reverse dome

Chapter 18 Passinggong

"Senior, are you all right?" In a cave, Xiaohong and Mengxuan carefully supported Mohai and sat down. Because Xiaohong's mana was exhausted, only Mengxuan kept injecting her mana into Mohai's body and took out a few elixir to swallow it.

After the battle just now, Xiaohong had no malice towards Mohai. If it hadn't been for Mohai, the two would have died long ago. Those two pieces of gold paper exerted amazing power in Mohai's hands. Xiao Hong didn't expect that the gold paper that almost harmed him in his eyes was a very powerful magic weapon. However, why did Mohai make Xiaohong understand these two magic weapons?

Seeing that Mohai's face was no longer pale, Meng Xuan asked, "Senior, are those people from the Demon Sect?"

Mohai leaned against the wall of the cave and nodded weakly, "The little girl knows a lot. Look at your technique, your master should be him. I didn't expect that he hadn't seen him for hundreds of years. It's very good that he accepted an apprentice like you. If he can live this time, say hello to him for me. I haven't seen him for hundreds of years.

Seeing Mohai like this, Xiaohong felt a little uncomfortable. When he wanted to meet for the first time, Mohai gave him the feeling that he was a monk, but the second time he was strange, but his strength was amazing. In addition, he reminded Xiaohong of the old man in the Hunter Village, so although the time together was short, Xiaohong had a special feeling for him. But now he doesn't look like a monk. Instead, he looks like a late old man, remembering the feelings of the past.

"Senior, we will definitely be alive. You have to say hello to the teacher in person. I often hear him mention you." From Yiyi's shouting just now, Mengxuan knew the identity of Mohai. There are not many Mozi in Buddhism, and the contemporary Buddhist patriarch is Mozi, and her master often talks to her about a person, the disciple of the contemporary Buddhist patriarch is called Mohai.

Mohai smiled and said, "Your character is very similar to that of those years. No wonder I will take you as an apprentice. You are as kind as him, but you are more kind than him, haha.

Mohai said and seemed to think of the happy past and couldn't help laughing, laughing and touching the wound and coughing, which made Mengxuan have to increase her input power.

"Ky." Mohai looked at Xiaohong, and then looked very depressed and said, "How did you crack my mark? I really don't understand. You absolutely don't have the ability."

"Mark? What mark?" Xiaohong heard Mohai mention it many times.

Mohai took out the two pieces of gold paper and said, "It's the mark on it. When you give me a few fruits, the feelings in your eyes touched me, and I want to pass on your and my unique skills, the King Kong wheel seal and the unmovable king seal. And the mark on it will also be imprinted into your mind, which can make you practice these two seals with half the effort, but you inexplicably destroyed him. I'm afraid that if you don't learn, you will put a ecstasy spell on it again, so that the mark will be imprinted into your soul unconsciously, but who knows..."

"Inprint into the soul." Xiaohong exclaimed.

"Don't worry, there is no harm. After you master their essence, the mark will disappear by yourself."

After listening to Mohai's words, Xiaohong understood. No wonder the two were inexplicably sleepy. When they woke up, they saw that the two statues seemed to have lost their charm. It turned out that the mark was destroyed. Xiaohong, the person who destroyed the mark, probably guessed that there was a world in the depths of his soul, and he stayed in that world in his previous life. Every time Xiaohong practiced the four magical power, he had to go to this world to observe, and those two marks to be imprinted into the soul, I'm afraid they were destroyed by the previous life.

Xiaohong doesn't know what identity he was in his previous life, and how could make the two low-level marks coexist with Xiaohong's soul? Those two marks are not worthy at all.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe my ancestor gave me some magic weapon." Reincarnation is his biggest secret, so he has to find a reason to prevaricate.

"Ancestor? Which one is your ancestor? Wait, Blue Star Armor! Your ancestor can't be him, can he? When Mohai saw the blue star armor on Xiaohong's body, he suddenly remembered a person and couldn't help it. If it were him, it would be really possible.

"Since you are his disciple, I won't force you to learn from me. French seal?" After saying that, Mohai added, "That group of demons is for me. The seal chased me. He wanted to kill me and take my soul, and then used the method of soul search to kill two. The cultivation method of Fayin has been found.

The method of searching for souls is a very vicious Taoist method, which can forcibly invade the depths of people's souls. All secrets of the invaders are empty for the invaders. And the invaders will be doomed and will never be surpassed.

"Senior, how can this work? After all, this is the secret method of Buddhism. This place is not far from Xuantianzong. Let's go to Xuantianzong. When we arrive at Xuantianzong, they don't dare to mess around. This is one of Xiaohong's principles. Xiaohong will always be ashamed of his unique learning from Mohai for no reason, and now it is like robbing the fire.

"I know that my own body was seriously injured, and I just forcibly suppressed the powerful Buddha's Dharma, which has hurt the yuan god. I don't have much time, and now the pursuers are coming. If the two seals had not been too domineering, I would have passed them on to the little girl. And it's what I want to pass on to you. Others ask you what you're afraid of. Hearing that Xiaohong didn't learn, Mohai cursed. He seemed to forget what he had just said that he was not forced.

"Then I don't care. If you don't learn, you won't learn." Xiaohong shook his head, which is his rule.

"You..." Seeing Xiaohong's appearance, Mohai was so angry that he almost vomited blood and thought that he was also a generation of masters. His unique learning was not to learn it. "You want to annoy me, you bastard."

"You can scold whatever you want." Xiaohong was unmoved.

Meng Xuan also opened her mouth and persuaded, "Xiaohong, this is a kindness from the senior. Just accept it."

"No, this is my principle. Not to mention this, senior, there is a fierce beast near here. We lead them over and use the fierce beast to hold them, and then we take the opportunity to escape. Xiaohong doesn't want to say more about this topic. Yiyi's group of people have obviously focused on them. If they don't find a way to catch up sooner or later, they will not escape.

"You can't escape with me. After you learn my unique learning, I will let you escape safely." Mohai still does not give up. Only he knows about his body. Indeed, as he said, he injured the yuan god and his injury is very serious. I'm afraid he can't escape this disaster. He just doesn't want to lose his learning.

Yiyi and others who were chasing Mohai stopped in the air, reached out to take the bird-shaped magic weapon, and Yiyi ordered, "Search!"

"Yes." Everyone took the order, unfolded their bodies, turned into streamers and shot in all directions, and began a carpet search again. Because the soul realm of Mohai is higher than theirs, it is useless to search by spiritual knowledge. Moreover, Xiaohong has a hidden magic weapon, so they don't need to search for spiritual knowledge.