reverse dome

Chapter 26 F frustrated

The violent torrent of Taoism flooded Xiaohong in an instant, and Xiaohong's cold voice sounded behind them without waiting for them to eat blood.

"The speed is too slow!"

"What?" Blood-eating looked at their backs unbelievably, where Xiaohong looked at them coldly. He held a strange flower in his hand, which was the flower on the other side that Fawu had used before.

The flowers on the other side of Xiaohong's hand are extremely beautiful, shaking their hands, just like fairy scattered flowers, falling down pieces, and then accelerating in an instant and cutting at all the demon sect. Every crystal clear petal contains unimaginable power. The power of using this move with a cultivation comparable to the great period is simply earth-shaking. Xiaohong's understanding of Buddhism is a little higher than that of Dharma, and his mood is higher, so he has learned the unique skills he has used in these days. Moreover, Fawu has naturally taught him what he thinks is a Buddhist sect.

The beautiful petals flashed with the brilliance of business, dazzling, rotating pieces, roaring and cutting at many disciples of the Demon Sect.


A moment of scream sounded, and the low-level people who were close to Xiaohong were killed by the beautiful petals in an instant, and their bodies after their death strangely exploded, and their flesh and blood and Yuanying were instantly swallowed up by the blood people who jumped out of Xiaohong's body. Those blood people have two horns, which is the reduced version of the blood ghost king.

"Ji Jie..."

The laughter that made people's scalp tingle came from the mouths of these little ghost kings, and the strange sound of rubbing, and everyone suddenly felt chills on their backs. This is really horrible. Both Fawu and Daolong are stunned. Xiaohong is usually sunny and cheerful. Although the battle is occasionally very crazy, it will never be so horrible. They think of this image is the Demon Sect, but Xiaohong is the most dazzling new star of the right path now. It violates everyone's thinking and makes them all for a while. I was swd.

This change also stunned the blood, but the next moment he was furious and frightened, because every time Xiaohong kills a person, his strength will become stronger.

"Spatter, all spread out!" Hearing the blood-eating roar and the sound of blood-eating, everyone dispersed with fear as if they had seen the plague.

After one move, several practitioners in the silent period did not dodge for a moment and were killed by Xiaohong. After absorbing their energy, Xiaohong's breath soared again, breaking through the peak of the early stage of Dacheng and going straight to the middle of Dacheng. Slowly clenching his fist, Xiaohong glanced at the blood-eating, with a bright smile on his face.

"Let's play with me."

As soon as Xiaohong's voice fell, the two splits appeared between heaven and earth. Shadow Dance is a special magic power. This external incarnation is constructed from Xiaohong's original power, and they are strong as much as Xiaohong uses. The two dotchs will generally divide his strength equally, so at this time, these two dotchs have one-third of his strength, and one-third of the mid-Dacheng is horrible, not It can be stopped during the period of silence. And what's more terrible about Xiaohong's split is that they can use almost all of Xiaohong's Taoism and magical powers.

Seeing the blood-eating face of the two splits, his face changed slightly. With the best fairy weapons and artifacts, he could only draw with one of these splits.

After Xiaohong separated two parts, he turned his head and looked at Murong Feiyun in the distance, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Especially Murong Feiyun, Xiaohong thought that if it hadn't been for him, he would not have killed Meng Xuan. For him, Xiaohong could only kill him quickly.

"Murong Feiyun!" Xiaohong roared and killed him.

Xiaohong's strangeness made Murong Feiyun open his mind. He had Mengxuan's lesson from the previous car. A seemingly inconspicuous Mengxuan actually had the supreme red flame golden emperor fire, and this Xiaohong seemed to be even more terrible. Relying on a most evil thing, he actually raised his cultivation to the great period. This is something they dare not imagine at all. Although these evil things are evil, it is not too much to call them artifacts.

Thinking back, Murong Feiyun was scolded by the younger generation and shouted coldly: "Don't think you are arrogant by relying on a magic weapon."

Looking at Xiaohong, who rushed over in anger, especially the evil spirit surrounding his body, made Xuanming frown slightly. For such evil things, the right way is to scoff, and even faster. But now this thing is actually owned by Xiaohong, and he is surprised by the strength and purity of this evil spirit, but he can't help but feel a trace of anger at the thought of the means of refining these evil things.

"Dao Yu, how can you have such an evil thing?" Xuanming scolded.

"Uncle Xuanming, I will naturally explain this to you in the future. It's just after I killed them." Xiaohong looked coldly at Murong Feiyun.

"Arrogant!" As soon as Xiaohong's words fell, Murong Feiyun and others suddenly said angrily.

"Arrogant?" Xiaohong snorted coldly, and the blood flame on his body suddenly ignited violently, and the shadow of the blood ghost slowly appeared behind him.

Xuanhuo looked at Xuanming and said, "Brother, this..." Xiaohong suddenly got an evil thing. Although he pulled back the situation back, the good and evil that went deep into the heart of the right path made them unacceptable for a while. If Xiaohong hadn't been the most dazzling new star of the right path, they would have gone up to kill Xiaohong. The evil spirit emitted by the holy evil beads is extremely terrible and extremely vicious. It actually absorbs other people's bodies and Yuanying to improve their own cultivation, which is simply an evil thing among evil things.

"Look first." Xuanming is like this.

"Ah..." Suddenly. Xiaohong looked up to the sky and shouted. It's crazy. The silver hair stood upside down. A sword condensed in his hand, and the original blue sword is now rendered with strange red, as if there is blood flowing on it, which is extremely horrible. The sword was across the sky, and the sword rainbow was bright, as if to break the void, and a sword cut to Murong Feiyun.

"It's ridiculous!" Murong Feiyun grasped the void, but the phenomenon of Xiaohong being restricted by space barriers did not appear in his imagination. The bright sword burst out, and the violent energy raged, like a bloody day exploding in the air. Murong Feiyun couldn't avoid it. The hand he stretched out was suddenly hurt by the sword, and a drop of blood fell from his hand.

"How is that possible?" Not only Murong Feiyun, but also Xuanming and others widened their eyes. The reason why Murong Feiyun's space barrier failed to limit Xiaohong was that there was the same fluctuation in the space around Xiaohong just now, that is, this fluctuation broke through the space barrier. They are very familiar with this spatial fluctuation, and it should be said that all practitioners who have entered the great age are very familiar with it.

practitioners who have entered the great age begin to touch the law of space, but they don't understand it at all, that is to say, they don't know the principle, but they can use it, which is like instinct. And the fluctuations around Xiaohong just now are the spatial law ability that can only be mastered during the great success period.

"He, how could he?" A trace of incredible appeared on Murong Feiyun's face. And Xuanming was excited, because Xiaohong's cultivation was only in the empty underworld period, and his understanding of Tao was so terrible. He remembered a person, the first generation of Xuantian.

"His talent can be compared with that of the first generation of Xuantian." Xuanming and Xuanhuo looked at Xiaohong's eyes full of heat, but the evil breath emanating from Xiaohong made the two conflict for a moment.

has a high understanding of Taoism, that is to say, if Xiaohong is given enough time, he will definitely reach the grand period. Xuanming and others don't know that the way in their mouth is actually divided into three major laws.

Xiaohong can understand that the law of space is not accidental, because the basis of the shadow dance is the law of space, and those splits are transparent through special methods. Moreover, he has the memory and perception of his previous life. As long as his power reaches a certain level, he can understand the feelings left over from his previous life, so it is not surprising.

Shocked by Xiaohong's move, Murong Feiyun and the three of them did not take action for a while. In addition, Xiaohong and Xuanming were four great successes, but they were at a disadvantage. However, after a few breaths, Murong Feiyun was forced to do it again, because Xiaohong's breath kept growing. Two points continued to slaughter on the other side, and after absorbing energy, Xiaohong's breath continued to soar.

As soon as Murong Feiyun moved, Xiaohong also moved and stepped out. Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the seven steps of the broken sky showed his amazing power.

Without any fancy, without any skills, Xiaohong just stepped out and stepped on the void. The first step was a gust of wind and thunder.

Murong Feiyun's face changed and cursed in his heart, "Why is this boy's magical power so terrible?" When Xiaohong was weak in the past, he did not feel the horror of breaking the seven steps, but now he has found that Xiaohong's step is powerful.

Countless hurricanes suddenly appeared on Murong Feiyun's body, tearing the sky with a shrill sound, and the cyan hurricane roaring like a angry dragon. Magnoous. Extremely powerful. The other two used their unique skills, and Xiaohong's constantly soaring breath made them feel a little threatened. They wanted to kill Xiaohong with one blow.

"Brother!" Xuanhuo couldn't help saying that no matter what evil things Xiaohong had, after all, he was a member of Xuantianzong. If he wanted to die, Xuantianzong should also have Xuantianzong to clean up the door.

"Do you feel that the boy's strength is about to catch up with me?" Xuanming's face turned strange. Xuanhuo was stunned, and his face suddenly changed slightly when his spiritual knowledge was swept away. He couldn't help looking in the direction of many disciples of the Demon Sect, where Xiaohong's two bodies were like wolves into the flock. At this time, less than half of the silence period of more than 100 people was left. The empty underworld period was even more rare, and the Yuanying period was extinct. Unconsciously, Xiaohong's split actually killed so many people.

At this time, he was wearing a bloody armor, holding the sigh of God and one of the splits, but it was dangerous, and the strength of Xiaohong's split has been rising. It's only a matter of time before he eats blood. Xuanhuo couldn't help looking at Xiaohong. At this time, although he still had a little antipathy to Xiaohong's evil things, he didn't know how he felt when he saw that Xiaohong actually pulled back the mortal situation with him.

In the air, Xiaohong has taken the third step, and his breath keeps soaring, and the three people's unique moves have been brewing. The formula changed, and the violent hurricane, sea of fire and thunder all greeted Xiaohong.


The six-character truth sounded all over the world, and the faces of the three people suddenly changed dramatically. They all heard the power of the six-character truth. This is one of the three magical powers in ancient times. It is so powerful that only the six reincarnations can be comparable to it.

The faint ripples spread around Xiaohong as the center. Hurricanes, seas of fire and thunder all touched the ripples like stones and sank into the sea and disappeared in an instant. Xiaohong's breath has risen to the peak of the middle of Dacheng.

And Xiaohong also took the fifth step. After taking the seventh step, the momentum will condense to the strongest, but against the three of them, Xiaohong no longer needs to take seven steps.


A split of Xiaohong punched a silent monk, and the blood fog scattered all over the sky. A mini blood ghost king rushed out of the split and immediately absorbed the blood fog. The split was like a mechanical killing of how many practitioners in the silent period. The blood of this silent period made Xiaohong break through again and reach the late stage of Dacheng. If these silent practitioners alone can't reach such a terrible level, but don't forget that they have storage rings, in which there are more or less internal elixir, or some natural treasures, which are the best raw materials for Yuanying soul-eating array.

After the Dacheng period, there is a huge gap at each level. It is easy to kill three people by Xiaohong, who reached the later stage of Dacheng, and the seven steps of the broken sky.

"No!" Xiaohong took the sixth step in the panic of the three people. The sky and the earth are dark, and the thunder roars. Xiaohong is like an evil spirit under the nine ghosts, stepping out.

"Boom!" The sky and the earth are trembling, and the broken sky can naturally break the world. The space of the three people burst into pieces in an instant. The terrible space turbulence flooded the three people in an instant. From then on, the three people disappeared between heaven and earth without even screaming. Falling into the space turbulence is not the end of the fall of the law of space.

"What a terrible magic power!" Xuanming and others inhale cold air. Once Xiaohong grows up, they really can't imagine what it will be like.

After solving the three, Xiaohong turned his head to blood-eating. In a few flashes, he came to the front of blood-eating, and the external incarnations rushed back to his body one after another.

"It's your turn!" There was no expression on Xiaohong's face, "It's the last thing I did for the sect."

In the face of Xiaohong at this time, he couldn't raise the idea of resistance at all in his blood-eating heart. In the later stage of Dacheng, any idea could bombard him into scum. What else could he fight?

"I didn't expect that I lost. I should have killed you in one move at that time." The blood-eating voice was surprisingly indifferent. Death was not a terrible thing in his heart. He saw a lot.

"Let's bury Meng Xuan." Xiaohong's hand burst into dazzling red light and punched blood-eating. Before the fist arrived, the terrible wind came first. With a bang, the blood-eating mask could not withstand the erosion of the strong wind, and it burst open, revealing the face under the mask.

It was an extremely pale face, so pale that there was no trace of blood. The most eye-catching thing was that the eyes on the face flashed with strange blood like the eyes on the mask.

Xiaohong's fist stopped in front of that face, and I'm afraid the strong wind blew up his blood-eating hair. The imaginary death did not come, and he was surprised to see that the fist in front of him was trembling.

"Why?" Bloody asked and looked up at Xiaohong. At this look, he was stunned. He saw anger, incredible, and other extremely complicated looks in Xiaohong's eyes, and there was a trace of doting in the depths of this complex look.

"Haohao!" Xiaohong's voice trembled, and it turned out to be Haohao who ate blood. Xiaohong was thinking about Zhang Hao.

"Haha..." Xiaohong suddenly laughed, "Why, why..."

Xiaohong looked up to the sky and roared, and his beloved woman died in the hands of his favorite brother, which was God's biggest joke for him.

"Ah..." Xiaohong's roar resounded throughout the world, and the indescribable sadness and indescribable pain in his voice, everyone looked at him strangely. Xiaohong looked at Blood Eater, and his eyes looked extremely strange. He didn't know how many times he had imagined the meeting of the two in his mind, but he couldn't imagine that they would meet in this situation.

"Haohao, haha..." Xiaohong's laughter was indescribably desolate.

"Why?" Xiaohong suddenly grabbed the blood-eating shoulders.

"Why?" A drop of blood and tears fell from Xiaohong's eyes, and he was frustrated at this time.

Suddenly, Xiaohong took away the sigh of God in his blood-eating hand and throwing it at Ling Feng. Then he imprisoned the blood-eating, flew to Yiyi, took the two of them up, and quickly ran away to the distance. Such a change is too sudden. When Xuanming reacts, Xiaohong's figure has disappeared. Xiaohong is now stronger than him.

In the distance, Xiaohong put them down in an open space and staggered away.

"Xiaohong!" Yiyi called him softly. Xiaohong paused for a moment, did not look back, and said indifferently, "You go!"

After saying that, Xiaohong's figure gradually disappeared from the sight of the two of them. That figure is indescribably lonely and lonely.

(the end of this volume)

PS: After reading this chapter, let's take a look at the work. The little monkey has something to say to everyone.