Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 28 Blood Pet (5,000)

"What the hell is going on?" The lonely soul looked at the sudden change of his face in front of him, and turned around and asked Guihai in a low voice!

At this time, Mr. Guihai's face was not very good-looking, and the rain was filled with sweat, which made the horror in his eyes stronger!

"That's a blood pet! That must be a blood pet!"

The lonely soul looked at the shocked Prince Guihai and couldn't help but be surprised, but at this moment, an ominous idea also rose in his heart. Even the Prince Guihai, who had always been calm, was so scared, so this must not be a good place, and this blood pet is absolutely extraordinary!

"Blood pet!" The lonely soul has never heard of it, so he has to ask the prince of Guihai confusedly!" Yes! It must be a blood pet! Listen to me!" Mr. Guihai asked the lonely soul to listen carefully!

At this time, although the rain was loud, the face of the lonely soul under careful listening also changed at this moment! What's that sound?

When the lonely soul pauses and listens attentively.

There were bursts of heartbreaking low roars in the distance, like laughter, crying, and more like painful moans...

And through the shower curtain, the hazy fog, the lonely soul can see the blood light not far away!

Is it a blood pet over there? The lonely soul is shocked. The blood redness of the sky is like a round of sun, making it particularly dazzling!

At this time, the returned sea prince who found the blood light was shocked and shouted in a low voice, "Escape, it seems that the blood pet has found us!" Before he finished speaking, he quickly rushed in the opposite direction.

And seeing the lonely soul reflected by Guihai, he had no choice but to quickly retreat, closely follow the returning son of Hai, and quickly rushed forward!

"Boom!" There were bursts of thunder behind him. What the hell is a blood pet? The lonely soul unfolded his body and easily maintained a line with the returning prince and went to the distance!

"Blood pet, it is said that it is the holy beast of the blood alliance, and it is the ancestor of the blood alliance. It is said that the blood pet needs to be raised with human blood every nine days, otherwise it will wither and die. However, although the blood pet has this disadvantage, it is extremely fierce. I heard that such a small blood pet can devour a cow in the blink of an eye!"

Hearing Mr. Guihai say that he was a little scared, the lonely soul was also shocked, and when he heard Mr. Guihai's explanation, the lonely soul was also secretly surprised. It seemed that this blood pet was still an ancient alien! What is the blood alliance? The lonely soul rushed forward with Guihai and asked confusedly! I don't know much about the blood alliance, but it is said that it is the oldest sect in addition to the three Xuan and four sects, and it is also the most mysterious sect. However, it has suddenly appeared in the past hundred years, and the blood demon under its door is extremely evil and cruel. It is said that anyone who has seen her will die ** , and followed by seven blood pets, and this blood pet legend has been nourished by Helianyin, and there are no people or animals left in the place!"

"According to this rumor, this blood demon is really bloody!" The lonely soul whispered, but at this time, the body method unfolded and quickly swept forward!

But at this time, suddenly there was a roar behind him, like a storm, and the two of them accelerated their speed while chasing after them! It seems to have been found!" When Mr. Guihai said this, his face had turned pale, and at this time, there was a rumble of blood pet whispers from time to time!

"Lonely Brother, it seems that we are going to let go today! With the strength of you and me, although this blood pet is a little perverted, as long as we take good care of each other, we are not afraid to destroy these things!" Mr. Guihai whispered and looked around!

At this time, it is still surrounded by seven blood pets. The blood pet the size of a fist is surrounded by a layer of blood light, constantly beating and dancing in the air like a blood cell! And the low roar came from the blood cell! Brother Lone Soul, you see whether the blood pet has spiritual knowledge or someone controls it. Why do they just surround us, but there is no action!"

"I'm not sure about this, but I can feel the violent power contained in them. These seven blood pets are probably equivalent to the monks of the imperial air! I don't think the two of us may be opponents, and I think the blood pet should be controlled by a special method, otherwise it would have rushed up already!" The lonely soul looked at seven bloody light balls and said indifferently, but Mr. Guihai looked at the lonely soul and did not change his face, and his calm heart was also a little admirable!

He also felt the abnormality of these seven blood pets, and the * energy in the body of these seven blood pets, but he did not have the determination of the lonely soul! The blood pet is still floating in the air in a trance, emitting a smell of blood from time to time! But there was no action at all, which made the lonely soul and Guihai secretly surprised. They didn't know what the other party's purpose was. If the other party was really a blood demon who killed without blinking, it would not be such a deliberate pastime. Did the other party have another purpose? At this time, the two hesitated and secretly measured! More than an hour passed. At this time, the lonely soul and Mr. Guihai were a little impatient, but suddenly, Mr. Guihai's face turned pale, frowned and whispered to the lonely soul, "Listen!"

The lonely soul looked around Mr. Guihai's face and couldn't help but be awe-inspiring. Suddenly, he heard a faint music from Lin Hai in the distance. Although the lonely soul was not very good at music ten thousand years ago, when he got along with Nuwa, he often played for a long time in order not to sweep Nuwa's interest, so at this time, he could roughly tell that the music was the sound of the flute. The sound of the flute became louder and sharper, with a faint cold and strange atmosphere. Combined with the sad and desolate Tao Yu, on this foggy rainy night in the barren mountains and forests, I felt particularly sad and strange, and more gloomy. At this time, Guihai frowned and said, "This flute sound is so strange, like an artifact used to drive blood pets." There was a slight chill in my heart.

At this time, the lonely soul also felt the change of the blood pets around. The seven blood pets that were quietly floating around were full of blood, setting off the place where the two were like a sea of blood in this rainy night! And the seven blood pets seemed to form a strange formation, surrounding the two!

"Yes, Brother Guihai, I think this flute sound should be the magic weapon to control the blood pet, but I don't know why this person has waited so long to take action against us. I don't know what it means?" The lonely soul frowned and said that he did not know what the purpose of the other party was and why he refused to do it, and the method used by this person was to use the hand of blood pets and refused to appear for a long time. So, this person was extremely sinister. Even if he was not the blood demon mentioned in the mouth of Mr. Guihai, he was an extremely dangerous person!

"Let's be careful. Look at the formation formed by these seven blood pets, just like the Big Dipper, and I don't know what's dangerous in it. You and I'd better be careful!" At this time, Mr. Guihai had taken out his sword, and the lonely soul also withdrew his broken knife. The two of them were ready! However, although the blood pet formed the Big Dipper, it has not started for a long time. It's just that the blood light is even worse, and it is like seven bloody stars in the vast sea of stars, surrounding the two. At this time, the two lonely souls have a feeling of being in the galaxy!

The rain is still raining, but the two of them don't seem to feel anything except the cold around them!

At this moment, the two felt that the music was getting closer and closer, and the strange rhythm of the two people couldn't help but accelerate their hearts. Faintly, I heard the hoarse sighs, which were cold and strange, as if someone was blowing in his ear.

The two were frightened, but there was nowhere to do it. The seven blood pets seemed to be close in front of them, which was indeed far away, and the blood light was like a huge net, dragging them together. At this time, the lonely soul was even more powerful and helpless!

"What the hell is going on?" The lonely soul looked at the returned sea and said feebly. With the feeling of the lonely soul, if the other party can control the blood pet so much through the flute, then the other party's cultivation is absolutely not weak. At least he has reached the realm of the soul, which is much higher than himself. Maybe he may not easily lose face to the ground, but Under such circumstances, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to defeat the other party!

At this time, the two have a feeling that the blood in their bodies is boiling, and there is a feeling that they are eager to break out of the body!

Is it possible that the strength of the blood pet is not bloodthirsty, but blood attraction, and the lonely soul suddenly secretly doubts in his heart!

Seven blood pets can form a formation, which is not only to control the enemy, but more importantly, to make the other party explode and die in a special way!

Thinking of this, I was secretly surprised!

And at this time, a blood-red gown suddenly appeared in the fog. It should be one person!

The lonely soul and Guihai looked at each other, and there was a kind of disbelief in their eyes!

That's definitely a person, but that person is not thin and weak. That's a person, to be precise! When the man came next to the blood pet, he stood up. The man was wearing a bloody cloak and his face was blocked by the cloak. The blood clothes were inspired, and ten fingers beat, blowing an eight-inch-long eight-long blood jade flute. The sound of the flute is cold and sharp, strange and cold, and the surrounding vegetation swings with the rhyme of the flute.

The whole body was red, and at this time, the seven blood pets surrounding the two lonely souls suddenly heard the sound of the flute and returned to the man, surrounded his neck, tightly contracted, and finally only the size of a nail cover, slowly fluttering, like a string of blood-red necklaces, extremely dazzling! The rain was still raining, but no one spoke to the three people. At this time, the man looked directly at the two, and the two lonely souls also stared at each other without any movement!

"Who are you?" The man was silent for a long time and finally asked!

"What about you?" Mr. Guihai followed the other party's question and didn't mean to answer! Helianyin!" The man did not have any twists. As soon as Mr. Guihai finished asking, the man opened his mouth and said, but his tone was very cold. Listening to the words that finally popped out, the lonely soul also felt cold all over!

"Return to Hai Hongtao, Lone Soul!" Hearing the other party's answer so simply, the two souls had to say! And when Mr. Guihai heard that the other party was called Helianyin, his face obviously changed and became a little pale! Your name is Lone Soul!" When the other party heard the name of the lonely soul, it was obviously a little wrong, but although the lonely soul felt like this, it was indescribable, but when he thought that few people knew him in the world, he didn't think about it anymore!

But the lonely soul can see the other party's sharp eyes staring at him through the blood-red cloak. What kind of eyes it is? The lonely soul doesn't know, but he can feel that the eyes are very sharp!

"Do you know me?" The lonely soul felt a little wrong, but he still asked!" I don't know, but the other party's name is really unique! Lonely soul, hahaha! That's a good name!" The other party's laughter seemed to be very cold, and the mountain wind blew, and the lonely soul saw those eyes through that gap! Although it was a shocking glance, it shocked the lonely soul!

It's a pair of blood eyes, like two pools of blood. You can't see any expression from it, but it seems that there is endless hatred in it!

Who is the other party? The lonely soul is shocked. If you guess well, the other party's cultivation is definitely not only the realm of soul, but also the strength of the other party is definitely more than that! But the lonely soul resisted, and he didn't want to ask! Because he felt that these were not what he should know! And this man's mystery is not what he should know!

"You are very smart, and you should also know why I came here, but I know that things are in your hands, but for the sake of your lonely soul, I can bypass you today, but you are going to die!" Helianyin suddenly pointed to the Guihai prince, and at the same time, the blood flute turned into a blood water and rushed to the Guihai prince!

"You!" Shocked, the returning sea prince had to pass by and avoid it!

And the lonely soul that reacted was also breaking the knife and splashing the sky, sweeping to Helianyin!

"Since you can let me go, I think you can let him go too. He is my friend!" The sword of the lonely soul is aimed at saving people, but it did not do its best! But the momentum is like a big wave, like a long rainbow!

Helianyin, who had not been prepared, had to withdraw for a few steps. At this time, Helianyin's momentum suddenly changed when he withdrew, as if he had been awakened, and there was a layer of blood all over his body!

"How dare you sneak up on me!" The voice is very cold, and the words are like a sharp blade, staring at the lonely soul! I said he was my friend. Since you want to let me go, please let my friend go!" At this time, Mr. Guihai was also not very comfortable. He was attacked by the blood flute and was unprepared. Although he was not injured, the blood flute seemed to be extremely strange. Although it was touched by its strong wind, Mr. Guihai did have a feeling that the blood in his place seemed to slowly become cold again! Lonely soul, it's not that I'm afraid of you. I'll say it again, I'll only let you go. That's because you're called Lone Soul, and this person is absolutely impossible. I said that anyone who has seen me must die! Everyone in this world knows it!" The voice in the cloak seems to be extremely suppressing his anger at this moment, but the tone is not very friendly!

"Lone soul brother, let's go! This person, you and I are not even his opponents. You'd better leave me alone!" Mr. Guihai was also extremely moved to see that the lonely soul really regarded himself as a friend, but he could feel that the legendary blood demon was much more powerful than they thought, and he couldn't help persuading the lonely soul to say!

"You and I haven't finished your cooperation, and you have no chance of dying!" I said, you are not allowed to die, and no one will think about it today!" At this time, the lonely soul is also a sudden change in momentum, and that momentum is not cultivation, but self-confidence and commitment! OK! You are fine! I promised to let you go if I saw you one day, but if you want to do this, I don't care about letting you die!"

"Promise others?" He asked in surprise, there was no one he knew in the world. He promised others, who would that person be?

"Who is that man?" The lonely soul asked.

"You don't need to know this. Even if you know, you will die today. It doesn't matter whether you know or not, but as long as you know, you can't escape the fate of death today! Hahaha! What's more, you may not know that man!" The smile is very cold! It's also harsh!

"Good! I'd like to see how you let me die!" He Lianyin said calmly, "Okay! You have backbone, but today you still can't escape the fate of feeding my blood pet!" The lonely soul laughed hoarsely, "That's good, but I'm afraid your blood pet can't stand it!" As soon as the lonely soul finished speaking, the blood flute was inspired and the sound of the flute rose again. At this time, the sound of the flute was high and fierce, like falling into the cliff and the frost wind, and thousands of ghosts cried.

At the same time, seven blood pets emitted a torrent of blood and rushed to the lonely soul, and bursts of cold and murderous air rushed around. The trees shook and suddenly burst into pieces and broke one after another. At this time, the lonely soul seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain and difficult to breathe.

The lonely soul did not hesitate. The real element in his body swam quickly, rotated with a broken knife, and turned to cut towards the blood demon! At this time, Mr. Guihai's cultivation was poor, and he couldn't stand such a strong impact. He quickly closed his eyes and listened, listened attentively, sat in the distance, and secretly resisted it with gas. Nevertheless, Mr. Guihai still felt the turbulent impact of evil and evil waves, his heart beat like crazy, and his body was itchy like ten thousand ants bites. Cold sweat on the forehead! The sound of the flute is getting higher and higher, and the seven blood pets are fighting towards the lonely soul in various forms, spinning and flying densely in the fog. At this time, the lonely soul has raised its cultivation to the limit. If it hadn't been for the lonely soul's reference to the true water formula in recent days, the lonely soul feels that it has been defeated at this moment, and in such a rainy day, the lonely soul has repeatedly attacked with the true water formula!

"Drain water with a knife"

The lonely soul roared sharply. At this time, it is no longer the time to preserve his strength. The other party's cultivation is much higher than himself, and there is such a thing in his hand. If he is not fast to kill him, the other party will be trapped to death!

When it is, there is a loud noise and waves in the sky. At this moment, the clouds and rain are like being projected on the broken knife of the lonely soul, turning into huge waves all over the sky, carrying the momentum of shocking ghosts, and splitting towards the blood pet, and the rest of the momentum is exhausted, and it is even chopped to Helian with thousands of water blades!

The momentum is strong, the water blade has not yet arrived, and the surrounding vegetation is shattered, and it is even more mixed in it, splitting towards the other party!

This move was sent out with all his strength, and even though it had been studied for several days, mixed with force like a thousand pounds, and it was bombarded with the momentum of splashing the sky!


I just came back today. Thank you for your support. 5,000 chapters have just been delivered now. Please include more!

At least two chapters will be updated tomorrow, and the number of words in each chapter is about 5,000, but it's only the least. It depends on what you guys mean!

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Congratulations on the Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion!

Hey! I still call for tickets and collection, just for the new book list, everyone helps!