You are my princess

Chapter 27 Wonderland

Yunfeng returned to the royal palace first. The guests have already dispersed, leaving only the kings of several countries. Qian, where is Xiaole? Nan Junxian saw Yunfeng coming back and didn't say anything, and Xiaole didn't come back either.

Dongfang Yin and Yiran also came back later. Seeing Yiran's tearful face, they understood seven or eight points in their hearts. Where's the princess?" Xiaoqing saw Yiran's appearance and knew it in her heart, but hoped that it was not true.

Yunfeng slowly raised his head, stood up, pushed Xiaoqing aside, walked to Xi Yuexian's side, and looked at her with a sneer. Do you think you should wear this dress? Do you deserve it? You pay me Xiaole." Yunfeng grabbed Xi Yuexian's arms, shook Xi Yuexian's body desperately, and then threw Xi Yuexian to the ground.

"Nan Junqian." Xi Yuexian hurriedly helped Xi Yuexian up, and Xi Yuexian had cried in fear. No one can imagine that Xiaole is going to leave. How can you blame my sister, who is also your princess?

"Shut up, there is only one princess named Lin Xiaole, and there is no second one." Yunfeng said firmly.

"What about Princess Xiaole?" Shang Ji felt something was wrong.

"Yes, why didn't you bring her back?" Bei Tingxin looked at the door of the royal palace, hoping that Xiaole could appear at the door.

Yiran listened and cried again. Dongfang Yin held Yiran in his arms and made her cry. When we arrived, it was already late. Xiaole said, "Dongfang Yin lowered his head sadly.

"What's wrong?" Yuyan asked nervously.

"She jumped off the cliff and jumped in front of me, but there was nothing I could do." The scene of Xiaole jumping off the cliff came to Yunfeng's mind again.

Nan Junxian and Yuyan looked at each other in surprise. They understood what the desperate cliff meant?

"Berless Cliff?" Bei Tingxin shook his head in disbelief. She has such a cheerful personality, how can she find death? No." Beitingxin just doesn't believe that Xiaole will jump off the cliff.

Yunfeng snorted coldly. The cliff is surrounded by clouds and fog all year round, and there is no exit or entrance. As long as people jump down, they will definitely die. Yunfeng looked at the stunned Xi Yuexian again. Blessing, my princess jumped down there.

"Nan Junqian, don't be cheap and sell well." Xi Yue asked angrily.

"Xi Yue Xin, what kind of good girl your sister is? Humph." Yunfeng looked at Xi Yuexian with disdainful eyes.

"Nan Junqian, you made it clear to me. What do you mean?" Xi Yue Xin was even more angry when he heard Yun Feng say this.

"It's not your good sister. Give me medicine. Will I sleep with her? It's not that your good sister promised that she asked me to play with her for a few days. The sedan chair will carry a divorce letter, and I will accompany her? It's not your good sister. My Xiaole will jump off the cliff because I don't want to share one with other women. Xi Yuexian, it's all you. Yunfeng angrily settled the accounts one by one.

"Nan Junqian, what did you say?" Xi Yue Xin shook his head in disbelief. Xian'er, you told my brother that he was lying to me, right? Xi Yuexian grabbed Xi Yuexian's hand and prayed for an answer from her.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Xi Yuexian's confession let Xi Yuexian know the answer.

"Pa." Xi Yue Xin waved and slapped Xi Yuexian, and Xiao Ji hurriedly grabbed Xi Yue Xin. What are you doing? Didn't you see her so sad?"

Xi Yue Xin broke away from Xiao Ji's hand. You let go of me. It's my fault and my brother who hasn't taught you well and indulged you to cause today's tragedy. It's my fault that a human life was destroyed in your hands like this.

"Brother." Xi Yuexian knelt on the ground and hugged Xi Yuexi's feet and cried bitterly. It's not your fault, it's my waywardness.

"Wrong, it's not one life, but two lives, and Anzi's life." Yunfeng stared at Xi Yuexian fiercely.

Xi Yuexian stood up. I caused all this with one hand, and now it's up to me." After saying that, Xi Yuexian hit the pillar next to him.

Nan Junxian quickly stopped Xi Yuexian. Let go of me." Xi Yuexian sat on the ground.

"Qian, since it has happened, don't investigate who is right or wrong. Life still has to go on. You are husband and wife after worshiping the world, and you should live a good life. Today is your great joy." The good-hearted Nan Junxian wanted to say a few words for Xi Yuexian. Before he finished speaking, Yun Feng interrupted him.

"I said that everything will be over today, otherwise it will be the beginning of her disaster." Yunfeng returned to his former appearance, and his eyes were full of hatred. Nan Junxian, you have broken my happiness again and again. You are my brother, and I can't let my brother. Today, I cut my robe and broke our brotherhood. After saying that, Yun Feng took out the soft sword from his waist and cut off half of his red robe. I have no contact with you in this life. Yunfeng threw the broken robe at Nan Junxian's feet and turned away.

Nan Junxian was almost unstable and slowly picked up the broken robe under his feet. Break the brotherhood." Nan Junxian sneered. For women." Nan Junxian threw away the broken robe and said loudly. Nanjunqian, our blood is connected, and you can't break it if you want to. Go back to the palace." Nan Junxian left the royal palace with Yuyan angrily.

Yunfeng came to Xiaole's room, walked to Xiaole's bedside, lay on Xiaole's **, smelled the residual fragrance left by Xiaole, and played the past scenes in his mind over and over again. ( How can you leave me like this? How can it be?) Yunfeng thought about it and dropped his man's tears again. Since she wants to marry me so much, I want her to live by my side.) Yunfeng suddenly sat up in Xiaole's ** and walked to the hall.

"Master, master." Xiaole, who was in a coma, faintly heard Anzi calling himself.

Xiaole's eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing Anzi beside him, Xiaole smiled at ease. Anzi, are you all right?"

"It's okay, master, look, it's so beautiful here." Anzi helped Xiaole stand up.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Xiaole won't blink when she sees it.

The mountains and trees opposite are shrouded in a thin layer of white fog, and the tender green, emerald green and dark green are faintly discernible, mixed into a green ocean. The lake is injected with many large and small streams. The lake is clear and transparent, and the lake is sky blue. The water and sky are integrated, as if entering a fairyland. Listen quietly, the gurgling sound of water and the chirping sound of birds are combined with each other, just like a beautiful natural melody, so beautiful and beautiful.

"You're here!" Xiaole was still immersed in the melody of nature. When Anzi saw someone coming, he pulled the corners of Xiaole's clothes.

Xiaole turned around and saw the old man he had met before. Ha, old man, you are really here."

The old man brushed his white beard. Ha ha, if I'm not here, I'm afraid you and him will see the King of Yan.

"Hehe, that's right." Xiaole smiled shyly.

"What do you think of this place?" The old man looked at Xiaole's intoxicated appearance and intuitively told him that Xiaole liked it.

"Wonderland on earth." Xiaole couldn't help looking back.

"Since you are here, let me go!" The old man walked ahead and asked Xiaole to follow him and walk together.

After crossing the bridge, the carp under the bridge aroused Xiaole's interest. Anzi, is it good-looking? Xiaole stood in the middle of the bridge curiously and watched the carp swimming.

"Good-looking, master, look at this one." Anzi pointed to a red and white carp and said.

"Anzi, do you know what kind of carp this is? This is Danding carp. Look at this again. There are large and small red spots and black spots on the back, and the fish body is intertwined by red, white and black, which is the three colors; and the silver-white, scales are glowing platinum carp; and the golden carp with golden scales. Xiaole told the species of Anzi carp with his own knowledge.

"Master, you know so much!" Anzi sincerely admired Xiaole.

"It seems that you girl can't be underestimated." The old man smiled at Xiaole again.

Then Xiaole saw the flower room made of flowers. What is this! It's so beautiful!"

"Ha, this is also called green radish, also called golden ge. The green radish branches are luxuriant and have good shade resistance. They are evergreen and shiny all year round. The stems of green radish grow faster. Put it on the flower rack and let its stems hang down, like green curtains, which is unique."

"Then why does it live under this towering tree?" Xiaole asked puzzledly.

"In summer, it is easy for the leaves to wither and fall off in strong light, so the original growth condition of green dill is that it is not strong in the forest covered by towering trees, so that it can reproduce so fast. The air here is also because it becomes better." The old man reached out to touch the green leaves.

"I know." Xiaole nodded and said that he understood.

"Let's go!"

Go on and see a purple sea. This, this is violet." Xiaole exclaimed, which is one of Xiaole's favorite flowers.

"Violet, a nice name." The old man looked at Xiaole in surprise. Girl, this is a new breed I just developed. I called him Purple Ocean, but I didn't expect you to give it such a beautiful name.

"You can see this kind of flower in our place, do you know? This flower has a history. Legend has it that Venus, the goddess in charge of love and beauty, said goodbye to her lover's long trip. Crystal tears fell on the soil. In the spring of the second year, she sprouted and sprouted and bloomed beautiful and fragrant flowers. This is violet. Therefore, its flower language is eternal beauty, just like the eternity between lovers is the most beautiful in the world. Xiaole suddenly remembered Yunfeng.

The old man claps his hands and smiles. Girl, I must take you as an apprentice. You are so adorable.

Xiao Le immediately came to his senses and looked at the old man with a smile. OK, master, please be worshipped by the apprentice. Xiaole knelt on the ground on TV.

"Ha ha, get up!" The old man laughed and blossomed.

"I also want to be a teacher." Anzi hurriedly knelt down with Xiaole.

"Ha ha, for the sake of your loyalty, I will make an exception to accept you as an apprentice." When the old man saved them, he knew that he was loyal to the Lord, otherwise he would not have come down first. Let's go! Go back to the house! I'll take you to meet someone." The old man walked ahead with a smile.

Xiao Le and Anzi jumped behind him.

"Peach Blossom." Xiaole hurried over and was about to reach out to touch it when he was hit by the master. Xiaole hurriedly withdrew his hand and rubbed his beaten hand.

"Master, are you all right?" Anzi ran to Xiaole's side.

The master came over and looked at the red place of Xiaole. Girl. You remember that all the flowers here can be touched, but peach blossoms can't be touched, you know?"

Xiaole looked at the beautiful peach blossoms and the master. Why?"

"It's autumn now. How can peach blossoms grow so bright and beautiful?" Hearing what the master said, Xiaole didn't understand even more. Because peach blossoms are poured with venom, which is extremely poisonous. As long as you touch it, you will die.

After listening to what the master said, Xiaole looked at the peach blossom in surprise. Venom? Master, why did you plant such a flower?

The master looked at the peach blossom. Because it is highly poisonous, it can be attacked with poison. You will understand later."

"Master, don't be too curious. You should pay attention to it here." Anzi was just worried about Xiaole's careless appearance.

"Yes, my Anzi." Xiaole knew that Anzi was worried about himself.

"Have we talked for so long and still don't know your names?" The master looked at the two of them.

Xiaole held his fists in his hands. Master, apprentice Xiaole.

After listening, the master nodded and smiled. The person who named you must hope that you will be righteous and happy to forget your worries, so he named it Xiaole.

Xiaole remembered the dean in the 21st century and thought of many people. Xiaole couldn't help but feel sad.

"Master, I'm Anzi." Anzi touched the back of his head shyly.

"Poverty and happy road is also a good free life."

"Old man, didn't you say there would be guests coming today?" There was some vicissitudes of sound from the room.

"Old woman, isn't this coming?" The master hurried up.

"Oh, what a beautiful little girl, what a handsome young man! In the future, the desperate cliff will be lively." The old woman laughed happily.

Xiaole looked at the old man and was dumbfounded. Today, she finally saw what a childlike crane hair is. The old woman has silver hair, but her face is only like a girl in her 20 or 30 years old, with a kind and doting smile.

"Old woman, the two apprentices I just received, take a look, do you like them?" The master asked softly.

"I like it, I like it. If you have company in the future, I will have it." The old woman laughed again.

"Woman, Anzi, this is my wife." The master held the old woman's hand tightly.

Xiaole ran to the old woman and took her hand. Teacher's mother." Xiaole screamed sweetly.

"Hey!" The old woman held Xiaole's hand, and Xiaole found that her mother's hand was also slippery.

"You look around first. I'll help your mother cook. Remember not to go to the cave over there." The master pointed to the cave not far away.

"I'll help." Xiaole volunteered to help.


Xiaole gave Anzi a look, holding one by one. What about you, just have a good rest and let the apprentices go to a rich teacher's banquet. Anzi, let's go.

The two went into the room, and the master and mother sat on the stone chair. Old man, that girl and Anzi knew at a glance that they were good children. How could they come down with you?

"Old woman, you will know later." The two held hands and snuggled together.

Yunfeng walked to the hall, and Xi Yue Xin was preparing to take Xi Yuexian back to the west. Wait, she has already visited me. Do you want to take her away like this? Yunfeng looked at Xi Yuexian coldly.

"What do you want?" Xi Yue Xin has been exhausted by Xi Yue Xian and unable to do anything more.

"Should you ask your sister if she would like to go back with you? Besides, she has married me, and she was born in our royal palace. Death is our ghost."

Dongfang Yin and Yi looked at Yunfeng puzzledly.

Xi Yue Xin looked at Xi Yuexian, and Xi Yuexian looked at Yunfeng. ( I should have stayed, even for atonement.) Brother, I want to stay." Xi Yuexian lowered his head sadly. Xi Yue Xin just nodded and pulled Xiao Ji to leave.

"Aren't you going to say anything to Xian'er?" Xiao Ji took Xi Yuexian's hand and looked at Xi Yuexian sadly.

Xi Yue Xin paused and looked back at Xi Yuexian. I won't say anything. Since it's your choice, I respect your choice. Take good care of yourself." After saying that, Xi Yue Xin left the royal palace without looking back, because Xi Yuexian had made him very sad.

"Xian'er, take good care of yourself and go back to the West if you have anything to do, you know?" Xiao Ji said to Xi Yuexian.

"Brother-in-law, you should also take good care of yourself and take good care of my brother for me." Xi Yuexian was heartbroken when he remembered Xi Yuexin's appearance just now.

"Xiao Ji." Xi Yue Xin called Xiao Ji at the door.

"Here it comes." Xiao Ji responded to Xi Yue Xin. Xian'er, I'm leaving."

"Bear care."

"Xiaoqing, take the new princess in to freshen up." Xiaoqing was still immersed in the grief of losing Xiaole and Anzi and couldn't extricate himself.

"I won't go. I only recognize one princess." Xiaoqing cried and ran in.

Yunfeng's heart touched and gave the housekeeper a look. Princess, please come with me. The housekeeper received a signal from Yunfeng.

Xi Yuexian looked at Yunfeng and other people present and followed the housekeeper in.

"What do you mean?" Yiran stood up and looked at Yunfeng puzzledly.

"I remember what you said. What I do now may not understand, but one day you will understand. There is no love in Yunfeng's eyes, only hatred and indifference.

"I don't understand, but all I know is that you just called her 'New Princess'." Yiran is about to get angry.

"The current 'new princess' will make her live worse than death in the future." Yiran saw the continuous hatred in Yunfeng's eyes.

"Then we also set out to return to North China. What about you?" Bei Tingxin looked at Dongfang Yin and asked.

"We're going back too." Dongfang Yin thought about what had happened recently, and there was no look of the past on his face.

"Yi Ran, let's go together." Shang Ji looked as lively as before.

"Well, all right!" Yi Ran reluctantly put out a smile.

Yunfeng closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Everyone is going back. Have a good journey. Yunfeng said gently to them.

"Don't be too sad. Maybe God took her to the Bliss." Shang Ji comforted Yunfeng and said.

"Maybe I went to another fairyland on earth." Yiran still holds the idea of Xiaole living.

Beitingxin patted Yunfeng on the shoulder. Brother, you still have to live as usual. Don't bring too much hatred, or you will have a hard time.

Dongfang Yin walked to Yunfeng's side. Don't let her worry about you elsewhere."

Yunfeng looked at them. Thank you. I won't let her worry about me elsewhere.

"Then let's go."

Yunfeng walked to the door of the royal palace and saw them go away. Yunfeng looked up at the sky and looked at the clouds in the sky with a smile. Xiaole, will you look at me in the sky? Then you have to take a good look at how I made her life worse than death.)

Yunfeng turned around and walked to the palace.