reverse dome

Chapter 17 Real Death

The sudden change made Xiaohong look at the jade egg with a little fear. Looking around, Xiaohong took a cold breath. It was terrible. Xiaohong never knew that he had such a horrible jade egg. Although there was a change last time, compared with this time, it was really a big witch.

"Phantom, what is this? Make it clear to me." Xiaohong couldn't help asking the phantom. From the tone of the phantom just now, he could guess that he knew what it was.

"I didn't say that, the ancestor of all beasts."

"At the beginning, how did this thing come to me? Er, no, what kind of beast is this? What's wrong with this egg?

"You will know later."

"Fight me again, cut." Xiaohong curled his lips. He knew how to ask the illusion and couldn't say anything. "Every time in the future, you can't change a word."

Xiaohong was phantom and released Mengxuan and others from the tearless city. As soon as they were released by Xiaohong from the tearless city, Mengxuan and Fengxuan couldn't help worshipping as soon as they saw the jade eggs in the air, but the previous feeling of self-explosion was gone, which made Xiaohong even more surprised. Mengxuan's body is the blood of the mythical beast. If she can suppress all her blood, it means that the jade egg is more terrible than the mythical beast.

Xiaohong doesn't know what fierce beast can be more powerful than mythical beasts, because in his memory, mythical beasts are high-level fierce beasts. Even if they are mutant mythical beasts, they are still in the category of mythical beasts.

The ancestor of all beasts, Xiaohong can't find what this word means in his mind. He simply doesn't think about what he can't figure out. Xiaohong held Mengxuan and said, "Meng, are you all right?"

"It's okay." Meng Xuan shook her head, and the pressure from the jade egg had gradually weakened to nothing.

In the far east sea, a mysterious island, there is a cave on it. Two divine lights suddenly lit up in the dark cave. If you look carefully, it is a pair of eyes. He looked at the boundless Tianyuan continent, the direction of the red flame and golden phoenix, with a trace of surprise and expectation in his eyes. Then he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Without pressure, the jade egg is like a piece of crystal white jade, crystal clear, and a faint white glow circulating in it, which is extremely beautiful. Lantian is warm and smokey. If this jade egg hadn't been for the change just now, Xiaohong would have thought of this piece of the best white jade. Without pressure, the jade egg did not attract the attention of Meng Xuan and others, so they turned their eyes to the endless wild sycamore forest.

The breeze blew gently, and it was desolate. The huge sycamore forest lost the vitality of the past. If it hadn't been for the broken trees on the ground and the messy earth, it would be a mess. I didn't know there was a race war just now.

"These bodies..." Meng Xuan looked at Xiaohong and asked. Even if her clan dies in battle, they will be given a place to rest, and the inner elixir of these fierce beasts is extremely precious. If it is refined for the practitioners, it can improve the overall strength of the practitioners. Meng Xuan thought that these internal pills were given to the medicine sect, and the three major medicine sects were the weakest one.

"Well, this..." Xiaohong scratched his head and told Meng Xuan about the change that had occurred.

Hearing this, both Mengxuan and Fengxuan look at Xiaohong like a monster. It should be looking at the jade egg in Xiaohong's hand. They all took a breath of cold air. This jade egg is so terrible. They have just underestimated the horror of this jade egg. However, although this saved Mengxuan and others, the bodies of their clan were refined into blood and absorbed by the jade egg.

What shocked Fengxuan and others more was that the jade egg defeated the demon clan and the peacock clan, and almost let the peacock clan exterminate the clan. However, as soon as Fengxuan releases the news of the collusion between the Peacock clan and the Demon Sect, the world will be so big that the peacock will have no foothold for the Peacock clan. The traitor was despised and scolded by everyone on the Tianyuan continent.

"Pear, where will we go next?" Fengxuan looked at Meng Xuan and said sadly that now the red flame Jinfeng is not far from the destruction of the clan. The strongest strong people above the hundreds of broken virtual realm have less than 50% left in the war just now, and there are less than 100 ordinary disciples left. As long as this power is known by any of the birds in the outside world, their end will come. .

Now Fengxuan suddenly raised this question. Meng Xuan felt at a loss and looked at Xiaohong. Seeing this, Fengxuan nodded secretly in his heart. Seeing Mengxuan looking at herself, Xiaohong was stunned, "This is a matter within your clan, so I will avoid it."

"Xiao Shaoxia, wait a minute." Fengxuan hurriedly said that he knew Xiaohong's name just now, "If it hadn't been for you, I'm afraid we would have entered the end of the dragon clan, and if I guess correctly, I'm afraid our three fierce beast families have become famous from the mainland. Since then, the three fierce beast families have died in name only.

"How can this be?" Xiaohong did not believe, but at the thought that there was Longsa just now, and the Demon Sect supported the war. If it hadn't been for the sudden factor of Xiaohong, the Red Flame Jinfeng clan would have entered the end of the Dragon Clan. Then Xiaohong coughed and said, "That's also possible. So, what are you going to do now?"


Feng Xuan said that they handed over the Red Flame Jinfeng clan to him before they left, but they almost destroyed the clan in his hands, and he was ashamed of the trust of the patriarch when he died. So he wants to revenge and revenge on the Demon Sect.

"If I am the patriarch of the Demon Sect, my next plan is to be your righteous practitioners. His goal is very clear. He destroys the three fierce beast families. If he can control it, he can control it. He can't control it to take the inner elixir. Then with Neidan's disciples in their sect, there is no huge mat of body in their cultivation, and their strength will definitely be raised to a new level, and then the next step is to take action against you.

"I imagine that there are no three fierce beast families among the fierce beasts, and there are no three sects among your practitioners. Who else in the world is the opponent of their demon sect? When they unify the mainland, the creatures of the whole continent will fall into deep trouble, just like in ancient times.

After listening to Fengxuan's words, Xiaohong remembered what Mokong had said to himself. In ancient times, because of the emergence of the Demon Sect, a big war broke out among practitioners. That was that war. Almost all the practitioners in the fairyland on the mainland fell, and then there was the rise of fierce beasts and the prototype of the Death Canyon. Then a war broke out between fierce beasts and human practitioners. In that battle, the death canyon was formed and the fairyland became a legend.

And all this is because of the Demon Sect, which originally thought that the first generation of Xuantian had completely destroyed the Demon Sect, but the Demon Sect was rekindled and had been brewing for countless years. I don't know how many years of accumulation are terrible. If you don't move, you will first destroy the dragon clan, and then the other two fierce beast families. The red flame golden phoenix has Xiaohong. I'm afraid that the underworld sea whale has stepped into the footsteps of the dragon clan.

"B bastard, it's not too late. We'll leave right away. I want to go back to Xuantianzong." Xiaohong listened to Fengxuan's words and his own speculation, and now he just wants to rush back to Xuantianzong immediately. Last time, the first generation of Xuantian could not turn over the waves, but now it doesn't. Although Xiaohong is his reincarnation, his talent is not as good as him, and even if Xiaohong's future cultivation can surpass him, it will also be in the future. At present, he is not as rebellious as the first generation of Xuantian, nor does he have the strong strength of the first generation of Xuantian.

"Continue the unfinished ceremony for the emperor, completely awaken the power of the emperor's blood, and immediately go to Xuantianzong with you." Fengxuan nodded.


When the red flame Jinfeng held a ceremony for Mengxuan, in the southeast of Tianyuan mainland, there was a large area of land concave in, forming a large sea bordering the sea in the far east. The three fierce beast families all know that this is the habitat of the underworld sea whale. At this time, the sea here is dyed red with bright blood, and a red sea, and the strong smell of blood floats from the sea, which is disgusting.

There were several people standing on the sea, one of whom was Yiyi. Her face was cold, and there was a blue fog floating next to her. Yiyi's face was cold, and occasionally when she looked at the blue fog next to her, her heart would thump, and a coolness came from the soles of her feet. Because just now, this existence only lit a blurred blue light, and the patriarch of the most mysterious fierce beast family seemed to be crazy, constantly slaughtering his own people. There was only one possibility, and the fierce beast was controlled.

It was the ghost sea whale in the later stage of the disaster, which was controlled like this, and no one knew what was going on from beginning to end. Thinking of Xiaohong, who was against the Demon Sect, she couldn't help but worry about Xiaohong. With such an opponent, Xiaohong's chance of winning is zero, and she will take her life.


Countless black-robed people suddenly gushed out under the sea, and they controlled countless Neidans to float around them. These are the inner elixirs of the Nether Sea Whale, and then I saw a blue giant whale floating from the bottom of the sea. A giant whale is extremely huge, like an island floating on the sea. These giant whales are all controlled, and one of them is the largest, with inexplicable runes on it.

"You are not qualified to be my servant. Your task has been completed, then..." The sound like a wind chime came from the blue fog beside Yiyi, and then everyone was stunned to see a crack in the head of the patriarch of the Nether Sea Whale, and a huge inner elixir floated out of his body.

is dead.

With such an understatement, everyone swallowed their saliva. Neidan floated in front of Yiyi.

"Here you are."

Yiyi hurriedly reached out to pick up Neidan and said excitedly, "Thank you..." Suddenly, she remembered that she didn't know what to call this person, and Yiyi suddenly got stuck.

"Hun Ling!"

"Thank you, Lord Soul Ling."

"Let's go!"

With the extinction of the Nether Sea Whale family, the three fierce beasts have survived in name only, and the mainland has also begun to set off a bloody storm.