reverse dome

Chapter 7 Terrible Hurricane

Now that he made up his mind, Xiaohong immediately turned into a phantom and went straight to the hurricane canyon. Although Yiyi and others flew faster than Xiaohong, because of the natural advantage of the jungle, they had no choice but to catch up with Xiaohong for a while.

For a while, there was a chase in this primitive forest.

Xiaohong, who was running, gradually felt that the wind around him was getting stronger and stronger. The strong wind blew up his silver hair. With the help of the wind, Xiaohong exerted Ling Xu's slight steps to the extreme, leaving a shadow. Xiaohong could feel that the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and Yiyi and others naturally found that they didn't care at first, but later they gradually found that something was wrong.

"No, miss, that guy is heading towards Hurricane Canyon." A man in black quickly spoke out. They also knew about Hurricane Canyon and that Hurricane Canyon could send people to unimaginable places.

"He wants to use the particularity of Hurricane Canyon to ask us, damn it." The man in black who spoke before can guess Xiaohong's intention at once, but they can only be anxious. Because of the jungle, they have nothing to do with Xiaohong.

"Bak, his body is so terrible. Is he an orc?" After all, Yiyi is knowledgeable. He can see that Xiaohong relies on the power of the body to run.

Xiaohong, who was running fast, suddenly stopped. In front of him was a cliff. Looking down from the top, he could not see the bottom. Suddenly stopped because of running. Under inertia, several stones on the ground were rubbed and rolled down into the abyss, and they did not hear the echo for a long time. Seeing this, Xiaohong's face changed. Although he had thought of the particularity of the hurricane canyon, Xiaohong couldn't help swallowing his saliva in the face of the abyss.

Jump or not!

"Ye Xiaofan!" Yiyi's cold roar came. Xiaohong looked back at them with a warm smile on his face, then closed his eyes and jumped into the abyss. As soon as Xiaohong jumped down, a sword light crossed his head, and several silver hairs fell in the wind, accompanied by Xiaohong's falling body.

Yiyi stamped her feet on the flying sword, cursed secretly, and flew over.

Suddenly, the wind is blowing.


Under the abyss, a dark hurricane suddenly appeared, and the roaring wind roared between heaven and earth. As soon as the hurricane came out, the sky and the clouds surged, and the thick dark clouds slowly pressed down from the sky, as if they were pressing on people's hearts. A feeling of depression made people feel very uncomfortable.

The hurricane wanted to swallow the bloody mouth of the ferocious beast and ruthlessly swallowed Xiaohong, Yiyi and others. In the hurricane, Xiaohong felt that the sky was spinning, and the wind was fierce, and he kept cutting on him like a knife.


A wind blade crossed Xiaohong's arm, and a few drops of blood floated through Xiaohong's eyes. Xiaohong's body is in the late stage of the inner elixir. The wind blade can actually cut his skin, and the power of the wind blade can be seen.

Looking at the blood droplets floating in front of his eyes and his arms, Xiaohong's heart was shocked. He thought of a sentence in the description of Hurricane Canyon on the map. Powerful hurricanes can even be killed in the underworld.

"It won't be so memorized." Xiaohong smiled bitterly. Last time he wanted to escape with the help of the fierce beast, he was besieged and killed by others. If it hadn't been for the outbreak of Mohai regardless of life and death, several people would have died long ago. This time I wanted to escape with the help of the hurricane, but I encountered the most powerful hurricane. Xiaohong couldn't help sighing at the sky, "Is my character so bad?"

Thinking about it, the mana surged out, and the magic seal on the hand kept changing, and the king's seal was not moved. The appearance of a golden Dharma phase protects Xiaohong, but this Dharma phase can barely see the outline. Without the vast magic power, Xiaohong can't even manifest the Dharma phase of the King of Ming.

With the help of Wuming Wang Xiaohong, he barely stabilized his body. He took the opportunity to take a look at Yiyi. At this time, they each operated their own forces and used defensive means. A bell-like light and shadow lit up Yiyi's body. Xiaohong saw this light and shadow once. Even when he used the sword charm last time, he didn't have to think about it. This was her defense magic weapon.

At this time, only Yiyi can be calm. He takes the advantage of protecting himself and slowly moves to Xiaohong. Although the latter was anxious, he had no choice but to watch Yiyi get closer in the hurricane at this time.

Seeing that the distance between the two is shrinking, Xiaohong is becoming more and more anxious, but Yiyi's smile is getting brighter and brighter.

Ten meters, eight meters, five meters, three meters...

kept approaching, and when it was only one meter, Yiyi stopped. A black light on his hand kept condensing, and there was a cold smile on his face, "Take your life."

Yiyi was in the late stage of Yuanying. The two were so close, and she had enough time to condense the attack. When fighting with the fierce beast, the practitioners dare not let the fierce beast get close to them. Similarly, the fierce beast does not dare to let the practitioners have enough time to condense Taoism. The reason is very simple, because the longer the practitioners condense the Taoism, the more powerful they will be. And once the first powerful Taoism is exerted, the subsequent Taoism will be like a torrential river and endless.

The black light in Yiyi's hand wriggling turned into a dark snake and bit Xiaohong through the light and shadow of the bell. Suddenly, a hurricane suddenly blew, the wind blade stirred, and the transformed black snake was suddenly crushed.

"You are lucky, and you won't be so lucky next time." Yiyi snorted coldly.

Xiaohong didn't listen to Yiyi's sneer and stared behind Yiyi, and his face changed dramatically. Seeing Xiaohong's face changing dramatically, he stared at his back and turned his head to look. At this glance, their pupils suddenly shrank, and a hurricane that was even bigger than now was slowly approaching them.

The huge hurricane is as dark as ink, roaring, and the consequences of being involved in this hurricane can be imagined.


The sad shouts sounded with the arrival of the dark hurricane. The dark hurricane was like a meat grinder. All the people in black were spared and turned into meat crumbs one by one under the dark hurricane. The body was destroyed, and Yuanying was exposed to the hurricane. Even the body could not stop the erosion of the hurricane, not to mention the fragile Yuanying, who was instantly hanged to fly ashes.

Yuanying is like a second life for practitioners. If Yuanying is destroyed and leaves Yuanying, she can also practice. This kind of practitioners are called scattered practitioners and are special beings among practitioners. However, under the violent hurricane, the man in black had no chance.

The hurricane came ruthlessly, and after a while, only Xiaohong and Yiyi were left. In the face of such a hurricane, Yiyi also changed color. He quickly carried up his power and constantly injected it into the magic weapon, only to escape the disaster. According to the magic weapon, Xiaohong did not have it. The half-hanging unmoved king seal did not play a role in the slightest obstruction under the hurricane, just like paper paste and was destroyed in an instant.

The seal of the King Fuming was destroyed, and Xiaohong, who was pulled, snorted. His mana and strength were injected into the Blue Star Armor, which was his only decent defense weapon. A wind blade passed like lightning at night and hit the blue star armor fiercely. Suddenly, the blue light of the body kept shaking. It seems that either next time or next time, it can't be prevented, and the shadow of death will suddenly cover Xiaohong.