reverse song

Chapter 738 Two Easy Days

Chapter 738

No one found Bai Nian's action at all. Even those capable masters who came with Bai Nian did not find that Bai Nian suddenly acted by himself. In their opinion, Bai Nian had long joined hands with them to deal with Yi Tian. In the face of Yi Tian, those capable people found that even if they gathered the strength of so many people, they could not hurt Yi Tian in a short time, and they clearly found that if Yi Tian wanted to, he could easily get rid of the battlefield, and Yi Tian did not do so, which made them a little uneasy. Does Yi Tian have any support that has never withdrawn from the battlefield?

When those masters guessed, Bai Nian had quietly appeared behind Yi Tian and raised his hand and slapped Yi Tian. The strange red light burst out in Bai Nian's hand, and the evil breath also burst out in an instant. Until the evil breath appeared, Yi Tian suddenly found that Bai Nian did not know when he would appear behind him, which brought a great threat to himself.

His expression suddenly changed, and Yi Tian hurriedly turned around to avoid Bai Nian's attack. However, Bai Nian did everything well when he attacked, especially at this time when Yi Tian just stopped, which was the time of power transfer. At this time, even Yi Tian could not make any emergency changes.

I have to say that Bai Nian's eyesight was extremely fierce, and his action was also extremely fierce. When he saw Yi Tian's action, he was fine with all this. A slap was extremely fierce, and the power that broke out had no intention of restraining at all. The air of the strange red light was slightly twisted, and the palm seemed to be stained with blood, giving people a strange feeling.

Seeing that the palm fell on him, half of Yi Tian's body suddenly cracked, like porcelain, easily smashed by Bai Nian, and the silver light on his body flew away like peeling away. His face was full of unbelievable. Until he was hit by Bai Nian, Yi Tian did not understand when Bai Nian came behind him.

With a successful move, Bai Nian would not have any intention of holding back. Step forward, his left hand punched into Yi Tian's face. With a blast, the red light burst out of his fist, as if smashing a watermelon and smashing Yi Tian's head. Suddenly, Yi Tian's breath disappeared without a trace, and the remaining half of his headless body also fell directly from the air, and there was no possibility of survival.

Those masters looked at Yi Tian who fell down and Bai Nian opposite. Anyway, they didn't expect things to change like this. Yi Tian was so easily killed by Bai Nian that he couldn't even resist, so he was smashed directly. This is the end of a generation of masters.

Even if they saw Yi Tian's body fall to the ground and roll up smoke and dust, those people still don't believe everything they see. Is it the end of Yi Tian? Did everything end so suddenly?

Bai Nian ignored what the people opposite were thinking. He had already laughed crazily. Bai Nian doesn't have much feeling about his means of killing Yi Tian. As long as he can kill the enemy, what kind of means he uses doesn't matter. And those people on the opposite side have been beaten for so long, haven't they been able to kill Yi Tian?

Crazy laughter came rapidly in mid-air, giving people an extremely harsh feeling. Those capable people on the opposite side couldn't help frowning slightly when they heard Bai Nian's laughter. They didn't expect this at all, but even if they thought about it, they would not stop Bai Nian from doing so. They are cruel people, how can they have any sympathy for Yi Tian?

"It's a pity that a generation of masters died like this." Someone in the crowd said disappointedly. This is indeed what he didn't expect. At most, they thought that even if they could not kill Yi Tian, at least they could hit each other hard. As a result, things suddenly changed.

"It's really a pity." Another voice came, "It seems that I'm going to disappoint you."

With an extremely plain look on his face, Yi Tian suddenly appeared in front of those people and appeared intact in front of them, while behind Yi Tian was Bai Nian, who laughed crazily.

When they suddenly saw Yi Tian appear, their complexion changed, and they couldn't help taking a step back and looked at Yi Tian with great horror. They were sure that they had read it wrong before. Yi Tian was indeed bombarded by Bai Nian with only half of his body left, but why did Yi Tian suddenly appear in front of them? These people couldn't help looking at the ground and saw the smoke dissipate, revealing that Yi Tian, who had only half of his body on the ground, was disappearing little by little. Before long, Yi Tian, half of his body completely disappeared in front of these people.

What's going on? Those capable people were shocked and couldn't understand what was going on in front of them. Is everything just now just their illusion?

Bai Nian, who was laughing wildly, suddenly saw Yi Tian, with a smile on his face involuntarily, and then roared and rushed to Yi Tian. How fast his reaction was that he did not give Yi Tian any chance to launch an attack at all. He looked at Yi Tian fiercely, but his movements were not slow at all.

Originally, Yi Tian was in front of Bai Nian. At this time, Bai Nian suddenly started, but in the blink of an eye, he came to Yi Tian and raised his hand and slapped him. The sharp palm made people terrified, but it only terrified those capable people on the opposite side. There was no change in the color of Yi Tian. After Bai Nian's palm, Yi Tian was about to approach the past, but he saw that the red light in front of him suddenly lit up. Bai Nian, who had just been in front of him, didn't know anything. Time to return to the previous position.

With a wave of both hands in the direction of Yitian, I saw two red light suddenly flying out. The two red light staggered, and then turned into a rotating red light, followed by a light, and the red light immediately differentiated into dozens of spears flying towards Yi Tian. The red spear trembled, causing the air to hiss.

When the sound came, Yi Tian felt that the muscles all over his body couldn't help beating, as if they were going to beat with the hissing of the spear. He said something bad in his heart, and Yi Tian immediately retreated.

When Bai Nian took action, those capable people finally reacted and knew that they should help Bai Nian. They hurriedly launched an attack and blocked Yi Tian's retreat. As long as Yi Tian has no way to go, then Bai Nian will definitely force Yi Tian to deal with the attack head-on. These people's calculations were excellent, but they forgot that they were facing Yi Tian. When those people launched an attack, they found that the silver light in front of them suddenly flashed, and then a fierce wind came.

When the strong wind swept up, those people began to mix uncontrollably. Even those with wind ability completely lost control of the wind under such a strong wind. These people can only stabilize their bodies to avoid mistakes. However, no matter how they can stabilize their bodies, there is no way to avoid this strong wind, not to mention that there are people like Yi Tian after the strong wind.

The wind suddenly stopped, and the silver light suddenly flashed in front of him. When their hearts trembled, they didn't have time to react at all. The people standing in the front only felt cold on their necks, and then a warm ** spewed out of their necks. The scenery in front of them was instantly stained with bright red blood. When they died, they didn't understand when Yi Tian approached and when he launched an attack. The only thing they knew was that they were dead.

Yi Tian continued to swim. With his strange body and speed, he dodged the reconnaissance of those capable people and approached those capable people again, ready to launch another attack. This time, he was not so lucky. As soon as he approached, he was followed by the other party's whereabouts, and then came an extremely crazy attack.

Bai Nian, who chased Yi Tian, was shocked when he saw Yi Tian's fierce means and hurriedly retreated. He knew that this was definitely not the time to rush forward, and even felt that he should withdraw now instead of staying here. With so many masters, Yi Tian can't help it, and it's not very useful to add him alone. However, Bai Nian is worried that once he withdraws, it is likely to affect the nameless plan. Things on the unknown side have progressed to an extremely critical point. If they are destroyed by Yi Tian at this time, they will not have to roam the earth in the future and go straight back to the back of the channel.

After weighing the stakes, Bai Nian gritted his teeth and rushed to Yi Tian again. He was so resolute, as if he had made some major decision. Before Yi Tian completely avoided the attack of those capable people, Bai Nian arrived near Yi Tian and saw the direction of Yi Tian's dodging. Bai Nian was a flying and directly stopped Yi Tian retreating.

"Do you want to do it again?" Yi Tian saw Bai Nian suddenly speak. Just as he spoke, half of Yi Tian's body suddenly cracked, as if he had been attacked by Bai Nian, and then his head shattered, as if he had been hit hard.

Such a strange situation, not to mention those who have the ability to launch an attack, even Bai Nian, who is close at hand, can't figure out what's going on. He saw Yi Tian suddenly break up, and then saw the remaining half of his body fall from mid-air without any obstacles.

With a loud noise, Yi Tian rolled up the smoke and dust all over the sky.

Although Yi Tian died, those capable people and Bai Nian were completely unhappy. No one knew what was going on just now, and they didn't even know what happened to Yi Tian and why it suddenly changed. While their hearts were full of doubts, they also slowly lowered their bodies. When they wanted to check the situation of Yi Tian on the ground, they saw that Yi Tian's body was disappearing little by little, and then disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

The people who saw this scene all have a ghostly expression. Even as capable people, they have never seen such a strange situation. They have never heard of anyone disappear little by little after death. This is not playing games. How can it happen? Such a situation. They were shocked but couldn't find the answer at all. On the other side, Bai Nian had long noticed something wrong and wanted to escape far away.

"Do you want to escape now?" Yi Tian's voice suddenly came into Bai Nian's ears, making Bai Nian, who had wanted to escape, involuntarily stand up and look in the direction of the sound.

Yi Tian, who was intact, stood in front of Bai Nian, with a smile on his face. When he looked at Bai Nian, his application, which seemed to smile, gradually disappeared, but was replaced by a color of indifference, as cold as ice.

Bai Nian looked at Yi Tian in horror and had no intention of fighting against Yi Tian at all. He couldn't figure out what was going on with Yi Tian. He had never heard of anyone who could resurrect after being killed, and it was such a strange way to resurrect.

"Who the hell are you?" Bai Nian couldn't help roaring and his voice trembled a little. He doesn't believe that the person in front of him is Yi Tian, even if it is definitely not the Yi Tian he knows. He knew that Yi Tian could not have the ability to resurrect. Not to mention Yi Tian, even the foreigners with the strangest ability did not have the ability to resurrect at all.

"Of course I'm Yi Tian." As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Tian stepped out and approached Bai Nian directly.

When Bai Nian roared, those capable people on the ground also saw Yi Tian intact. This made them more and more frightened. Who is Yi Tian and how could he have such a trick? Is this guy really immortal? There are many rumors about Yi Tian, and the most rumors are that Yi Tian is immortal. After all, every battle that Yi Tian faces is extremely dangerous, and every time Yi Tian can leave the battlefield alive, that's why it is rumored that he will be immortal.

Those capable people were scared by Yi Tian's strange methods and dared not come forward to help Bai Nian at all. They were afraid that they would lose their lives for no reason like those people just now. Those people really lost their lives for no reason. Even those who stood behind them didn't see when Yi Tian took action at all.

"Get out of here." Seeing that Yi Tian approached, Bai Nian, who had already had retreated, immediately burst into the strongest force. The red light suddenly spewed out of him, and the force bursting out of his attack was also the strongest, so strong that even the air was trembling, as if it was about to break apart.

Crazyly bombarded his fist, and Bai Nian wanted to stop Yi Tian. But no matter how hard he tried, his fist seemed to bombard Yi Tian in the air, which could not hurt Yi Tian at all. The red light kept passing through Yi Tian's body, not penetrating, and there was no blood color, nor did it see any pain on Yi Tian's face. Yi Tian was completely unaware of the fist that bombarded him.

Bai Nian, who was frightened, couldn't help retreating and kept retreating. He wanted to be far away from Yi Tian, and it was better not to see this guy again. But no matter how he retreats, there is no way to open the distance between them and Yi Tian. They seem to have been bound long ago, and it is definitely impossible to be distanced.

Fear spread more and more, and Bai Nian became more and more panicked, and the demonic breath dissipated on his body. Even the evil breath was scattered at this time, which was completely out of the climate. Because of being too afraid, Bai Nian has lost all his proportions and has completely lost his ability to judge. He can only keep retreating and constantly wave his hands to stop Yi Tian.

Yi Tian still walked over step by step, determined, and didn't care about those fists at all. On the other side, capable people can't help feeling numb when they see such a strange situation. They have never seen such a strange battle. Yi Tianming did nothing, but he was able to face Bai Nian's attack safely and forced Bai Nian to an almost crazy level.

These capable people are also unwilling to come forward to test what's going on with Yi Tian. They involuntarily retreated. But as they retreated, they heard Yi Tian's voice.

"Please stand where you are." The cold voice without any emotion came, but it shocked those capable people and turned their heads back one after another. They happened to see Yi Tian standing behind them and quietly looking at them. Yi Tian's eyes were so calm that it made people's hearts tremble.

Suddenly seeing Yi Tian appear behind him, those capable people couldn't help but jump and hurriedly turned their heads to look at Bai Nian. They still saw Yi Tianchao Bai Nian approaching the past. But when they turned their heads to confirm, they saw Yi Tian appear behind them. Is Yi Tian's speed so fast that he can change his position in such a short time?

When there was a paste in the minds of those capable people, someone exclaimed.

"Two easy days."

This sentence surprised those capable people, and it also made them suddenly understand why Yi Tian can be so fast. It turns out that there are two Yi Tian. But when did Yi Tian become two? Isn't there only one Yi Tian?? When did another one come out?

The situation is getting more and more strange, but those who have the ability to fall into trouble are more and more confused about the situation? Are there really two Yitian? Or Yi Tian actually has only one, and the other is purely an illusion. Even if there is a guess in their hearts, they can't prove it unless they take action against another Yi Tian. However, do they dare to take action against Yi Tian? Especially after seeing such a strange method as Yi Tian, do they still dare to take action against Yi Tian? Or they can only sit back and wait for death.