ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 3 Inner Door

The inner gate of Linglong Gate is not only the place that the disciples of the outer gate dream of entering, but also the monks of the whole city of Nanluo City have a glimpse of the mystery. It can be said that nearly 70% of the female monks in the whole Nanluo City are in the Linglong Gate. Female practitioners with both beauty and strength are basically disciples of Linglongmen.

So as long as it is a female monk, she hopes to practice in Linglong Gate. As for male monks, the inner gate of Linglong Gate is simply the same as the fairyland.

Li Mingyang also thought so. When he first stepped into the inner door of the Linglong door, he felt as if he had come to a completely different world. There is not so much secular atmosphere here, and there are pavilions and small bridges everywhere. The smoke on the distant mountain is like a fairy mountain, which is full of yearning.

No wonder the exquisite disciples who go out of the inner door seem to have a fairy spirit. They choose to be a plain person, and there is always a temperament that makes people feel good.

Seeing that even the slate road seemed to be paved with white jade, Li Mingyang rubbed his trousers legs with his feet, for fear that his straw shoes would stain the white jade path here. Although he also knew that his behavior was ridiculous, and even he could see the disdain of the words of the Linglong disciples around him who led him, but when he thought that he finally had the opportunity to cultivate immortals and still practice immortals at the inner gate of Linglongmen, he automatically ignored many things he didn't want to think about.

Li Mingyang does think that this is a fairyland on earth, not because there are the most female monks in Nanluo City, or because Xiao Zhuer, the most beautiful monk in Nanluo City, who is known as a beautiful fairy, is about to become his neighbor, but because Li Mingyang knows that there is a Wanfa Pavilion, a hundred grass hall, and martial arts performance at the inner gate. Hall.

When he was a beggar, Li Mingyang's greatest wish every day was that he could get more money and not be robbed by the scoundrels in the east of the city.

But after becoming a ghost cultivation, he has the desire that other ghost cultivation does not dare to have, that is, to hope that he can cultivate immortals. Especially after picking up the qi nourishing technique, this idea is naturally stronger.

But there has been half a year in Linglongmen, so he has gradually become clear that if he really wants to embark on the road of immortal cultivation, at least three points must be met. The first point is to have a complete spiritual root, the second point is to have a complete method of cultivating immortals, and the third point is to have enough resources to cultivate immortals.

He did not have a complete spiritual root. After being caught by the Nanluo monk, he knew that only half of the spiritual root in his body was a waste spiritual root. But after being planted with ghost seeds, it can be barely understood as a complement.

If there is only a waste spiritual root, it cannot absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and the spiritual power cannot run completely in the body for a whole week, so naturally it cannot store spiritual power. But the ghost has a double-edged sword. He can force the spiritual power to run completely in his body. The condition that he needs to burn a lot of blood.

So ghost cultivation will never live long, because Xianmen capture them as slaves to do heavy work that mortals can't do. They just by constantly burning their blood to surpass their strength than mortals, so as to complete all kinds of inhuman hard work.

But anyway, Li Mingyang, who has ghosts in his body, can now barely meet the first condition of cultivating immortals. It's just the second and third conditions, and the previous Li Mingyang is completely unavailable.

A incomplete qi nourishing technique is definitely not a skill, so three months of hard work is only in vain. As for the resources for immortal cultivation, that is, spiritual stones and elixir, Li Mingyang has only heard of these things and never seen them, so he occasionally doesn't know how to dream about this thing when he dreams.

But now, everything will have a new beginning. Guo Yunshan personally took himself as an apprentice and was walking on the white jade path of the inner gate of the Linglong Gate. Although everything still seems so ethereal, even if there is a purgatory waiting for him in this fairyland in front of him, as long as he can start cultivating immortals, even if it is purgatory, he will jump in and fight once.

"These are your practice places in the coming year. Each house has a small spiritual vein, in which you can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Remember, this is a blessing for you. Don't take it for granted. In the future, I will supervise your cultivation. If the results of cultivation are unsatisfactory, you will be eliminated at any time. After leading Li Mingyang and others to a row of houses, the Linglongmen monk said to Li Mingyang with a blank face.

"Brother, will you guide us to practice in the future?" Maybe he finally stepped into the inner door. Several ghosts thought that they would be disciples of the elders in the future, so they did not have the restraint of the past. One of them directly stepped forward and said to the Linglong monk with a smile.

"Well, there is no guidance, don't think too much about yourself. The elder is just kind-hearted this time. I feel sorry for you. He is busy with the alliance with the Central Plains Xianmen, and he doesn't have time to guide you. As for me, well, you don't deserve my guidance. It seemed to be very disgusted that a ghost Xiu was on an equal footing with himself, and the Linglong monk's face was full of disdain.

After saying that, several ghosts immediately became speechless, but immediately they all returned to their previous appearance with a wry smile. I thought before that it was impossible to have such a good thing. It seems that it may be just that the elder was happy and said something wrong for a moment, but it was too late to save it, so I randomly found a few people. Anyway, they were allowed to enter the inner door. There was no progress in the journey of cultivation. It can only be because they are lowly ghost cultivation. It is impossible to be said to be the root of the elder. Ben ignored them.

Other ghost practitioners are just a little lost, and they are a little happy after the loss. Whether the elders repent or not, at least if they live here now, I guess they don't have to do hard work anymore. The matter of practicing or not practicing is secondary.

Li Mingyang was not a little disappointed after hearing the words of the Linglong disciple. Just thinking of the other party's words before, he couldn't help asking, "The elder and the senior brother are both nobles, and naturally have no time to pay attention to us, but arranging us in this precious place is definitely not just for us to enjoy happiness. Dare to ask the senior brother, can we get any practice skills here?"

Hearing Li Mingyang's words, the man glanced at him unexpectedly and recognized that Li Mingyang was the first ghost Xiu accepted by the elder and the only ghost Xiu who could leave an impression. Although he looked down on these slaves from the bones, in the face of Li Mingyang, this man still said more patiently, "You are still very excited. Maybe you can really have a little fairy fate. Each of you has a ground Xuangong in your house, and the ground Xuangong is also a superior skill in my exquisite gate. From now on, you will have a lower-grade spiritual stone here every day. The only thing you need to do is to practice the ground Xuangong. When you practice the triple magic mirror, the master will teach you a lower grade sword. The secret.

Hearing that there are skills in the house to practice, and it is still the ground Xuangong that he has heard of for a long time, Li Mingyang no longer has any loss. Although he doesn't know how to practice, he also understands that the master leads the door and practices in his own way. Although his cheap master didn't even have the idea of leading him into the door, at least now he has given himself a chance to take the initiative to enter the door. Of course, Li Mingyang will not be polite.

And when several ghosts who were already frustrated heard that it was possible to practice sword formulas, they all appeared with great excitement on their faces. Li Mingyang is no exception. He also wants to try the pleasure of flying with the sword.

"Don't be happy too early. The triple of the fantasy realm is not so easy to achieve. I don't know if you can make the first spiritual bead to reach the fantasy realm, so don't think too much about practicing sword secrets. My name is Bai Ming. You can call me Brother Bai. This is the key of your house. Go to the house with the corresponding number on your key and try to practice first. After giving these ten ghost repair keys, Bai Ming seemed to have finally lost his last patience. Even Li Mingyang could not arouse his desire to continue to say something, so he turned around and left directly.

No matter what others are thinking now, Li Mingyang rushed into his room first after getting the key. I don't know how to sort it. His room is number one. After entering the room, he felt that it was indeed too different from the outside world.

"Maybe this is the feeling of spiritual abundance, which is really comfortable." Li Mingyang is not unfamiliar with spiritual power. Although he failed to produce spiritual beads when practicing qi cultivation, he also allowed him to capture the spiritual power between heaven and earth in three months, so he naturally knew that this is indeed a treasure place for cultivation.

After being excited, he didn't even go to see the local Xuangong on the table immediately, but sat on the chair very calmly, frowned and began to think.

Before, in order to seize the only opportunity, when he heard that the elder Guo Yunshan really wanted to accept his apprentices, he stood up without hesitation, so he had the current opportunity.

But after calming down and thinking about it carefully, he couldn't figure out why the elder who never accepted apprentices suddenly accepted apprentices, and clearly stipulated that only ghost cultivation was accepted. If it's really just because of the poor ghost, but from the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the reason. As the elder of Linglongmen, he must have been used to killing and fraud for a long time. The quality of kindness should have been extinguished in him.

After thinking about it, Li Mingyang couldn't figure out why he and the other nine ghosts could be so lucky and have such an opportunity to fly to the sky.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so although Li Mingyang has finally got his dream opportunity to cultivate immortals, he is always worried.

However, just as he was constantly thinking nonsense, Bai Ming's voice suddenly sounded in the yard: "Brothers, come out quickly. The elders come to see you."