a faint silver light began to appear around him. The power of those silver awns is not too strong, but it makes Lao Wu feel frightened.

The weak silver light began to become strong, and the silver thread spread, just like the vein of the human body. When he saw the silver silk threads, Lao Wu's face, which was already extremely panicked, turned white in an instant, because the place where the silk threads were connected was suddenly his most important core, and once the core was destroyed, no matter how strong the old five was, he would completely lose his life. Of course, the remnant soul has no such thing as life, but they are used to treating their existence as the movement of life.

The silver silk thread did not have any superfluous action, but tightly wrapped around Lao Wu's core, making Lao Wu dare not move at all. Then the silk thread began to tighten, and Lao Wu's pale face appeared painfully. He bit to the root and didn't let himself make even a sound, but the pain still went deep into the bone marrow, which was difficult to resist. The gray fog spewed out from Lao Wu's body, obviously because the body was damaged.

Lao Wu felt very uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to put up with it. It was not that he wanted to endure it, but that he had to endure it. The pressure on him has completely limited his mobility and made him completely unable to resist. How can he get rid of the control of the silver wire? He stared at the direction of the silver thread. He wanted to see what released such silk thread and why such an existence suddenly appeared in such an empty shell.

Lao Wu did not think about the original owner of this body at all. When he first entered, he noticed that the owner of this body had already dissipated and had no trace of existence. As for the previous remnant soul, it also completely disappeared, leaving no breath. At that time, it was because of this discovery that Lao Wu dared himself to merge with this body, but he never thought that the fusion of this body would suddenly encounter such a situation.

As the silver light became stronger and stronger, the dark environment gradually lit up. Lao Wu finally saw a vague figure in the place where the silver silk line stretched out. The figure is not solid, and there is even a feeling that it will dissipate at any time, but the breath released by the figure is extremely amazing. Lao Wu can feel the energy fluctuation on the figure, which is very horrible.

The figure seemed to feel Lao Wu's eyes, slowly raised his drooping head, and spit out a faint silver light in his slightly closed eyes. Then he raised his hand and pointed, and the silver silk line entangled in the core of Lao Wu suddenly tightened and shred the core of Lao Wu. Lao Wu only had time to let out a wail and instantly turned into a gray fog and dissipated.

After strangulation of the core of Lao Wu, the silver light faded again, and the figure slowly disappeared into the darkness and completely lost its trace. Even the extremely strong breath before disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared. It seemed that everything had calmed down and would never come out again. Now there is any accident.