reverse song

Chapter 791 The Sleeping Beast

Chapter 791

Everyone noticed that a strange breath was approaching in their direction at a very fast speed. No one knew who the breath was, and everyone was very nervous. At this time, any small change will lead to a change in the whole situation. Qin Mo did not want to make any changes at this time, so he roared and rushed to Ling Xiaozi.

Ling Xiaozi had long expected that Qin Mo would take action and immediately retreat when the other party took action. Behind Ling Xiaozi was already a large group of foreigners. At this time, he retreated and immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Before Qin Mo approached the past, he found that he had lost the trace of Ling Xiaozi and was replaced by a group of aggressive foreigners. The roar had not been stopped, and Qin Mo's momentum was also the most fierce. With a fierce look, he punched out and forced the foreigners who directly blocked him to retreat one after another. You should know that Qin Mo's combat effectiveness is extremely terrible. Even if the number of foreigners is large, his strength is not at the same level, and no matter how large the number of people is, it can't stop Qin Mo.

Of course, Ling Xiaozi knows this, but he doesn't want to fight with Qin Mo. His combat strength has not fully recovered. If he fights with Qin Mo at this time, he will definitely suffer losses. However, Ling Xiaozi did not expect that after the battle just now, even Qin Mo would consume a lot at this time. And now Qin Mo is just winning in momentum.

The rest of the people also took action when Qin Mo and Ling Xiaozi took action. Xiu and others have gathered together for a long time. Even in the face of foreigners, they have no intention of dispersing at all. They know that once they are scattered, it will be difficult to gather together again. In this chaotic scene, once they are scattered, it is not far from death.

No one wants to lose their lives here, so they all consciously gather together. He looked fierce, and Xiu and others did not dare to relax at this time. This is a matter of life. How can they treat it so casually? Xiu's group of people came from marginal cities, so they naturally have the greatest trust, and Lan Ze and others on the other side also trust their own people very much. After all, those people are trained by Lan Ze and others themselves, and they have no reason to distrust them.

For any change of the enemy, the foreigners seem to have not seen it. The indifference on their faces, and even the crazy color when they first appeared has completely disappeared at this time. The solemn atmosphere of the scene also brought great pressure to foreigners. Although they have a certain advantage in number, it does not mean that they will definitely win. If they can't kill these enemies in front of them, they will get nothing.

Qingming, who is among foreigners, also knows his situation, but he is more concerned about who the person who comes quickly is. Of course, he knew that he would not have any help here. All the people who could help him were here, and the people who came this time were most likely the enemy. If it is really a terrible enemy, then the pressure they need to face will increase again.

"Let's see what's going on without a name." Qing Ming was still worried about who came from, and he couldn't help asking the nameless to explore the situation. However, as soon as he said his words, he heard an extremely sharp sound suddenly rushing into his ear.

A rather dazzling silver light suddenly tore the blood cloud and appeared in front of everyone with a sharp sound of breaking the air. As soon as the figure appeared, the extremely strong breath suddenly disappeared. They only saw a figure wrapped in silver light, hovering in mid-air and staring at them with a pair of cold eyes.

A cold feeling appeared on the body, as if a basin of cold water was suddenly poured down from the head, making everyone present involuntarily shiver. Xiu and others are better. The silver light on the man's body shows that he is not a foreigner, so there is a half chance that he will be their helper. However, foreigners did not think so. As soon as they saw the flashing silver light, they decided that the person who appeared was their enemy, and there was no second possibility.

"Kill!" As soon as he saw the silver figure, Qing Ming suddenly roared, and his figure suddenly disappeared among the clan and appeared directly behind the silver figure.

Qing Ming's roar resounded through the sky, almost rushing away the blood cloud.

The invisible momentum spreads, making people feel very uncomfortable. The silver figure seemed to be completely unaffected by the momentum of Qingming, still standing there without any movement. He didn't seem to notice that Qingming appeared behind him and still looked at the crowd below.

With one punch, Qingming has decided to use one punch to kill the dangerous guy in front of him. Although the person in front of him has not made any action, it gives people an extremely dangerous feeling. Foreigners are extremely ** people, and naturally they can feel whether a person is a threat to themselves. The red light on his fist suddenly burst out, like claws, tearing the silver figure into pieces.

Even if the fist approached in front of him, the silver figure still did not move. He stood there without any movement at all. When the fist really bombarded, I saw that the silver light on his body suddenly became strong and blocked the fist.

A muffled sound broke out, and the figure wrapped in the silver light could not withstand the strong force on his fist and involuntarily retreated, and then the strong silver light made the sound of glass cracking and cracking little by little. The silver light dissipated, revealing Yi Tian's face, the extremely cold face.

Yi Tian had already seen the changes on the battlefield and saw that foreigners had a great advantage, but he didn't move. It's not that he didn't want to move, but that he couldn't move at all. I don't know why. When the energy that had just been freely mobilized arrived on the battlefield, he seemed to be completely asleep. There was no way to mobilize at all. Even his body was stiff at this time and could not move.

What happened to Yi Tian was very strange, but Yi Tian was not too panicked. However, Qingming's action was unexpected by him. Originally, he thought that his appearance would make both sides have scruples, but he didn't expect that Qingming could take action without hesitation and kill him as soon as he took action. Even so, Yi Tian still blocked the other party's fierce punch.

Without any action, he blocked the opponent's attack with the strength of his body. Yi Tian's helpless behavior became unpredictable in the eyes of others, and Qingming, who had just started, couldn't help but stay in place and dared not go further. When the silver light dispersed, he had recognized Yi Tian's identity, but he did not expect that Yi Tian, who had just disappeared from the battlefield and been severely damaged, would appear again and still appear in such a strong posture. This made Qingming a little hesitant, and even a little uncertain about Yi Tian's situation.

"It's you." Qing Ming exclaimed, but involuntarily took a step back and took a warning posture.

Yi Tian did not reply, and he could not speak. He felt that the energy in his body was like a sleeping beast. Although it could not be mobilized, it gave people a very dangerous feeling. He can only wait for the beast to wake up and give him the strongest power.

Qingming didn't pay much attention to the other party's attitude. He knew that even if he asked, the other party would not necessarily answer his questions. He just needed to know whether the other party was really Yi Tian. There are too many similar people and ambiguous people in the world. He needs to determine the attitude of the other party.

When Qing Ming opened his mouth, Ling Xiaozi, who was hiding in the crowd, also suddenly appeared in front of Yi Tian. Ling Xiaozi knew more about Yi Tian, so he recognized the person in front of him as Yi Tian at a glance, but he never expected that Yi Tian would appear again. His attack seemed to have really hit Yi Tian hard, but he was sure that Yi Tian would die. However, a mortal man suddenly appeared in front of him, which made Ling Xiaozi somewhat surprised. He was wondering if he had made a mistake.

"I didn't expect that you weren't dead yet." Ling Xiaozi sneered and suddenly stepped out in front of Yi Tian. He raised his hand and slapped him directly on Yi Tian's chest.

The muffled sound broke out, and Yi Tian retreated in response. This time, there was no silver light flashing, but Yi Tian did not seem to have suffered any harm. He still just stepped back a few steps and did not even spit out a mouthful of blood. He still looked at the other party coldly, as if he had no intention of returning.

"Puppet? Or are you stupid?" Ling Xiaozi was a little confused about Yi Tian's situation. From his appearance to now, this guy has not said a word or reaction to the enemy's attack. Only the puppet can explain this.

"No." Qing Ming's face changed slightly, "There is something wrong with the situation." He noticed that a dangerous breath was rising in Yi Tian's body. Although the breath was still so weak, the danger was dangerous, regardless of size. If the other party can bring a sense of danger to itself, then it must be relied on.

"Kill him quickly." Qingming roared, his face became ferocious and twisted in an instant, and immediately rushed to Yi Tian. How fast he took action, even Ling Xiaozi next to him did not react, and Qingming had already rushed out.

Waiting for Qingming to approach Yi Tian, Ling Xiaozi completely reacted, but at this time, only the shining silver light appeared in his eyes, which was not strong, but slowly the silver light of danger. Such a terrible light made Ling Xiaozi's heart beat violently. In the silver light, he seemed to see a sleeping beast slowly open his eyes.