ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 21 Trading

"Even if it's a baby, don't you need the method of cultivation? It's not so much that Jueyin Xuangu is a treasure, but that cultivation is the best treasure." Having been excited once, Li Mingyang said calmly now.

After his words, the middle-aged man's expression changed, and finally began to look at Li Mingyang with different eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have such a heart at such a young age." After looking at it for a long time, the middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Don't talk like that. I've talked so much with you. Can we get straight and say something meaningful?" Li Mingyang hated this feeling and immediately took the initiative to ask.

"Well, then I'll say something meaningful. I hope to make a deal with you." The middle-aged man said unabashedly.

"What's the deal? Let's talk about it."

"I'll give you the cultivation method of the mysterious bone. Please help me do something."

"What's the matter?" Even if the other party made such a seductive condition, Li Mingyang said calmly.

"Help me reincarnated." The middle-aged man said more calmly than him.

But as soon as the other party's words were finished, Li Mingyang immediately smiled bitterly: "Do you think I am a Bodhisattva or a king of the end? What's the use of being reincarnated with me?

"At present, only you can help me."

"Well, tell me how I can help you." Li Mingyang said helplessly, but then immediately changed his words, "Anyway, can you tell me your origin or identity first?"

"Okay, I'll explain it to you." The middle-aged man said, "Born, old, sick and dead, this is a thing that no one in the world can reverse. Although the world cultivates immortals in the name of cultivation, how many people can become immortals? In the end, they can't escape death. After death, people will naturally be reincarnated. But I don't know what went wrong in the world. Now many people can't be reincarnated after death.

"Many people can't be reincarnated?" Li Mingyang frowned and said.

"To be precise, it's very difficult for ghosts to be reincarnated." The middle-aged man corrected: "After death, people will enter the state of soul, which is what the world often call ghosts. People who die for the first time are all ghosts. At this time, the world can't see them unless they have yin and yang eyes.

"And the ghost state generally does not last long, and then it will be reincarnated immediately. However, there are always ghosts who can't be reincarnated. I don't know that for them, these ghosts can't enter the underworld, and they can't fall into reincarnation if they can't go to the underworld, so they can't be reincarnated and can only wander in the sun.

"For example, you?" Li Mingyang asked.

"Yes, I'm just a ghost who can't be reborn." The middle-aged man said with a wry smile, "Ghosts can't be reincarnated. They can only walk between the sun. As time goes by, ghosts will also have their own cultivation methods to absorb the power of Xuanyin scattered in the sun. A successful ghost can already have his own body and walk between the sun normally.

"Can ghosts also have bodies?" The more he listened to the other party, the more incredible Li Mingyang felt.

"That's how I am." The middle-aged man laughed at himself again: "The ghost absorbs the power of Xuanyin and can cultivate the soul body. The spirit body is a state between the body and the ghost. To explain it bluntly, the soul body is an energy body, textured, but not the body. The ghost that has been cultivated to this stage is a real ghost.

"Real ghost, can real ghost live normally in the sun?"

"It can't be said that it is a normal life, but there are no big obstacles. In addition to not being able to see the sun, real ghosts can also walk normally in the sun at night. They can walk and fly. As long as the cultivation time is long enough to go to heaven and earth, there is nothing impossible. The middle-aged man explained.

"It doesn't sound bad." Li Mingyang said with a smile.

"Is it good?" The middle-aged man stared at Li Mingyang and said angrily, "Gushi is also a human being, much stronger than a normal person, so Guixiu is not bad?"

"You!" Hearing what the other party said, Li Mingyang suddenly became furious.

"Look, that's the truth. You think we really like to walk in the sun. I also know that I shouldn't survive in the sun. I also know that I'm dead. I need to report to the underworld, and then be reincarnated. But I can't do it. I want to be reincarnated, but no one in hell came to accept me. Do you know how it feels? It will never see the sun, and it will never be born. That's all."

Originally, he was a little angry because of the other party's rebuttal, but after listening to this, Li Mingyang suddenly fell silent. After death, a person not only can't be reincarnated, but also has to wander around in the sun and never see the sun. Such a life makes people desperate just thinking about it.

"How can I help you?" After thinking about these things, Li Mingyang suddenly sympathized with him and asked.

Hearing Li Mingyang say this, the middle-aged man finally laughed.

"If you want to help me reincarnated, it's actually difficult and simple. As long as you can be a little patient, it should be fine in two or three years.

"Are you so patient?" Li Mingyang asked unexpectedly.

"Oh, I've been wandering around the world for so many years. Is it two or three years away?"

"Yes." Li Mingyang nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Yes, why did you find me to help you?" When we met for the first time, you were ready to make this kind of transaction with me. It seems that it was too fast.

"It's not fast. Anyway, you and I have nothing to lose." The middle-aged man said, "Naturally, it is impossible to complete the last step of our transaction at once. In the process of trading, you and I will meet the conditions that the other party needs to do. If we continue to do it step by step, it will naturally be fine. The first thing I need to do is to teach you a method of cultivation. Whether we can make a deal or not also depends on your cultivation effect.

"What if I can practice successfully?"

"If you can practice successfully, then you will master the mysterious power in the fantasy world. If you can cultivate your mysterious power early, even if it is very little, it will greatly improve your combat power. Then you can help me do what I want to do.

Hearing this, Li Mingyang finally understood everything. Now it is this so-called real ghost who gives himself a set of cultivation, which can expose himself to Xuanli in advance and improve his strength as quickly as possible. As long as his strength is improved to a certain level, he can help him complete one thing. At this point of view, you will not suffer losses, but the other party needs to bear the risk of not fulfilling your promise.

So it seems that the initiative is in his own hands. Li Mingyang is somewhat relaxed, but he did not completely choose to trust the other party, but still cautiously asked, "What do I need to do for you after my strength has risen to a certain level?"

"Go to hell and help me find the soul messenger."