Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 88 Heaven is not to be leaked

"This gentleman, please come inside!" A beautiful woman about 17* years old greeted her. There was no wind and dusty smile. There was only a comfortable smile on her face, red lips and teeth, and her eyes were clear. Very touching.

However, the lonely soul looks at the hand on his shoulder, but his heart is also a little **. This kind of woman's lethality is really a little strong! I'm afraid he can't stand it!

At the same critical moment, two beautiful women suddenly appeared, softer than the previous one and faster than the previous one. The mouth turned over and was reduced to be able to faint the lonely soul!

"Son, our hotel launched anniversary products today. As long as you stay in our hotel, we will not only provide you with good services, but also have mysterious gifts waiting for you!"

"Yes! Prince, this is the only chance. If you have to wait for the next time, I'm afraid it will be a hundred years later. Our hotel has been a century-old brand. I guarantee that you will stay for a good time, and you will always want to sleep!"


"Have you always wanted to sleep?"

The lonely soul has a feeling that he is really in the wrong position this time, and I'm afraid that he will go to the wrong bed soon, but before he responds, he wakes up from the muddle and finds himself standing in front of the counter!

At this time, the beautiful woman around her left, and the one in front of her, who was called a beautiful woman, woke up the lonely soul!

The round body is like a pillar, and the big head can definitely knock you down! At this time, the lonely soul has a feeling that he has stepped into the black shop. Maybe this black shop is not ordinary black!




After a few voices, the lonely soul reflected, and he came to live in the store.


Although the lonely soul looked at the smile full of spring breeze, it was as horrible as a knife hidden in a smile, and had to reply awkwardly!

"You came to stay in the hotel, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes!" At this time, the lonely soul just wants to solve the trouble in front of him quickly. He feels that it's better to live quickly. The black shop is black. Anyway, the most powerful thing is the robbery. If he calls others, he is not afraid. Anyway, the most powerful thing is that he is stronger than anyone else's fist!

"But may I ask, is it okay not to stay?" The lonely soul asked awkwardly. Although there were many guests here, the lonely soul still whispered, but he didn't expect that the boss's wife's voice was quite loud!

"Yes! OK!" Hearing that it was possible, the lonely soul hurried out, but at this time, the boss's wife said calmly, "But leave money at the door. This is the rule of our inn, prince, please look over there!"

The lonely soul couldn't help but stop awkwardly, but at the same time, it felt a bunch of strange eyes looking at him!

And the lonely soul is not strange, which is not surprising, but seeing the rules of the hotel, the lonely soul feels a little, but this is a black shop! It clearly says, but it seems to mean this. If you are close to the door of the inn, you must have the same food and accommodation. Otherwise, you can only go out after paying ten gold coins, and it seems that it is cheaper to stay in the store, which really makes the lonely soul a little embarrassed! There is no way, the lonely soul has to ask for a house to live in!

Although the rules here are a little strange, the conditions for living are also good, and the conditions are not generally good!

The residence is walking through the door, but it is like a separate courtyard, and the scenery inside is also beautiful.

The white jade passage, the golden high door, and above the railing, although the flowers, birds, fish and insects look very simple, they are outstanding, and the room is carved beams and painted buildings, which are golden and brilliant, but it is like a little wind and moon venue!

The housing is also spacious, fully furnished, and the display is very beautiful. There are all kinds of rare calligraphy and paintings on the wall, but the whole courtyard is not as noisy as the front end, very quiet, and this place is not a trace of wind and dust, extremely quiet!

The lonely soul cleaned up and washed it, but there was nothing to do. After lying down for a while, he fell asleep unconsciously. When he opened his eyes, it was dusk. A round of red sun hung in the sky, and the soft red light was all over the roof, which was very gorgeous!

At this time, the lonely soul also has nothing to do. After thinking about it, it's better to step forward to see if you can hear something useful! In the evening ahead, it was a time when the flow of people was active, but at this time it was noisy and noisy!

As soon as the lonely soul sat down, a child ran over and held the menu in his hand. Finally, he said a lot of dishes like popcorn. The lonely soul didn't even hear it clearly, so it was finished by others. At the same time, there were several dishes written on the menu, and those dishes were said randomly. There is really no way to say that the menu has been written, and there are some stubs in this menu, but it makes the lonely soul a little annoyed, so I have to give up!

At the same time, the lonely soul was attracted by a sound on a table not far away!

And there are three young people who are not very high in cultivation. According to the location of this underworld continent, they may have reached the cultivation of the true soul heaven!

"Have you heard that anyone who can reach the source of the sea of the underworld will get a treasure anyway, even if it is not the legendary treasure!"

"How do you know?"

"I heard that this came from a master of silence, and the man had been to the source of the sea of the underworld. Although he did not find the legendary treasure, he was a few powerful treasures!"

However, the people who heard this were booed. Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion in the whole restaurant, but some people asked suspiciously: "The masters of the silent sky, there are only a few masters of the silent sky we know in the eastern underworld! Who on earth told it? And it is said that those masters disdain to go to that place at all, and I heard one of my brothers say with my own ears that his master is Feiyunhe!"

And the people who heard Feiyunhe talked about it, and this round is nothing more than how powerful Feiyunhe is!

At this time, the man at that table smiled and said with a plain smile, "You don't know. I heard that Feiyunhe has set out for the source of the sea of the underworld a few days ago!" And everyone who heard this was even more talking about whether it should be a piece of the pie!

At this time, a yellow-skinned man stood up and clapped his palm, but said solemnly, "You may not know that I went to the city with Fei Yunhe, but I saw him go to the sea of the underworld!"

"What?" There was an exclamation immediately from the restaurant.

"Have you seen Feiyunhe?"


"It is said that Fei Yunhe came and went without a trace. How can he go into the city with you!"


Although there was a lot of discussion in the city, the man looked disdainful, then returned to his seat, made it again, and slowly chewed the plate of dishes, but the lonely soul noticed it early. The man has been refusing the plate of dishes. From just now, at least an hour or so, it is still the same plate. The dish didn't seem to have moved from beginning to end, but the lonely soul obviously saw the man moving chopsticks all the time! But this is a little strange! However, listening to the other party's words, Fei Yunhe is also a first-class powerful role, and looking at everyone's expressions, Fei Yunhe is by no means so easy to meet!

Looking at the delint man's disdainful appearance, everyone also sneered, and then argued with each other!

But the man's words are amazing. Every time he speaks, he will make everyone feel an indescribable impulse. Well, he opened his mouth again!

"Do you know what the legendary treasure is?"

This question was exchanged for everyone's stunned and silent!

"Do you know what it is?"

After a meal, everyone couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"That's right, but mine knows!"

"Do you really know?" Suddenly, someone asked suspiciously.

"Believe it or not, don't listen!"

Hearing the domineering tone of the weak man, everyone was also secretly shocked. At the same time, the man at the next table hurriedly picked up a pot of good wine and sent it over, and everyone was also ordinary. They presented good wine and vegetables one after another, but the lonely soul remained unchanged and still sat there drinking wine!

And the man took a look at the lonely soul, but did not continue to look at it for the second time!

However, he took a sip of wine, took two mouthfuls of vegetables, and then paused. Looking at the eager eyes of everyone, he slowly said, "Maybe everyone will guess that treasure, because it is a treasure that is as far from rumored and has a great connection to our eastern underworld!"

"What the hell is it?"

Finally, someone couldn't help it, but the bad man's eyes were angry, which made everyone glare at the man who interrupted his words. At the same time, the bad man continued to take a sip of wine and took two bites of dishes and said, "Maybe everyone will guess a treasure, because that thing is the same as rumors, and it is the same as our eastern dark place. There is a big implicated treasure!"

"What the hell is that treasure!"

Someone can't help it!

"Do I say it or you say it, then you say it!" The bad man said lukewarmly, and at the same time, everyone's eyes fought like a light bulb!

And the man came to the door of the store with a pot of wine in his hand, looked at the sky, and suddenly turned around and said, "That treasure is! I really can't say that the sky can't be revealed!"

After the man finished speaking, he lost his legs and disappeared in place, in exchange for endless scolding!

But the lonely soul looked at the crowd with a smile. He didn't say anything, but drank some wine. He felt that he didn't get any news, so he would go to his own room again!

But when the lonely soul returned to the house, he couldn't stop laughing. In the end, he cheated people's feelings by eating and drinking. This liar is too good!


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