ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 44 What is talent?

"Set the array in the bones?" Hearing the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang was stunned and said unconfirmedly, "Is it possible to achieve this?"

"I can't realize what I told you." The wheel glanced at Li Mingyang, and then did not explain much. He directly threw a piece of parchment to Li Mingyang and said, "Here are some of the most basic magic arrays. You can have a look first."

Li Mingyang has now completely lost his immunity to this worn-out parchment. Although the parchment is very broken, the content recorded above has always been the top existence. However, when Li Mingyang saw this piece of parchment, he couldn't help wondering: "What's the use of real thing?"

The parchment in Li Mingyang's hand is actually an empty piece of paper, and there is nothing on it. This situation really puzzles Li Mingyang. Just thinking that the wheel would not do such a boring thing, he did not wait for the wheel to answer, so he lowered his head and studied it by himself. He just let him change any angle and found that there was nothing on the parchment. Finally, he frowned and looked at the wheel for advice.

"The simplest magic array is arranged on this parchment, which contains several basic five-e elements. You can take it back and understand it first. The method of cracking this magic array is very simple. As long as you can find the right method, you can see through the magic array and then see other basic magic arrays in it. The wheel said lightly.

Li Mingyang looked a little ferocious and said with an unhappy face, "Don't you think what you said is nonsense? I also know that I can't see through it now, but the key is that you have to tell me how to see through it."

The wheel looked at Li Mingyang with a disdainful face and said slowly, "You can only think of this kind of thing. Don't you know it? Besides, this most basic array depends on the individual's understanding. If you can't even see through this, you can only wait until after the Xuanling Realm before thinking about practicing Ruyiyan.

The sound of the wheel was very low, but it made Li Mingyang unable to say a word immediately. Although he doesn't get along with the wheel many times, Li Mingyang also knows more or less about the character of the wheel. If it can be taught something, the wheel will never be stingy, which can be seen from the fact that he gave himself the mysterious secret without saying a word.

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang didn't bother to talk nonsense and prepared to go back to his cabin to study. On the contrary, he is an absolutely isolated person in the Nanli mine. He has nothing to do. Only practice is the most useful thing and the only way to relieve time.

The magic array, as the name implies, is a magic array with psychedelic effects. If you want to crack the magic array, the most conventional way is to find the array of the illusion array, either to directly destroy the array or to crack the array. Although there is only one word difference, there is a world of difference. Li Mingyang is very well aware of his situation. Now, it is absolutely impossible to crack the array by conventional means without mastering any knowledge and skills of the magic array.

However, since the wheel can be seen through by hard viewing, it proves that this illusion array seems to be really low-level. Thinking of this, Li Mingyang also suddenly became a little interested and began to watch before he came out of the grave.

As soon as Li Mingyang left, the wheel instantly put away the very indifferent expression just now and said angrily like a child, "Well, it's time to find a way to frustrate your boy's spirit. Just a mysterious secret can activate the bone spirit, and let your boy look down the mysterious secret. If you don't take out some high-end things, you won't be flattened by your boy.

Naturally, the wheel does not mean to harm Li Mingyang. Now the two of them can be said to be completely comrades-in-arms in a trench. The stronger Li Mingyang's strength is, the more help can naturally be provided to him. I really saw that Li Mingyang had made such terrible progress in just two months, and I was a little interested in playing with Li Mingyang for a while.

The illusion array in the parchment is an initial illusion. Even if Li Mingyang can't see through it, the illusion array will be cracked by itself in three days. At that time, Li Mingyang can naturally see the contents and start learning slowly.

The array is generally difficult to tell whether the talent is good or bad in a short time. Because the wheel cannot judge whether Li Mingyang has the talent to study the array in a short time, but at least Li Mingyang must be exposed to the array. Ruyiyan is a real metaphysics. The reason why the wheel takes out this thing now is because of the existence of Li Mingyang's absolute yin and mysterious bones.

Xuan Chain is a thing that high-level monks are eager for, because of the existence of Xuan Chain, monks with the same cultivation and monks with Xuan Chain will improve their combat effectiveness a lot out of thin air. Because of this, Xuanlian is a means that is more difficult to master than metaphysics, and the wheel is not expected to be mastered by Li Mingyang now. His plan is to help Li Mingyang arrange the mysterious chain after he recovers from his injury.

But if you want to do this, you must know Li Mingyang's own magic array. Because of the arrangement of the mysterious chain, the wheel has this ability, but there are many taboos. So in the end, he still needs to teach all the skills to Li Mingyang, and then Li Mingyang will do it himself.

But anyway, this is a month later. From the perspective of the wheel, first use that small illusion array to toss Li Mingyang for three days, and then let him familiarize himself with the other five-e elements of magic array in the parchment. With such a foundation, there should be a big problem with his own careful guidance at that time.

But when he was thinking about Li Mingyang's sad research illusion array, and then struggling to study the basic five-e elements magic array, he saw Li Mingyang suddenly return.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me that you're going to surrender now. This won't work. You have to at least give it a try." Seeing Li Mingyang leave for a while and then came back, the wheel subconsciously said.

"Who said I was going to surrender? I came back to ask you something basic."

"What kind of basic things have been said? This illusion array can no longer be basic. There is nothing to talk about." Seeing that Li Mingyang showed an expression that he was very eager to get an answer, the wheel felt that he had been treacherous and couldn't help looking at him proudly.

"I don't want to ask about the illusion array, I want to ask about some details of this earth formation. I have always been very interested in earthy things. After seeing through the illusion array just now, I subconsciously took a look at the earth formations in these basic five-e elements arrays. It feels very good, but some of them are indeed a little profound. I can only ask you first. Li Mingyang didn't realize the abnormal attitude of the wheel and said seriously with a parchment.

But the wheel was completely stunned at this time. The parchment in Li Mingyang's hand was delivered to him, and he seemed to be in a daze.

"What's wrong, are you not feeling well?" Seeing the wheel in a daze, Li Mingyang asked with concern.

"How did you see through this illusion?" Although he saw that the magic array had been broken, the wheel still asked without giving up.

"According to what you said, I just stared at this illusion array, and then vaguely felt the spiritual fluctuation on the illusion array. It turns out that the magic array also needs spiritual support to operate. In this case, the operation of spiritual power must have traces to follow. Finally, I found that the trajectory of the spiritual power in this phantom array seemed to have many similarities with flushing. I tried to deduce it, and then I saw the trajectory of the spiritual power in the phantom array. Finally, I saw a small flash point and directly extinguished it with spiritual power, and the phantom array was broken. Li Mingyang said naturally, and he didn't even feel proud at all because he cracked a fantasy array.

"In fact, you don't have to be so polite. I know that in order to cultivate my confidence, you deliberately set up this little trick for me to find a sense of achievement. You really don't have to do this. I'm not so fragile. You might as well teach me more details in the basic phalanx at this time.

Looking at Li Mingyang's serious expression, the wheel finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood again.

"What's wrong? Are you seriously injured? Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang asked anxiously.

"Nothing, just a little excited." The wheel waved his hand motionless, and his face was full of bitter smiles.

From the day he found that Li Mingyang had a mysterious bone, the wheel thought that this boy must be better than ordinary people. But I didn't expect that I thought I had looked at him so highly, but I still underestimated him. He can also understand that he can improve his cultivation in a short time and practice more than 20 spells in a short time, but in less than a fragrance, without any foundation of formation, he abruptly cracked a magic array, even if it is only the lowest level, but such talent has been terrible to an amazing extent. .

But what's more terrible is that Li Mingyang seems to be unconscious about it. Even he still thinks that everything he has done is just the most ordinary, maybe he thinks that he is slightly better than others.

Thinking of this, the wry smile of the wheel is even stronger. However, in the end, he also completely let go of his concerns. Looking at the teenager who kept creating miracles in front of him, the wheel always felt that the possibility of the success of his plan seemed to be directly promoted to 50%.

With this understanding, the wheel turned out a large pile of cracked parchment directly from behind, many of which were even damaged. However, after looking at the contents of some parchment, Li Mingyang's eyes lit up. The magic circle, what is recorded there is the magic circle.

"Okay, you can practice with me from today. Put the spells and sword formulas first, study the magic array, and then I will arrange a mysterious chain for you as soon as possible."

Although Li Mingyang was very puzzled to see that the wheel was suddenly so energetic, it was naturally impossible for him to refuse such a good thing. He immediately said with a smile, "Come on."