reverse song

Chapter 723 Forced Question

Chapter 723 (Part 2)

Chifeng, this is the only useful information Yi Tian got from those two people. As for what Chifeng is, the two people can't say clearly, but these two people showed Yi Tian and others a way. As long as they walk along that road for three days, they can reach a crowded place. Naturally, it doesn't take three days for Yi Tian and others to walk, but in order to ensure that they will not miss any details, Yi Tian and others deliberately slowed down their feet. It took three days to walk out of the mountain forest. At this time, it was not an endless plain that fell into the eyes of Yi Tian and others. It's not a dense village, but several dilapidated wooden houses in a mountain pass.

There is cooking smoke coming out of the dilapidated wooden house, which means that there are people living here, but it is different from what Yi Tian and others expected.

"We were fooled?" Seeing this situation, Sha Yue naturally thought that the two were lying to them, and Sha Yue was surprised that the two could lie so calmly under such a situation.

"No." Yi Tian said lightly, "They just know this way, and they don't know anything else. Similar to your situation, they are basically people who live in the mountains all their lives. A little different from you is that they can occasionally come into contact with the outside.

Suddenly hearing Yi Tian say this, Sha Yue and others' faces couldn't help but change slightly. They thought that the two were deliberately lying to them, but they didn't expect this to be the case. However, they don't know where Yi Tian judged that the two were not lying. Of course, the situation at present does not seem to be the time to investigate the details. Maybe they should go to the mountain pass to learn about the situation.

"Do you want to go down and have a look?" Sha Yue solicited Yi Tian's opinion.

"Forget it, there is nothing good here." Just by observing the breath, Yi Tian knew that there were only some ordinary people living in the mountain pass. What surprised Yi Tian a little was that these ordinary people could live in such a sinister mountain forest, which was really surprising.

"What don't we do?" Sha Yue still wants to go down to check the situation. This is his first time outside and hopes to get in touch with people outside.

"It's useless. These people don't know anything. Let's continue to go." Yi Tian was a little disappointed. He thought he had returned to the human world, but he didn't expect that he was still in the deep mountains, and it seemed that he would have a way to leave these mountains in a short time. Yi Tianyuan thought that there were some problems with the young people's route. Now it seems that young people have not lied to themselves. They do need to spend a lot of time in the mountains and forests.

As for the Chifeng mentioned by the two before, Yi Tian now understands that the so-called Chifeng probably refers to the location of this mountain forest, not somewhere else. He finally looked at several dilapidated wooden houses in the mountain pass, and then took Sha Yue and others to continue his journey.

In this mountain forest, Yi Tian did not notice too much danger. Maybe it was because someone was active here, otherwise it would not be so peaceful. Of course, the so-called stability and peace is only relative to the environment they have experienced before, and this mountain forest is still extremely dangerous for ordinary people.

Seeing that Yi Tian's attitude is so difficult, Sha Yue and others can no longer put forward their own opinions, so they can only follow Yi Tian obediently. Except for the first half of the road pointed to by the young man to Yi Tian, the road behind is actually getting easier and easier to walk. Yi Tian clearly saw more and more human traces appearing in this mountain forest. Even if he knew that he was still in the deep mountains, Yi Tian still felt an unprecedented familiar feeling.

The heavier the human traces, the closer they are to human society. However, where artifacts can be seen almost everywhere, Yi Tian and others have not met anyone at all. This is a very strange thing, especially in such a place. Sha Yue and others may not understand the strangeness, but Yi Tian knows it very well.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian had to stop Sha Yue and others. He had to figure out what happened to this strange situation at present. Previously, they met several people in a place without any artificial traces, but now in such a place, the non-party can't see anyone, and even a little voice can't be heard. The situation is really abnormal, which makes Yi Tian a little uneasy.

Sha Yue and others just saw Yi Tian's sad face, but they didn't know what Yi Tian was thinking. They just felt that some places around them were a little strange and did not seem to be formed naturally at all. These people who grew up in the mountains have a natural and intimate feeling about the things produced by nature, and they can naturally distinguish unnaturally generated things.

"Is there anything wrong?" Sha Yue came to Yi Tian and asked in a low voice. He has never seen such an expression of you, so he naturally feels that there is something wrong, otherwise Yi Tian can't stop suddenly.

"No." Yi Tian gave an answer directly, and then signaled Sha Yue and others to leave. However, when the group of people still walked around, they heard a rather rapid footsteps. These footsteps are extremely heavy and rapid, giving people a rather strange feeling.

Suddenly hearing such footsteps, Yi Tian's face couldn't help but change, and immediately let Sha Yue and others gather in one place, and he naturally blocked in front of Sha Yue and others. After so many strange things before, Yi Tian has long wanted these people to experience any dangerous feelings. There are too many strange things that he can't figure out, so Yi Tian decided to strangle all the dangers in the cradle.

When Sha Yue and others just gathered together, they saw many figures around, followed by fierce people jumping out of the forest, and then surrounded Yi Tian and his party. These people flashed fiercely and knew at a glance that they were not kind people. They looked at people like beasts and prey.

I don't have much feelings about these people. No matter how fierce these people are, they are only ordinary people, and how can he, a capable person, need to be afraid of such ordinary people? Instead, Sha Yue and others had never seen such a big battle. Suddenly, they saw a group of people surrounding themselves, and their faces immediately turned a little pale with fear.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our territory? The leader stared fiercely at Yi Tian and others, and his fierce eyes seemed to penetrate the bodies of Yi Tian and others.

Yi Tian looked at those people faintly and said, "I passed by."

"Do you know what this place is?" Yi Tian didn't miss the opportunity to ask questions.

"Chifeng." The leader naturally answered Yi Tian's question, and then his face changed and shouted, "Who are you? How dare you ask us about things? Be obedient and take it. I can consider letting you live, or don't blame us for being rude.

"Come on, I'm afraid you'll be polite to me." Yi Tian proudly looked at the fierce man in front of him with a calm look. That attitude made the big man's face very difficult to look in an instant.

"You are looking for death." The big man roared and moved his body. He stepped out and rushed to Yi Tian.

"Can't you talk well? You have to move your hands and feet." Yi Tian couldn't help sighing and didn't expect that this was a fight he deliberately provoked.

His body tilted slightly, directly let the man who rushed over, and then stretched out his feet and tripped. The big man who had just jumped out fiercely immediately lost his balance and fell into a dog and ate shit. Yi Tian was talking coldly on the side.

"Didn't I ask you to talk well? Why did you suddenly fall down? That tone is really annoying.

After saying that, Yi Tian also winced at Sha Yue and others and let Sha Yue and others act according to the opportunity. In fact, there was no need for Sha Yue and others to take action at all. After the leader tripped over the big man, Yi Tian immediately accelerated his speed and patted the people around him, fixing their bodies.

retreated to the original position, Yi Tian watched the big man get up from the ground angrily, completely looking like he was going to kill. Even so, Yi Tian still had no worries. He calmly looked at the big man and turned his head to look at himself, then took a step back and said slowly, "If I were you, I would stand still instead of jumping over."

Yi Tian actually opened his mouth to remind the big man, but it was okay if he didn't say this. Once he said it, the big man immediately rushed to Yi Tian and had no intention of listening to Yi Tian.

Looking at the big man rushing over, Yi Tian couldn't help shaking his head slightly. He said disappointedly, "People are always unwilling to listen to other people's advice. You know, it's easy to suffer losses." As he spoke, he retreated, and then saw that the big man suddenly stagnated and fell to the ground.

Such a strange change shocked the man. He was about to get up, but he found that he seemed to be under heavy objects and could not act at all. Such a situation made the big man more and more panicked. He originally thought that these people in front of him were just ordinary people living in the deep mountains, but he didn't expect that these people had such terrible power, especially the young man who spoke. He didn't do anything from beginning to end. He just said a few words and suppressed himself down. . This situation made the big man feel panicked.

"Is it finally quiet?" Yi Tian squatted down and looked at the big man, "What did you just say is this place? Chifeng? Where is Chifeng?" Yi Tian felt very strange. Why do they all say that this place is Chifeng? So what is Chifeng?

"Chifeng is Chifeng, not a place at all." The big man is still trying to stand up, but the pressure on him is so great that it is impossible to get rid of such a situation with the power of an ordinary man. He is just wasting his energy.

"Can't you explain it clearly?" Yi Tian was a little disappointed. He thought that the big man would know what was going on with Chifeng, but he didn't expect that the big man couldn't explain it clearly.

"Let's go. There is no information worth obtaining here." Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and he was really disappointed. The human traces here are so obvious, but no one can explain what Chifeng is.

"Maybe you really have to enter human society to find the answer." Yi Tian muttered in a low voice and had come a long distance. It was not until then that Sha Yue and others reacted and hurriedly caught up with him.

The group began to travel a long distance again, but this time they did not encounter any trouble, and the natural scenery around them gradually receded and was replaced by the obvious artificial scenery. This kind of scenery is beautiful, but also strange, especially when something completely different from the season appears together.

Sha Yue and others looked curiously at the things around them, and gradually a tunnel with obvious artificial traces appeared in front of them. This was originally a naturally formed tunnel, but someone made a simple reinforcement and repair through the original trend. Yi Tian and others did not hesitate to get into the tunnel, and then a chill came to their faces.

When they entered the tunnel, the originally dark tunnel immediately lit up, illuminating the dark place. Such a wonderful scene stunned Sha Yue and others, but Yi Tian, who had been used to all this for a long time, did not react much. The only thing that surprised him was why there was such a tunnel here, and it was the kind with electric lights on. The strange feeling became clearer and clearer. Yi Tian felt as if he had caught something, but it seemed that he had caught nothing. He looked at the tunnel for a while, and then stepped in. His pace was neither fast nor slow, and he walked step by step.

Sha Yue and others followed Yi Tian closely, and then they found that the tunnel was climbing up little by little. After turning a corner, they saw a bright light in front of them. Yi Tian involuntarily accelerated their pace, and as they passed through the exit, thunderous applause and cheers came from their ears.

Such a huge momentum made Yi Tian and others stunned, and then saw what was going on around them. However, after seeing the environment clearly, Yi Tian became more and more confused about the situation. He just looked around coldly without any reaction.