reverse dome

Chapter 2 Cheer up

The two hugged each other tightly, and there were only a hug left in a thousand words.

"Meng'er, I'm not dreaming, Menger..." Xiaohong hugged Mengxuan and said incoherently.

Feel Xiaohong's strong embrace, and Meng Xuan was also infatuated for a moment.

"No, not..."

Next to the cottage, the swing of the vines hanging from the ancient trees swayed, and the two sat looking at each other.

"Over the years, you have suffered." Meng Xuan took Xiaohong's hand, and tears couldn't help flowing down. After hearing Xiaohong's experience in the past ten years, she couldn't help sighing how he has suffered in the past ten years. Love died in the hands of his closest brother, and the original star of hope became a traitor. From then on, his cheerful and energetic heart died, and the world was no longer glorious.

"As long as you live, I don't care." Xiaohong took Mengxuan's hand close to her cheek.

"Hong, when did you reach the period of death?" Meng Xuan didn't want to talk about these heavy topics, so she changed the topic. Now that the mood of the two gradually calmed down, Meng Xuan found that Xiaohong had been promoted to the period of silence. In terms of time, he once again broke the cultivation record of the first generation of Xuantian.

Ten years of Yuanying, a hundred years of silence. This is no longer a myth.

Hearing the words, Xiaohong's face was a little dim, and he exhaled slightly, "When you 'die'."

Yes, when he saw Mengxuan die in the blood-eating hands, he felt that his world also died. At that moment, he realized what silence was and touched the realm of the period of death. The period of silence is very different from the previous realm. Some people can't understand it all their lives, while some people only need to realize that it is still an empty underworld in the morning and the afternoon is the period of silence.

And if you practice normally, it can't be the Yuanying period in the morning and the empty underworld in the afternoon. This is the difference.

In the period of silence, what is more important is epiphany. Therefore, the first generation of Xuantian can break through the Yuanying period in ten years and reach the period of silence in a hundred years.

It was Xiaohong who suddenly realized that he had reached the period of silence. Only by relying on Yuanying's soul-eating array could he quickly break through to the Dacheng period, and finally win back the situation before everything happened.

"So that's it. Isn't your five elements short of gold?" Meng Xuan nodded. The so-called roads lead to Rome, and heaven is fair. If you can't have an epiphany, you can reach the period of death by gradual cultivation. Just like Xiaohong can practice step by step and realize the mystery of Jin Xingquan, then he can also enter the period of silence.

"It doesn't matter. Cultivation has nothing to do with me. It's not bad to live in seclusion here all the time. Menger, would you like to live in seclusion here with me? Xiaohong smiled indifferently. Now he doesn't want to care about those vulgar things. He just wants to be quiet in this paradise until his death.

"Of course I do! However, Hong, the right way needs you, and humanity needs you." Meng Xuan said anxiously, and at the same time, there was another sentence in her heart that she didn't say. I would, but I couldn't.

"I didn't have the face to see my ancestor. I lived up to his expectations." Xiaohong closed his eyes in pain, and Ye Hao's matter will always be a meme in his heart. His brother is a genius of the Demon Sect. He has slaughtered many righteous people. How did he face all this? What's more, in the end he could kill Ye Hao, but he saved them. How could he give Zhengdao an explanation?

"I can't." Xiaohong can't even forgive himself.

"Hong, it's not your fault, and you can explain the magic array to everyone." Meng Xuan hugged Xiaohong and said urgently.

"Dream, stop talking, stop talking. When I think that Haohao is eating blood, I, I..."

"I need you!"

Xiaohong was stunned and said, "You, what are you talking about..."

"I need you, Hong, I need you..." Mengxuan clung to Xiaohong.

Sometimes, a sentence can destroy a person, and sometimes a sentence can make a person reborn.

When Xiaohong saw Mengxuan snuggle up to him helplessly, looked at himself hopelessly and told himself that I needed you. Something seemed to explode in Xiaohong's mind. At that moment, he was full of power, and the dark world was full of brilliance again. He is like a sapling, getting sunshine and rain, and thriving. At this time, he had only one idea to become a towering tree, shelter Meng Xuan from the wind and rain, and hold up a blue sky for her.

Xiaohong suddenly hugged Mengxuan and said deeply, "Thank you, Menger, thank you, I will, I will..."

"Ye" Meng Xuan nodded firmly and carried Xiaohong on her back, leaving two lines of tears on her face, and only she knew the rhyme of the complex look in her eyes.

The next day, the morning sun sprinkled golden light, leaving a mottled reflection between the leaves. On the ancient tree next to the hut, Xiaohong patted Meng Xuan in his arms and smiled, "Little lazy man, the sun is shining on your buttocks." He returned to his previous cheerfulness and sunshine.

Meng Xuan muttered, drilled into Xiaohong's arms, and lay down enjoying it again. Seeing the lovely Mengxuan in her arms, Xiaohong had a bad smile on her face and kissed her lips fiercely. After being suddenly attacked, Mengxuan exclaimed, but she muttered confusedly.

With his lips, a red glow appeared on Meng Xuan's face. He buried his head in Xiaohong's arms shyly and laughed and scolded, "Bad!"

"There are worse..."

Xiao Hong's hand began to be restless, which made Meng Xuan scream repeatedly. After the two played for a while, Meng Xuan asked Xiaohong, "Hong, what are you going to do?"

"I plan..." Xiaohong pondered for a while and said, "I want to practice until the Dacheng period first. Only in the Dacheng period can I have the ability to really fight against the Demon Sect and save Haohao from the claws of the Demon Sect."

I learned from Yiyi that the seal of brainwashing can only be lifted in the great period. Xiaohong originally wanted to find Ye Hao and then ask Tianqing to crack the seal, but now how dare he speak?

"Do you want to practice in isolation here until the grand period?"

"Of course not. The Dacheng period is a huge watershed. Although I am confident that I can get through it, who knows how long it will take if I practice like this. And according to what you said, the Demon Sect has not made great moves over the years. I'm afraid they have focused their energy on the abyss of the far north.

"The abyss of the far north?"

"Yes, as far as I know, the seal of the abyss of the Far North will be untied again, and everyone can get the magic weapons left over from ancient times. Xuantianzong's swordsmanship is obtained from the abyss of the far north. I don't think the Demon Sect will miss this excellent opportunity. I won't let them succeed. Since becoming a traitor of the right path, Xiaohong no longer calls himself a disciple of Xuantian Sect, and he has nothing to say that the abyss of the far north has become stronger and stronger calling for him.

Since breaking through to the Yuanying period, that is, the birth of Jianying, Xiaohong felt that something was summoning him in the far north, and now after advancing to the period of silence, this call has become more and more intense. Moreover, over the years, this call has become stronger and stronger. Xiaohong feels that this has a lot to do with the secret treasure of the abyss of the far north, and he doesn't know what it is.

The seal of the abyss of the far north is unsealed every thousand years. Since the suzerain of Xuantianzong got the sword from it, the day the seal was unsealed, the practitioners of Tianyuan Continent are all crazy about it. Although the magic weapon is important, the secret book is more precious. Think about the sword book, if you practice to the highest level, Jianying is comparable to an artifact. The secret book of such an artifact is not comparable to an artifact.

This makes the abyss of the far north more mysterious. More and more people enter the sealed land at all costs in an attempt to get a secret book or treasure comparable to the sword classic. However, except for the suzerain of Xuantian Sect, what he got was unsatisfactory, but this did not affect people's spirit of exploration.

"It must be chaotic there. You have to be careful then." Knowing that Xiaohong was going to the abyss of the far north, Meng Xuan quickly told her.

"Wouln't you go with me?" Hearing Mengxuan's words, Xiaohong couldn't help asking if he didn't go with him.

"No." Meng Xuan shook her head and said, "There are still important things for me to deal with, and it is more convenient for you to leave alone."

"Well, if you wait for my news in Yaozong, I will definitely get the final magic weapon to solve this ancient mystery." Xiaohong said that he did not find something wrong with Mengxuan's eyes when she refused him.

"Ye, when are you going to leave?"

"Today, counting the days is almost enough."

Xiaohong said he would leave, and that afternoon he got up and went to the abyss of the far north.

" Take care! Wait for my good news in Yaozong. Xiaohong gently kissed Mengxuan's forehead and rose into the air and gradually disappeared into Mengxuan's sight.

Looking at Xiaohong's departing figure, two lines of tears fell silently on Mengxuan's face.

"I'm sorry, I can't... can't..."