Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 18 Domineering Knife! Magic flag

"Thousands of reincarnation, ancient and modern, soul like red refining, eternal..."

The sound is like a bell, which will last forever!

The sound is like the sound of heaven, continuous nine abyss!

The simple knife pattern in the high sky seems to be natural, and it emits a domineering weather trend!

And at the same time, the cold air in all directions is surging into the sky like waves!

And at the same time, the eyes in the blood fog appeared again and looked in this direction in horror!

The sky is cold, and at this moment, it roars like dragons, rushing in this direction!

At this moment! The Jedi Canyon has an avalanche!

It's not an avalanche, it's an avalanche, anhydration gas!

Countless snow mountains turned into a pool of snow in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, they turned into a mass of water vapor, evaporating without a trace!

While padding in the snowy mountains, a skeleton appeared here!

A huge withered bone as big as a hill, and a dead bone as small as a fist!

One! One by one!

White, black, yellow...

At the same time, bursts of screams kept ringing from all directions!

"How can we sleep in the bones!"

"Is this the head of a dead bone?"


Not only screaming, but also roaring like fear!

This is a fierce place!

At the same time, he followed the blood demon's blood alliance twelve evils whispered!

"Relics of the Proterozoic period!"

The blood demon muttered, is it really like rumors? If this is really the case, maybe the blood alliance can get benefits here, and the benefits are not ordinary!

The prophecy is true, and the oath is empty! The reincarnation of love is deplorable that the creation is not the same!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed where the Big Dipper was, and finally muttered to himself. His eyes were like a sharp sword, staring at the void!

At the same time, the lonely soul where the Jedi Canyon is located seems to have some intuition!

He felt a strong feeling that he had never had before, not power, but soul!

The soul is expanding, not the expansion of quantity! It's a qualitative expansion!

At the same time, he felt a sense of blood that he had never had before! That's the bloodthirsty feeling from the depths of the soul!

I'm bloodthirsty!

But this bloodthirsty feeling fades with the blood that seems to come from all directions!

That's blood, very pure blood!

It's refreshing!

The soul of the lonely soul seems to make a long sigh!

And at the same time, the only soul flag that has incarnated with the lonely soul has also moved!

At this moment, the huge figure transformed by the soul flag seems to be taller! And the yellow light wheel behind him is more materialized! And it is like an ancient Buddha, emitting a soft light!

And the light is getting brighter and brighter, and later it is like a round of sun, and it gradually evolves into a red light belt along the way!

Although this light band is very narrow, it is already red!

And the lines on the surface of the soul flag are clearer, like a guidance, which seems to have an inexplicable traction!

What does the line seem to guide?

At this moment, the soul flag has turned into a flag hundreds of feet in size! Spread out in all directions!

Jedi Canyon, withered bones are boiling!

The bones turned into powder, and there seemed to be evil spirits brewing in the black silk, roaring towards the place of the lonely soul!

The wind is furious, dead, and the sky is full of black clouds. Under the turbulent fluctuations of black clouds, the endless mountains are like huge corpses.

At the same time, the lonely soul suddenly opened its eyes!

And at the same time, he seemed to understand the soul flag!

Look up to the sky and roar!

Like ancient gods and demons, the voice shakes China!

The Jedi Canyon is trembling!

And at the same time, the broken knife that sucked the cold air turned into a blue light and returned to the hands of the lonely soul!

And the knife that returned to his hand roared softly, like joy!

At this moment, the lonely soul did not look carefully and was not surprised!

And when holding the knife, there seems to be a kind of domineering!

Between heaven and earth, I am the only one!

This is the momentum at this moment! Domineering momentum!

And at this moment, the lonely soul suddenly turned into a long rainbow and flew into the sky!

About hundreds of feet high in the sky, the lonely soul stood quietly!

At this moment, the lonely soul holds the knife in his left hand and the flag in his right hand!

The knife body is full of cold air, and thousands of ghosts are entangled!

At this moment, the lonely soul is like an ancient soul! Ancient gods and demons have dominated the world since ancient times!

"From now on, you will be the bully! You are the magic flag!"

The lonely soul said to the knife and the soul flag!

And with the sound of the lonely soul!

The domineering knife and magic flag in the hands of the lonely soul came out! Keep dancing in the sky! It seems to be extremely exciting!

At the same time, the ghost spirit and cold air in all directions turned into thousands of storm waves and rushed towards the two things!

"Butter! Domineering!"

"Magic flag! Gods and demons are tolerant!"

The black clouds are rolling, the ink waves are surging, and the cold air is like the tide. It is really surging like a black sea. Thousands of ink rivers, mixed with countless white waves, rushed to the two things, the knives were whispering, and the flags were roaring!

At this moment, the eyes of the lonely soul are even more bloody, and the mark on the forehead is even more uncertain!

Magic is nothing more than that!

At this moment, although the cultivation of the lonely soul has reached the realm of the imperial air, if anyone sees it, I'm afraid that the lonely soul at this moment has reached the realm of life and death, the edge of Nirvana!

Because of this pressure, because of the tremor and hesitation from the depths of the soul!

An hour has passed! The dark clouds seem to be still, the cold air still roars, and the devil still boils!

"You take it hard! This place exists for you!"

At this moment, the lonely soul sneered and said! At this moment, he felt the roar of the Jedi Canyon! It doesn't seem as simple as the surface!

"The ancient ages! Relics of the ancient era!"

"Nine turns of reincarnation still lasts. This place is by no means as simple as it seems!"

Lone soul vaguely remembered the nine pictures. Although he didn't see it clearly, he had seen the last one three times!

"Hundreds of war souls are buried, thousands of ghosts are introduced, the corpses become mountains, and the blood flows into springs~!"

"I will lead the soul with the Eucharist!"

"I will make a blood pool with my immortal body!"


"Hundreds of clans return to the burial ground, ten thousand souls traction pool!"


That word is like thunder, and every sentence is like a cone heart, deeply tingling the lonely heart!

At that moment, he saw sad expressions and resolute steps!

Once the strong man is gone, he will not return!

The destruction of hundreds of clans, reincarnation is determined!

If you really want to sacrifice hundreds of clans, if you really want to reincarnation, what can it be?

So what are the eight pictures in front of you?

Heaven and earth can't escape creation, not to mention the reincarnation between heaven and earth!

I want to create, not to mention heaven and earth!

At this moment, the lonely heart is like tempered thousands of times, and the expression is even more firm!

He has a feeling that this Jedi Canyon may be a corner of the show!



Mountains are collapsing, and bones are turning into ashes...

The Jedi Canyon seems to be like a doomsday scene, which shocked everyone who experienced here!

And at this moment, the twelve evil faces of the students who follow the blood demons are also fiasco!

They have seen too much blood. In fact, a mountain has collapsed, and a dead ashes may be able to withstand it!

But this is one after another!

And the black gas and magic gas in the sky are mixed with thousands of ghosts crying and howling screaming, which makes them a kind of crazy!


At the same time, in a place tens of thousands of miles away, a man held his head and bumped into the earth!

And at the same time, in a place farther away, an experienced person is even more attracted by himself!

And in the closest place to the lonely soul, a practitioner exploded and died! The blood turned into a pool of blood fog and rolled into the sky!


The practitioners are crazy! Those who are slightly weaker are always like this!

"Are the rumors false?"

The blood demon looked into the distance in horror!

"But the blood pet burst is true, and the blood escape is true!"

"You owe me a coffin!"

He vaguely remembers! That's what he said!

The old rumor must be true. Is there any new change here?

The blood demon looked at the distant sky confusedly!

There is darkness, like the darkest and darkest corner, like the darkness at the beginning of the world!

And it seems to be constantly devouring the darkness around!

It must be somewhere, it must be somewhere, but what will it be there? What on earth will it be there?

Is it a demon? Is it a demon? Or God?

The blood demon looked at it in horror!

At this time, many bully knives have been absorbed, and now they are like a piece of ten thousand years of black ice, extremely cold! Moreover, the domineering knife has absorbed a lot of ghost magic, and at this moment, there is a pressure of hegemony! At this moment, the snowy blade on the surface of the knife seems to be hidden with a layer of black!

It looks even more clumsy at this moment!

And at this moment, the soul flag has expanded by dozens of feet, and now it is even more covering the sky and the sun! It seems that the sky is covered by him!

"Give you another hour, and you will do your best! Absorb it hard!"

When Mofan and Ba Dao heard the lonely soul say this, they seemed to work harder to absorb it!

Around the lonely soul, the darkness is thicker!

And at this moment, the Jedi Canyon roared!

is a roar!

At this moment, the lonely soul is staring down with a sneer at the corners of his mouth!

"The Jedi Canyon!"

The lonely soul muttered to himself!

And at this moment, the people who experienced the Jedi Canyon felt the trembling of the earth!

Is there a beast under here?

Everyone asked themselves suspiciously!

But at this moment, no matter how strong the practitioner is, his face has turned pale!

Because, that roar!


Brothers, the world is domineering, and I am the only one!

Ticket support! Click to float!

Let's dominate us together!

The second one is delivered! Ha ha! I modified it, so I'm late! Sorry! Sorry!