ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 116 What must be done

"To the mysterious world?" Li Mingyang asked curiously, "Is there also a mysterious world here?"

"Oh, the mysterious world does not belong to this world. It is another world exactly the same as our world. As long as there is a transmission array that can lead to it, we can go there. It has nothing to do with where it is." The wheel explained and then said, "The situation of this magic array is very good. This mysterious world is worth exploring."

"What if it's a Youlan Town again?" Li Mingyang asked cautiously.


"Are you so sure?"

"Do you have to use your brain when you practice?" The wheel said angrily, "This transmission array is absolutely intact. As long as there is a spiritual stone, it can be activated. And it certainly didn't just appear. Those Jingshan City monks are repairing the government on this transmission array and excavating such a large underground world here. Do you think they have never used this transmission array?

Li Mingyang suddenly nodded and thought that it was indeed such a truth.

Without much hesitation, Li Mingyang took out a few top-grade spiritual stones and walked into the transmission array.

When he appeared on the other side of the magic circle and saw everything in front of him, Li Mingyang instantly felt as if he had lost his vocal function.

The spiritual stones are all spiritual stones. Piles of spiritual stones are placed in front of them, and even simply a spiritual stone hill.

I thought I would see an extremely magical world, because I had the experience of Youlan Town, and the wheel also said that the transmission array here was more advanced than the transmission array in Youlan Town, but I didn't expect that this mysterious world was surprisingly small. This is not so much a mysterious world as a small plain. The whole mysterious world is about dozens of feet in size. There are no mountains or water, only a bare land, and then a completely blank part. Li Mingyang tentatively threw out a few spirit stones, but found that as long as he left the land part, the spirit stones would disappear in an instant.

This is a very strange space, but in addition to being strange, it is a real shock. On this small land, there are scattered piles of more than a dozen spiritual stones. Feeling the fluctuations of spiritual power emitted from the spiritual stone, Li Mingyang directly judged that the spiritual stones here were all top-grade spiritual stones. Among the dozens of spiritual stones, there are almost more than 3,000 top-grade spiritual stones in the largest pile, and five or six hundred in the smallest pile. These spiritual stones have at least nearly 30,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

Although it was found that the number of spiritual stones here was not as much as it seemed, nearly 30,000 spiritual stones, especially nearly 30,000 super-grade spiritual stones, were piled up in such a dozen piles. This situation is really quite impactful.

The so-called spiritual stone treasure, this mysterious world is absolutely well-deserved. After discovering this mysterious world, Li Mingyang suddenly figured out one thing, that is, what did the monks of Jingshan City practice? After arriving at Jingshan City, the adoption found that there was no spiritual stone vein around Jingshan City, and the power of Xuanyin on the island where Jingshan City is located is very strong. In fact, strictly speaking, this is not the most suitable place for monks to practice. But these Jingshan City monks can gather here for a long time, and obviously they all seem to live very well.

So, they probably rely solely on the spiritual stone in this mysterious world. Seeing that there are still so many spiritual stones stored now, Li Mingyang couldn't help but be shocked. Such a group of lazy monks could stand ** and did not directly remove all the spiritual stones here.

But now it seems that these things are cheaper. Suddenly earning nearly 30,000 top-grade spiritual stones, Li Mingyang felt like he was completely dreaming. This harvest has caught up with the lucky one to kill Wei Ran. And if you count the improvement in strength, it can be said that you have definitely made a lot of money on this trip to Jingshan City.

After putting all the top-grade spiritual stones into the treasure bag, Li Mingyang quickly retreated after seeing that there was no value worth digging in the whole mysterious world.

"How's it going? What's going on?" As soon as Li Mingyang appeared, he turned around and asked eagerly.

"30,000 top-grade spiritual stones, but this is a small fortune." Li Mingyang curled his lips and said.

The wheel's eyes instantly turned into a blunt speech, looking at him and said coldly, "If you don't brag, we can still be friends."

"Haha, make a lot of money. How can his grandmother have so many spiritual stones?" Li Mingyang stopped pretending and said with a laugh.

After the analysis of the wheel, it is very likely that this mysterious world was forcibly opened up by some power in those years, perhaps to store his treasure. It's just that maybe the power has fallen, and then the mysterious world has been looted by all parties, so this situation will happen now.

"Robbery, are you sure that this mysterious world has been looted? There are still tens of thousands of top-quality spiritual stones left in the looted Xuanjie. Why did those thieves go in? Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"Withs away your untrived appearance, you don't really think there are a lot of 30,000 top-quality spiritual stones. Who can forcibly open up the mysterious world to store treasures is not a shocking big shot, and the people who dare to rob are definitely big shots. If there are no strong men to break through these special mysterious worlds, even if you have a transmission array, you can't get in at all. For that level of character, 30,000 top-grade spiritual stones are no different from 30,000 stones.

Li Mingyang, who was still immersed in the joy of becoming an upstart, suddenly heard the ruthless blow of the wheel and his face collapsed in an instant.

"I'll take you to another place." The wheel waved and took Li Mingyang to another entrance in the underground world.

After entering, Li Mingyang found that there was a transmission array here. However, the grade of this transmission array is very low, only three levels. Although the third-level transmission array is still at an altitude that Li Mingyang has not been able to reach so far, the transmission range of the third-level transmission array is only about 5,000 miles, and may even be shorter.

"This will not be a magic array that can lead to any mysterious world." Li Mingyang asked.

"It is definitely not a metaphysical transmission array, it should be a one-way fixed-point short-range transmission array. As for the direction of the fixed-point transmission, this can't be judged. The wheel carefully studied the magic array and then explained it seriously.

After hearing that it was a one-way transmission array, Li Mingyang was somewhat disappointed. After all, the magic array is easy to use. As long as you pass it once, you can know where it is. I just thought that this is one-way. If there is any danger after transmission, I can't even come back.

Finally, Li Mingyang chose to give up studying this transmission array first, but planned to go out and study another array - the inner city defense array.

In the previous battle, Li Mingyang personally destroyed the defense of the inner city, which was also the reason why the monks of Jingshan City fled. Up to now, the destruction of the inner city defense has become a big problem. It can be seen that there are a large number of real ghosts around Jingshan City. If the real ghosts attack again soon, they will have no defensive ability.

Although I know that I don't have the ability to save the world here, there is at least one thing I need to do, that is, to arrange the defensive position of the inner city before leaving.

It's not very difficult to defend the inner city, it's just very complicated. The monks of Jingshan City left in a hurry, and the high-end materials in many shops in the city were taken away by them in a great emergency, but many ordinary materials remained the vast majority. And to arrange a defensive array that combines only the first-level and second-level magic arrays, the materials in Jingshan City are very sufficient.

Li Mingyang did this not only for the people in the city, but also for his own cultivation. He is now very eager to start studying the second-level basic magic array. As long as there is enough time, he is confident to attack the realm of the second-level array mage.

In just one day and one night, Li Mingyang rearranged the inner city guard. He originally wanted to arrange a stronger compound array. After his cultivation was promoted to the Qingling realm, Li Mingyang's layout and planning ability on the second-level array was finally displayed, but he still had a long way to go from the second-level array mage. More importantly, Li Mingyang does not have the ability to arrange a whole inner city now. A compound array is impossible, even a first-level array.

The composite array pays attention to the combination of the array and the array, the mutual exclusion and attraction between forces, and the most important thing is the grasp of space and position. The same set of array combinations has different arrangements and different effects.

However, if you want to arrange a composite array that can cover the whole inner city, you need too much space. Even though Li Mingyang's talent in the array is amazing, he still can't do this, at least now it seems that he can't do it.

However, although it is impossible to arrange a complete composite array, the defense ability of the reorganized inner city defense array is much stronger than before. In many basic parts, adoption is a small composite array. In this way, although there is no overall combination, the ability of each detail will be strengthened, and the overall power of a magic array will also be enhanced.

However, after arranging the new defense of the inner city, Li Mingyang did not want to leave Jingshan City immediately, or he could not leave Jingshan City immediately. Because so far, Li Mingyang's cultivation is the triple spiritual realm, and the unyielding mysterious chain has finally been successfully arranged. Huangquan's secret has been cultivated to a level, and most importantly, ten reincarnations have been unconsciously refined into a realm. The improvement of strength to this extent is something that Li Mingyang dared not think of in the past.

But after the strength is improved to this point, some things must be done.