ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 159 Open your eyes and tell lies

Li Mingyang did not expect that the Yan brothers would come forward to save himself in the almost desperate situation.

In a valley outside the Lanting Plain, Li Mingyang and the Yan brothers were drinking and talking. Li Mingyang, a young man, has never tried the taste of spiritual wine, but he fell in love with the spiritual wine brewed by Yan Kuo. However, spiritual wine is not ordinary wine. After three or two bowls of wine, Li Mingyang's cheeks turned red, and the beautiful teenager looked particularly naive at this moment.

After drinking a jar of wine, Yan Guang put down the wine jar and patted Li Mingyang on the shoulder and said, "Brother Li, you should have left the Linglong Gate long ago. It's enough for you to travel in the Central Plains with your ability. What's the point of nesting in such a small place?"

Guo Yunshan spit out the wine he had just sent into his mouth and stared at Yan Guang angrily.

Yan Kuo patted his brother complain and said with a smile, "Eternal Guo, don't care. My brother has this temper. He is not aimed at Linglongmen."

The Yan brothers have helped them solve today's crisis. Now instead of being arrogant at all, Yan Kuo has always been extremely kind. Elder Guo can only smile and say, "I am already a respooked person, and I can't afford this elder."

"What's the rare thing about the elders of Linglongmen? If you want me to say that you can come to my Taihemen..." Yan Guanggang raised the wine jar and immediately put it down, and said to Guo Yunshan indignantly.

Yan Kuo slapped Yan Guang fiercely in the back of his head: "Drink your wine well. No one treats you as a mute if you don't talk." After saying that, Yan Kuo laughed and said, " Elder Guo, don't care. He is not aimed at Linglongmen..."

Guo Yunshan couldn't laugh or cry, and finally had to shake his head mocking himself.

Li Mingyang drank more and more unrestrainedly, like a naughty boy holding a wine jar and carrying a wine bowl for a while. His little face was completely red, shouting to learn to play boxing with Yan Guang.

Qin Yan originally wanted to observe Li Mingyang secretly, but he saw such a situation and seemed to be a little delusional to see some secrets from a drunken teenager.

After looking at Li Mingyang a few more meaningfully, after all, Qin Yan had to go to Guo Yunshan.

"Esbyterian Guo, right?" Qin Yan sat beside Guo Yunshan kindly.

Guo Yunshan was unable to correct their call, so he had to nod and respond. Guo Yunshan attaches great importance to Qin Yan, even more than the Yan brothers. Having been in the upper position for a long time, although he is only a big elder in the small fairy gate in their opinion, Guo Yunshan can still see who is the commander of this team.

"Cunzi Qin." Guo Yunshan learned to call Qin Yan in the way of the Yan brothers.

"E Elder, you're welcome. Just call me Xiao Qin." Qin Yan smiled and then asked undisguisedly, " Elder, I don't know how your disciple Li Mingyang practiced. Maybe it's a little taboo, but I'm really curious about the cultivation of Brother Li."

Hearing Qin Yan's question, Guo Yunshan smiled with a complicated look and sighed, "He was originally a ghost monk. After I received the Nether elixir from your family a year ago, I accepted him as a disciple. However, it is shameful that although he is nominally my disciple, I have not given him any guidance in practice. A few months ago, Venerable Wei Ran of your family came to Linglong Gate and said that he would take Mingyang out to practice, and then he had not come back for several months. This time he came back and reached the current height. He must have experienced some adventure and got a great opportunity.

Listening to Guo Yunshan's story, Yan Kuo, who was always calm, was suddenly shocked and looked up at Guo Yunshan in disbelief: "E Elder, you mean that Brother Li used to be a ghost practice, but he has only practiced for a year now?"

"Yes." Although Guo Yunshan also felt incredible, this was really what he saw with his own eyes.

Yan Kuo looked at Li Mingyang, who was drunk with Yan Guang at this time. This time, he actually had a very terrible feeling when he looked at Li Mingyang.

A ghost cultivation takes a year to practice five-fold cultivation in the Qingling Realm. Such a cultivation speed may not be appropriate enough to describe it as terrible. If the direct son of a superpower has been nourished by various rare herbs and elixir since he was a child, and if there is a super strong man to help him wash his scriptures and cut his marrow carefully, it may be acceptable to achieve this point.

But he is a ghost cultivation, and there is absolutely no problem of unstable foundation in his cultivation. You know, he personally killed a monk with three practices in the virtual spiritual realm in the Battle of the South. If the foundation is unstable, it is a little too far-fetched to have such a terrible leap-level challenge.

Thinking of this, Yan Kuo couldn't help kicking his brother away, and then woke up Li Mingyang and asked for advice.

However, unlike Yan Kuo's shock, Qin Yan was concerned about one of the most important questions: "Do you think he is a ghost?"

"Yes, it was a ghost practice before, but later it was the Nether elixir I brought back from Taihe Gate that I began to practice." Guo Yunshan returned.

Confirming this situation, Qin Yan frowned deeper.

Seeing Qin Yan put on such a face, Yan Kuo realized that something was wrong and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, is there anything wrong with his practice?"

Guo Yunshan also looked at Qin Yan with a curious face. Guo Yunshan was actually extremely puzzled about Li Mingyang's situation.

Looking at the two, Qin Yan pondered for a moment and said, "It has not been too long to cultivate ghost cultivation, and now the best way to cultivate ghost cultivation is to swallow the Nether elixir and become a Netherworld monk, and cultivate as many low-level as possible by letting the Netherworld monks devouring each other."

Guo Yunshan was not surprised by Qin Yan's statement. Half of the monks brought by Qin Yan are Netherworld monks, but the Netherworld monks in this team are only the triple cultivation of the fantasy world. It can be seen that although there is a set of forming methods for cultivating Netherworld monks, because of the need Although a large number of consumption ghost practitioners can cultivate higher-level monks, it is still the most cost-effective to cultivate low-level monks. It turns out that these monks with only the triple cultivation of the fantasy world can reach a very high level when combined.

However, at this time, Qin Yan suddenly said, "The cultivation of Netherworld monks has encountered the biggest problem, that is, they can only practice up to the fivefold fantasy realm."

"Oh, that's a pity." Guo Yunshan did only have five-fold ways to train ghost monks to the fantasy world before, but he thought that Taihemen did not give it to him, and now he knew that it turned out that they had not studied it at all. But thinking of this, Guo Yunshan was also suddenly surprised and said, "The Netherworld monk can only practice fivefold in the fantasy world? What's his name?"

The three looked at Li Mingyang curiously, with many doubts in their hearts.

"So just now I always wanted to have a good examination of his body. He came from a ghost cultivation and began to practice after eating the Nether elixir. This is the purest Netherworld monk, but he has cultivated to the fivefold realm of the spirit realm, and may even cultivate to the realm of the virtual spirit realm. It was definitely he who found a way to break through that he broke this shackle. Speaking of this, Qin Yan even said excitedly, "If we find a way for the ghost monk to break through the fantasy world from him, it is not empty talk that we Qin family want to be king."

As he spoke, Qin Yan couldn't help walking to Li Mingyang.

Guo Yunshan saw this and quickly stood in front of Qin Yan: "Mr. Qin, what are you going to do?"

"I want to examine his body. He can break through the shackles of the Nethern monk and definitely find the difference in his body." Qin Yan was persistently about to step forward.

Guo Yunshan suddenly changed his normal state and said extremely firmly, "No, his cultivation is his own business. The Nether monk can't break through is something you need to study. You can't treat him like this because he breaks through."

After hesitating for a moment, Yan Kuo also subconsciously stood in front of Qin Yan: "Don't blame Mr. Qin. This boy has a life-saving kindness to our two brothers. I hope you can take the face of our brothers and let him go."

Looking at Guo Yunshan and Yan Kuo's grim face, Qin Yan shook his head and smiled, "What are you all thinking? I just want to explore his body, and it is impossible to dismember him. After careful examination, there is no harm to him. Maybe I can still find the answer. Isn't this good for everyone?"

Although Yan Kuo felt that Qin Yan was right, he still stood there with a wry smile on his face in embarrassment. Guo Yunshan was unmoved and still insisted, "Everyone's cultivation will definitely have a secret that he needs to keep. It's really a strange thing that he can break through, but you absolutely can't do it."

The smile on Qin Yan's face gradually disappeared, and he said in a low voice, "Are you sure you want to oppose me here?"

"Son Qin, I hope you can do this for the face of my two brothers." Yan Kuo suddenly bowed and said.

Seeing that Yan Kuo is so resolute, Qin Yan can't be too strong. Finally, he can only say, "Resolve him the wine. I'll ask him face to face. That's all right."

Yan Kuo and Guo Yunshan looked at each other and finally nodded.

Li Mingyang hasn't felt so drunk for a long time. Li Mingyang is an alcoholic. Before practicing, his greatest pleasure with Shen Qiong is to save money to buy a jar of good wine to drink. However, after practice, with the improvement of strength, it is difficult for him to feel how wonderful no matter how good the wine is. After all, drinking is not only for taste, but also for the hazy feeling after getting drunk.

It's just that the hazy beauty suddenly disappeared, and Li Mingyang suddenly had a strong sense of loss. But after hearing clearly why he woke himself up, Li Mingyang was in a worse mood.

However, at this time, no one knew that Li Mingyang was unhappy at all, even the old and treacherous Guo Yunshan could not see it. After listening to Qin Yan's question, Li Mingyang almost subconsciously patted his thigh and said, "Hey, I thought you were going to ask something. So that's it." When he said this, Li Mingyang had listed Qin Yan as an inaccessible object, but there was an extremely sincere smile on his face.

"It's like this. After I followed Master Wei Ran to Wanchen Valley and entered Youlan Town, I inadvertently saved a real ghost. Yes, it's a real ghost. Don't be surprised. At that time, the real ghost was suppressed by a magic array. It was a long-lasting magic array. Although the grade was very high, it was not too powerful because it had been too many years, so I broke the array. After the real ghost was rescued, he gave me a skill, and then I practiced like this until now. With that, Li Mingyang even immediately took out a jade slip from the treasure bag: "At that time, he dictated the skill to me, and I recorded it on the jade slip."

In fact, until Li Mingyang took out the jade slip, Qin Yan felt that Li Mingyang was definitely lying. Li Mingyang's reaction was impeccable. When he questioned him, he was not angry at all, but said everything with great cooperation. Even the skills he got from a real ghost, and he said this shocking experience without concealment. This situation made Qin Yan, who was used to deception, feel that he was definitely lying.

But Li Mingyang even took out the jade Jane. Qin Yan could only temporarily hold back his doubts and seriously explore this jade Jane.

If Li Mingyang knew what Qin Yan was thinking, it would not have been as easy as it is now. In fact, after starting to practice the Huangquan formula, Li Mingyang discussed the problem of the Nethern monk with the wheel. Many people know that they are a Netherworld monk, and they will inevitably face the problem of how they break through in the future. From Wei Ran's mouth, Li Mingyang knew how much the Central Plains monk was eager to get the way to break through.

So at that time, the wheel came up with a good idea and made up a story for him that sounded absolutely full of loopholes, but the content of the story was quite strange, so that even if the other party felt that there was a big loophole in such an unreasonable story, it could not be inferred according to common sense. The only thing that can be done is to guess, but it is very obvious that it is impossible to guess the real answer.

And the most essential part of this statement is naturally the jade slip handed over by Li Mingyang. Yu Jian is a formula, and the main body is the Huangquan formula, but all the key parts are modified by the wheel. The monks are not the power of Huangquan, but the power of Xuanyin. This formula is no longer called the Huangquan formula, but the Xuanyin formula.

The formula modified by the wheel, even if Qin Yan has been knowledgeable since he was a child, he can't see any flaws at all. In his opinion, this is definitely the best way to practice the mind. You know, the wheel is one of the ten halls of hell, the king of hell. His elaborate work does not mean that a little talent can see the flaw.

After reading this so-called mysterious secret for a long time, Qin Yan frowned deeper and deeper, and finally sighed heavily, "This mental method is too dangerous to practice."

The secret of Xuanyin is to let the monk absorb the power of Xuanyin to practice, but this is almost impossible. Once the power of Xuanyin enters the body, it is absolutely impossible to practice.

However, in the face of Qin Yan's questioning, Li Mingyang did not change his face and said, "Is it dangerous? I don't know. After getting the mental method, I practiced hard, and then accidentally cultivated to this level."

Seeing that Qin Yan was still questioning, Li Mingyang simply said, "If you don't believe it, try it."