ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 92 Ten Reincarnation

"Yes, I designed it. What's the matter? Is there an obvious defect?" The reaction of the wheel made Li Mingyang more puzzled and asked with a frown.

The wheel shook its head, and its eyes became as sharp as an eagle, staring at the magic map on the ground. His hand was always raised and put down, and it seemed that he had to modify the magic array many times, but in the end he gave up.

After a long time, the wheel sighed deposedly, turned his head to look at Li Mingyang and asked, "I don't want to die."

Suddenly hearing the wheel say this, Li Mingyang was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

The wheel began to look at the magic array on the ground again. This time, it squatted down and reached out to explore the lines drawn by Li Mingyang on the ground, and said lightly: "Good magic arrays are spiritual, regardless of level, and there is no difference between high and low. They are all given by the array mage when designing this magic array. However, spiritual arrays are not common. Even if there is an identical array, not everyone can arrange a spiritual array.

"You mean, my magic array is spiritual?" There has been a lot of tacit understanding with the wheel. Listening to his words, Li Mingyang immediately understood what he meant and suddenly became very excited.

However, the wheel shook its head again and said slowly, "I really don't know how to evaluate your talent. You are just the foundation of the first-level array mage, and you can actually design a fateful array after an epiphany."

"You mean that Unyielding is a fateful array? What is the fate array? Li Mingyang asked more and more excitedly.

"You know the level of the magic array, and in the magic array of the same level, there is also a difference between high and low. The fate magic array means that once this magic array is arranged, it is likely to have spirituality. The eye of the magic array is no longer a dead object, but will be given wisdom. Once the array has wisdom, this magic array will exert at least twice the original power. The wheel patiently explained, "However, the fate array is extremely rare. This is an indescenable means. Only when the array mage himself realizes this world can do it."

With that, the wheel pointed to the magic circle on the ground and said, "The strangest thing about the fate array is that even if you give the magic array to another array mage, even if this array mage is much better than the array mage who designed this magic array, he may not be able to arrange a spiritual array."

"Why is that?" Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"Because of spirituality, it can't be taught by example, let alone recorded in words. Spirituality is a very ethereal thing. The reason why the fate array appears is that a mage has the clearest understanding of the world. This is only the mage's own perception, and it is also difficult to share this thing. Have you ever seen a monk who can share his epiphany experience? The wheel said.

Listening to the explanation of the wheel, Li Mingyang nodded thoughtfully and finally asked curiously, "Then how do you see that this is the fate array? Since there is no judgment standard, how do you need to distinguish this thing?"

"You don't need to distinguish, you just need to feel it. I can feel the mood when you design this array in your array map. Your fear, your unwillingness, and your unyielding are all written in the array. As he spoke, the wheel suddenly smiled and patted Li Mingyang on the shoulder and said, "Don't you still have some top-grade spiritual stones? Wait for the place where there are monks. Hurry up and buy some materials to decorate the mysterious chain."

"What do you mean?" Hearing the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang's staring boss.

"Such a good phalanx, if you don't use it, you will be violent."

"But this is only a first-level array. Didn't you say that the second mysterious chain should be arranged with a more advanced array? I'm also going to ask you to help me modify this magic array and see where I can make better. Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"There is no best array, only the most suitable array. You personally realized that the magic array designed is the most suitable for you. And I faintly felt a sense of destruction in the "Indomitable" array you designed. Once this magic array is arranged, it may reach an amazing height. Even the third-level magic array may not have your first-level array suitable for you.

"Didn't you lie to me?" Li Mingyang said suspiciously, "You don't have to say anything nice. You know, I'm also very resistant to pressure, and I know how many catties I have." In fact, Li Mingyang doesn't believe that he can design something comparable to a three-level magic array. The more he comes into contact with the magic array, the more he understands the magic array. The magic array is the most step-by-step.

Seeing Li Mingyang's serious expression, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't doubt yourself. "Indomitable" is really wonderful. It will bring you many unexpected benefits. Remember, you must have self-confidence to be a mage, even if you are blindly confident. Only when you have absolute confidence in your work can you maximize its role when arranging it.

With the encouragement of the wheel, Li Mingyang suddenly felt that his future seemed to be bright. Originally, he wanted to modify Unyielding, but the wheel strictly stopped him.

"The so-called epiphany is that moment. If it is changed, what you have realized will be gone. The wheel said unfathomably.

So far, Li Mingyang has completely given up the idea of modifying Unyielding.

And when he set off again that night, the wheel suddenly said, "I think I seem to have found a way for you to hit the spiritual realm."

"What method!?" Hearing this sentence of the wheel, Li Mingyang was completely boiling. The words of the wheel were even better than all the praises he said when he praised his "Indomitable" array.

"Fantasy and Qingling are actually the two most basic realms. In the Central Plains, there are many powerful immortals or big forces, and even special methods to train low-level monks. In almost two or three years, a group of Qingling monks can be cultivated. The reason for this is that there is no insurmountable gap between the spiritual realm and the spiritual realm. It is not as difficult as the promotion to the spiritual realm as the virtual spiritual realm.

"Well, then." Li Mingyang continued to ask with eyes.

"Therefore, as long as there is enough spiritual power in the body to advance to the Qingling Realm, it can naturally be promoted from the fivefold spiritual realm to the Qingling Realm. To put it simply, as long as you can make the body have more spiritual power comparable to a spiritual bead in an instant, and lock them in the body in a short time, then you can advance to the spiritual realm.

Listening to the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang's open-mouthed boss first thought seriously for a long time, and finally suddenly said angrily, "Isn't it all nonsense? Isn't this a normal step to advance to the Qingling realm? If I can produce the sixth spiritual bead, do I still need to think about this? The key is that I can't make spiritual beads by myself at all. I'm a monk. If I can't make false spiritual beads first, I can't make spiritual beads by myself at all.

"What's urgent? Can I tell you what's going on, so I just said that the focus of your promotion is to create a pseudo-spirit pearl by yourself."

"Create your own pseudo-spirit beads? How is this possible?" As soon as he heard this statement, Li Mingyang directly denied it. You should know that wanting to make pseudo-spirit beads is not as simple as practicing spells. If he can do this, Li Mingyang will not have to wait to eat the heart of the same level of the Nether monk before.

The wheel was still not in a hurry and said with a smile, "In the past, it was because your body was too weak. If you use this method, you probably won't succeed, and you will die first. But now it's different. When your second mysterious chain is successfully arranged, your body will be much better. I will teach you a set of physical refining methods and teach you a special way to store spiritual power. As long as you can withstand the pain, I can guarantee that you will advance to the spiritual realm.


"Real seriously."

"Are you kidding?"

"What nonsense!" The wheel slapped Li Mingyang on the head with an angry slap: "I know what you care about most. Naturally, it's impossible to joke about this kind of thing. Wait, I'll give you something good later."

Soon, Li Mingyang got a piece of parchment again. Li Mingyang has long been used to the habit of using parchment as jade. He doesn't care what the wheel is used for, he only cares about what is written on the parchment.

"Ten turns of reincarnation?" Looking at a set of refining techniques on parchment, Li Mingyang asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Can't see it? Just practice body refining according to this. After you practice a certain score, you can find a way to impact the spiritual realm.

"Naturally, I know that this is body refining. I'm just curious why this body refining seems not to be used by our human monks." Li Mingyang said puzzledly.

"I told you earlier that no matter what skills or spells, you don't need to look at any factions. As long as you can use it, it will work. There is absolutely no problem for you to practice this body refining skill."

"Then you have to tell me what faction this ten-turn reincarnation belongs to, magic? Evil skills? It's not a demon skill, is it?" Li Mingyang looked at the practice recorded on the parchment and could not see that there was anything normal in this refining technique.

Looking at Li Mingyang's expression, the wheel suddenly smiled and said, "With your talent, don't tell me what faction you don't feel."

Hearing the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang couldn't help but be excited. He subconsciously licked his lips. Finally, he looked at the wheel with a smile that was more ugly than crying and asked, "Is this the skill of your real ghost practice?"