Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 13 Creation

"Brother Guihai, it's right here!"

It's still a waterfall, and it's still a white wave!

"Good! Right here, you and I are practicing the real water formula, and the results of you and me have evolved from this real water formula. Let's compare today!"

After saying that, the two went up in the sky and fought against each other dozens of feet high in the sky, resisting the wind!

"The law is impermanent, and water is impermanent"

"Goodness is like water, and there is no evil!"

The two people's deep voices sounded one after another!

Bobo... The sound kept ringing around their bodies, and the sound was not loud but powerful. There are continuous landslides within a few miles!

The condensed extreme blue light, like shining and flowing light, looks particularly dazzling in this broad daylight!

At this time, with the condensation of blue light, there was a low sound behind them!

As the blue light condenses more and more, the thunder keeps rolling and the sound is getting smaller and smaller.

"This is my water rhyme"

At the same time, the lonely soul waved his hands, and the large blue light around his body turned into boundless waves, spreading towards the returning sea!

"This is my Shuide!"

At the same time, the brilliance around the prince of Guihai also turned into a water mist and went to the lonely soul cover! This fog is not fog, this fog is water, it is a water mist near the rain!

And this wave is not a wave, but a sea of clouds that changes like dark clouds all over the sky!



At the same time, there was a deep roar in the white wave fog transformed by the two!

Water spirit!

At this moment, both of them are immersed in that trace of mystery!

At this moment, they themselves are like two water dragons!

Water rhyme! This is the water rhyme!

The rhyme of water is changeable, so it is impermanent! Thousands of incarnations and flying like clouds, so they can achieve thousands of forms! This is impermanence!

This is the impermanence of water rhyme!

At that moment, the lonely soul turned into a dark cloud in the sky, like a dragon in the sea! At that moment, he was water, and he was this boundless water!

At this moment, he seemed to have thought about the second level of water rhyme, but at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes! He is not enough now!

Looking at the returning son of the sea!

At this time, the Guihai prince has a feeling that he is not water, but he seems to be another drop of water! It's just a drop of water in the mist!

And this drop of water seems to be the core of this thousand water mist, and he is the essence of all this water!

At this moment, he feels whose spirituality, water is alive!

At the same time, he seems to understand that what he pursues is not water virtue, but water quality, and this water virtue is the first level of water quality!

"Your impermanence is to regard this water as one of the thousands of impermanence! And I, impermanence, is one of the thousands of water waters!"

"At this time, I am water, and you are just one of my thousands!"

At this time, the temperament of Guihai suddenly changed, and at this moment, he seemed to suddenly understand something!

At this moment, the lonely soul's eyes are shrinking!

The returnee is water! This is his deepest feeling at this moment!

"He is water, and impermanence is one of these thousands of waters!"

At this moment, the heart of the lonely soul is covered with a layer of dark clouds!

He looked at the water mist and felt surrounded, and at this moment he seemed to be tolerated by the other party!

"The law is not permanent, and the water is not permanent!"

"Wrong, you are still you, you are not water, water is impermanent, water is one of these impermanences!"

Suddenly, the lonely soul roared, and at the same time, the waves all over the sky turned into thousands of forms and went to the back of the sea!

"I'm not water, but impermanence is watery, and this is tolerance! You are in this tolerance!"

At the same time, Mr. Guihai let out a low roar!

The low roar of the two. It's getting bigger and bigger, that's roaring!



The roar of the two can even be seen with human eyes at this moment!

Circle of ripples from the top of the sky are violently transmitted.

That's not only a roar, but also mixed with water waves!

This circle of water waves has set off huge waves in the sky!


The water waves that turned into water and fog at this moment surged towards each other, and at the same time waved away in all directions!

The mountains below have made bursts of dust, and the whole canyon is now covered with a layer of white fog!

The roar is so fierce that you can see the "waves" falling with the naked eye. This is not the strength they should exert in this realm! The destructive power of this roar and sound wave can be said to be horrible! With the impact of the two waves, there was a nearly empty and broken sound between the two, and in the impact of the water waves, the water atomized into a mass of air and evaporated without a trace!

After roaring, everything returned to silence!


The devastated mountain in the distance has been made into powder!

The cut-off waterfall fell down again!

In exchange, it is the two people's constant laughter!

"Brother Soul, it seems that I'm still weaker than you!" Mr. Guihai said with a smile!

"The Guihai brothers joked. Although it was all water, I had a new understanding in the duel between you and me just now!"

"And I also understand that your water quality, my impermanence, in fact, water quality is one of these impermanences, and this impermanence is not one of these water quality!"

Speaking of this, a lonely and profound smile!

While the water wave just now, he felt the water!

And the water at that moment seemed to be the impermanence, and the water in the impermanence seemed to be so clear at that moment!

"Water-based, impermanent, water-based impermanent, impermanent water-based!"

That's right, the returned prince who wanted to understand this point couldn't help laughing!

"Brother Soul! Thank you!"

This is a heartfelt thanks, without any pretentious!

"Nothing, I wouldn't have understood it so deeply if it weren't for what you said just now! In fact, when I got the real water formula, I knew that your Five elements were cultivating creation like me!"


Mr. Guihai asked strangely! This noun is so novel. The Five elements have always been called a monk, but the lonely soul does say that the Five elements are cultivation!

"Yes, what you and I practice is creation. Creation is neither martial arts nor monism! His ultimate goal is to pursue creation!"

The lonely soul smiled faintly and continued to say, "Heaven and earth have creation, whether it is watery or impermanence, in the final analysis, he is still creation!"

"So what exactly is creation?"

Mr. Guihai looks very confused at this time!

Creation! There is creation in heaven and earth, and no one knows what creation is, but no one can tell what it is?

Is cultivation a creation?

Can creation be cultivated?

Is Guihai's confused self-question?

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. In fact, I don't know that the creation of heaven and earth, the creation of heaven and earth, the most primitive Tao between heaven and earth, and the most primitive martial arts may be that creation?"

At this time, the words of the lonely soul seemed very profound, and the confusion in Guihai's eyes was not alleviated!

At this moment, he is very confused!

"Brother Guihai, I want to ask, what is the cooperation between you and me?"

The lonely soul suddenly really wants to figure out what the other party cooperates with himself?

"I really can't tell you this, but I cooperate with you, just for one person, one thing! Other than that, there is nothing else!"

Looking at Guihai's sudden heavy look, the lonely soul had to give up!

He doesn't need to investigate so much. Maybe he will know when he should know!

He just needs to be himself!

The true secret of the five elements!

Soul vein!

Five-way cave sky!

and those fragments of memories in the ancient cave!

Countless stone carvings, endless roars, bloody altars, five-colored light wheels, dead bones with black light spots, and the blood wheel!

At this moment, the bell in the hall in the distance suddenly rang!

"I don't know what happened! Let's go and have a look!" After saying that, Mr. Hai turned into a long rainbow and first flew towards the ancestral vein! The lonely soul followed closely! Disappear in the blink of an eye!


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