reverse dome

Final speech

The final speech of the volume will be updated at the end of each volume, which is a summary!

Volume 1: Xiaohong

The first volume is mainly for the protagonist to appear, as well as some basic settings such as the mystery of Xiaohong's life and cultivation skills.

From the second volume, the veil of Tianyuan mainland has been gradually lifted. Xiaohong will also embark on the road of revenge and looking for lost memory. Many people say that revenge is too old-fashioned and immature. Here, the little monkey will talk to you about the birth of this article*. This is a dream of the little monkey since childhood. It's just a dream. Xiaohong is the protagonist in the little monkey's dream. The little monkey wants to use the reverse dome to tell everyone about a dream in his heart when he was a little, a simple dream.

Well, that's all. I hope everyone will continue to support the little monkey. Thank you!

The second volume will start tomorrow, Mohai.

Finally, say weakly, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.3.24

Volume II: Mohai

Finally finished writing the second volume, and this volume introduced the Demon Sect. As mentioned in the article, it can be seen that this sect is not a famous sect. From their style, it can be seen that the truth is the same. A generation of master Mohai disappeared, and I don't know how many former brilliant figures are also in the Demon Sect. Die in this plan...

Let's talk about the main points of this volume. First, Xiaohong got the blazing fire beads, and then the two big seals of Mohai, which were his support for a long time in the later period, which was called the Golden Finger in the novel world. Here it is revealed that Xiaohong will change the so-called golden finger before he gets the ultimate golden finger. As for what the ultimate golden finger is, everyone will slowly look at it. Haha, it's a suspense.

I almost forgot that our heroine Mengxuan also appeared. This character was not imagined by the little monkey. She has a prototype, but the plot needs to be changed by the little monkey. As for who the prototype is... (Haha, the little monkey doesn't have a girlfriend, don't think about it)

Er, it's a little too much to say. Maybe it's because it just broke out. Well, that's it. Finally, I hope you will support the little monkey as always. The little monkey can only work hard to dedicate better works to you. The little monkey is still a newcomer. There must be any shortcomings. Please point out that I will definitely correct it!

The third volume begins tomorrow, the Holy Evil Pearl.

Finally, say weakly, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.04.11

Volume III: Holy Evil Pearl

At the end of the third volume, the little monkey originally wanted to focus on describing the feelings between Xiaohong and Yiyi, but without Xiao Ding's writing, he could not write that feeling. As a result, the focus was on the improvement of Xiaohong's strength. The little monkey still needs to exercise.

This volume is also seen in the name of the holy evil beads, which is the last magic array of Yuanying soul-eating array. The holy evil beads include blazing fire beads and Yuanying soul-eating array, which will be a powerful support for Xiaohong across the Tianyuan continent.

The first three volumes are a large volume, which frames all the systems of the Tianyuan Continent. From the next volume, the plot will unfold, pits will appear one by one, and pits will also be filled. The name of the next volume has been said at the beginning of this volume. Yes, it is Baizong Huiwu. Have you guessed it?

The fourth volume will start tomorrow, Baizong will be martial arts! Let's take a look at the dragon dance between the geniuses of the major sects. How Xiaohong beat the heroes and won the laurel. Everything is in the next volume.

Finally, it's still that sentence, weakly say, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.04.27

Volume IV: Baizong Huiwu

The fourth volume is finally over. Writing this volume is the most tiring for the little monkey, because it has been Cavin many times in the middle. I don't know if everyone is satisfied?

Well, let's talk about this volume. This volume is about how Xiaohong beat the heroes and won the final championship. After writing, I reviewed it and found that Xiaohong was a little perverted. I can't help it. Who made his foundation so thick, and there is the protagonist's aura, quack.

To get back to the main story, the next volume of the Demon Sect is about to appear. Let's see how Xiaohong fights against the Demon Sect? Why is it regarded as a traitor to the right path? Everything is in the next volume.

Finally, it's still that sentence, weakly say, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.5.11

Volume 5: Peak Showdown

When I uploaded it today, I found that I didn't write the after-volume speech of the fifth volume.

This volume is the confrontation between Xiaohong, the righteous genius, and the genius of the Demon Sect, and the confrontation between the two geniuses. I don't know if you have guessed the final ending. Blood-eating is Haohao. Ha ha, blood-eating still plays a great role in the back. Ha ha, this can only be revealed. The next volume of Phantom has begun to be uploaded. Guess what the ultimate magic weapon is.

There is also a reason why Xiaohong became a traitor of the right path in the end. Why is it mentioned later? Well, that's all.

Finally, it's still that sentence, weakly say, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.7.1

Volume 6: Phantom

The sixth volume ended yesterday, and it felt so fast that it ended one volume. There are a lot of foreshadows left in the last volume, which will be slowly dug out later. Let's talk about this volume. It is written that Xiaohong got the gift he gave him in his previous life. Future practice will get twice the result with half the effort, and it is also a disaster of killing. The plan of the Demon Sect is also about to start, all of which are revealed in the seventh volume.

Everything pays attention to Volume 7. I hope you can continue to support the little monkey. Your support is my motivation.

Finally, it's still that sentence, weakly say, collect, red tickets, rewards, the little monkey's eternal motivation, come on...

PS: written on 2011.1.11