reverse song

Chapter 722 In the Dark

(Part 1)

The darkness dissipated, and the haze gradually dissipated overnight. At dawn, Sha'an, who was asleep, also woke up. Sha'an had no impression of what happened to him. The only thing he remembered was that he was pulled out by the panther. As for the rest, he really didn't remember. In fact, no one wants to remind Sha'an what to remember. Before Sha'an woke up, Yi Tian told him first that these people naturally kept their mouths shut.

Of course, these people's eyes on Yi Tian are slightly different, among which Sha Yue is the most prominent. Sha Yue is the only person in this group who knows what kind of orders Yi Tian has. Although Yi Tian is still an outsider in Sha Yue's eyes, it is slightly different from before.

"Ky, don't look at me like that. It's disgusting." Yi Tian, who had been leading the team, quietly retreated to Sha Yue and whispered to Sha Yue. He doesn't want to be stared at like this by a young man, which is more disgusting than being stared at by a beast.

After the trek the day before, these people who have already lived in the mountains have gradually become accustomed to walking on this rugged road, and they can gradually adjust the rhythm of their breathing and action. At first glance, it seems to have improved a lot more than yesterday. Of course, it is impossible to make no progress. After all, these people are the best among the younger generation. If they don't have any understanding, they are unlikely to be selected and sent. Follow Yi Tian to see the outside world.

Yi Tian didn't have much feeling about these people. If it hadn't been for the young people in exchange, Yi Tian would have run alone in the forest. So far, Yi Tian still can't determine how long he will walk. Not to mention Yi Tian, even the young man himself can't tell how long it will take to walk from the inside to the outside, so he just gave Yi Tian a suggestion to walk as fast as possible.

Yi Tian also wants to listen to the advice of young people, but the problem is that the young people's children and grandchildren are really bad, and it is completely impossible for Yi Tian to leave faster. Of course, with Yi Tian's keen feeling, he had long noticed a pair of fierce eyes staring at the team behind him. As for what it was, Yi Tian knew very well.

"Why don't you give up?" Yi Tian didn't expect that the panther was so desperate that he was still unwilling to give up after suffering losses. If Yi Tian hadn't deliberately released his breath last night, I'm afraid the black panther would have come back to attack Sha Yue and others. However, even so, the Panther still stayed nearby for one night and is still following.

"These little guys have time to play." Yi Tian sneered. He didn't think the Panthers would have a chance to attack this team today. Especially after Sha Yue understood the arrangement of those old guys, it was even more impossible for that last night's situation to happen again.

"It's a pity. You don't think it's possible to have a chance here. Don't lose your life and go back quickly." Yi Tian, who was walking in front of the team, suddenly appeared behind the panther. He reached out and gently touched the panther's head to let the panther leave. Yi Tian believes that such a smart black panther can understand what he means.

The fierce panther did not expect that someone would suddenly appear behind him, and he could quietly touch his head, which made the panther's muscles involuntarily stiff. As a beast, it is extremely ** for danger and very ** for the strong. After Yi Tian said that, the Panther naturally understood that he had no chance to continue the team, and as Yi Tian said, why did the Panther lose his life?

made a low whine, and the panther obediently lowered his head, rubbed against Yi Tian's trousers twice, and then disappeared into the woods. After eliminating a potential danger for Sha Yue and others, Yi Tian quietly appeared in front of the team again. To be honest, Sha Yue and others have never found that Yi Tian has left. They have always been able to see Yi Tian, but they don't know that what just appeared in front of them is only the illusion left by Yi Tian.

After walking safely for two or three days, they not only did not see the bushes above their heads become sparse, but became thicker and thicker. The thickest place was that even the sun could not penetrate. At first glance, it seemed to fall into the night.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Yi Tian couldn't help admiring: "Nature is really awesome." Although he said so, he was not afraid at all. He could avoid these dangers, and Sha Yue and others were completely different.

For Sha Yue and others, it is impossible for them to walk in such darkness, except with the help of torches. But it is also extremely dangerous to use torches in such a place. There are many strange things in the dark, and if you are not careful, you may lose your life.

"Are you going to follow me in?" Before entering the darkness, Yi Tian looked at Sha Yue and others and asked for their opinions. He knows exactly what kind of trouble he will encounter next, so he doesn't want these people to enter it without knowing anything.

"I want." Shouting such a sentence in unison, Sha Yue and others had an extremely firm look on their faces. They were arranged by the elders to leave with Yi Tian. They will never retreat until the elders let them go back.

"Very Courage." Yi Tian praised, "Then let's go." After saying that, he got into the darkness, and he didn't even take the torch. For Yi Tian, such darkness is nothing. He has a lot of ways to illuminate the road he wants to take, but Yi Tian doesn't understand whether the people in the village have to take such a dangerous road if they want to go out. Isn't it joking about their lives, or there is another way out here? This is just one of them. Article.

In fact, Yi Tian's conjecture is not wrong. If the people in the village want to go out, it is absolutely impossible to take such a road, but take another road that is much easier, but even the other road is also dangerous, but it is not so dangerous. The reason why the young man let Yi Tian take this road and take Sha Yue and others is to exercise Sha Yue and others. The young man's vision was so vicious that he naturally saw at a glance that Yi Tian could protect these people. Considering that he wanted to hone his children and grandchildren, he chose such a very tricky road to let Yi Tian go. If Tainan knew what the young man was thinking, he would definitely catch the young man and beat him severely.

Seeing Yi Tian walk into the darkness, Sha Yue and others immediately raised their torches and followed them. For them, darkness is frightening, but no matter how afraid they are, it is useless. They choose this way, so they have to keep going, no matter No matter what is blocked in front of them, and no matter what they will encounter in front of them, they all know that they have no other choice but to keep moving forward in order to complete the mission that falls on them.

When he realized that Sha Yue and others behind him followed without hesitation, Yi Tian couldn't help but praise him slightly. These people are indeed very brave. Even if they know that the road ahead is full of danger, they still keep up without hesitation. If those people in marginal cities can have such courage, those people on the edge are nothing. When this is just Yi Tian's idea, Yi Tian will not put other people in marginal cities in danger in order to achieve his own goals. What Yi Tian didn't know was that the marginal cities at this time had fallen into danger, and it was an unprecedented danger. This is a later story, let's not talk about it.

Yi Tian and others entered the darkness that could not be seen, and the light emitted by the torch in Sha Yue and others was so weak that it seemed to disappear at any time, which shocked Sha Yue and others. The occasional whimpering wind flashed violently with the already dark torch, as if it was about to be extinguished, which shocked Sha Yue and others to quickly protect the torch.

"Relaxing, just like walking the outside road, don't let fear blind your eyes, and don't believe too much in the darkness in front of you. Just follow me." Yi Tian's voice came from the darkness, and then saw a little silver light appear in front of him. The silver light began to spread, and then formed a human figure, which was Yi Tian, who had just hidden into the darkness. He stood in the light and looked at Sha Yue and others with a panicked look. Walking in such darkness, it was impossible for Sha Yue and others not to panic.

The darkness was not scattered because of the silver light that appeared on Yi Tian's body. On the contrary, it seemed to become stronger because of the appearance of light. This is the result of the contrast between light and darkness, but in the eyes of Sha Yue and others, it is completely different. They feel panicked and even want to turn back now. But when they looked back, there was also darkness behind them, and there was no exit. If there is no way out, we can only move forward. There is only a dead end to stay in place. This situation made Sha Yue and others almost collapse. Even if they were psychologically prepared at the beginning, they couldn't help but panic when they really fell into such an environment.

"Don't panic, take it easy." Yi Tian sensed the uneasiness of Sha Yue and others and couldn't help but stop and opened his mouth to comfort them. Yi Tian knew very well that in such darkness, the most dangerous was not the beasts but the fear from the bottom of his heart. In the dark, people are always particularly prone to think nonsense, and those strange ideas can continue to grow in their minds as if they have vitality, and finally drive people crazy. Yi Tian didn't want to see these guys drive crazy in front of his eyes. This not only violated his agreement with the youth, but also damaged his reputation. Yi Tian did not want to encounter such a situation.

Yi Tian's voice, with strange magic, came to Sha Yue and others like a mother's voice, which made them feel at ease for no reason. The fear that had just arisen in his mind suddenly dissipated. Unconsciously, Sha Yue and others completely forgot that they were in the dark, but unconsciously followed Yi Tian's footsteps.

Seeing the eyes of Sha Yue and others, Yi Tian couldn't help sighing slightly. Originally, he wanted Sha Yue and others to face such an environment by themselves, but when Sha Yue and others really fell into such an environment, Yi Tian realized how naive his previous ideas were, even if Sha Yue and others could adapt to the previous mountains and forests. It doesn't mean that they can adapt to such endless darkness. After all, people are still afraid of darkness.

After walking with Sha Yue and others for a while, Yi Tian found a slightly brighter place. For those who walk in the dark, even the faintest light is like a life-saving straw. Now Yi Tian is going to take Sha Yue and others to the life-saving straw.

Withdraw his strength, Yi Tian wants to let Sha Yue and others adapt to the darkness in the current environment. There is no way to leave here. Unless led by Yi Tian and Sha Yue and others must adapt to the situation at present, they will encounter more trouble in the future. After making Sha Yue and others fully wake up, Yi Tian observed their situation.

Suddenly returning to the darkness of reality from a feeling of security, the huge contrast made Sha Yue and others only feel that their chests were holding a breath, which made them feel extremely uncomfortable. They scratched, as if to expel the breath in their chests, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not deal with themselves. My own problems.

In the extremely weak light, there is darkness around them. Sha Yue and others only feel as if they have fallen into the eyes of some monster. In the dark, it seems that there are countless eyes staring at them, which makes them feel that there is no place in their bodies. Naturally, they gathered together, and they hoped to hear such a means to make themselves feel at ease. But instead of reassuring them, they became more and more afraid. They can't predict what exists in the dark, and they don't know when those things will rush out in the dark and bite themselves fiercely.

The fantasies that have just disappeared reappeared in their minds and began to breed, like monsters that choose people to eat. The more powerful the fantasy is, the stronger their fear will be. When they can no longer suppress their fear, it is when they completely collapse. They looked at the darkness in front of them almost desperately. For a moment, they completely forgot what Yi Tian had said to them before. They could just feel the coldness from the darkness and the boundless fear.