Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 65 Bury white bones in all parts of Huangshan

The endless yellow sand seems to have turned into countless evil spirits and gods. It seems to be praying about something around the tall yellow mud monument, and the sad wind and the endless chanting seem to form a lingering sad song echoing on the top of Huangshan Mountain for a long time!

At this moment, the color of the yellow mud tablet has become extremely scarlet and delicate. At this time, the whole barren mountain trembled slightly, but a slight trembled, and the endless scarlet seemed to suddenly begin to change!

Black, as black as ink.

Originally, most of the dark places in the east belong to the night, but at this time they belong to the night. At the advent of this dark color, Huangshan seems to suddenly fall into the boundless abyss, and at the same time, an invisible and depressed lonely soul is a little breathless!

Cold, dark, bloody...

At this moment, the top of Huangshan Mountain seems to be full of endless fear, mixed and overturned!

And in this boundless darkness, the dead bones that were originally surrounded within a few feet of this square suddenly seemed to be lit, emitting a faint and vicious light, and the paleness was mixed with a faint green. The green light was like a ghost fire, which set off the gloomy and horror of this place!


A earth-shaking sound, there seemed to be a thunderstorm between heaven and earth. The whole yellow mountain was trembling, and the pale green light suddenly disappeared, and the heavy shadow in the sky seemed to suddenly burst. Endless blood red light filled the heaven and earth, except for the endless red on the top of the yellow mountain. There are no other colors.

The lonely soul's heart trembled, and his back was cold. There was endless red in front of him. Except for this scarlet, he could no longer feel any other color, and with the rapid spread of blood red, the whole air was full of a disgusting smell of blood, a strong smell of blood!

Are those shadows real just now?

The lonely soul resisted its vomiting desire and stared around the stone tablet!

What the hell is going on? He didn't know, but all this seemed to be too real, and with the bloody spread, the lonely soul also felt the sudden heat on his face!

While the lonely soul reached out and wiped it off, he felt a sticky feeling, which was a feeling of blood! And the lonely soul put it in front of him and looked at it! Cold sweat on the forehead can't help but go down!

Not bad! Is that really blood, and it's real blood?


Is that a shadow or a real thing?

Is the lonely soul confused?

Blood rain all over the sky?

The lonely soul stared at the sky full of fear. At that time, it was also the Lotus Mountains, the strange canyon, the strange blood hole, and the bloody rain...

At this moment, the shadow in the sky is like a self-explosion, all turning into a blood rain, and with the blood rain in the sky, the lonely soul seems to clearly see that the blood rain is mixed with dead bones floating down!

And the lonely soul at this moment is no longer suspicious. He has dared to be sure that there is real blood in the sky, but what happened just now? At this moment, he doesn't know at all.


At the same time, the blood light suddenly contracted, and at this moment, it seemed that an overwhelming force came from the center of Huangshan, and with the spread of this force, the whole Huangshan shook violently as if it was about to collapse. At the same time, huge cracks on the top of the mountain spread around with the yellow mud tablet as the center, and the earth made a loud noise. The huge cracks have been winding out in all directions without knowing the end, and the whole Huangshan suddenly seemed to crack.


And at the same time, there seems to be a disturbing roar and violent terror fluctuations from the center of Huangshan!

Is this Huangshan really like a rumor? He is an ancient god. Looking at this shocking Huangshan in horror, he was shocked!

The breath of fear from the center of Huangshan is also getting stronger and stronger, and later the lonely soul has a feeling of collapsing!

If not, then is there any fierce thing sealed in this Huangshan? Otherwise, how could such a breath of fear come? The lonely soul was secretly surprised, but the lonely soul looked around and suddenly did not know the way!

At this moment, it is full of darkness. Except for the square of several feet where the stone tablet is shrouded in a faint layer of blood red, it is like falling into a bottomless abyss. What is extremely dark, and what is more frightening is the constant earthquake and roaring, as if to overturn the whole Yellow Mountain!

What the hell is under here? The lonely soul is pale! At this moment, the lonely soul can only sit there quietly and watch the changes around!

The top of Huangshan Peak was shaken by waves, and still burst into terrible cracks several meters wide. I don't know where to go, but it's just dark, like huge scars!

And every time I look at the deep rave, the lonely soul has a feeling that my heart is about to jump out of my chest, and through the endless darkness, where does the lonely soul seem to loom and find something?

There seems to be endless blood flowing in it!

"Rumble" and at the same time, through the terrible cracks, bursts of earth-shaking loud noises suddenly burst out like thunder. Between the cracks, blood rose to the sky, the fishy smell rushed to the nose, and the blood kept surging, and the whole Huangshan Mountain was shaking violently, as if it was about to turn over.

Is this Huangshan really a demon?

Is the lonely soul shocked? If it's true, then what is the yellow mud tablet?

But the earth-shaking shock just now made the lonely soul seem to see many of the floating white bones and the surging sea-like blood...

Is this a demon body, or is there a demon sealed in it?

He raised his head in horror and looked at the stone tablet again!

And while the lonely soul looked at the abyss just now, the lonely soul also felt a heartache that had never been seen before! Stricken pain! It's like the pain of being gouge out! The lonely soul feels extremely evil, and his heart is really a little hairy. How can this happen? However, at the same time, the stone tablet in the distance also began to become irritable, as if it was about to rise into the air, constantly shaking. There were faint cracks on the yellow mud tablet, and between the cracks, it was like blood coming out.

The yellow mud tablet must be a seal!

Under the Lotus Mountains, he sealed the soul flag, and now what will be under here? But it must not be a good thing, because of this evil roar and this horrible breath! The things below must not be simple!

Things are extraordinary. The lonely soul doesn't want to retreat like this, not to mention that there is no way to retreat!

At the same time, with the uneasy roar of the yellow mud tablet, the lonely soul felt a feeling of fear, but today, he found that his heart seemed to be trembling, he was a little frightened, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his soul. It seems that he has something to do with that!

At the same time, the lonely soul shouted, because the feeling was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't stay for a moment. It was evil and terrible here.

The lonely soul rose into the sky and walked in the sky, reaching the limit. At this moment, the peak of Huangshan Mountain seemed to be unaffected. The lonely soul turned into a long rainbow and went up to the sky!

With the departure of the lonely soul, suddenly there was a huge roar from the cracks, and the terrible roar was like a magic sound, as if to penetrate the world and penetrate the flood.





At the same time, several peaks other than the main peak of Huangshan collapsed, and the sky was full of dust, while the collapsed peaks spread towards the endless cracks like endless red dust!

At this moment, the thousands of miles of yellow sand around Huangshan has formed a hurricane, swirling away, and bursting into the endless cracks that spread down!

And with the flash of dust, the whole Huangshan roared like crazy.

At this time, the lonely soul flying thousands of miles away was also shocked by this roar and spit blood, and the discolored lonely soul looked back at the end of Huangshan!

The blood is all over the sky, and a huge blood coffin is flying above the sky, and what's more evil is that the blood coffin is surrounded by blood, as if it were about to break through the sky. Tens of thousands of miles are full of this strong blood, and the uneasy roar seems to be emitted from the blood coffin!

Is this blood coffin sealed under Huangshan?

What does the bloody coffin mean? He doesn't know. However, he suddenly remembered the two words when he went up the mountain - thousands of miles of white grass withered in Huangsha, and white bones were buried everywhere in Huangshan!

The lonely soul can't help but become more ugly when thinking about it! It seems that you need to escape from here quickly?

This yellow sand seems to be another mystery. The thousands of cracks just now seem to have disappeared in this yellow sand?

At this moment, the lonely soul is desperately stimulating the power in the body. The speed has simply reached an unprecedented level, and the cicada wings behind it are flickering frequently, and they have disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

Not long after the lonely soul left, the blood coffin in the sky finally roared unwillingly and disappeared without a trace on the high sky.

However, when the blood coffin disappeared, two lines of bloody characters suddenly lit up in the middle of the whole Huangshan Mountain!

The white grass perishes thousands of miles of yellow sand, and the white bones are buried in Huangshan!

The two lines of shocking blood-red characters on Huangshan exude the wild atmosphere of the ancient world and even the ancient flood and famine, and the pressed space is almost distorted! After a long time, these two lines of scarlet words dispersed, and at the same time, Huangshan, which was originally roaring and uneasy, returned to silence, but there seemed to be some changes on the top of Huangshan!


His grandfather's, this chapter is too difficult to write for more than two hours! Tragedy!

The grades hit me against the wall, and the editor's words made me even more crazy. It's not my fault that my grades are not good! Blame me for not recommending the website! Crazy ing!!!!!!!!!!