reverse dome

Chapter 8 Magic Forbidden Domain

After Xiaohong pointed out the direction, Tu Shankuizhi immediately rushed to that direction with Xiaohong. The two stood in the fantasy world and attracted the attention of people who were trapped in the fantasy and began to slowly approach them. If it hadn't been for the evil spirit, I'm afraid that they would be besieged by more than 100 people now. Although the two are not afraid, no one knows what kind of test there will be. Of course, it is best to retain their strength.

Tu Shankuizhi is holding the huge serrated sword. Wherever he passed, no one who fell into a fantasy could defeat his blow. First of all, these people who have fallen into a fantasy are not very good, and the best is the period of silence, and there are few. Most of them are still cultivated during the period of silence. How can they beat Tushan Kuizhi, who has the bonus of evil spirit?

The two are like a pangolin moving forward in the land without any obstacles, and they have advanced hundreds of meters.

"Why is this so similar to the magic forbidden realm in memory?" Xiaohong, who followed Tushan Kuizhi, shared most of the pressure because Tushan Kuizhi shared most of the pressure, so he began to pay attention to his surroundings. Gradually, he found that this scene was very similar to the scene of the magic forbidden field in his memory.

The magic forbidden domain is a large array in Xiaohong's memory in his previous life. It is a powerful illusion array. Anyone who falls into this array is trapped in various illusions. This is not over yet. If it is so simple, how can it stay in the memory of Xiaohong's previous life? The terrible thing about this big array is that he can not only plunge you into a fantasy, but also make you a puppet.

This is the most terrible place in the big array. This big array seems to have its own consciousness, and people who fall into the big array will eventually die in all kinds of illusions. Those who do not fall into the array will be besieged by those who fall into the illusion and are controlled by the array. In the end, they will not die in the illusion, but with the hands of their companions. This is the most terrible place in the magic forbidden area.

The more Xiaohong looks, the more he looks. Those who fall into the fantasy world are clearly the so-called magic in the magic forbidden realm. They are unconscious, but only the unified idea of the array, killing all the people who enter the array.

"The magic forbidden field is one of the largest arrays in the fantasy array. The test of the first level is so difficult. No wonder after so many years, no one has got the magic weapon of the abyss of the Far North." Xiaohong sighed in his heart, and he finally understood why the final magic weapon of the abyss of the far north still remained in this far north and no one could take it away.

People often say that the unknown is horrible and frightening, but sometimes what they know is even more frightening. Just like Xiaohong now, he is more careful after knowing that this is a magic forbidden realm. Here, if he is not careful, he will always fall into the fantasy world forever. He can never get out of the fantasy and live in the virtual world, happy and painful.

There are still many geniuses in the world. Although they don't have memories of their previous lives and have more powerful soul defenses, they have gradually discovered the key thing, that is, the source of sound waves. Except for Xiaohong and others, those who did not fall into the fantasy began to look for the source of the sound wave, and some people who found rushed to the source of the sound wave like Xiaohong.

Suddenly, in the fantasy world, you will find that some of the chaotic crowds begin to rush to a place. Although there are obstacles from people who fall into the fantasy in front of them, they can resist the fantasy and stay awake. How can those people be opponents? Except for some unlucky people who were besieged by hundreds of people, sober people began to rush to the source of sound waves.


The strange sound wave in the fantasy world suddenly became high, and the eyes of all those who fell into the fantasy burst out of dazzling red light. An uncomfortable murderous atmosphere fills the whole fantasy world.


Those illusionists who have fallen into the fantasy roared, like beasts and not beasts, like people and people. At this time, they all abandoned the weapons in their hands and rushed to Xiaohong, who were not in a fantasy with their bare hands.

"No, Brother Tu, hurry up!" Xiaohong's heart skipped when he saw this. The last thing he wanted to see happened. At this time, these illusionists had begun to go crazy, and they had completely fallen into the illusion. At this time, the illusionists no longer have their instincts and fall into the control of the large array. What they have is only the unified will of the large array, killing all those who have not fallen into the illusion.

Tushan Kuizhi also saw that it was not good and immediately accelerated, and at this time, they were surrounded by hundreds of magic demons.

"FUCK!" The two cursed in a low voice.

The magic forbidden domain is just a saying, but the means to trap people into fantasy are different, and the most common is to use the rhythm. For example, the magic forbidden domain in the fantasy world is to use the rhythm. Xiaohong's face was a little gloomy, because there were disciples of Xuantianzong among the people in front of him. Although Xiaohong is now regarded as a traitor to the right path, he still does not think that he is a disciple of Xuantian Sect in his heart.

The first article of Xuantian Sect is that the disciples in the sect want to unite. How can he have the heart to attack his peers?

The test of human nature is the saddest of all illusions. Because sometimes even if you know he is fake, you are willing to be tricked.

"Brother Tu, give these people to me." Xiaohong stepped forward and said to Tu Shankuizhi in a low way. The latter was not the kind of hesitant. He simply retreated behind Xiaohong and held a sword, just in case.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Xiaohong whispered in his heart.


A pressure spread from Xiaohong's body. Tu Shankuizhi behind Xiaohong was surprised to find that the breath on Xiaohong's body was so similar to the breath in the fantasy world, just like a touch. He didn't know that Xiaohong's mental state of cultivation had reached a mirror, and he knew about the forbidden realm of fantasy magic. In order to find the source of sound waves, he was even more happy and fell into the fantasy. At this time, it is not difficult to use the power of your soul to imitate the breath of this fantasy world through the mirror.

This is simple to say, but you don't know about the magic forbidden domain, and you can't do it anyway if you don't have a mirror-like realm. The range of breath emitted from Xiaohong's body is not as exaggerated as the fantasy world. It permeates the whole fantasy world, and he is only 50 meters in radius.

A faint golden ripples kept spreading around Xiaohong. Affected by these ripples, Tu Shankuizhi found that it seemed much easier to block the fantasy of the fantasy world. Xiaohong turned around and said to Tu Shankuizhi, "Brother Tu, follow closely."

"Okay!" Tu Shankuizhi nodded, and there was a touch of surprise on his face. Xiaohong was surprised that he had mastered such a magical ability and could imitate the breath of the fantasy world. Following Xiaohong, Tushan Kuizhi found that all the close people had a glimmer of struggle on their faces. In contrast, Xiaohong, his face was dignified, his expression was focused, and his eyes flashed with silver brilliance, which was a sign that the power of the soul had only reached its limit.

"He is helping these people get out of the fantasy!" Tu Shankuizhi's unchanging face finally changed. Xiaohong was actually fighting against the big array. He wanted to free these people out of the fantasy. This is terrible. Although he doesn't know what this array is, he can feel the horror of this array. If he hadn't been protected by evil spirits, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to resist the erosion of this illusion array, let alone help them get out of control of the array.

But Xiaohong is actually trying to fight against the big array, and he seems to have succeeded. Xiaohong crossed a beautiful track in the fantasy world and came to a person. If he was a disciple of Xuantian Sect here, he would definitely find that the person in front of Xiaohong was a disciple of Xuantian Sect.

Xiaohong came to him and stretched out his hand on his forehead. Suddenly, Xiaohong's eyes bloomed with dazzling silver light and shouted.

"Wake up!"

Suddenly, the disciple of Xuantianzong had an extremely painful expression on his face, and a little silver light appeared in the red light in his eyes. Gradually, the silver light swallowed up the red light around him. The red light gradually faded, and the child's body trembled, and the madness in his eyes gradually faded away, with a trace of confusion. He woke up from the fantasy.

"Get out of here and don't lose your life because of magic weapons." Xiaohong left only one sentence, rippled with golden ripples on his body and flew rapidly to the source of his discovery. On the way, only the disciples of Xuantianzong helped them to free themselves from the fantasy. Others, because of the golden ripples, whether they can be freed from the fantasy depends on their own creation.

The golden ripple is the six-character truth, one of the three magical powers of ancient times, which has the miraculous effect of suppressing magic demons, but Xiaohong did not urge it with all his strength, so its power is not amazing. It is more than enough to help yourself resist the invasion of magic, but it is not enough to help others.

In this way, they gradually approached the source of the sound wave found by Xiaohong. As they gradually approached, Xiaohong and the two could see the visible red ripples constantly rippling out.

Xiaohong in front of him suddenly stopped. Tu Shankuizhi was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Don't come near, look there!" Xiaohong pointed to a place, and Tu Shankuizhi followed Xiaohong's gesture. His indifferent face could no longer maintain the indifference of the past, and some were just fear.

"This, this..."