Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 112 Black Lotus Bloom

"Dead brother! Humph, you dead pig, don't help me, and help pull that perse to that bird Tianshan! Humph, you think you can get rid of me like this. With my unique noses in heaven and earth, hum, you can't get rid of me!"

It was the little girl who spoke, but at this time the little girl smiled very evilly, and the little girl ran forward like a grazing, and within hundreds of feet in front of her, the little girl saw three figures, and among the three were his brother, and one was the pervert he said. Dude!

"I took advantage of myself and just want to leave. There's no way, hum! Unless you pay for my first kiss, I will pester you!"

The little girl followed closely. At this moment, she did not shout, but followed the three people and quickly swept in that direction, while the little girl kept a distance from the three people in front of her, neither getting close nor pulling away! At this time, Tianshan is already close in front of us, and it can only be reached in more than an hour at the speed of three people!

At the same time, the returned son and the man with the blood demon suddenly frowned and seemed to feel something. Looking at the lonely soul and the blood demon, they also seemed to think and look back, but when they looked back, they did not see anything. The three shook their heads and said nothing, and then continued to Go ahead! Tianshan is close at hand. Looking at the approaching Tianshan, the blood demon and Guihai are extremely happy. Maybe they will meet many familiar people here!

The two of them can meet, and they also believe that they can meet other people. Maybe it doesn't exist anymore, but most of them will at least eventually come together!

And when they stepped into Tianshan, they ran in that direction without hesitation, where it was said that Tianshan Snow Cave was located!

And when they stepped into that area, the first glance saw the lonely soul sitting there without saying a word and closing their eyes! And the feeling of the two, this guy's cultivation has improved again, and it seems to be very high! At this time, the lonely soul sitting seemed to have been checked and couldn't help raising its head. When it saw the returnee and the blood demon not far away, it couldn't help but be stunned, and then there was an indescribable feeling in my heart!

"Brother Soul!" The first time he realized it, Mr. Guihai couldn't help shouting Brother Soul, rushed forward, and tightened the original poster's lonely soul!

The two lived and died all the way from the Lotus Mountains and entered the Five elements sect and joined hands with each other. Although now, the lonely soul does not know what his cooperation is, it is no longer that relationship!

At the same time, the blood demon who came behind also held the hand of the lonely soul tightly and was also excited. It was really not easy to meet a fellow villager from a place here! Who is this? The lonely soul suddenly saw the person who didn't seem to know him not far away and asked! And Mr. Hai also quickly pulled the man and pointed to the lonely soul and said, "This is the lonely soul I often tell you. Practice is similar to the evil. I think your cultivation seems to have increased a lot recently!"

The lonely soul nodded and looked at the blood demon and the returned sea as if they were looking at themselves as if they were looking at a ghost. The lonely soul couldn't help smiling!

"You are also here to enter an unknown snow cave?" The lonely soul asked!

The two nodded, and at the same time, the man also introduced himself: "I'm Jiang Shang, a famous person on the East Coast in winter. I'm glad to meet you. I've heard you say you many times!"

The lonely soul also came back with a smile! At this time, the little girl who came from afar looked at Mr. Guihai and saw the intimate performance of the lonely soul, and there was no good feeling in her heart. She just cursed a pervert, but also slowly came over!

And the lonely soul looked at the little girl coming towards him, and couldn't help but be stunned, and then looked at several people!

At this time, the three of Mr. Guihai also seemed to find something wrong. Looking back at the little girl, Mr. Guihai was as if he had seen a ghost and was shocked! What are you running around, little girl?

"I want you to take care of it, you have to accompany my first kiss!" The little girl punted her head, but her appearance was super cute, but in front of so many people, the little girl seemed to have no scruples, which also embarrassed Mr. Guihai!" Lier!" It was the man called Jiang Shang who spoke, and the lonely soul couldn't help laughing in his heart when he heard the first kiss with me. This guy may have caused some romantic debt again!

"You boy has a good time! Is there this here? Before halfway, the lonely soul was cut off by the returned son of the sea!" Brother Soul! You know, I've always been honest. How can I do such a thing? This little girl just wants to cheat my people! I had no choice that time!"

When everyone heard Mr. Guihai say this, everyone laughed, and at the same time, the people around him who heard the conversation here couldn't help laughing secretly! And some of them couldn't help laughing!

But the little girl didn't care, but her mouth pouted and seemed to be about to cry!" Little sister, when do you think Guihai will take away your first kiss!" When the little girl heard the blood demon's such a joke question, she couldn't help blushing, but then straightened her chest and said with her head held high, "That night, you asked him!" Humph!"

At this time, Jiang Shang's face next to him was also heavy, and he roared, "Li'er!" Are you my brother? Why do you always look at outsiders and don't help me at all? I heard from my mother that after taking away my first kiss, I will follow him for the rest of my life. I don't want to be with this pervert for a lifetime, so I want him to pay back! Humph! If you are my brother, help me come back, or don't be my brother in the future!"

When Jiang Shang heard his sister talk like this, his face turned red, but he was unable to refute it. For a long time, he was no match for her sister. He couldn't help humming, but he didn't say anything more!

"Then how do you want me to compensate you?" Mr. Hai asked confusedly, how can the first kiss be compensated? What's more, how can he have his first kiss? He kept so many things that he intended to be normal, but he didn't expect to be taken away by this guy. Forget it if I don't look for you, you still come to me! Mr. Guihai is speechless at this moment!

"I don't know, anyway, you have to stay with me! Humph!" Jiang Li turned her head and said!

"Lier, nonsense, I haven't asked you yet? Why did you come here? Didn't Dad let you stay at home? Don't run around recently? Why are you here again!"

"What Dad said doesn't count, you have the final say, my mother promised me, let me come, huh!" Jiang Li puffed up her face, raised her little mouth, and said quickly. Jiang Shang stared and shouted, "Nonsense, this Tianshan Snow Cave can't go in at all with your cultivation. You'd better go back quickly. Although your father is closed, it doesn't matter what's up to your nature. What's more, my mother doesn't know you're here, otherwise, you won't want to take a step! Go back quickly!"

Jiang Li did not give Jiang Shang face at all. She still hummed a few times and stood there quietly, staring at Mr. Guihai, and was a little embarrassed to look at Mr. Guihai! However, he still stared at Mr. Guihai and didn't know what he was looking at.

"Have you seen enough?" Mr. Guihai couldn't bear to ask!" No! If you accompany me for the first kiss, I won't look at you!" The little girl's mouth turned quite hard!" How to compensate!" Mr. Guihai asked doubtfully, but he still didn't know how to compensate for the first kiss. How to compensate?

"I don't know. Anyway, you have to compensate me!" The little girl continues to be arrogant!" Grandpa, what a world, saving people can save such a strange thing, and let me pay for it! What am I going to pay for?" Mr. Guihai is almost crazy!

And listening to the lonely soul is unknown! However, Jiang Shang knew what was going on. Otherwise, he would not have met Mr. Guihai, and Jiang Shang finally knew what was going on!

It turned out that that day, when the waves of the sea of the eastern underworld were rolling and the dark clouds rolled, Jiang Li's path was broken, but she was accidentally beaten down by the evil waves. When Mr. Guihai passed by the coast, he saw Jiang Li, who was dying. There was really no choice but to use the most primitive method, artificial respiration, but this It doesn't matter when you take a breath. Not only did Jiang Shang's mother know, but also say that Mr. Guihai was plotting, but after several twists and turns, he finally understood what was going on, and Jiang Shang's family also apologized to Mr. Guihai, but Jiang Li has been pestering Mr. Guihai, saying that he took away her first kiss and wanted to compensate her!

has been haunted since I woke up!

And when the lonely soul hears this, it is also happy in his heart. It seems that the world is really impermanent! Such a thing happened!

"What the hell do you want to do!" The furious Guihai prince blushed and looked at Jiang Li. He didn't know what the little girl wanted to do, and he also saved people.

"First kiss with me!"

"How to compensate?"

Looking at the expressions of the two people, even Jiang Shang, who was so embarrassed that he couldn't be embarrassed at this moment, turned his head helplessly!

However, the little girl didn't know how to answer, so she had to look at Jiang Shang with watery eyes, but Jiang Shang didn't know what to do at this time! Stop it! Go home!" As soon as Jiang Shang said this, his watery eyes were suddenly covered by tears, and his eyes were like the flooding Yellow River, bursting the embankment!

The lonely soul was stunned, and the little girl really cried when she said she cried! Fortunately, I didn't provoke him. Now I have to see what Mr. Guihai will do!

"Don't cry! Good boy!" Jiang Shang was stunned. From childhood to childhood, he saw his sister cry countless times, and he was famous in his home. He cried no matter how he cried!

Hearing Jiang Shang coaxing so much, the little girl cried even more! Then don't go back and follow us! Don't cry!" Hearing this, Jiang Li's tears suddenly seemed to close the gate, and suddenly it cleared up after the rain! At the same time, he choked and said, "Brother! What you said is true! Don't lie to me!" The sound like singing made the lonely soul laugh! Laughing fart! Humph!' The lonely soul had to pretend not to hear it. Looking at the little girl's appearance, it's good enough not to provoke her. I'm afraid that the spear will be pointed at himself again!

At the same time, from around Tianshan, a large number of light spots like starlight suddenly appeared. Although the number of light spots is not large, they are dazzling, and they have fallen to Tianshan Mountain in the blink of an eye, like a meteor cutting through the sky!

It's such a fast speed that even the lonely soul can't help but be shocked, but this speed is comparable to that of itself! At this time, Jiang Shang's face also changed! At the same time, the lonely soul also felt a pressure, and his face also changed, and returned to normal in an instant!

And the dozens of rays of light are like causing an unimaginable pressure, like a huge storm, roaring!

At this moment, the faces of everyone here have changed, and all the practitioners have changed their faces slightly. Even those old monsters who have come here for many years have changed slightly, but in addition to the blood demon, the blood demon at this moment is disdainfully looking back and down!

Who the hell came here? He was so powerful. He was secretly surprised, but he was just surprised!

At this time, the lonely soul found that the people who came here came from the sword, and the dazzling brilliance was the sword spirit emanating from the sword! What a strong sword spirit!

The sword is amazing! Mr. Guihai said disdainfully! With the arrival of dozens of swords, all the practitioners made way one after another, but this scene shocked the lonely soul. Who will be the person who came? It is so powerful and makes many practitioners so afraid!

And this scene is spectacular, and the pressure, more of which is obviously a demonstration!

At the same time, in dozens of swords, there is a huge evil beast crawling, but above this beast is a man lying horizontally. The man's eyebrows stand horizontally, and behind him is the silver halo circulating on this huge iron sword, which is extremely dazzling!

Who will that person be?

When the lonely soul looked at the man, the man's eyes also looked at the lonely soul. After staring at the lonely soul for a few times, he did not say anything, but sat quietly on the evil beast, compared with his eyes!

There are as many as nine people on both sides, and no one behind them is also this huge sword. Although it is not as exaggerated as that person, the shape and color are generally the same, and the momentum emanating from it is not weak!

"Kowloon Iron Sword!" It seems that someone around has recognized the identity of several people, but the lonely soul doesn't know what's going on!

"Dragon Sword, what a big show! Hahaha!" It's the blood demon who speaks!" Hahaha, thank you for the compliment. It's okay, it's okay!" The one called Dragon Sword did not say anything, but smiled gently and said to the blood demon!

"Don't be modest. Although you have disappeared in recent years, I still guessed that you will appear today. I didn't expect that your nine apprentices are getting more and more decent, all really like real dragons!" The words of the blood demon can't be heard whether they are respectful or sarcastic, but the smile is happy enough!

"My nine apprentices, hahaha, thank you for the compliment. It's okay, it's okay!" This dragon sword is passable one by one, but it is a little aggrieved by the blood demon! But he didn't talk anymore!

But at the same time, the dragon sword suddenly spoke!

"Brother Blood Demon, I heard that you got a piece of blood like jade, but I don't know if it's still there?" Hearing this, the blood demon flashed in his eyes, but then laughed!

"Brother Long is joking. My blood demon has been in the sea of the underworld and has not been born for many years. Today, if it weren't for the Tianshan snow cave, I wouldn't have come here. Where can there be any bloody treasures? If there are, I will come here to be greedy!" Speaking of this, he laughed wildly, which seemed to be very funny!

At this moment, the life-saving disciple around the dragon sword seemed to be angry, but when he was nestled by the dragon sword, he couldn't help but look angry!

It's a little strange for the lonely soul to look at all this. It's been a while since I've been here! Why don't you seem to have heard about these two people? However, the eastern underworld is also an ancient place, and there must be many great magical people among them, like the two people in front of them. The lonely soul can't see their cultivation at all!

It seems that the cultivation of the two must not be weak, otherwise they will not be able to see it!

At the same time, there was a roar at the end of Tianshan, but the roar became more and more violent, but finally it was like the collapse of the sky, with a loud noise! The sound was almost connected, connecting the sky and spreading nothingness. The whole Tianshan Mountain was full of endless roaring. At the same time, at the end of the day, a black lotus suddenly floated!

And the black lotus is surrounded by dark clouds, not a roar! And in the roar, there were countless virtual statues around, but they were extremely vicious, and the black lotus did not enter, and the roar and debate intensified into all the ears of everyone, like muffled thunder. At this moment, everyone looked at the distance in horribly, not knowing who would be!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are condensed in the black lotus! At this time, everyone can also clearly feel the violent roar from the black face!

The sound was extremely harsh, like a ghost crying and howling, but at the moment the sound appeared, suddenly the black face trembled around, as if it were pulled by some force, slowly blooming!

Black lotus blooms! What will be inside? All the people looked there in surprise with different looks!

Although it is not clear what will be in it, the lonely soul feels that it is not an old monster, but it must be something evil, but it will be something to wait and see. It seems that this trip to the snow cave will be difficult!

Thinking of this, the lonely soul is also shocked. Time doesn't wait for people, but no matter what, you must finish your own thing first!

At this time, the returned son and the blood demon Jiang Shang and Jiang Li also looked at the place in surprise, with a look of horror! The lonely soul also looked up at the sky!


Updated today! Er! So tired!