reverse dome

Chapter 19 Legal Empty

After returning to the resting place, Xiaohong quietly meditated and digested the power of Yuanying's soul-eating array. No one knew that Han Liu had been killed by Xiaohong and evaporated from then on earth. Where he rested, Xiaohong held his cheek and meditated. Tomorrow he will fight against Fakong. This is the most difficult battle since the conference, and he had to be careful. I can't help thinking of the past test of Fakong.

masculine and indestructible. This idea came to Xiaohong's mind.

Dharma space cultivation is the Diamond Sutra in the Buddhist scriptures, from the beginning to the sun. Vajra is the guardian of the Buddha. The Vajra Sutra has four realms, and I don't know what realm the Dharma has reached. If it's the third level, Xiaohong doesn't have to go, just admit defeat directly.

The first two layers of the Diamond Sutra are from Yang to Gang, and the last two layers are indestructible. Cultivating to an invincible state is a real understanding of the essence of the Diamond Sutra. Each move is indestructible, the mountain landslides and the earth are cracked, and the rivers are broken in one thought. Its power can be imagined. Unless it is possible to stop it by practicing the same powerful magical power, everything will be in vain.

Xiaohong also has magical power. The four magical power is the magical power in the magical power, but what makes Xiaohong embarrassed is that he can handle none of the four magical power. The ethereal swordsmanship is at least small, but now he hasn't even touched the fur, and the two magical power are useless. The same is true of the anti-sky palm. Although I have understood a little skin, it is okay to take it out to fight against Han Liu and other practitioners, which is a little dwarfed by Fakong and others who also have peerless magical power.

Forget the last purple-eyed silver pupil. This peerless magic power is sealed in the tearless city. Xiaohong still doesn't know what it is, let alone practice. The four magical powers are like waste wood for Xiaohong. Looking back on the past two wars, one is to fight against the siege of Yiyi and others, relying on the power obtained by Mohai using secret methods, and the other is to fight against the death canyon against the two fierce beasts, relying on Yuanying soul-eating array.

The four peerless magical powers are powerful cannons for Xiaohong, but he can't light them. In this way, the cannon is not as powerful as a kitchen knife.

"This will be a fierce battle." Xiaohong sighed that my only advantage now is that my body is strong. I not only have Taoism, but also have combat skills. "It depends on whether your Vajra is strong or my body is terrible."

The next day, the conference was held as scheduled. Naturally, the most eye-catching one was Xiaohong and Fakong. This was the first match between the six masters. The competition had not yet been held, and the venue was already crowded.

All those who can reach the top eight are masters, and among them, the six masters are recognized as the most, and Xiaohong is the most concerned. He is the only person in the Yuanying period. Xiaohong is the only one who can go to the top eight in the Yuanying period. He has broken the record of the conference.

Fakong is wearing a red jacket with a gold edge today. Although he is thin and weak, he is not dignified. Perhaps it is the reason for practicing the most masculine Diamond Sutra, which gives people a feeling of not being angry and intimidated.

On the field, Fakong looked at Xiaohong with a solemn face and put his hands together and said, "I heard from the master that you have got the true biography of Uncle Mohai. I don't know if you can fight against me with Buddhism."

The scene was in an uproar, and a Buddhist practicer actually asked a true practicer to test the Dharma.

"Buddha?" Xiaohong was stunned and then nodded and said, "Okay."

This suddenly made the scene boil, and Xiaohong actually agreed. Xiaohong promised that he did not agree at will. He got the true biography of Mokong, and there were two Buddha's marks deep into the sea of consciousness, which made him understand the two Buddha's laws very quickly. In the place where the Buddhas died, purifying the yin spirit made him understand the Dharma to a higher level.

Now more than 50 years have passed since the spread of his two Dharma, and the mark has disappeared. The mark is not permanent, and its existence is time-limited. Otherwise, any master will fall and find a better-talented apprentice to pass on his lifelong understanding into a mark to his apprentice. In a few hundred years, the apprentice will have the master's cultivation, and after thousands of years of practice, he will find an apprentice to imprint.

It's okay to go on so endlessly. However, this happens in some sects, which is for the rapid rise, and it will not happen in the big sects. Because this limits the development of real geniuses. After all, other people's is other people's. Everyone has a different way. From a long-term perspective, it is unwise. And these two Dharma are Mohai's lifelong painstaking efforts, and Xiaohong can't bear to accept Mohai's preaching because of his lost transmission and feelings with Mohai.


The huge boundary suddenly dispersed, and the game was about to begin. The venue this time has not changed, which is the huge martial arts platform. This is the common requirement of the two, and there is no need for some strange terrain to compare Buddhism.

The two looked at each other and sat down far away. The Dharma space moved first, the formula changed, and an angry-eye King Kong appeared. The King Kong is eight feet tall, and its whole body is burned like gold, blooming dazzling golden light and shining in the sun. King Kong was not angry and arrogant. He held a huge maze and waved the wind. It would be uncomfortable if he was hit by it.

"Please give me some advice." Fakong put his hands together and said slowly.

"I dare not." Xiaohong is calm and plain, and there is even a divine charm of God and Buddha laughing, which is indescribable. Everyone was stunned, and they suddenly found that Xiaohong and Dharma seemed to have no disadvantage in the comparison of Buddhism, but seemed to have the upper hand. Xiaohong, a disciple of Xuantian Sect, has such a high understanding of Buddhism and has a new understanding of his strength.

In addition to this, he is curious about his identity. His body is strong, and the cultivation of Taoism and Buddhism is not weak, which no one can do.

A golden light burst out of Xiaohong's body, and a round of magic | wheel gradually manifested from the golden light, which was the golden wheel of the sun. The big sun golden wheel is a little different from the past, with countless inscriptions engraved on it, shining this faint golden light. The golden light flowed above, and the ancient breath came out of it. The weakness of cultivation among the spectators even felt a trace of inexplicable oppression from the wheel, which was extremely terrible.

Fakong was secretly shocked, "What the master said is really true. His understanding of Buddhism is extremely profound."

Although Fa Kong's heart was shocked, it did not appear on the surface. His mind moved, and the angry King Kong stepped forward fiercely with a huge mace. Suddenly, the earth shook, and the small cracks spread around with him as the center. The breath of the sun was stirring, and the huge mace hit Xiaohong heavily, with great momentum.

Meng Xuan, who was watching, tightened her heart, and Xiaohong stroked calmly, and the golden wheel of the sun kept vibrating and making a buzzing sound. A golden beam of light burst out, with an electric tongue wrapped around it, like a meteor going to the moon and bombarding the King Kong.


Countless gravel was stirred up in the boundary, and the dust all over the sky covered everyone's sight. After the dust fell, there was an uproar.