reverse song

Chapter 727 Children

Chapter 727

I got some information I wanted, but when I asked again, there was no answer. Yi Tian knew that that's all the people here knew, and it was useless to ask any more. Naturally, he left the Colosseum with Sha Yue and others. For Yi Tian and others, it's just that they pass through a site. Their goal is still the outside world, and they don't know how much the outside world is. At least Yi Tian's goal is to leave here completely, while Sha Yue and others want to see the outside world. Obviously, the goals of Yi Tian and Sha Yue are different, but they are just on the way.

According to Yi Tian's agreement with the youth, Yi Tian only needs to bring Sha Yue and others to the outside world and accompany them for a period of time. As for how long, there is no agreement between the two. On the other hand, it is easy for Yi Tian to decide. When Yi Tian feels that the time is ripe, he will naturally let Sha Yue and others act by themselves.

However, after experiencing the Colosseum, I think Shayue and others should be able to adapt to the world soon. There is no place more cruel than the Colosseum, which shows the ugly side of human nature.

Until they left the Colosseum, Sha Yue and others were still ignorant. They have not completely recovered from the shock of killing people. They have been in the mountains for too long, and their hearts are extremely simple. Although they are forced to survive, they will go up the mountain to hunt, but after all, they are beasts, and now they are killing people exactly like them, not beasts.

Yi Tian didn't mean to pay attention to Sha Yue and others. He knew that it was useless to say anything he said now. Even if the whole world was full of sunshine and love, he was just coaxing them. It's better to let them accept the cruelty of the world and know the beauty of the world at the same time. Yi Tian will not do anything unrealistic to make these people feel good.

Although there are some people smoking in the place where the fighting place is, the prosperity here is deformed after all. Once the Colosseum is closed, the place will be completely abandoned. Yi Tian will not let Sha Yue and others learn some messy things here. Of course, even if he wants to let Sha Yue and others here, it is impossible. Sha Yue and others are in an extremely bad state at this time, and it is completely impossible to survive in such a place. It is more cruel than the outside world. Living here is like a lamb living in a group of wolves.

"What a poor little guys." Yi Tian sighed slightly. Although he was not much bigger than Sha Yue and others, he experienced much more than Sha Yue and others, which was not what Sha Yue and others could imagine.

Walking along a straight road, the road is quiet. The wife is flat, as if there is nothing, but it makes people feel that something will happen at any time. Yi Tian felt that this idea was ridiculous. No one would hope for something to happen. Of course, Yi Tian doesn't want to meet what happens, but wants to meet some people. Along the way, although there are traces left by human activities everywhere, they can't even see a figure, giving people a feeling of being in the deep mountains and forests, and even the deep mountains and forests are not as good as old as here. As long as Yi Tian still meets many people in the deep mountains and old forests.

Sha Yue and others don't know where they are now. They just follow Yi Tian in a daze. Yi Tian left, and they left. When Yi Tian stopped, they stopped. This situation lasted for four or five days before they gradually recovered from amang, but their eyes were still full of sadness and puzzlement.

"Are you awake?" Yi Tian looked at Sha Yue and others, and his eyes were quite calm. Seeing Sha Yue and others in such a state, Yi Tian felt as if he had seen himself at that time. Of course, at that time, Yi Tian did not have the current combat power of Sha Yue and others, and because he had just suffered a change, his spirit suffered a great blow. Under the double blow of body and spirit, he survived that period of time. In Yi Tian's eyes now, that's nothing at all, except for Bailian.

Hearing Yi Tian's words, Sha Yue and others naturally turned their eyes to Yi Tian. There was a silence, and then Sha Yue opened her mouth, and her voice was a little hoarse.

"You knew where it was from the beginning, right?" Sha Yue stared at Yi Tian and wanted an accurate answer.

"Let's say so." Yi Tian did not deny it.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sha Yue suddenly roared, and her face became distorted in an instant.

"Tell you that nothing will change, and you will be resistant as a result. What do you think you will do in that case? Yi Tian did not allow it at all, or more accurately, he pointed out the weaknesses of Sha Yue and others at once, which is a very obvious weakness. With the mentality of Sha Yue and others, they will definitely have disgust when they know that they want to harm their peers, and try not to hurt each other's lives. If you hesitate to lose your life in the face of the dead, not to mention that Sha Yue and others still have such a psychological situation.

When Yi Tian said this, Sha Yue didn't know how to answer. Originally, he had a lot to say, but now he can't say a word.

Yi Tian didn't mean to go on, but turned around and said, "Let's go. Let's go for a while before dark, and then take a rest." Now he is eager to find out where he is. Although the boss of the Colosseum said that this was a prison, and they were prisoners, there was no useful news if he asked any more. I thought that the guy was just hearing about it. He didn't really experience such a thing. As for the change in expression when talking about this matter, I'm afraid he felt that It would be a little bad to talk about this nonsense.

About where he is now, Yi Tian is still somewhat eye-catching, but he feels that this place is too strange, which is too different from the place he has visited before. At least the breath here is very well covered up and has not leaked at all. That's why Yi Tian started I didn't notice it until the man in the Colosseum said it was a world with borders. But he also noticed another point, that is, the owner here didn't seem to have any intention of coming out.

What a strange place. Even if he got some news, Yi Tian is still a little confused, at least at present, he still doesn't know what's going on. He looked at the sky above his head and still didn't believe that he was in a virtual world. The virtual world is not too strange to Yi Tian, but this virtual world gives a feeling that it is completely different from the virtual world.

"Will this really be a virtual world?" Yi Tian muttered to himself, "If so, the owner here is really relieved of the invasion of outsiders." As he said to himself, he walked forward, but he didn't notice that he had unconsciously accelerated his pace and opened a long distance with Sha Yue and others.

Sha Yue and others watched Yi Tian speed up their pace, but they couldn't catch up at all. All the way, they still only saw Yi Tian's back, and the back was becoming blurred little by little, and finally completely disappeared in their eyes. When Yi Tian disappeared, the sky gradually darkened.

Although it is not a bad thing for Sha Yue and others, it is not a good thing after all. For them, the world is still too strange, and they need Yitian's guidance in many places. But now the only person who can guide them disappears from their eyes. How can they not feel anxious?

It's useless to be anxious. Now it's dark, and a group of people know that it's extremely dangerous to walk at night in strange places. Especially for Sha Yue and others.

"What should I do?" Sha An looked at Sha Yue. During this period, Sha Yue naturally became the leader of their group of people, and in this case, Sha An naturally asked Sha Yue's opinion.

"Stay where you are." Sha Yue wanted to catch up, but after weighing the situation, she finally gritted her teeth and made such a decision. He knew that they could not catch up with Yi Tian, let alone at night.

The group was very skilled in cleaning up a place, and then made a bonfire to prepare to spend the night here. After this period of training, they naturally formed a tacit understanding. Some people rested and some people guarded, so as not to be suddenly attacked as they did in the woods.

Yi Tian, who walked all the way, did not know that he had thrown Sha Yue and others far away. He just continued to walk forward, even knowing that the sky was getting dark. When a gust of night wind blew, he found that it was late. He looked back naturally and said, "Let's rest here tonight."

When Yi Tian turned around, he found that there had been no one behind him for a long time, and he could not see the trace of Sha Yue and others at all. Yi Tian didn't even know when Sha Yue and others disappeared.

"Run away? Or have you been arrested?" Standing still and looking at the empty way, Yi Tian was not worried at all. He really doesn't need to worry. If Sha Yue and others really have any problems, he will definitely find out. The current situation seems that Sha Yue and others are still very safe.

"Let's go back and have a look first." After thinking for a while, Yi Tian finally decided to go back to have a look. He didn't mean to leave.

As soon as Yi Tian stepped forward, he suddenly noticed that a strange breath suddenly appeared in the environment around him. His face changed slightly, but Yi Tian did not stop, but continued to walk forward. He didn't want to scare the snake, or more precisely, he didn't want to give up his intention to go back because of such a little strange breath.

For Yi Tian, the safety of Sha Yue and others is the most important. As for the smell of pretending to be a ghost, if the other party really wants to, he will definitely appear. As Yi Tian expected, when Yi Tianzhen ignored the breath, the breath became more and more obvious, as if he deliberately wanted to attract the attention of others. Several times, Yi Tian clearly sensed that the breath fell on Yitian with a tentative breath, but Yi Tian completely ignored it and still walked on his own way.

Several times in a row, the breath wanted to attract Yi Tian's attention, but it did not play any role. This made the owner of the breath a little angry, so the man jumped out of the darkness directly and stood in front of Yi Tian. It was a child-like person, but the figure was a little blurred. At first glance, it looked like a shadow standing in the middle of the road.

Suddenly saw a shadow jumping out of the darkness, Yi Tian couldn't help but stop, and then narrowed his eyes slightly to look at each other. Even so, Yi Tian still couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly. He only saw that it was a child-like person, about seven or eight years old, but the old posture was not owned by a seven or eight-year-old child, and the breath emerging from the man was not something a seven or eight-old child should have. However, for Yi Tian, the child's figure was a little blurred, as if it were condensed by smoke.

"Monster?" After a distance, Yi Tian opened his mouth to ask questions. Of course, he knew that the person in front of him was not a strange person, and what kind of person it was, that was another matter. He tilted his head and waited for the other party's answer.

"What monster, uncle, I'm alone." The child suddenly roared, and his voice seemed extremely tender, obviously the voice of the child who did not change his voice.

"People? Why did you jump out at night to scare people? Yi Tian didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so fierce, just like an icymetic child.

"Did I scare you, didn't I get your attention from the beginning?" The child jumped and roared. There was no old look like before. It was completely an angry child.

"Is that so?" Yi Tian smiled, sat on the ground slowly, and looked at the child with a smile. He wants to see what the child who has been pretending to be a ghost to attract his attention from the beginning is going to do something. Although the breath revealed by the other party is very strong, it can't make Yi Tian feel nervous. For him, the child's strength does not threaten him.

"Of course, only you, a dull guy, didn't notice it from beginning to end." The child shouted loudly and became more and more excited. He couldn't wait to rush to beat Yi Tian now, but he was very self-aware and knew that he could not deal with Yi Tian, so he had no intention of moving forward at all.

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" Yi Tian's words turned around, and his laughing look suddenly stopped, showing a rather serious look.

Suddenly noticed the change in the breath of Yi Tian's body, and the child who had just jumped back suddenly retreated and became nervous. When Yi Tian became serious, the revealed breath made him feel extremely uncomfortable, which forced the child to deal with it carefully. He stared at Yi Tian carefully and forgot to answer Yi Tian's question for a moment.

"Did it scare you?" The color of Yi God changed again, and the heavy mountain breath just now suddenly became as light as the wind.

The great difference made the child feel that there was blood on his chest and almost didn't spit it out directly. He stared at Yi Tian, but his expression became more and more shocked. He looked at Yi Tian as if he were looking at a monster, and involuntarily stepped back a few steps and opened the distance from Yi Tian to prevent Yi Tian from suddenly taking action against him.

"Why did you suddenly retreat again?" Yi Tian smiled, but suddenly appeared in front of the child. He still maintained the posture of sitting on the ground, but the way he appeared was so sudden, as if he had been sitting in front of the child from the beginning.

Suddenly saw Yi Tian appear in front of him. As soon as the child's face changed, he suddenly raised his hand and punched Yi Tian. When this punch containing fear suddenly burst out, the power shown was extremely amazing.

The child's fist seemed to have something pulling, pulling the darkness around him towards his fist, and the free energy quickly condensed to the top of his fist, bursting out more amazing energy fluctuations.

There is no change in the color of Yi God, as if he didn't see the fist of a child. He didn't even mean to retreat. He sat still and looked at the child's fist as plain as usual, as if he were dealing with the most ordinary thing. Before the child's fist fell on Yi Tian, there was a twisted ripple in the air, and then a little silver light flashed in the air. The silver light quickly condensed towards the place where the ripples appeared, forming a silver shield in front of Yi Tian.

Hearing a muffle, a ripple flashed on the silver shield, and then quickly disappeared. The child's fist could not break through the seemingly weak silver shield and was blocked there. Yi Tian's face did not change at all. He still sat there, just looking at the child with a smile.

The child wanted to add some strength to smash the shield directly, but then he saw that the shield dissolved like mercury and then quickly wrapped it in the child's hand. But in the blink of an eye, the child's hand was completely wrapped in silver, and he couldn't break free. Like a ghost, as soon as the child's hand was wrapped in silver light, he made a pig-killing howling sound and quickly retreated. Then he shook his hand desperately to get rid of the silver light wrapped in his hand. However, no matter how hard the child tries, the silver light is like a maggot of the metatarus, and there is no way to get rid of it. This situation made the child more and more panicked, and Yi Tian's expression remained still unchangeable. He sat there quietly and watched the child jumping on the ground like burning his buttocks and dancing his hands and feet.