You are my princess

Chapter 93 After giving birth

Xiaole, who had been asleep all day, finally regained consciousness after constantly pouring soup in Anzi. Anzi saw Xiaole's eyelids move. Xiaole."

Xiaole slowly opened his eyes and looked at the familiar things and familiar faces. Well, what's wrong with me?" Xiaole wanted to get up, and the pain in her lower body made her wake up immediately. Xiaole saw her flat stomach. What about my child and my child? Xiaole shouted in horror.

"Have you forgotten? You fainted after giving birth to Zhehan. Anzi said slowly.

The scene mentioned by Anzi flashed in Xiaole's mind, and the hanging heart was relieved. What about Zhehan? I want to see him."

"My mother is coaxing him to sleep. I'll bring him here." After saying that, Anzi ran out.

Xiaole lay alone **, constantly echoing what Chu Chao said in his mind, imagining Xi Yuexian being pregnant and imagining them walking side by side, and tears flowed down with the corners of his eyes. ( Nanjunqian, from today on, I, Lin Xiaole, will not have any intersection with you.)

"Xiaole and Zhehan are here." Knowing that Xiaole had woken up, Chu Chao and Wan Xuan came over together. Xiaole sat up by Anzi's waist, and Chu Chao took over Xiaole's wrist.

"Well, today's pulse is much smoother."

"I want to hug Zhehan." Xiaole looked at the little one in Wanxuan's hand and wanted to hug his son. Wanxuan walked over and let Xiaole hold Zhehan in her hand. Xiaole grew up in an orphanage. Although she saw a lot of children, she was inexplicably moved after taking over the child. This may be a blood relationship!

"Xiaole, do you feel uncomfortable today?" Wanxuan took the opportunity to cover Xiaole with a quilt in case she caught a cold.

"Much better." Xiaole looked up at Wanxuan and looked down at her child. Why is he so quiet?

Wanxuan came closer and took a look. It seems that the child still recognizes his mother. After coaxing him for a long time, he refused to sleep and looked at it with his eyes open. No, I fell asleep in your arms."

Xiaole smiled and teased Zhehan's little face with his fingers. Zhehan's little head moved, and then fell asleep again. Is this my Zhehan and my child? Looking at such a healthy child, Xiaole smiled happily.

"Like his father." The father in Anzi's mouth is Yunfeng.

Xiaole's smile froze, and then he was silent for a moment. Like father, like son, isn't that the case?"

"Xiaole, I heard from your father that this man is not worth it." Chu Chao was originally optimistic about Yunfeng, but the scene of the market has been greatly discounted.

Xiao Le showed a confident smile. Don't worry, I, Lin Xiaole, can't beat it. As the saying goes, filial piety is the most filial piety. It's a matter of time before he makes Xi Yuexian pregnant, but he didn't expect it to be so soon, that's all. Xiaole's eyes were a little gloomy and lost.

"Well, don't think too much. The most important thing is to take good care of yourself." Wanxuan can't say anything. She said a lot. It's not Xiaole's heart that is hurt, and he has nothing to do with it.

"Xiaole, just forget that person! In the future, we will all be very happy with the five of us and Xiaoyin. We will live a good life without him, you and all of us, okay? Anzi couldn't bear to shed tears.

Xiao Le looked at Zhehan's sleeping appearance, smiled and looked up at them. When I jumped off the cliff, I had nothing to do with him. Although Xiaole said so, they could see Xiaole's sadness.

"It's good that you think so." Chu Chao can't say anything. Xiaole has already said something.

"Hmm." Xiaole looked at Zhehan lovingly. With Zhe Han, I understood the true meaning of life.

"Then have a good rest. I'll take Zhehan to bed. You can rest!" Wanxuan carefully hugged this fragile little life.

"Wait, I'll serve you a bowl of soup." Anzi saw that Xiaole was in good condition, so he went to serve her a bowl of soup, which Chu Chao wanted Anzi to stew.

"Then you rest, and we won't disturb your rest." Chu Chao and Wanxuan hugged Zhehan and went to sleep in another room.

Xiaole sat in **, but she didn't know how far she had gone. The soup is coming. Anzi held a large bowl full of soup. Dad said that you have to drink this soup when you wake up so that you can have milk. Water feeds Zhehan." Anzi told Xiaole what Chu Chao told him.

Xiao Le smiled. Anzi, you will know how to take care of your wife in the future!"

"What is a wife?" Anzi put the soup aside and drank it coldly.

"It's your wife!" Xiaole looked at Anzi with a pale face.

"Madam, let's talk about it later! The most important thing now is you." Anzi involuntarily stretched out his hand and stroked Xiaole's face. Seeing that you are so weak, I feel uncomfortable."

Xiao Le's hand took down Anzi's hand and held Anzi's hand in both hands. Anzi, thank you for accompanying me from beginning to end, accompanying me to leave the northern country, accompanying me to the royal palace, and accompanying me to jump off the cliff. You are by my side. Thank you.

"No, it's all you." Anzi smiled and recalled all kinds of things that happened together. If it's not the horse you blocked for me, there may not be me now; without you with me, I wouldn't have seen so many things; if you didn't take me off the cliff, I wouldn't meet my parents, and I don't have my parents to call in my life; it's even more impossible to restore a man's dignity; all this is from you, you, you gave me, "< /P>

"Okay, we will rely on each other in this life." Xiaole's stomach screamed.

Hearing Xiaole's stomach protesting, Anzi picked up the soup on one side. Hungry! Drink it quickly!"

"It smells good!"

After Xiaole drank the soup, Anzi helped her lie down and rest. She watched Xiaole close her eyes and fell asleep before going out.

"Is Xiaole asleep?" Seeing Anzi coming out, Chu Chao asked.

"Well, I just finished the soup and went to bed. What's the matter?" Anzi looked at Chu Chao with a little heavy face.

"Well, I don't think Xiaole's heart is comfortable." Chu Chao sighed deeply. As soon as I saw her smile reluctantly, I held her hand. I found that her pulse was very weak and weak. If she goes on like this, I will worry about her body.

"Well, how could such a thing happen? If it weren't for the prince, Xiaole would not have had a premature birth, and it wouldn't have been like this. Wanxuan also complained a lot about Yunfeng. Fortunately, the mother and son are safe now, otherwise Wanxuan will definitely go to Yunfeng to settle accounts.

"For good, your mother's skills were passed on to Xiaole at that time. Otherwise, I really can't guarantee the safety of their mother and son." Chu Chao said powerless.

"Is it really that dangerous?" Anzi was scared by Chu Chao's words. It turned out that Xiaole died that day!

"Well, I'm so afraid that my child will be unable to adapt to the outside world. I'm more afraid that Xiaole's body can't support it and cause dystocia. I assumed all this at that time. Fortunately, such a thing didn't happen, otherwise I would blame myself in my life." Chu Chao can't imagine what would happen in that case.

"Dad, is Zhehan's health?" Anzi saw Chu Chao like this and thought it was Zhehan's bad health.

"Bah, ah, he's very good."

"Dad, don't be scary all the time. Okay, suddenly speaking so seriously, I thought something had happened," Anzi was really scared to death by Chu Chao's expression and tone sometimes.

"Anzi, why haven't you gotten used to your father's tone of speaking?" Wanxuan felt funny when she saw Anzi's tone of following Chu Chao.

"Mom, do you know? Dad always likes to say the most inappropriate words in the most inappropriate tone at the most appropriate time. Do you think I can get used to it? Anzi also complained to Wanxuan,

"Such an old man is really ignorant, isn't he?" Wanxuan also followed Anzi to make fun of Chu Chao.

"That's right, it's too ignorant." Anzi said to Wanxuan.

"Who are you talking about?" Chu Chao clearly knew that he was talking about him, but he just pretended to be confused.

"Whoever agrees, right, mother?" Anzi deliberately asked Wanxuan to come forward.

"Yes." Wanxuan is also on Anzi's side.

"You two bullied me, didn't you?"

Xiaole didn't fall asleep at all, but listened to their conversation quietly. I can't let them worry about me anymore. I'm not alone now. I have the obligation to take care of and raise Zhehan. I have the obligation to serve my parents to die. I still have a lot of burdens on me. I must get better quickly.) Xiaole is thinking about a person again, but now it's not hate but gratitude.

"Xiaole, you have to eat more of this to have milk. Water is given to Zhehan, and Zhehan can't be hungry. Since Chu Chao told Anzi what is milk replenishment. Water, Anzi went to do something for Xiaole. She couldn't starve Xiaole, let alone Zhehan. No, here we go again.

"Good boy, don't cry!" Wanxuan coaxed Zhehan on the side.

"I'll do it!" Xiaole looked at Zhehan and cried so pitifully that his heart ached.

"Okay, be careful." Wanxuan gave the child to Xiaole.

"Mom, let's eat! I'll take this little guy." As soon as Xiaole hugged him, Zhehan put away his tears and looked at Xiaole.

"You little guy." Seeing him snuggle so quietly in Xiaole's arms, Wanxuan could only admit that she was old and couldn't even coax a child.

"I think this little guy recognizes his mother, so let Xiaole hold him!" Chu Chao put the chicken into Xiaole's bowl.

"Ha ha, mother, now you can be happy and relaxed." Anzi comforted Wanxuan.

"Yes." Although Wanxuan said this, she still hoped to bring Da Zhehan in her heart.

"Mom, he is hungry and doesn't recognize me. When he is full, he won't cry if anyone hugs him." Xiaole turned around to breastfeed Zhehan. The three of them were eating behind him, and Xiaole could not walk around at will.

Maybe it's because it's my first time to be a mother! When Zhe Han's little mouth touched Xiaole's breast. In the room, Xiaole was thrilled all over her body and watched Zhehan's little mouth keep sucking her breasts. Water, Xiaole feels very satisfied and happy. After being fed, Wanxuan also had a good meal. I'll hug you, and you go to dinner!"

"Good." Xiaole hugged Zhehan to Wanxuan and turned around. There was already a lot of meat and vegetables in the bowl. Why are there so many of this?"

"You just gave birth to a baby, of course you have to make up for it!" Chu Chao also kept picking meat for Xiaole.

"Yes, of course you have to supplement it. This dish seems to supplement calcium. You said it yourself." Anzi quickly looked for the words said by Xiaole in his mind.

"That's what I said." Xiaole smiled. It turned out that he had always remembered what he had said.

"Then you need to make up more. Come and eat this." Anzi tried his best to put vegetables in Xiaole's bowl.

"I just gave birth to a child. Of course, I need to make up for it with meat." Chu Chao gave meat to Xiaole.

"Well, my bowl is full. Don't pick it up anymore. I can't stand it." Xiaole looked at the essence of the bowl of vegetables and meat in front of him.

"Eating more vegetables can better nourish your health, be good and eat it." Anzi is coaxing Xiaole to eat vegetables like a child.

"Eat more vegetables, and this meat can't be less. Come on, eat meat."

Xiaole looked at the two men in front of him and suddenly felt very happy, because the two best men for him in the world were by his side, and there was also a little man who had not grown up. Xiaole looked at Wanxuan's side and smiled the happiest smile.