You are my princess

Chapter 3 He will also laugh

"Xiaole, Xiaole." Xiaoqing woke up Xiaole, who was dreaming.

"What's wrong?" Xiaole rubbed her hazy eyes

"The prince is waiting for you outside."

"Oh." Xiaole lay down and went to sleep again

"Your Majesty." Xiaoqing retreated and was worried about Xiaole

Yunfeng bent down and gently pushed Xiaole a few times, "I'm sleepy." Xiaole pushed his hand away.

Yunfeng didn't say anything and continued to push her a few times. Xiaole suddenly got together, and the back of his head just hit Yunfeng's nose. Oh, it hurts, who is it?" Xiaole touched the back of his head and looked at Yunfeng, "Hahahaha." Xiaole laughed heartlessly, "You, you, haha."

Yun Feng stared at Xiaole angrily, "Laugh, I'll make you laugh enough." Yunfeng reached out and lit Xiaole's laughing hole.

Yunfeng sat next to him and watched Xiaole smile. He wiped off the blood from Xiaole's nose with a handkerchief. When he wiped it clean, he threw away his handkerchief and sat aside to drink tea.

"I don't laugh, I don't laugh." Xiaole laughed so much that tears were about to flow out.

"You laugh, I don't mind watching you smile here." Yunfeng continued to drink his tea and ignored Xiaole

"Nan Junqian, you... Haha.. Early in the morning... Haha.. Come to me to find fault. Hahahaha."

"Since you like to laugh, I will fulfill you. How can I find fault with you?" Yunfeng looked at Xiaole squintly

"It's a man's... Haha.. Don't use shade. Haha.. Like a woman." Xiaole can only use the exciting method

Yunfeng got up and untied Xiaole's acupuncture point, "Don't think that if you use the exciting method, I will let you go, if it weren't for your injury. Humph."

Xiaole stopped laughing and kept gasping. "I had a good impression on you last night, but now I don't feel anything."

"Oh, so, you like me." Yunfeng said narcissistically

"Ha ha, don't worry, I'm not interested in shemales." Xiaole, turn your face away

"What do you think you are not interested in?" Yun Feng looked at Xiaole with great interest

Xiaole turned around and smiled evilly. It's a guy who is not a man or a woman. We are commonly known as 'shemale', do you understand?"

"You." The servants on one side couldn't help laughing, and Yun Feng replied to Xiaole very gentlemanly. Don't worry, I'm not interested in women with broken feet.

"Nan Junqian..." Xiaole picked up the pillow and threw it to him

"I've never seen such a rude woman." Yunfeng, who easily escaped Xiaole's attack, is still disdainful to express his opinions

"You came here early in the morning to trouble me. If you have nothing to do, just run." Xiaole hated his foot injury for the first time.

"I will come in the future. I'm going to the morning." Yunfeng approached Xiaole and gently grabbed her chin. You have to recover from your injuries. I'm looking forward to you. After saying that, Yun Feng showed a beautiful smile to Xiaole, which fascinated Xiaole. Yunfeng looked at Xiaole in a daze and went to the early morning contentedly, leaving Xiaole in a daze

"Xiaole, Xiaole." After waiting for everyone to go down, Xiaoqing whispered to Xiaole

"Ah" Xiaole came to his senses.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiaoqing looked at Xiaole, who suddenly returned to her soul, and felt very strange

"Nothing." Xiaole smiled awkwardly. Damn, so aimless, just a smile, just so lost the state, Lin Xiaole, where is your ambition? However, he will also laugh.)

"Wash up." Xiaoqing took the scarf to Xiaole

"Thank you." Xiaole took it with both hands

"No thank you to me." Xiaoqing pouted slightly and expressed dissatisfaction

"Good." Xiaole said with a smile

"If you have something to do, you will leave the court." Duke Du said loudly

"Your Majesty, the North has repeatedly instigated neighboring countries to attack this dynasty. A few days ago, a detective reported that the kings of the Three Kingdoms lived in the north. I don't know if it is to join hands to attack this dynasty. Please make it clear." Li Deren, the minister of the Ministry of War, asked Nan Junxian for instructions

"I have heard about this matter for a long time. The other three countries have always regarded the South as a thorn in their eyes and want to get rid of it quickly. Unfortunately, it is said that there is no real truth that the three countries are united. If they rush to send troops, the strength of their three countries cannot be ignored. What is there any good strategy?" Nan Junxian looked at the low minister

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be discussed in a long way. When they take action, it will not be too late to send troops." Yunfeng cares about the people

"Well, my brother is right." Nan Junxian took a look at Yunfeng

After the next court, Nan Junxian asked several ministers to go to the imperial study to discuss state affairs. Unconsciously, when it was time for lunch, the ministers went back one after another. Nan Junxian called Yun Feng, "Let's have lunch together!" Nan Junxian looked at the queen waiting outside and knew what happened yesterday. The queen couldn't let it go

"Yes, let's eat together." The queen looked at Yunfeng with expectant eyes. Nan Junxian sees all this in his eyes

"Thank you for the royal brother and the royal sister-in-law's beauty, Yun Feng wants to go back to his house for dinner. Next time!" Yunfeng refused to eat in the palace for the first time

Yuyan felt very uncomfortable, but she couldn't show it. "Since he is not free, my concubine will accompany the emperor to eat." Yuyan took the initiative to take Nan Junxian's hand and left

Yunfeng went to the house without looking back. Yu Yan looked back and saw his hurried back (what on earth did he care so much about in the house)

In the royal palace

"Eat it quickly, or it will be cold." Xiaoqing said next to him, "Your Majesty, lunch is rarely used in the house. You can eat it first."

"Does he eat outside?"

"I often eat it in the palace."

"Well, don't wait, lest the dishes get cold and it's too wasteful to heat it up." Xiaole was about to move his chopsticks

"Is it right to eat first without waiting for me?" The familiar voice came to my ears, and the enchanting appearance came into my eyes

"Are you ashamed to say that we have been waiting for you for a long time?" Xiaole gave him a white look

"Long time.. How long will that take? As soon as Yunfeng sat down, someone brought rice

"Let them go to dinner. They have been busy all day."

Yunfeng looked up at the servants standing around him and said, "You all go down to eat. There is no need to serve here."

"Yes, my lord." They disappeared in front of them

"This dish is really delicious. It is worthy of being the master of the royal palace." When Xiaole ate with relish, he watched him look at the rice in a daze. What's the matter? Is it unappetizing?

"What do you think is the purpose of war?" Yunfeng's eyes are full of anxiety

"In order to dominate, the king fought only to expand his territory, but he did not think about the prosperity of the people; death, the people suffered; why can't they defend their country peacefully for their own people, and why must attack other countries." The scene of the corpse in the TV series appeared in front of Xiaole

"The people suffer; death, the people suffer." Yunfeng looked at Xiaole. She summarizes the suffering of the people in one sentence. If every king thinks like her, the world will be peaceful. It seems that you really can't underestimate her.) Yunfeng lowered her head and smiled lightly

"You have to come back early in the future, you know?" Xiaole said while eating

"Okay." After answering, Yunfeng looked up at Xiaole. He didn't know why he promised her

"What are you looking at? Let's eat." Xiaole continued to eat his own food

When he was full, Xiaole drank tea with him in the hall. What kind of tea is this? It smells so good.

"It's rose tea, refreshing and nourishing." Yunfeng delicately smelled the fragrance of tea with the heat

"No wonder you are so beautiful. It turns out that you drink this." Xiaole drank tea, but didn't find that she was going to kill her

"Can't you use other words to describe me? Do you have to be beautiful?"

Xiaole hesitated for a moment, "Is that beautiful?"

Yunfeng almost sprayed out the tea, "Is there any difference?"

"Well, then let's bet that I'll talk about whether you are beautiful or beautiful in the future, and I'll leave it to you; if you say anything about me, how about you leave it to me?" Xiaole looked at him proudly

"Good." Yunfeng said with a smile

"Actually, you look good when you smile. It's very charming. Why do you always have a cold face? There is no hyperura in life that you can't live, only that you don't want to live. Xiaole watched the corners of his slightly raised mouth droop again

"Then tell me what's funny." Yunfeng's face is cold

Do you know? When people laugh, as long as they are shocked by one nerve, and if they don't laugh and worry every day, 130 nerves will be shocked. Your laughter is good for everyone around you. Do you believe it? Xiaole stared at him with a smile

"I don't believe it." Yunfeng, turn your face away

"You ask the people around you if your prince smiles charmingly and easy-going, just like... Just like... What about the big brother next door?

Everyone dares not say

"If you don't let people say it, what do people say?" Xiaole gave him a white look

Yunfeng looked up at the people around him. To be honest, I won't blame you."

"Your Majesty, you haven't laughed since three years ago. Looking at your expressionless face, Xiaoqing felt very uncomfortable. However, after Miss Xiaole came, Xiaoqing saw many different expressions on your face. Xiaoqing and everyone likes the current prince." Xiaoqing is Yunfeng's most trusted person, so only she dares to speak bluntly

Just when everyone was silent, Xiaole applauded, "That's great. Listen, Xiaoqing is the representative of all of them. If you don't believe it, you can ask the housekeeper."

Yunfeng looked at the housekeeper. The housekeeper smiled naively. Lord, Xiaoqing is right. We like what you look like now.

"Listen, this is the voice of loyal ministers. I believe that you, a wise and handsome prince, will not disappoint your loyal ministers." Xiaole said with added oil and vinegar

"What is handsome?"

"It means beautiful." The defenseless Xiaole blurted out

"You mean I'm beautiful." Yunfeng caught Xiaole's little braids and didn't take revenge?

"Yes, what's wrong?" Xiaole forgot that the bet was made by herself

"Housekeeper, tell her that we just made a bet." Yunfeng took a sip of tea with satisfaction

"Miss Xiaole said, 'Then let's bet that I will talk about whether you are beautiful or beautiful in the future, and I will leave it to you; if you say anything about me, you can leave it to me, okay?' That's what it said." The housekeeper copied it for Xiaole word for word.

"Nan Junqian, you are shady me again." Xiaole gritted her teeth with hatred and said

"I'll handle it." Yunfeng said it word by word

"Hmm." Xiaole stamped his feet. Ouch."

"Hahaha." Yunfeng looked up to the sky and laughed. Housekeeper, you said I would leave her by your side, okay?"

"Of course." The housekeeper looked at Xiaole with a smile

"Where's Xiaoqing?" Yunfeng looked in the direction of Xiaoqing

"Okay, of course." Xiaoqing can't wait for Xiaole to stay

"I don't seem to agree." Xiaole looked at everyone

"It's decided." Yunfeng slowly walked to Xiaole

"What to decide?" Xiaole looked worriedly at him slowly approaching him

Yunfeng's mouth raised a good-looking margin, "Your punishment is not to leave the royal palace without my consent."

"It won't be born from your royal palace, and die as a ghost of your royal palace!" Xiaole swallows

"You got it right."

"I don't want it. If you say you don't like me, I can leave. Tell me quickly." Xiaole winnows at the people around him

"We like you very much." Almost with one voice

"I, a wise and handsome prince, can't let my loyal minister down." Yunfeng took a look, pouted Xiaole, and smiled again

(The prince can finally laugh as before, and Miss Xiaole has made great contributions. It seems that it was right to save her.) The housekeeper looked at the prince and Xiaole, with a kind smile hanging on his face

Xiaoqing looked at Xiaole and felt very happy. The prince smiled, and Xiaole can also stay. It's great.)

(Recuperate the injury first.) Xiaole took a look at Yunfeng. This guy really looks good when he smiles)

The big stone in Yunfeng's heart put down. Just because of Xiaole's words, there is no hyperbulence in life that you can't live, only you don't want to live. Really put it down