reverse song

Chapter 778 Yi Tian Disappear

Chapter 778

The dazzling silver light suddenly flashed, making everyone fall into a completely unsighted situation. No one expected that Yi Tian could suddenly change in such a state. Although Xiu and others believed that miracles would happen to Yi Tian again, they did not have much hope for it. There were too many miracles on Yi Tian, and it was impossible to have miracles every time, even if Yi Tian had more miracles. It's the same with eccentricity.

However, when everyone did not believe that Yi Tian could change again, Yi Tian changed, and it completely exceeded everyone's expectations. The angry roar appeared in the silver light, making everyone feel that their eardrums hurt. They can clearly feel the anger in Yi Tian's heart, which is an indescribable anger. Everyone knows that such anger will not be formed for a while, but will not burst out after a long time of accumulation.

But when everyone wanted to follow the sound to find the trace of Yi Tian, the roar stopped abruptly, as if he had been cut off. What disappeared was not only the sound, but also the dazzling light around it, just like a big knife, which cut down and cut off everything directly, and there was no possibility of recovery at all.

A cold hum came, but it was Ling Xiaozi's voice. The red light beat in his eyes, like a burning flame, and his right hand pierced Yi Tian's abdomen like a sharp blade. It was fierce and direct. The bright red blood was dripping down his hand, little by little, and every point flashed strangely. Light.

He opened his mouth wide, and Yi Tian's face was full of shock, and the light in his eyes was fading little by little, and his pupils began to disperse, and the breath of life was quickly separating from him. If it goes on like this, it won't take long for him to completely lose his life and there is no possibility of living. Such a situation suddenly appeared on Yi Tian, which was extremely shocking.

Xiu and others, who were expecting the miracle to continue, looked at Yi Tian and Ling Xiaozi in mid-air in disbelief. Their faces were indeed unbelievable. They did not expect that Yi Tian would suddenly fall into such a situation without any precursors at all. They just saw the silver light. It flashed, and then such a scene appeared, which made them not shocked.

"I don't measure myself." Giving Yi Tian such a comment directly, Ling Xiaozi suddenly pulled back his hand. With a bang, bright red blood surged out of the big wound in the mouth of the bowl, and even some internal organs flowed out.

The body hovering in mid-air shook, and then Yi Tian fell directly from mid-air. Even if he didn't fall to the ground this time, there is no possibility of survival. The wound on his body seemed to be careless, but the damage inside was huge, so even if Yi Tian was robbed, there was no possibility of survival. At least the means of Xiu and others can't save Yi Tian.

Of course, whether Xiu and others can seize Yi Tian at this time is still a different matter. Although Yi Tian's sudden outbreak just now gave them some opportunities, it did not give Xiu and others enough time to break through the lock line, so they still need to break through the group of capable people in front of them to approach Yitian. Around them, but at that time, how could they still snatch Yi Tian back?

"Yi Tian!" Xiu roared, and the energy accumulated in his body suddenly exploded, very violently, directly shaking back some capable people approaching him. However, before he unfolded his body, he was surrounded again and had no time to break through. This situation made Xiu more and more angry. However, no matter how angry he is, he can't break through. No matter how hard he tries, there is no way to do this.

Not only Xiu roared, but Xiao Ruo and Long Feiyun had also been paying attention to the situation on Yi Tian's side. When they saw that Yi Tian was pierced through his abdomen by Ling Xiaozi, they were angry and completely angry. This is something they absolutely don't want to see, but such a situation appears in front of them, and it still appears so directly, which makes them not feel angry, and even want to tear Ling Xiaozi into millions of pieces now. But they can't do it. They can't do anything. The other party completely restricts their movements. At this time, no matter how much they want to save Yi Tian, it is impossible.

Before, the two sides had been in a state of equal strength. At this time, in an emergency situation, the war situation became worse. It can be said that the changes between Yi Tian and Ling Xiaozi led to the change of the whole war situation. This kind of gambling the whole war on one person is extremely risky, but if they don't do so, they have no other way to do it.

"It looks like it's going to be done." Lan Ze whispered beside Qin Mo. He saw the situation clearly. If he didn't take action at this time, I'm afraid that the whole situation would fall to the outsiders. Once they were over by foreigners, it would be very difficult for them to regain the previous situation.

Ling Xiaozi, who hovered in the air, naturally saw the changes on the battlefield. Although the scene was extremely chaotic, he still caught some extremely different changes. He knew that the people on Yi Tian's side were completely unbearable. Now is the time to control the whole situation. As for Yi Tian, he is now a half-dead person and doesn't need to worry at all.

Seeing the madness on Xiu and others' faces, only excitement appeared in Ling Xiaozi's heart. Originally, he didn't expect that he would recover so quickly, and he didn't expect that Yi Tian would find his hidden means so quickly. If it hadn't been for Yi Tian's discovery of his backhand, Ling Xiaozi would not have exploded so quickly, let alone exposed his identity so quickly. If possible, Ling Xiaozi would have hoped that he could hide all the time. After all, he still needed to leave some hope for the whole ethnic group. Unfortunately, there are too many things that don't go well in the world, and even Ling Xiaozi can't make everything go well.

He has already guessed the other party's thoughts. How can Ling Xiaozi really make those people really explode? For him, the best result is to suppress his opponent in the shortest time. What's more, it will change over time. Ling Xiaozi doesn't want to see too many changes. He is more used to everything under his own control than under the control of others.

staring at the battlefield below, Ling Xiaozi suddenly turned around and kicked his feet in the air, which flew out with a bang and instantly turned into a red light and shadow and swooped towards the ground. However, as soon as he moved, he suddenly sensed that the danger was approaching. He could only feel this danger from Yi Tian, and this feeling was still extremely strong.

A sense of danger suddenly appeared. Ling Xiaozi suddenly stopped his body and ejected to the side. His reaction was extremely fast. Even so, he still saw a light sweeping past the tip of his nose. If he went a little more, I'm afraid he would split his head in half.

"The reaction is amazingly fast." Lan Ze, who was still talking to Qin Mo just now, didn't know when he approached Ling Xiaozi and immediately launched an attack.

"Are there any bugs that have not been killed?" An unexpected look flashed on Ling Xiaozi's face. He really didn't expect that the five guys would suddenly take action on him, and it was silent. It seemed that the strength of the five guys could not be underestimated.

"Bites? Maybe." Lan Ze smiled and said, "Even bed bugs hope you can disappear from this world. After all, your existence has affected our survival. With your existence, there is no future." Although he was talking, Lan Ze's movements did not stop at all. He still kept blowing out his fists, forcing Ling Xiaozi to keep retreat.

"To be honest, your existence has made me feel threatened and a great threat. If I can't kill you, I really don't have the courage to live." Lan Ze was still talking, and he, who was usually silent, was talking like a chater, and he didn't mean to stop at all.

"Don't you have the courage to live? Then just go to hell." Ling Xiaozi dodged the other party's attack slowly and began to fight back with words. He didn't expect that he would encounter a chatter, and if the other party kept talking, it would also distract him. If he really kept fighting with Lan Ze, Ling Xiaozi felt that he would collapse.

"It's a little stupid to find death by yourself, so I still think it's better for you to die." Lan Ze didn't worry about Ling Xiaozi's feelings, not to mention that the two were enemies. Why did he worry about the enemy's feelings? Isn't that nothing to look for trouble?

However, Ling Xiaozi didn't think so. He suddenly roared, "Is it necessary to be so wordy when fighting?" The blue veins on his forehead jumped violently, and obviously he couldn't stand Lanze's chatty, which made him suddenly lose his temper.

"Alas, why are you so good? Why did you suddenly get angry? I didn't get angry when you invaded our place." Lan Ze was still nagging and completely ignored Ling Xiaozi's anger. The better for him, the better it is for Ling Xiaozi to get angry, so that he can have more opportunities.

Who knows that Ling Xiaozi, who was still angry just now, suddenly smiled evilly after taking a deep breath and said, "Do you want to make me angry? You underestimated me too much." He snorted coldly, but returned to a calm posture again, and he couldn't see his angry face just now.

"What a changeable person." Lan Ze muttered such a sentence when he saw the smile on the other party's face. For him, no matter how Ling Xiaozi changed, it had nothing to do with him.

Ling Xiaozi didn't expect Lan Ze to say so. He was blocked by the other party's angry blood, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood directly. He just stared at the other party and wanted to see what Lan Ze wanted to do, but obviously Lan Ze didn't seem to do anything special. Because he has always been an extremely ordinary attack, with no extra movements, let alone unnecessary movements. However, the more ordinary Lan Ze behaved, the more uneasy Ling Xiaozi was. He felt that Lan Ze must have done something else, otherwise it would be impossible to behave so calmly.

"Are you guessing what I have?" Lan Ze suddenly smiled at Ling Xiaozi. His smile was very strange, but he couldn't explain it clearly, as if no one understood what Lan Ze wanted to express. After this sentence, Lan Ze suddenly became silent, and even his expression became extremely serious, as if he had suddenly completely changed a person.

The change in Lan Ze's temperament slightly shocked Ling Xiaozi. He never thought that Lan Ze would suddenly change so directly. Although Yi Tian has also changed before, Lan Ze's change is somewhat different from Yi Tian's. Yi Tian's change is more like changing a person directly, while Lan Ze's change is purely a change in temperament. Lan Ze is still the same Lan Ze, but the temperament is different, giving people a completely different feeling, and even the previous dangerous feeling has completely disappeared.

The lack of danger does not mean that Lanze is not dangerous now. On the contrary, Lanze is the most dangerous now, because the light flashing in his eyes is very dangerous, as dangerous as a beast.

Laughing at Ling Xiaozi, Lan Ze suddenly roared, and the silent ripples suddenly spread away, very quickly, so fast that it surprised Ling Xiaozi, but it was too slow to retreat. With this roar, Ling Xiaozi's eardrums hurt, and even his eyes were a little dazzled. He only felt that Lan Ze's figure in front of him suddenly blurred and was shocked. Just as he was about to react, he suddenly heard another person speaking.

"What a terrible guy. Even if Lan Ze interferes with you like this, didn't he still let you relax your vigilance?" Qin Mo didn't know when he arrived at Ling Xiaozi's side and launched an attack. His attack was very simple, just a straight fist, without any fancy words, but the power of such a fist burst made Ling Xiaozi frightened. He did not dare to accept the other party's attack at all. Ling Xiaozi hurriedly retreated to avoid the other party's attack. In any case, he did not want to be attacked by the other party.

And Ling Xiaozi was even more surprised that the five men actually launched an attack. For the five men, he did not have much memory. Of course, the so-called memory refers to the memory of the ancestors of foreigners. As for Ling Xiaozi's own memory, it has long been washed away by the ancestors of foreigners, and it is completely impossible to affect the ancestors of foreigners. As an ancestor-level figure, he naturally knows that it is very easy to confuse his identity by accepting other people's memories.

Not having too many memories of the five guys does not mean that Ling Xiaozi doesn't know that the five guys in front of him are very dangerous. On the contrary, he knows the danger of the five guys very well. From the beginning to now, these five people have not jointly launched an attack, but now these guys have suddenly launched a joint attack, and their cooperation is extremely strange, so that he can't see where the two people cooperate. Of course, this does not mean that the five guys and others do not cooperate at all. On the contrary, the unbearable cooperation is the most terrible.

Ling Xiaozi fell into the siege of Qin Mo and Lan Ze, and Qin Xu, who had fallen into a sluggish state before, finally came to his senses. This guy has never figured out what's going on, or more directly, Ling Xiaozi's sudden mutiny has hit him so hard that he can't accept such a fact for a while. If another person had defected, he would not have felt this way.

"Are you finally awake? It's really a disgrace to your brother." Yan Kun said coldly that if it hadn't been for Qin Mo's request, he would not have taken care of Qin Xu here in a sluggish state. Qin Xu, who was so unbearable for him, simply died. He is not looking for Qin Xu now, but looking for the trace of Yi Tian. The battle has just broken out, but Yi Tian, who withered from the air, has completely disappeared.

Although the current situation is quite chaotic, it is impossible for a dead person to disappear in front of everyone, not to mention that Yi Tian is not an ordinary person, and it is extremely worrying that he suddenly disappears.

"Yi Tian is gone." Yan Kun finally confirmed this fact after searching for a long time, and Ma* was telling Qin Xu and Xiao Ruo and others. He didn't know how Xiao Ruo would react after hearing the news. Anyway, he didn't feel much. He just disappeared, let alone a dead person.

The words were divided into two parts, and it was found that it was not only Yan Kun, but also the vulture and others that Yi Tian disappeared. They had been looking for an opportunity to take Yi Tian back. When Yi Tian was severely damaged by Ling Xiaozi, they knew that the opportunity had come. Although they knew that it was impossible to save Yi Tian with their technology, they believed that a miracle would happen again. However, when they caught up with Yi Tian, they saw that Yi Tian suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes without any signs. They didn't even know where Yi Tian had gone, because when Yi Tian disappeared, there was not even any energy fluctuation, and they disappeared directly without a trace, and they couldn't find anything at all. Traces.

No one knows where Yi Tian has gone, except for one person.

The whole sky is still the same sky, and under the sky is a huge lake. The clear lake allows people to easily see everything at the bottom of the lake, and there is a person lying in the center of the lake. The man is not floating on the water, but sinking into the bottom of the lake, with a bowl-sized hole in his abdomen. There is no blood flowing from the wound. Maybe there is not so much blood to flow.

This man was Yi Tian who suddenly disappeared, but at this time, he was completely breathless and lay quietly at the bottom of the lake, looking like a dead man, but it gave people a feeling that he was still alive, which was really strange. Fish swam around him, and occasionally touched Yi Tian mischievly, as if to wake up Yi Tian, but Yi Tian did not wake up and might not wake up again.