reverse song

Chapter 758 Shadow in Blood Light

Chapter 758 (Part 2)

"Why are you here?" After hearing the explosion, Yi Tian found the gray worm and others. He looked at the group of crazy people in front of him unexpectedly. He never thought that he would meet them again. Seeing their continuous blood columns attacking, he suddenly understood that the explosion just now must have been caused by these people in front of him.

"Go quickly, this is not something you can deal with at all." Yi Tian immediately thought that these people were doing extremely dangerous things. If there were no blood column, Yi Tian would not have stopped these people's actions, but at present, the blood column is here, and these people are not opponents of the strange blood column at all, so he will open his mouth to let these people leave here quickly so as not to be involved in it.

At this time, the gray worm and others found that Yi Tian was also here, and their expression could not help changing slightly. From the tone of Yi Tian's words, they knew that the blood column in front of them was not so easy to deal with. But what they care more about is what happened to this blood column, which actually gives people a sense of vitality.

There seems to be a huge monster in the blood column, which is shocking for no reason. The gray worm and others have long noticed something wrong. At this time, they are flying out, and there is no intention to stay.

Seeing the gray worm and others get out of the range of the blood column, Yi Tian looked at the huge blood column again. He felt a trace of pressure from the blood column, a trace of extremely weak but obvious pressure, which shocked him. This is a feeling that he has never felt before. Even in the face of foreigners, he has never felt this way. Now he has this feeling in the face of a blood column that has no vitality. How can he not be shocked?

Under pressure, Yi Tian had to retreat and open the distance from the blood column. At the same time, he also thought about how to save William and others. He stared at the blood column, looking for even a trace of flaw, but the blood column is not a human, and there will be no flaw. What's more, it is completely a pillar of light made of blood and flesh, and it is impossible to see any difference.

At present, this progressless form made Yi Tian very distressed. He lowered his body and was ready to fall to the ground. However, before his feet touched the ground, the red light on the ground suddenly rolled up, as if he wanted to tear Yi Tian down directly.

Yi Tian was also shocked. Just as he approached the ground, a huge suction suddenly fell on him and almost pulled his whole body to the ground. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and controlled his body in time. Otherwise, he would definitely be attached to the ground at this time and could not move at all. Yi Tian doesn't know what will happen if he falls on the ground, but the situation of William and others is obviously not so good.

After hovering around at low altitude, Yi Tian still had no way to rescue William and others from the red light. He knew that he could not drag on like this. Seeing that several people had fallen to the ground, if it went on like this, I'm afraid everyone would lose their lives here. His look suddenly became fierce, and Yi Tian didn't care about it. The silver light suddenly flashed on his body, and then he suddenly punched down. This punch was full of anger, which made the air tremble slightly. Yi Tian, who was still troubled by the suction force, only felt that his body was light, and then his silver fist suddenly hit the ground.

The silver light wrapped in the fist shines and then spreads. At an amazing speed, the bright red light on the ground can't stop the spread of the silver light at all. After the red light shone, it faded one after another, while the silver light kept spreading. William was the first to be affected by the silver light. Originally, he felt that his body was quite heavy. When the silver light spread over his body, he felt that the heavy suction power suddenly disappeared, and then he regained his mobility. As soon as he found that he could move, William immediately urged him to get off the ground. He also knew that the current ground was too strange to stay there at all.

Get rid of the containment of the red light, William did not leave here immediately, but also punched him. The silver light on his fist sank into the silver light of Yitian d silver light, spreading the area covered by the silver light. Then more people got rid of the containment of the red light and returned to their freedom. One after another rose up and surrounded the people who fell to the ground without standing up. When the silver light spread over their bodies, their bodies suddenly turned into flying and dissipated in the air.

Yi Tian and others did not expect such a situation, but it is obviously not the time to be sad. They finally got rid of the containment of red light, so they naturally have to leave here. They flew away from the pillar of blood, but Yi Tian saw that the gray worms and others who had just left went back. They all held a light ball in their hands. After seeing Yi Tian and others, they threw the light ball in their hands one after another.

The photosphere drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the blood column fiercely. I only heard the roar constantly burst out, and then I saw the Taoist light suddenly rise, which was quite dazzling and gave people a feeling of destroying everything.

With a cheer, the gray worm and others immediately got rid of the range of the blood column and flew away to the distance. They were not fools. They knew that the blood column was very strange and would stay there for too long. After throwing the light ball, they immediately escaped and soon caught up with Yi Tian and others. The gray worm and others with an excited look looked at Yi Tian and others, but they didn't say a word. They didn't know what to say. If there was no damn pillar of blood in front of them, they might have talked a few words, but now they are not in the mood to chat.

"Get out of here quickly." Yi Tian let the gray worm and others leave again. He knew that the next situation would not be so simple, and he also noticed that there was a strange atmosphere in the air, and a rather strange pressure also appeared in the air. The rest may not have noticed, but Yi Tian is naturally aware of the subtle changes in the environment.

Catched the nameless person who had just been thrown out again, and Yi Tian still only saw this guy Yi Tian staring at the blood column with a giggle. He knew that the name must know something, but this guy's mouth seemed to have been sewn. No matter what he asked, he didn't say a word, but completely meant to keep it secret to the end. This situation made Yi Tian extremely annoyed.

"What the hell is going on?" Yi Tian forced the nameless question again. He was so unbearable that he could not stand it. If the nameless said anything more, he would be ready to kill the nameless directly.

The nameless one grinned and said slowly, "Finally here." When he said this, his eyes never left the blood column, as if he could see through the blood column.

A wave of uneasiness suddenly rose from Yi Tian's heart, and he suddenly found that he seemed to have missed something very important, which was enough to cause them indescribable trouble. His look suddenly changed. Yi Tian suddenly heard the exclamation from the people behind him. He hurriedly turned his head and saw that those people were looking at the blood column.

The uneasiness in his heart became clearer and clearer. He suddenly noticed that the pressure in the air, which had just been quite obscure, became extremely clear at this time, and there was a cold feeling when it fell on his body. The nameless who was caught by him laughed crazily at this time. He smiled so arrogantly and proudly, as if he suddenly got something very important.

Yi Tian, who sensed that the situation was not good, looked up at the blood column and happened to see that the blood column, which had emitted strong blood light, was becoming transparent little by little, and a dark shadow, a huge shadow, appeared in the blood column. At this time, the shadow was still a little blurred, so that people could not see the specific outline, but when the shadow appeared, Yi Tian clearly felt that his body had become heavy.

"Go, go." Yi Tian suddenly changed and turned his head and shouted at William and others. Although he didn't know what the shadow was, the sudden pressure made Yi Tian feel uneasy. He had to let William and others leave. This is definitely not a place to stay for a long time.

William and others also knew that the situation was getting more and more strange, so they rose up and flew away in the distance. However, before they left much, a bloody curtain suddenly fell from the sky and circled all of them in it, which meant not to leave them at all. How can the bloody curtain stop William and others?

raised his hand and launched an attack on the light curtain, but when the punch fell, William and others found that they could not shake the light curtain at all, and they were completely trapped in the light curtain.

Seeing the light curtain fall, the nameless laughed more and more wildly, as if everything in front of him was his early scene. Of course, from a certain perspective, all these changes are indeed with him.

Yi Tian's face became more and more difficult. He didn't expect things to evolve into such a strange situation. The foreign atmosphere emitted from the bloody light curtain was so strong that even the bloody giant had never emitted such a strong atmosphere. This shows that a large number of foreigners will appear, otherwise a foreign master will come. Now the foreign master on the earth is only the blood giant. Yi Tian is not sure to defeat the blood giant. At least not yet, but this is not the reason for him to retreat. He turned his head to look at the dark shadow that gradually became clear in the blood light, and his expression suddenly cooled down. Since he couldn't Escape, then fight. Anyway, there will be a war in the end.