reverse dome

Chapter 17 Yin and Yang Spirit Lock

At this time, Xiaohong walked in the familiar and strange black wind forest. He didn't know how many times he had walked in this mountain. The strangeness was a few years, and there was a slight difference in it. Conquering the forest of the Black Wind is the dream of every hunter's village hunter. Xiaohong firmly believes that his current strength can conquer him. The body of the Neidan period is to meet the eight-winged purple python that was swallowed by him. He also has the confidence to fight with one, unlike the fear and resistance when he saw it before.

Xuantianzong is located on the northwest border of Tianyuan mainland, while Yaozong is in the far east, that is to say, Xiaohong wants to go to Yaozong to at least cross Tianyuan mainland. There is a long and narrow canyon in Tianyuan Continent, which crosses things and separates the gathering place of practitioners and fierce beasts from north to south. This narrow canyon is a forbidden place in Tianyuan Continent called Death Canyon.

It is like a ferocious beast, constantly devouring any life that goes there, because of the existence of this natural mat, and the cultivation and the fierce beast maintain relative peace. Otherwise, it is strange that the relationship between the two natural enemies does not fight all year round. Compared with the Death Canyon, the Black Wind Forest is only a pediatrician, but Xiaohong must cross the Black Wind Mountains to go to Yaozong on this trip, and he also took the opportunity to complete the dreams of all the hunters in his hunter's village.

Xiaohong carefully walked in the depths of the forest of the black wind. This is already a forbidden place for hunters' villages. Xiaohong has to be careful. If he meets the wolves again, there will be no psychic to come to rescue him.

Walking in the Black Wind Mountains like this, a sudden beast roar attracted Xiaohong's attention.

The deafening roar made the trees next to it tremble, and even the leaves fell down a few pieces.

Xiaohong was shocked and gently rubbed his ears. "This is not the roar of a tiger. I'm so afraid. It's worthy of the depths of the black wind forest."

Then Xiaohong carefully walked from the sound source. Xiaohong lay among the grass and looked at the scene in the distance!

There are four monsters there, which seem to be fighting. Three of them are wind leopards. It seems that these three are obviously one side.

And on the other side, Xiaohong looked over and was speechless in shock.

"This is... a white-striped tiger!" Xiaohong's heart twitched fiercely. The white-striped tiger is definitely the existence of the king among tiger beasts, especially when Xiaohong saw a golden pattern on the white-striped tiger, which is a pattern that only appears when the white-striped tiger reaches the Neidan period, that is to say, the white-striped tiger in front of him is the existence of the Neidan period. Tiger beasts are all good at strength, especially white-striped tigers.

The three wind leopards in front of them have a lot of injuries and have been bleeding. They should have been scratched by the white-striped tiger. There was even a smaller wind leopard, whose body was torn off a piece of meat. And the white-striped tiger is not much better. In the face of the extremely fast wind leopard, which is famous for its strength, there is nothing it can do.

"These three wind leopards should have a grudge against this white-striped tiger. Wait until there is a bargain to pick up at the end. Xiaohong thought to himself. As a hunter, he liked to see these fierce beasts fighting and then come out to pick up cheap.

"Roar..." Another roar, he couldn't catch them, and the white tiger was angered.

At this time, the white tiger's mouth opened slightly, condensing huge energy. It condensed in an instant and shot at one of the smaller wind leopards. The wind leopard was the most seriously injured.

No matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as the speed of the trick. So as soon as the white tiger opened its mouth, they already knew what was wrong and quickly dispersed.

However, the white tiger's attack locked the target and followed the leopard all the time. No matter how much it dodges, it can't get rid of the lock of the white tiger. The wind leopard seemed to know that he could not avoid it. Looking at the two wind leopards, his eyes were full of determination and madness.

I saw it rushing towards the white-striped tiger, and it immediately arrived in front of the white-striped tiger.

The explosion remembered that the leopard slowly fell down. Its body was already bloody and scorched, with a large area of bare fur. However, it is obvious that his goal has been achieved. It contained the white-striped tiger.

Two sounds, two dark shadows flashed, and two deep wounds suddenly appeared on the white-striped tiger's body, which was its most serious injury. The blood in the wound was like running water. At this time, its eyes were a little dim and its footsteps were a little frail.

The death of the partner made the leopard very crazy, and the speed was even more fully displayed. One after the other, it surrounded the white-striped tiger. One of them suddenly rushed forward and rushed to the front of the white-striped tiger, and one of its front paws grabbed the white-striped tiger's eyes fiercely.

The white tiger roared again, stretched out its front paws and waved forward vigorously. The wind leopard surprisingly did not dodge, dodged the key point, and the momentum did not decrease. The white-striped tiger's claws caught the waist of the wind leopard, and the blood splashed. With a force, it went a little deeper.

The leopard stretched out its head, and its sharp teeth immediately bit the white-striped tiger's neck.

Another wind leopard, seeing that the wind leopard bit the white-striped tiger, immediately rushed forward and grabbed the back of the white-striped tiger with its claws.

At this time, the white-striped tiger was bitten by the neck by the wind leopard and could not move. His claws grabbed the leopard's body vigorously, and deep bone wounds kept appearing on the wind leopard. However, the leopard was determined to die, and it was difficult for the white-striped tiger to break free for a while.

Facing the high score behind, the white tiger kicked it violently.

"Well..." was kicked by the hind leg, and there was another wound on the wind leopard behind.

Although the wind leopard behind "tear-" had an extra wound, it pulled down a large piece of meat from the white tiger, and at the same time bit the other hind leg of the white tiger.

The scene suddenly stiffened. A white tiger was caught in the middle by two wind leopards. One of the front paws of the white tiger was in the body of the leopard in front of him, and the other kept grasping it. And the leopard bit the tiger's neck and kept its front paws on the tiger's chest. The leopard in the back bit the tiger's hind leg, and its two claws were grabbing the tiger's standing leg.

"Creeching..." With a force, the wind leopard behind finally bit off one of the hind legs of the white-striped tiger.

The white tiger was in pain, and the other leg kicked back randomly. It immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground. The wind leopard behind saw the opportunity and rushed over. His claws were aimed at the white-striped tiger's neck and stabbed forward, but was kicked away by the latter. The wind leopard in front of him couldn't stand the tearing of the white-striped tiger. His stomach was punctured, blood flowed all over the ground, and even his intestines were exposed. Finally, he was unwilling to fall into the pool of blood.

However, the huge wound on the neck of the white-striped tiger made it breathe bigger and thicker, and even slowed down significantly. Its body twitched for a while and stopped moving.

A battle between the white-striped tiger and three leopards won at the cost of two deaths and one serious injury. This kind of struggle is very common in the forest.

Xiaohong sighed secretly that even a white-striped tiger of the Inner Dan period could not fight three wind leopards close to the Inner Dan period, but these four fierce beasts unfortunately met Xiaohong, and now the battle is over. Xiaohong rushed from the grass to the only surviving wind leopard.

How can the wind leopard, which has been extinguished, be Xiaohong's opponent? Even if it is not Xiaohong's opponent during the victory period, it has been cleaned up by Xiaohong in a few times. Looking at the three bodies on the ground, the bombed charred one doesn't count. Xiaohong smiled and made a lot of money this time. And he accidentally got a Neidan.

In a cave, Xiaohong refined the blood of three corpses. He found that since the awakening of that memory, his understanding of combat skills and Taoism has reached a higher level. It is also more convenient to control the flames. It is easy to refine the body of the fierce beast and get the blood. It is as easy as not to beg others anymore.

At this time, there is a red ** suspended in front of Xiaohong's eyes, which is the blood of the three fierce beasts. With the last drop of ** disappearing into the red **, it means that the blood of the three fierce beasts is fully refined by Xiaohong. A purple light suddenly lit up in Xiaohong's chest, and the blood fell into his chest with the purple light.

Against the sky, the magical skills in memory, the first step to practice is to conclude the golden elixir, the inner elixir and the divine elixir. The golden elixir is the crystallization of magic power, the inner elixir is the crystallization of power, but the divine elixir is the crystallization of soul power. Cultivation of this skill is actually the foundation. If it hadn't been for the skill created in the previous life and deeply planted in the soul, Xiaohong would not have looked at it, how could there be such a harsh skill.

Because there is no huge blood to refine into strength, we can only rely on swallowing the blood of fierce beasts to refine the gas.

"Blood Refining Curse" is a skill in Xiaohong's memory that is specially used to refine the blood of fierce beasts and refine it into strength. With him, he solves a lot of troubles of Xiaohong. If he practices the inner elixir, he will also break the laws of the practitioner and become the first practitioner in history to determine the inner elixir.

Continue to refine this and that group of blood according to the method of blood refining spells, and a steady stream of strength converged in Zhongdantian. Looking at the inner elixir in front of him, the inner elixir is the essence of the strength of the fierce beast. Xiaohong's heart was cruel, carried the blood refining spell and refined it.

This internal elixir actually has little effect on Xiaohong. The refining of the animal power on the body is already a drop in Xiaohong, and if he has swallowed the internal elixir of the internal elixir period and then devours the internal elixir of the internal elixir period, it will have no effect. It is better to refine it.

Neidan deserves to be the essence of the strength of the fierce beast. Once the Neidan was refined, a powerful force suddenly poured into the middle Dantian. Soon the whole Dantian was like the beginning of chaos, red, constantly squeezing Dantian. In the face of this situation, Xiaohong has been prepared for a long time, and the power of his soul gushed out of his eyebrows, just like the last compression of mana, constantly compressing the strength of Dantian. As the power of the soul reached the peak of the valley period, a red cyclone appeared in Zhongdantian.

Looking at the red cyclone, Xiaohong's face couldn't help but be solemn, and the most critical moment came. It is a law that practitioners can't make internal elixir, just like fierce beasts can never make golden elixir. But the anti-heaven decision is just like its name, which has the power against the sky, and there is a method recorded in it, called Yin and Yang Tianling Lock. You can lock all the strength in a specific space and finally form an inner elixir.

A purple space in Xiaohong's Zhongdantian, which is a special space locked by Yin and Yang Tianling. Xiaohong calls that special space: Purple World. At this time, he was controlling the whole cyclone to move to the purple boundary. It is still very difficult to control the whole cyclone with the power of his current soul. The cyclone is now very stable. If you are not careful, everything will disintegrate, all the strength will return to nothing, and the previous hard work will be in vain.

He carefully controlled the power of the soul to separate countless thin lines, slowly moved the cyclone to the purple world, highly concentrating on consuming a large amount of soul power, and large drops of sweat kept falling from his body and falling into his eyes without thinking of wiping it. Gradually, the distance between the cyclone and the purple world became closer and closer, and Xiaohong's spirit became more and more focused. He stared at the cyclone for fear that something would cause the cyclone to disintegrate and everything would start again.

getting closer and closer, Xiaohong's heart raised his throat, and suddenly the cyclone fluctuated, which shocked him with a cold sweat, but he immediately recovered and slowly rotated to make him breathe a breath. When he was constantly suffering from the chaos, Xiaohong gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and controlled the cyclone to plunge into the purple world.

"Wow, hoo..." He gasped and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He succeeded. Under his inner vision, the red cyclone slowly rotated in the purple world. Xiaohong found for the first time that the rotating cyclone was so cute and charming.

Suddenly, a friction sound sounded, and Xiao Hong pricked up his ears to listen carefully. His heart sank, and someone approached the cave.