reverse song

Chapter 734 Edge Ruins

Chapter 734

The ruins of the edge city are desolate. The prosperity of the past has long ceased to exist. The only thing left is those dilapidated buildings, and there is no one. Occasionally, a few wild dogs may shuttle through the ruins, or look for food in the ruined buildings, and even make crazy barking, giving this desolation. It adds a little sadness.

The cold wind blew by, sobbing, telling the prosperity and strength of the city, and now those things are just passing by. Those things have gone far away, and those people are not there.

When Yi Tian, who hurried back, suddenly saw the city turned into ruins, he couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. He has come back as fast as possible. Why did this place still become like this? As early as when he lost contact with the edge city, Yi Tian already had a guess in his heart, but at that time, he used various excuses to reassure himself, leaving only a little fantasy. When he returned to this world and still had no connection, he couldn't help worrying.

He originally wanted to understand the situation in the marginal cities through others, but he encountered several groups of enemies in a row, and those people seemed to be deliberately against Yi Tian and had no intention of answering Yi Tian's questions at all. After defeating the last group of enemies, Yi Tian finally decided to find out by himself, and what he could do was to quickly leave the place. After he left the area, he finally determined his position, and then returned to the marginal city as quickly as he could.

However, Yi Tian never thought that when he came back, he would see such a large area of ruins. He could imagine how fierce what happened that day was. Even he seemed to hear the shouts of those people inside and outside the city. He seemed to see the scene of Xiu and others fighting in blood. However, no matter how he can imagine it, these have become a thing of the past. He is standing there now, looking gray.

He walked slowly towards the city, and every step he seemed to see how ordinary the scenery was before. Walking slowly, when he approached the old site of the city, he finally found that the huge seal built under the city had been completely broken, and the people imprisoned in it had long disappeared. I don't know whether the man died or became a free bird.

The person in the seal doesn't care about whether he is dead or alive at all. He is related to the safety of Xiu and others. Without the marginal city, where can Xiu and others go? You should know that this is the place where they settle down. Standing in the center of the city, Yi Tian looked around. The ruins in front of him were little by little, and the usual scene was rebuilt little by little in front of him. He saw the scene when the city was just beginning to be built. He saw the picture of Xiu and others rushing in front of him laughing, and he also saw them resisting together. The situation of enemy invasion. However, with a rapid dog barking, the scene shattered in an instant and finally disappeared in front of him.

The wild dogs who had just wandered around the city stared at Yi Tian fiercely. What flashed in their flashing green eyes was the light of greed. They wanted to swallow Yi Tian, just like those thin prey.

"Get out." His eyes were wide open, and his restrained momentum suddenly burst out. Yi Tian seemed to have suddenly changed to another person, as if the real murderous spirit burst out, and directly rolled up a wave of air and rushed out the wild dogs surrounding him.

made a few whinings, and the wild dogs fled far away with their tails, while Yi Tian turned his eyes to the other side. There was a small semicircular earth bag, which seemed to be quite neatly arranged, but gave people a very ominous feeling.

Yi Tian walked towards those dirt bags with stiff steps. He felt that he should not go to see it, but he had no way to suppress his curiosity and had to look there. When he walked there step by step, he saw a small stone tablet standing there, crookedly engraved with some words, and some dark red blood stains were still left on it, giving people a shocking feeling. What was even more shocking were the two dark red fingerprints next to the stone tablet. No matter how you look at it, Those are two blood fingerprints.

The blood fingerprints were deeply immersed in the stone tablet, so that we could see each other. How much strength did the people who left these two fingerprints use? When he saw the blood stains, Yi Tian's heart suddenly twitched. Obviously, he guessed something extremely bad. However, he couldn't help looking at the words on the stone tablet.

I would like to use this monument to commemorate those who died in battle in marginal cities, and I will avenge you in my lifetime.

A sentence is full of anger. Even after a while, Yi Tian can still feel the anger of the people who engraved this line of words. This made Yi Tian feel more uneasy, and he died in the border cities. These two words are very disturbing, but Yi Tian is also used to the situation faced by marginal cities. When the marginal city was established, it was coveted by many forces and would encounter many attacks. Yi Tian had expected it long ago, but he never thought that one day the city would become like this.

His eyes continued to stay on the stone tablet, and Yi Tian saw familiar names appear on it. Suddenly, his heart almost stopped beating at that moment.

Axing, Duguliang, Cook...

At that moment, Yi Tian felt that the whole sky suddenly darkened, all the brilliance was lost, and all the sounds suddenly disappeared clean.

What's going on? Why did I see their names? Where have they all gone?

Yi Tian resolutely did not believe what he saw, but the stone tablet in front of him clearly explained everything. He felt that the whole world was spinning, as if it would collapse at any time.

The sky above his head did suddenly darken, and a huge shadow broke through the thick clouds above his head and hit Yi Tian directly. The shadow fell so fast that Mars erupted when rubbing the air, and then a burst of flames. The shadow turned into a huge fireball in a blink of an eye and hit Yi Tian.

However, Yi Tian, who is standing on the ground, is completely unresolved about the things above his head and does not know that he is in a great crisis at all. Yi Tian only saw this small stone tablet in front of him. Through those names, he seemed to see the picture of those people lying in a pool of blood. He hated why he left the border city at that time. If he didn't leave, the seal would not be broken, and the city would not fall into a broken crisis. However, there are all kinds of medicine in the world, but there is no medicine for regret.

Sadness and anger filled Yi Tian's chest, giving him a sense of no catharsis. There was a roar, and the dazzling silver light erupted from him, covering his figure in an instant, and also covering the environment around him. At that moment, the huge fireball falling from the sky fell down.

Rumbled, the huge things wrapped in the fireball exerted an extremely amazing destructive power, and the flame wrapped in the outer layer also splashed around in an instant. In a short moment, the ruins of the originally desolate marginal city turned into a sea of fire. The appearance of the flames shocked the beasts hiding in the ruins to escape, and also reflected half of the sky red.

Yi Tian, who was hit by the fireball, was unaware of life and death. Even the breath that existed before disappeared without a trace, and no trace could be found.

"Are you dead?" A man appeared in mid-air with doubts, and the man looked at the fire on the ground with a puzzled face. However, because the flame is too strong, he can't see whether there is anything in the flame.

Huge things have completely covered that area, and even if someone is in it, it is completely impossible to survive.

"It should be dead. No matter how powerful he is, he can't block such a big thing without any defense." Another person flashed, and a strange red light flashed in his eyes, and the evil smell of foreigners was completely revealed on him.

"Concrehend your breath, do you want to be hunted down? You should know that this used to be a marginal city. The man who came out first immediately scolded the man who showed his breath and let him restrain himself.

"Hagen, you are too careful. This place has long been in ruins, and those who have been against unknown adults have not been seen at all. Now even if you give those people ten guts, they dare not come out again. The man laughed and patted Hagen on the shoulder without any fear on his face.

"Don't go to the nameless adults. There are far more masters in the world than we expected. Even if we have the upper hand now, we still need to be careful." Hagen still looks cautious, "Yate, put away your breath quickly." In the end, Hagen's tone couldn't help becoming a little harsh.

Hagen doesn't want to make any changes at this time, even at a time when it is impossible to make too many changes. Hagen kept some nameless explanations in mind and meticulously carried them out. Hagen felt very polite about any nameless arrangement and would have no resistance at all.

"Hagen, don't be so rigid. The world is much more interesting than ours. We finally came here. In addition to carrying out those orders, of course, we have to enjoy it. Art smiled, and the evil spirit between his eyebrows became clearer and clearer. He shook his body and looked at the amazing sea of fire below.

"It's really surprising that this thing can maintain such a large volume after burning for so long." Yat looked at the huge thing, which was an airship they had plundered. Originally, they were ordered to go to the ruins of the marginal city to intercept Yi Tian, and the airship that was robbed just played a sneak attack.

When they saw Yi Tian stunned below, the two launched a sneak attack without hesitation. The process and results surprised and surprised the two. Yi Tian did not resist at all and was attacked by them. However, in the same way, they can't judge whether Yi Tian is dead or alive now. Now it will probably be confirmed after the flame disappears completely.

"Can you detect his breath?" Hagen looked at the burning airship and looked gloomy. He didn't think Yi Tian would be dealt with so easily. In the mouth of the unknown adult, Yi Tian is a very difficult guy. Even if they launch a sneak attack, it is impossible to really kill Yi Tian like this. However, Yi Tian was also hit by such an airship. But under such circumstances, why can they still not detect any breath of Yi Tian? What?

"It should be dead. Yi Tian can't be that powerful." Yate looked confident and didn't pay attention to Yi Tian at all. In his opinion, he can't detect the other party's breath, and the other party is dead.

When Ath said this, Hagen's face suddenly changed, pulling Yat back and quickly covering the breath from Yat's body. After all this, Hagen looked at the sea of fire with a shocked face, as if there were some horrible monsters going to climb out there. Seeing Hagen looking at the sea of fire with a frightened face, Yat felt nothing. In his opinion, the sea of fire was still the sea of fire, and there was nothing strange, but the next second his pupils suddenly shrank, because he saw a very amazing scene.

The harsh sound of metal tearing suddenly came from the sea of fire. The only place where there is metal in the whole sea of fire is the airship, and now it suddenly makes the sound of metal tearing, and the sound is so abnormal that even if Yat doesn't notice anything, he suddenly understands what's going on. He looked at Hagen beside him with an unbelievable expression and said in a trembling voice, "Impossible."

It's really impossible. No matter how powerful Yi Tian is, he can't be completely unaffected. But in fact, it is true that Yi Tian was not injured by the airship at all. When he stood as the airship fell, a silver light suddenly broke out. This extremely ordinary silver light protected his body, and even the stone tablets and tombs were well protected. The only thing that has been destroyed is the city that has already been in ruins.

Tore open the airship that fell on his body, Yi Tian stepped into the sea of fire, and a little silver light suddenly spread away. Where the silver light passed, all the flames went out, and the sea of fire disappeared little by little. After walking a long distance, Yi Tianqi looked up, and his godless eyes burst into sharp light, and the place where the light fell was where Hagen and Yate were.

When Yi Tian looked at it, Hagen and Yat couldn't help but beat, as if they were the prey targeted by the hunter, and a feeling of uneasiness spread away. They are sure that they have hidden their body and breath, but even so, they still feel that Yi Tian saw themselves, which is a feeling from the bottom of their hearts, and this feeling will never go wrong. They looked in horror in the direction where Yi Tian was hiding, as if they were looking at some monster.

At this moment, they finally understood why they should be more careful, because Yi Tian is simply a person who can't speculate with common sense.

"Did he find us?" Yate was a little anxious. He released his breath so arrogantly before, but Yi Tian is not dead now, so is the breath he just released by the other party? They are very clear about Yi Tian's attitude towards foreigners, which is unprecedentedly resolute, just like those hateful enemies in the word-of-mouth stories of the clan.

"Impossible." Although Hagen was also full of fear, he still answered Yat's question calmly. He really didn't believe that Yi Tian could see through their disguise. You should know that Hagen took action as soon as he noticed the situation on Yi Tian's side. No matter how keen he was, he could not find their whereabouts so quickly.

"Then what is he looking at?" Yat was very uneasy, especially Yi Tian's sword-like eyes made him more uneasy. He always thought that no matter how powerful the masters in the world were, they could not be as powerful as they were. But it was not until he saw Yi Tian that he realized that his previous thoughts were too naive.

Yat and Hagen came to this city after the time of the marginal city. They don't know much about what happened before, and they don't even know much about those masters, let alone Qin Xu and the five guys. Of course, I haven't seen these people, which doesn't mean that they don't know. Of course, they just know a name, but they don't know much about others.

And now when they see Yi Tian, they understand how reasonable the nameless words are. However, this is only limited to their present understanding, but even so, they are still afraid. Judging from the momentum released by Yi Tian, the two knew that they were not Yi Tian's opponents at all.

When the two were speculating randomly, Yi Tian on the ground suddenly moved and directly into mid-air. Yi Tian's sudden action made Hagen and Yat's faces suddenly change, thinking that their whereabouts had been completely exposed, which made them panic. Before they could fully react, they saw Yi Tian flying away at a very fast speed.

Seeing Yi Tian go away, the two two people who were scared and their hearts beat like deer slowly exhaled and calmed down a little. They were glad that they didn't find their whereabouts, but then their faces suddenly changed, because they suddenly thought of the direction Yi Tian flew to, where the alliance was located, that is, where their base camp was located. What is Yi Tian going to do when he suddenly flies towards the alliance?

Thinking of Yi Tian's terrible momentum and Yi Tian's sword-like eyes just now, their faces suddenly turned one side and hurriedly urged them to fly in the direction of the alliance. They must quickly send back the news of Yi Tian's flight to the alliance.