ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 72 See the Wind

The body was hit by the array of the wheel, but Li Mingyang was more happy to see such a delicate compound array. This can not only become a good material for research and learning, but also be directly used to fight against the enemy and save lives. Although these five magic arrays are killing arrays, it is not impossible to save lives with the killing array. It is not only by defending the array can protect your own safety.

For Li Mingyang's trip to Youlan Town, the wheel itself does not recommend Li Mingyang to go. The benefits of this adventure are great, but the risk is too great, and it is very likely that he has lost himself before he got the benefits. However, for Li Mingyang, no matter how risky it is, he must go, because he needs to improve his cultivation.

If you want to improve your cultivation, this adventure is absolutely unavoidable. Moreover, even if he wants to give up this opportunity to improve his cultivation, he doesn't say that he can make a decision. Under the supervision of this comrade-in-arms Wei Ran, he can't go.

"How long will it take you to refine this reincarnation stone?" Li Mingyang asked.

"I'm not sure. It will take about two or three months."

"Oh, that's good. I'll be back in less than a month." Li Mingyang said to himself, and then turned around and left without saying goodbye.

He didn't want to say anything goodbye. He was afraid that after saying that, the farewell would become a farewell.

"Poor boy, it's not easy to practice, and you have to achieve such harsh conditions. Wait for me to refine the reincarnation stone and give you a little surprise." The wheel didn't seem to worry about Li Mingyang's situation. He smiled and closed his eyes again. But soon, the wheel opened its eyes and said faintly, "Why don't I join in the fun?"

Wanchen Valley, Youlan Town, when Li Mingyang came here with Wei Ran and those mysterious monks, everything in front of him made Li Mingyang feel very curious. The last time I left Nanluo City so far was to go to Baigui Village to help get the reincarnation stone. What I met that time were all real ghosts.

But this time in the dust valley, people come and go, and here are all monks.

Before coming here, Li Mingyang thought that Wanchen Valley was a small valley, which should be similar to the Nanli mine. Except for mountain birds and beasts, at most some ascetic people would build several cultivation caves here. However, when Li Mingyang came here, he found that it was completely a city of monks.

It's just that there is no city wall here, and there seems to be no systematic fairy gate like Linglong Gate or Zhaoyun Gate. There are many monks here, but most of the monks just keep a small team gathered together, and there is no big lineup. However, such a scattered team of monks makes the whole dust valley quite lively.

When Wei Ran appeared with a group of Nether monks, some monks were watching curiously, but more monks began to show a lot of disdain or even not deleting them. Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang was immediately shocked.

After seeing the scale of Wanchen Valley, although Li Mingyang was very strange about the situation here, seeing so many monks, Li Mingyang guessed that there would definitely be a whole set of rules here. There are no rules. So many monks live here. If there are really no rules, it will take almost three or five days for these people to kill each other.

But I didn't expect that these people didn't seem to have the idea of internal fighting, but seemed to plan to target them together. Especially when a team of monks came towards them without concealing their intention to kill, Li Mingyang immediately became alert. But then he found that in the whole team, only he was so cautious.

Wei Ran ignored the murderous monks, and even maintained that lazy state along the way, but his entourage left the team at this time and met the group of monks who came over.

There are 20 monks, all of whom are above the Qingling Realm, and there are even three monks who take the lead. Such a team of monks may not dare to provoke them easily in Nanluo City. Thinking that they have such strength, it is no wonder that they dare to be so arrogant.

Wei Ran's entourage took the initiative to meet these murderous monks. Li Mingyang looked curiously, but Wei Ran took them forward and continued to move forward. He was surrounded by the left and back Nethern monks. Li Mingyang did not dare to fall behind and could only rush to the center of Wanchen Valley.

Just as soon as he went out, Li Mingyang heard bursts of screams behind him. Looking back, he couldn't see anything, but soon he saw Wei Ran's entourage coming back with a relaxed face. There was no change in this person, and even Li Mingyang saw that there was no blood on his clothes, but Li Mingyang felt a very strong blood on his body. Thinking of what just happened and what he heard, Li Mingyang suddenly slandered.

Those monks are definitely not ordinary people. The monks with a heavy spiritual realm take the lead, and even all of them are above the cultivation of the spiritual realm. Such a lineup can definitely be called strong. Thinking of the scream just now, Li Mingyang could guess what had happened no matter how stupid he was, but now Wei Ran's entourage came back calmly, but he no longer saw the trace of those people. He was drunk to see how strong his strength was.

For a while, not only Li Mingyang had a deeper understanding of this person, but many monks in Wanchen Valley also had a better understanding of Wei Ran and his group of people.

"Here comes a group of fierce people!" This is the idea of all the monks in the Valley of Dust.

Since that disturbance, although many monks have subconsciously shown many disdainful expressions after seeing Wei Ran's team along the way. After all, although their team is huge, it just looks powerful. To put it bluntly, except for Wei Ran and his entourage, Others are all just the cultivation of the spiritual realm, and such cultivation is not enough in the valley of dust.

Song Wen is the boss of the largest force in Wanchen Valley. Song Wen has lived in Wanchen Valley for 20 years. More than 20 years ago, Song Wen had no choice but to escape because he offended a big man in a city of monks in the south, and finally settled down in the dust valley.

It is Wanchen Valley and has another name, called the Valley of the Wicked. Many monks who have offended big men in some monastic cities and can no longer stand on their feet. After escaping from the monastic city, they often choose to join the dust valley in order to survive. There is no clear rule here that anyone can come and any monk can hide here.

Over time, many villains who can't stand outside have come here, and they form an alliance. As long as someone wants to rush into the dust valley to revenge, they will take action together, which will give the monks here a chance to breathe.

Song Wen was a little monk who fled in those years. As a result, he crawled and rolled around in such a place as Wanchen Valley, where there were many villains. From the realm of cultivation with only one level of the Qingling Realm in those years to the five-fold cultivation of the virtual realm now. In the cultivation world, such a speed of promotion is already terrible, so Song Wen is often complacent about his outstanding cultivation.

The five-fold cultivation of the virtual spiritual realm is definitely a first-class master in some monk cities outside, so gradually Song Wen has also developed a superior atmosphere.

When he received a large group of monks into Wanchen Valley and killed 20 people at the beginning, Song Wen was furious and immediately took his own people to find him. Although there is no unified organization in Wanchen Valley, as the leader of the largest organization, Song Wen still likes this feeling of hosting the overall situation.

Many monks in Wanchen Valley saw Song Wen coming out and followed Song Wen with great interest to see the bustle. After all, I don't know how many years no one has bothered them in Wanchen Valley. Today, I saw a group of people who dared to be so presumptuous, but these people are not going to let them go out alive.

Song Wen brought people to kill with confidence, and his team was followed by at least a dozen monks, and hundreds of monks approached together. Seeing such a formation, Li Mingyang subconsciously sacrificed a flying sword. This time, other Netherworld monks did not dare to hold on any more, and all sacrificed their own flying swords or magic weapons.

After seeing that a team composed of all spiritual monks dared to make trouble in Wanchen Valley, Song Wen laughed angrily and his disdainful look became stronger. But when he saw Wei at the front of the team, his whole expression instantly turned gray.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly." Song Wen waved his hand subconsciously and said.

"Big, what are you afraid of? They are just a group of rice buckets in the spiritual world. Let's fuck them together. If we can't get anything good, at least they can move their muscles and bones. They haven't fought for a long time, and their bodies are very uncomfortable." After hearing the order, a one-eyed man beside Song Wen immediately came forward unwillingly to fight for it.

But Song Wen was so angry that he slapped the one-eyed man on the head and scolded fiercely: "Open your blind dog's eyes. These people are spiritual cultivation. Why don't you look at the strength of the person in the front?"

"What is the strength of that man?" To be honest, because all the ghost monks are spiritual cultivation, many people subconsciously think that they are a group of spiritual monks, and they don't think much about it at all and don't bother to look at it.

Song Wen can become the biggest boss in the chaotic Wanchen Valley. Naturally, he is not as careless on the outside. At first sight, when he saw Wei, although Wei Ran restrained his breath, he was still keenly aware of Wei Ran's real strength.

"Real spiritual realm, he is a strong man in the real spiritual realm." Pointing to Wei Ran, Song Wen said in a trembling voice.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked, and even some guys who came to watch the bustle subconsciously wanted to escape. Behind Wei Ran is certainly a group of seemingly vulnerable spiritual monks, but there is a strong man in the real spiritual world, which makes all of them lose the idea of wanting to fight against it. Even Song Wen is so afraid of him that he can't wait to retreat now, which is enough to show that Wei Ran's strength is absolutely ridiculous.

Although he has said that he wants to retreat, thinking of Wei Ran's strength, Song Wen also knows that he can't leave today. Thinking of this, Song Wen simply gave up resistance and stepped forward very wisely and said respectfully to Wei Ran, "I don't know what the seniors are doing here. How can the younger generation help you?"

Although Li Mingyang couldn't see through Song Wen's strength, his breath was not much weaker than Guo Yunshan's, but when he saw that he showed such a respectful attitude after seeing Wei Ran, Li Mingyang couldn't help whispering secretly. The strong man in the real spiritual world is indeed one of the top strong.

Wei Ran was very satisfied with Song Wen's knowledge. He thought he had to move his muscles and bones, but he didn't expect Song Wen to choose to surrender so wisely. As Song Wen's attitude changed, many monks behind Song Wen immediately bowed their heads respectfully with him. In the hearts of these people, Song Wen is the most qualified leader, and the decision he made will certainly not be too wrong.

In addition, the strength of the other party's real spiritual realm alone is enough to make them bow their heads.

It's just that not everyone is so wise to Song Wen. When Song Wen chose to give in, among the monks who rushed around to watch the lively, another group of monks directly laughed.

Everyone followed the voice and found that it was another group of powerful monks in Wanchen Valley. They had always been against Song Wen, and no one could defeat anyone, so there was never been a fierce collision. Now that Song Wen has such a soft choice to give in, his opponents are naturally extremely happy.

Wei Ran looked at the laughing monks in the distance with great interest. There were about 50 people. The overall strength was stronger than the strength of the monks around him when he just entered Wanchen Valley. The leader, like Song Wen, is a five-fold monk in the virtual spiritual realm, but it is obvious that he seems to be better than Song Wen. He was much more stubborn. When he saw Wei Ran looking over, he was still strong and looked at him.

Wei Ran smiled strangely, turned his head and looked at Song Wen and said, "Those little guys are your sworn in death."

"Yes, let the seniors see the joke." Song Wen still said respectfully.

"You don't need to call me a senior. Just call me a venerable. Since you have mixed up with me, I have to show more or less, don't I?" Wei Ran said lightly, and then without waiting for Song Wen to react, everyone saw that Wei Ran had disappeared from the same place very strangely.

Many people were stunned and didn't know where Wei Ran had gone, but soon they saw that Wei Ran had rushed to less than ten feet away from the group of monks.

In Wei Ran's hand, a dazzling fire suddenly flashed, and then a terrible heat wave erupted from his hand. When he was hit by the heat wave, Li Mingyang felt a little suffocating.

At this time, Wei Ran said a word gently: "Destroy."