You are my princess

Chapter 112 True Love in the Rain

" Han'er." Xiaole's face can't tell whether it's tears or rain. The rain is urgent and heavy. There are no passers-by A, B and C walking on the street. Even if you ask someone, you can't ask why.

"Xiaole, Xiaole." Looking at Xiaole looking so aimlessly, Anzi grabbed Xiaole.

Have you found it? Did you find it?" Xiaole grabbed Anzi's hand tightly.

"You'd better go back and wait for the news!" Anzi was worried that Xiaole's body would be unstable, and he was even more worried about her body when he looked at her.

"I can't wait for a moment. It's all my fault. Just tell him that he won't quarrel with me, he will be with us, and won't disappear. If he has a long and two short stories, I won't live." Xiaole has tasted something else, and she doesn't want to feel this way anymore.

"Xiaole, don't blame yourself. Let's find it together." Anzi understood that if Xiaole was not allowed to look for it, she would go crazy.

"You are here. Fengfeng just went to ask the soldiers guarding the city gate and said that it rained heavily soon after a child who looked like Fengfeng left the city. Feng has gone to look for it outside the city. He asked me to inform you to look outside the city. Don't run around the city. Let's go!" Yunfeng knew that Xiaole and Anzi attached great importance to Zhehan. How could he let them go back and wait for the news? Looking at Xiaole like this, Hongye didn't know why she always had a feeling of protecting her.

"Let's go!" Hearing the news of Zhehan, Xiaole couldn't wait to run to the gate, and Hongye and Anzi also went out of the city to look for it.

"Hauer, can you hear me?" Yunfeng shouted in the woods, and the rain drowned his voice. Answer me when you hear it, Han'er."

(Does Han'er go out of the city to find Xiaoyin? Could it be that he arrived as soon as we came back? I'm going to find Xiao Yin.) Xiaole now puts all his hopes on Xiaoyin. Even if he is not with Xiaoyin, he has to rely on Xiaoyin's sensitive sense of smell to find Zhehan's correct position. Xiaole can only run quickly to the cave where Xiaoyin is sent, hoping to see Zhehan there.

Xiaoyin was already resting, but the snake was close to the ground. Xiaoyin's perception of the outside world was very accurate. Xiaoyin had felt that the frequency of vibration on the ground was getting closer and closer to the cave. Xiaoyin immediately became alert and stared at the hole to see who it was. Suddenly, a wet little face appeared at the mouth of the cave. Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin, is Han'er here with you? Xiaole's voice has been hoarse and not as pleasant as usual.

Xiao Yin squirmed around and came to Xiaole's side and rubbed Xiaole's hand. No, right?" Xiaole really broke down and suddenly sat on the ground and cried. Xiaoyin, Zhehan is gone, and he is gone. Xiaole cried to Xiaoyin.

Hearing this, Xiaoyin ignored the injury on her head and went out to find Zhehan in the rain. Xiaole hurriedly got up and followed Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin took Xiaole directly and quickly looked for the smell of Zhehan in the woods.

"Where's Xiaole?" Hongye has been looking for it with Anzi, but he didn't pay attention to which direction Xiaole went.

"Let's find Han'er quickly! People as big as Xiaole will take good care of themselves, not as small as Han'er. Of course, Anzi knows whose help Xiaole is going to seek.

, "Han'er." Yunfeng's heart was entangled at this time. Han'er, do you hear my voice? Yunfeng just looked around to see if there was Zhehan's figure. He didn't pay attention to the vines under his feet at all. Yunfeng accidentally tripped over the vines. Yunfeng quickly got up. Unexpectedly, the moss under his feet had such a history of so many years. Coupled with rainy days, Yunfeng's feet rolled down directly and rolled down. In the process of going down, Yunfeng hit a stone on the back of his head, hit a tree below, and stopped. Yunfeng slowly sat up, frowned, reached out to touch the back of his head, and looked at the blood in his hand. Yunfeng only felt dizzy.

Yunfeng staggered to his feet and held the tree. Not far away, he faintly saw a small figure lying there. Yun Feng staggered over, and Yun Feng saw the familiar little face. Han'er, Han'er." Yun Feng came to Zhehan's side slowly and staggered. Han'er, wake up, Han'er." Yunfeng shook the thin body, and Yunfeng touched Zhehan's whole body. ( How can it be so hot?) Han'er, Dad won't let you have anything to do. Yunfeng picked up Zhehan. You will be fine, won't you." Unfortunately, the place where Yunfeng was hit was not a minor injury. The blood was washed on her clothes by the rain, and her clothes were full of blood. Han'er. Yunfeng has been holding on, holding the tree up little by little.

As soon as his feet slipped, he slipped down again. Yunfeng didn't give up and then tried. Han'er, Dad will definitely protect you." Yunfeng looked down at Zhehan in his arms. Yunfeng was exhausted and could only find a big tree to sit down. It's okay, it's okay." After saying that, Yun Feng fainted with Zhe Han in his arms.

The rain came at a bad time. Xiaoyin's sense of smell was disturbed by the rain. Xiaoyin looked around. Suddenly, it seemed to smell something. Xiaoyin slowly squirmed. Xiaoyin smelled it carefully where Yunfeng had just fallen. Xiaoyin confirmed Zhehan's position. Xiaoyin slipped down and I saw Yunfeng falling asleep by a tree with Zhe Han in his arms. Han'er, Han'er." Xiaole hurriedly slipped down on Xiaoyin's back and ran to Zhehan's side. Han'er, Han'er, Yunfeng, how are you?" But no matter how Xiaole shouts, they just can't wake up. Xiaoyin, go back to the cave quickly. They should be there soon. When Haner is ready, I will take him to see you, okay!" Xiaole turned around and said to Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin looked at the sleeping Zhehan reluctantly. After seeing Xiaole's eyes, Xiaoyin quickly left.

"Help, help!" Xiaole shouted desperately. Come on, help!"

"Did you hear anything?" Anzi motioned Hongye to stop and listen.

"It seems that someone is shouting for help." Hongye also heard someone shouting.

"Over there!"

"Help, help." Xiaole wanted to pick up Zhehan, but Yunfeng hugged Zhehan tightly.

"Dad will definitely protect you." Yunfeng said this in her sleep, and Xiaole couldn't help crying.

"Help!" Xiaole shouted louder, and the sky was about to get dark. Help!"

Anzi and Hongye finally saw Xiaole's figure and quickly slipped down. Xiaole." Anzi ran to Xiaole's side. Han'er, Han'er, the prince. Anzi tried to wake them up, but there was no response.

"Fengfeng, Fengfeng." Red leaves patted Yunfeng's face. Hurry up and get them back to the royal palace.

"Okay, Xiaole, hold Zhehan. Hongye and I are carrying the prince. Hurry up." Anzi and Xiaole picked up Zhe Han in Yunfeng's hand, and then the two helped Yunfeng up. While holding Yunfeng's arm, Xiaole followed them with Zhe Han in his arms. You go up first, don't be behind us." Anzi dares not relax at all. Once relaxed, the three of them will roll down together.

Hiding in the distance and watching them work so hard, I really want to help, but there are outsiders there. OK." Xiaole hugged Zhehan and caught the vine next to him and slowly climbed up. Anzi and Hongye cooperated for the first time and cooperated very well.

"Ha'er, how did you come to such a place?" Hongye asked breathlessly.

"Children are really..." Anzi doesn't know how to explain to Hongye?

"Oh, why is Fengfeng's clothes full of blood!" At this time, Hongye saw the blood stains on Yunfeng's clothes behind him.

"Where is the injury?" Anzi looked at Yunfeng in reverse. He hit his head."

"Don't study him. Han'er's whole body is hot and her forehead is injured. Let's go back to the royal palace now." After saying that, Xiaole hurried to the city with Zhe Han in his arms.

"Hey, hello." Hongye wants to take a break. It's very tiring.

"Hey, let's go! Is there anything you want from Fengfeng? Anzi said in the tone of Hongye.

"Yes, I, Fengfeng, was also injured. Let's go, let's go. What's the rest for? Hongye seems to have forgotten that she just wanted to rest.

"Let's go!" Anzi and Hongye cooperated to transport Yunfeng back to the royal palace.

By the time Xiaole returned to the royal palace, it was already dark. Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing." Xiaole ran into the royal palace and shouted Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing has been waiting in the hall. Yes, I found it, thank God!"

"Please boil a large pot of water. Yunfeng is also injured. I also want water."

"It's already burned. I asked someone to mention your room." Xiaoqing was afraid that they would come back wet, so she was ready to use boiling water.

"OK, please." Xiaole hurriedly took Zhehan to the advanced room.

Xiaoqing went to the kitchen and asked several people to send water to Xiaole's room. Xiaoqing also followed him to help Xiaole. When Xiaole was bathing Zhehan, Xiaoqing was preparing clothes. Master, do you want to call a doctor?

"No, Anzi will." Xiaole quickly dressed Zhehan. Xiaoqing, you hold Zhehan with a quilt and let him sweat. I'll go to see Yunfeng, and he is also injured.

"Yes." Xiaoqing and Zhehan picked him up and made him tight with a quilt.

When Xiaole ran to the hall, Xi Yuexian sat in the hall and looked at Xiaole's embarrassed appearance and felt funny. Yo, Yo, who is this? Why are you so embarrassed? Xi Yuexian looked like he was watching a joke.

Xiaole didn't have the leisure to fight with her, so she ignored her. Yo, how arrogant it is. In just a few days, there have been two large-scale disappearances, making the people of the royal palace restless.

"Are you a chicken or a dog?" Xiaole couldn't help replying to her.

"You." Xi Yuexian smiled. Do you think it's mute?"

"Yes, if you don't talk, no one will treat you as mute." Xiaole didn't expect that Xiyue Xian would become like this in three years.

"You." Xi Yuexian was about to wave to Xiaole, but Xiaole had run away to pick up Yunfeng.

"You two go take a shower! The hot water is ready for you. Xiaole helped support Yunfeng.

"Wait a minute, he is my father-in-law. I'll take care of it." Xi Yuexian blocked their way.

"Don't make trouble." Xiaole knew that the back of Yunfeng's head must be cleaned immediately, otherwise it would be inflamed.

"This is the royal palace." Xi Yuexian still insisted on blocking their way, and Anzi was angry and clicked Xi Yuexian's acupuncture point.

"I hate jittering women the most. It's annoying." After saying that, Anzi flashed past Xi Yuexian's side and carried Yunfeng to his room.

"Go and take a hot shower and don't catch a cold." Xiaole carefully wiped their hair.

"No, I want to stay and take care of Fengfeng." Hongye acts coquettishly like a child.

"You are not going to take a shower now. You will catch a cold later. How can you take care of Yunfeng? Go ahead!"

"Yes! Then I'll go." After Xiaole said this, Hongye obediently went to take a shower.

"Shoot a shower and see how Han'er is doing. Why is it so hot?" Xiaole thought of Zhehan worriedly.

"Okay, you can do it alone!"

"Yes." Xiaole nodded, and Anzi was relieved to go out this time.

After they all left, Xiaole took off Yunfeng's clothes. Although she had seen it before, she was still a little embarrassed now. Xiaole helped Yunfeng, who was striped, up. As a result, Yunfeng pressed Xiaole to the ground. Xiaole hurriedly pushed Yun Feng away. Fortunately, he had martial arts now, otherwise he would not be able to push him away. Xiaole helped Yunfeng on the ground and put it into the bathtub. It also took some time for Xiaole to carefully clean the wound on the back of his head. It may have woke up Yunfeng in pain. Yunfeng opened his eyes and couldn't see the smile, so he shouted. Han'er, Han'er." Xiaole, who was concentrateing on wiping Yunfeng's wound, was shocked.

Yunfeng stood up and looked at Xiaole sitting on the ground. Xiaole looked up and saw Yunfeng's body and hurriedly closed her eyes. Xiaole, where's Han'er?

"He's resting. Sit down, okay?" Xiaole didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

Yunfeng looked down and saw that she was standing bare. No wonder Xiaole closed her eyes. Yunfeng hurriedly sat down, and Xiaole slowly opened her eyes. She walked behind Yunfeng and continued to wipe the wound for him. Yun Feng suddenly snorted.

Is it painful? Then slow down." Xiaole slowed down and lighted down his strength.

Yunfeng sighed gently. I haven't been together like this for a long time. I really hope time can stop at this moment.)