reverse song

Chapter 701 Broken

Chapter 701

The demonic red light that appeared in the sky did not spread, and there was no special situation. The red light seen by Yi Tian and Tang Mu only stayed in the sky without any change. However, the sudden appearance of such a strange red light in the clear sky is extremely interesting, especially in such a ** place.

Yi Tian and Tang Mu did not dare to leave at all. They were afraid that there would be any major changes here. If such a situation really happened, they had to find a way to stop it. Of course, this is just the idea of the two people, and it may not be able to really put it into action. Until there was no change in the situation, the two did not intend to take all the actions, but stood on the mountain and observed.

The rather calm environment is still quiet, but this quietness makes people feel quite strange. The free energy in the air is very stable, and it is not like anything to change at all.

"This is a little too quiet." After waiting for a long time without any change, Tang Mu couldn't help saying. His eyesight is amazing. Naturally, he can see whether there is any change in the red light. However, there is still no change after such a long time, which means that there will be no change at all.

"Look again, this may just be an illusion." Yi Tian noticed some extremely strange changes in the demonic red light, which was an extremely strange connection. He felt that the sudden red light seemed to have something to do with him.

Suddenly, Yi Tian felt a burning pain on his right arm, which was so sudden that he couldn't help exhaling involuntarily. When Yi Tian shouted in pain, the stable energy in his body also suddenly became disordered. Then a silver pattern appeared on his right arm, and then began to spread from the top of his arm to the palm, and then the silver pattern turned into a silver light gushed out of his palm.

As soon as the silver light broke away from Yi Tian's arm, it turned into a silver flame and burned, emitting a cold and strange light, as if something inside was being burned. As soon as the silver flame appeared, Yi Tian's face suddenly changed. He never realized that the problem was not here, but somewhere else.

As early as when the red spirit was sealed in the city, Yi Tian sealed part of the seal into his body. The advantage of this is that as long as Yi Tian does not die, the seal will not be cracked. Of course, there are exceptions, and the current situation is obviously an exception. The silver flame burned, but the air around it became colder and colder.

Tang Mu, standing aside, naturally found the strange situation of Yi Tian just now, and even saw the appearance of silver flame. He didn't know why it suddenly changed, but when he saw that Yi Tian's face looked so ugly, he knew that the situation was much worse than he had guessed.

"What happened?" Tang Mu hurriedly asked Yi Tian. If you don't know something, you have to ask immediately. This is Tang Mu.

"There are changes in the city." Yi Tian looked ugly. He originally wanted to take back the silver flame, but no matter how hard he tried, there was no way to take back the silver flame, as if there was another force preventing him from withdrawing the silver flame.

A faint red light appeared in the silver flame, which was very light, but it was not destroyed by the silver flame at all, and even became stronger and stronger. When Yi Tian saw the appearance of the red light, his face immediately changed greatly. He thought that there was only a little problem with the seal, but now it seems that the situation is much worse than he expected.

But now Yi Tian can't speak at all. The seal affects the energy in his body, and he can't distract him to speak at all. He stared at the silver flame in front of him and wants to suppress the silver light back. However, before he did it, the red light suddenly became strong, wrapped the silver flame in it, and swallowed the silver flame in an instant. After swallowing the silver flame, the red light flashed a few times and dissipated in the air without leaving a trace.

The silver flame was suddenly swallowed, and Yi Tian snorted. The silver light covering his body suddenly completely dispersed. Then his eyes turned over, and his whole body fell straight down. In an instant, there was no breath, as if he was dead.

Tang Mu didn't expect such a sudden change. In shock, he hurriedly reached out to hold Yi Tian. But as soon as his hand touched Yi Tian, it was immediately taken back as if it had been electrocuted. Yi Tian's body was so hot that it was untouchable. As soon as he touched it, Tang Mu's hand was scalded with blisters. You should know that the ordinary flame with Tang Mu's strength can't hurt him at all, but the touch just now can make blisters on his hands, which shows how high the temperature on Yi Tian's body is.

When Yi Tian hit the ground, the red light that had never changed in the sky finally began to flash.

flashes like a lamp with bad contact, but everyone knows that it is not a light at all, but represents the strange red light of foreigners. When the red light flashed, a strange breath began to appear in the air. Being hit by that breath, Tang Mu, who was still worried about Yi Tian's situation, suddenly changed his face and turned his head to look at the sky. Then he saw the flashing red light shrinking little by little, and finally completely disappeared, and even the strange breath disappeared without a trace.

Tang Mu's face changed again. He was worried about what would happen to the seal, so he wanted to go to the seal stone wall to check the situation. But now Yi Tian fainted again, which makes people extremely worried. For a while, Tang Mujing also didn't know how to make a choice. After a moment of hesitation, Tang Mu immediately flew away in the direction of the seal. At present, nothing is more important than sealing, even Yi Tian is useless. Once the seal is forced, the whole earth will fall into disaster, and there is no possibility of escape.

Tang Mu quickly approached the seal, and Yi Tian, who was hot all over, lay on the ground. The energy in his body changed from disorder at the beginning to calm, and finally completely disappeared. All his power seemed to be completely emptied, and there was no trace left. With the disappearance of energy in his body, Yi Tian's hot body finally stabilized and finally returned to normal temperature, but Yi Tian did not wake up. He was still in a state of faint and did not know what was happening outside. At this time, he is the most stable person.

In the outside world, in the league, the nameless who has been paying attention to the situation of marginal cities. When he saw the red giant appeared on the picture back, he couldn't help laughing crazily. He laughed like he had seen the most interesting joke. . Because of the wild laughter, the muscles of his whole body began to pull out violently, and the expression on his face was completely distorted. He never expected that things would evolve to such an extent and be so complete. He thought it would take some hands and feet to release his ancestors, but no one expected that someone would sacrifice himself to wake up his ancestors.

At present, the marginal cities have no fighting power, and it is impossible to stop the awakening of their ancestors. Yi Tian? Ha, this damn guy didn't appear from beginning to end. I'm afraid he died a long time ago. It's better for this guy to die, otherwise he will run out and mess up other people's plans. The nameless heart cursed, and his mood began to gradually calm down. As long as his ancestors can fully wake up, he doesn't have to hide too much. It doesn't feel good to be a street mouse these years. If he hadn't found such a big tree to rely on, he would have died outside long ago. Not to mention nameless, just white-haired people and Bai Nian, I'm afraid they won't appear here at all.

"How is the container ready?" Anonymous immediately contacted another person. Long ago, the followers sent to marginal cities sent back messages to the headquarters to prepare the container. If something happens, they can deliver the container. Now it seems that we really need to prepare the container.

"The container is ready and can be delivered at any time." On the other side, there was a cold answer, without any situation or tone change, as if a robot was talking.

The nameless did not say anything more, but smiled with satisfaction. He didn't know how many years he had waited for such a chaotic situation, but now he finally let him wait. Although the general has not yet arrived, the ancestors have appeared. As long as there are ancestors here, even if there is no general. By the time the general arrived, he had already held the whole earth in his hands. At that time, even the general would trample him under his feet.

The nature of foreigners has always been cruel and ruthless at the same time. They will choose to endure when their strength is not as good as others, but once they have enough strength, they will definitely trample on the people standing above their heads in the past, and there will certainly not hesitate. These are foreigners, completely foreigners, who are fighting all the time.

The white-haired people and Bai Nian naturally don't know what they are thinking about. They are thinking about other things. Of course, it is not a good thing, but something about their future. When they found that their ancestors woke up, the cold blood in their bodies boiled. This is a great opportunity for them to turn over. As long as they can get even a little inheritance from their ancestors, it is enough to make their strength change dramatically. Of course, when their ancestors did not appear in front of them, they would not show any expression. They were a very cautious group of people.

The nameless person is arranging the delivery of the container, while the white-haired man and Bai Nian are looking at the flashing picture on the screen. The red light is very dazzling, dyeing the whole screen bright red, making people feel that the whole screen seems to be smeared with blood. The bright red color made the two of them excited and couldn't wait to rush to the border city now to bring back their ancestors. But they won't do that. They will definitely not reveal their whereabouts until things are completely confirmed, which is also their foreigner.

The red light is still spreading, giving people a strange and heavy feeling. The sticky air is disgusting, and the strong smell of blood is disgusting. A Xing and others have been unable to send a stronger combat force. As for Qin Xu's four people, they have already flew in the direction of the city. At this time, they have arrived outside the city, but they can't get close to the city at all through a red light curtain.

Half of the blood giant has poked out of the ground, and his hands are swinging randomly to tear apart the silver light entangled around him. The meaningless roar kept bursting out of his mouth and then spread out. At the same time, he was constantly tearing the silver light on his body to get rid of these shackles. If he can't get rid of these shackles, he can't completely get out of the seal, let alone move freely in this world.

There are a lot of silver rays that fall on him, and they are all with unparalleled strength. Every giant takes a lot of energy to tear apart the silver light that falls on his body. But often after he tore off some silver light, another silver light will be wrapped up, making him unable to continue to climb out of the ground. Such a change made the giant very angry. Even if he sucked so much blood, he could not completely break through the current seal.

The roar keeps bursting out, shaking the air and stirring up the free energy, making the air around them restless.

Qin Xu, Ling Xiaozi, Qin Mo and Su Qing, who were outside the red light, felt a great pressure on them. Qin Xu and Qin Mo are better. They have long been used to such pressure and understand that it is impossible to have any fluke in the face of the ancestors of foreigners. As for Su Qing and Ling Xiaozi, they feel uncomfortable all over their bodies. It's not that they haven't faced foreigners, but they haven't faced such a horrible opponent.

The energy fluctuation emitted from the red light is very disturbing, and the pressure emitted from it is gradually increasing. However, at present, it is obvious that the giant inside can't come out so quickly.

What a powerful person Qin Xu and Qin Mo are. When they approached the red light, they saw the embarrassed state of the giant. When they saw the silver light on the giant's body, they fully understood that the giant had not been able to get rid of the seal. Now it's just breaking free from the shackles of a little seal.

As soon as they found this situation, the two were happy and immediately began to prepare to suppress the giant again. If the seal is completely destroyed, then the two may not know what to do. At present, the seal still exists, so with the strength of the two people, they can completely rebuild the seal according to the original appearance of the seal and seal the giant again.

"Did you see it?" Qin Xu looked at Qin Mo to determine whether his brother had also found what he had found.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it quickly. Do you want this guy to run out? Qin Mo responded angrily and then soared up. At present, the city is covered by red light, and it is impossible to rush into it at all, so the only thing that can be done is to attract the power of the seal outside to seal the giant again.

was different from Yi Tian at that time. Yi Tian was in the city at that time and could quickly affect the power of the seal. However, Qin Xu is different from Qin Mo. They are outside and can't immediately attract the power of the seal. They also need other means to trigger the seal.

When the giant in the city saw Qin Xu and Qin Mo, his face suddenly changed. He didn't expect to see two guys with such terrible strength so soon. The giant was very familiar with the breath of Qin Xu and Qin Mo, so when he saw the two, the giant also began to get nervous.

At present, the giant has not yet got rid of the shackles of the silver light. Most of his body is still in the seal. As long as he is touched by the seal again, he will completely fall into it. How can he get rid of it again? He stared at Qin Xu and Qin Mo, and at the same time, the movements of his hands became faster and faster.

The big red hand grabbed the silver light and burst into a crackling sound, and at the same time, there was a continuous flash of light. He is constantly struggling to get rid of the current situation quickly to avoid being sealed again. He is racing against time, Qin Xu and Qin Mo.

When the giant accelerated, Qin Xu and Qin Mo also accelerated their speed and began to let Ling Xiaozi and Su Qing attack the red light curtain to find a chance to seal the giant for themselves. At the same time, Qin Xu and Qin Mo also began to attack the red light curtain. Their faces were full of solemnity, and as soon as the power in their hands condensed, they punched down.

The heavy fist hit the red light curtain and immediately stirred up a circle of ripples, bursting out an amazing sound, but even if an extremely amazing force burst out, it could not explode the red light curtain at the first time. The seemingly weak light curtain seemed to be unbreakable. It firmly endured the attack of Qin Xu and Qin Mo. Then with a flash of light, it burst out an amazing rebound force and bounced them back in an instant.

The two of them rolled over by the force, and the energy in their bodies began to surge wildly and almost completely disordered. The two were shocked. Just as they were about to rush up again, they heard an excited roar from the light curtain, and then they saw that the already weak red light suddenly became strong, instantly swallowing the whole city, making it completely impossible to see what was going on in the city.

Su Qing and Ling Xiaozi, who were just outside the light curtain, only felt a huge impact force hitting their bodies, and then they flew backwards, and their qi and blood surged in their bodies, and then opened their mouths spewed out a mouthful of blood.

After the four people were washed upside down, a huge hand suddenly poked out after the red light curtain and tore the whole light curtain apart. The long roar came, filling the whole world, making everyone present tremble involuntarily.