ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 166 The wheel is difficult

"Are you sure you are really looking for the power of Xuanyin, not teasing me?" Xie Bi'an gritted his teeth and asked. It could be seen that he was holding back and not beat Li Mingyang.

Li Mingyang was slightly puzzled and said, "Yes, I just wanted to find the power of Xuanyin."

Xie Bi'an said with a smile, "Little brother, don't you think you are joking when you tell me where to find the power of Xuanyin in hell?"

Li Mingyang suddenly realized that he had not yet realized that he had arrived in hell instead of Lingyan City. The power of Xuanyin, which was scarce in Lingyan City, was everywhere in hell. The power of Xuanyin was the power of heaven and earth in hell.

Although it is strange why Xie Bi'an's temper is so irritable today, Li Mingyang still said his question first. After hearing this, Xie Bi'an finally understood what had happened and fell silent after saying "Oh".

After a while, Xie Bi'an said, "According to what you said, although those people in Jingshan City can adapt to the power of Xuanyin, they can't reach the extent that real ghosts can adapt to the power of Xuanyin. The Mingjing in hell is definitely not suitable for them."

Hearing Xie Bi'an's analysis, Li Mingyang was slightly disappointed but quickly relieved. This is the situation he had imagined before he came here. The Mingjing in the hell is the purest mysterious power. If it can be used, it is absolutely good, but it is not surprising to think that he can't adapt to the Mingjing.

Xie Bi'an did not just say this nonsense, but continued: "You want to cultivate a group of ordinary people with the power of Xuanyin. This is indeed a crazy move, but if your exploration is accurate and their physique is indeed consistent, you can indeed find a way to get the power of Xuanyin, and it's what you said. In that Lingyan City.

"How to do it?" Li Mingyang stood up excitedly and grabbed Xie Bi'an as if he had caught the savior.

The impermanence made it obvious that he was not in a good mood today. After pushing Li Mingyang away, he said, "If you can get a reincarnation stone, all this will be solved."

"Reincarnation Stone?" Li Mingyang was stunned: "The reincarnation stone in the Hundred Ghost Village?" At this time, Li Mingyang suddenly had inspiration. Yes, with the reincarnation stone, the power of Xuanyin will naturally begin to converge independently.

"Yes." Xie Bi'an nodded.

"Does that mean that I need to go to a hundred ghost village to steal a reincarnation stone?"

"You don't have to steal it."

"What else can I do?" Li Mingyang asked positively.

"You can also completely destroy a Hundred Ghost Village, and then you can take away the reincarnation stone inside without stealing it." Xie Bi'an said lightly.

Li Mingyang also began to resist the idea of trying to beat Xie Bi'an, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

Xie Bi'an took a look at Li Mingyang and said meaningfully, "I'm not laughing with you, let alone adding obstacles to you. This is the only means you can use in your current situation. Mingyang, have you ever thought that the boss has spent so much effort on you and even guides you to practice the Huangquan formula with his own power? What on earth is he for?

Li Mingyang was still thinking about how to get the reincarnation stone, but suddenly heard Xie Bi'an's words and was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"It's meaningless. I just want to make a truth. There are no benefits in the world. The boss always likes to do everything by himself. He is too strong. If there is, he may never say anything, but you must know that he has done so much for you, and I hope you can do something for him." Xie Bi'an actually said these words after a little hesitation.

Listening to Xie Bi'an's words, thinking about his inexplicable irritable temper today, and Fan Wuju, who had always been nagging, was still silent today. Li Mingyang suddenly had an unknown foreboding and asked, "Is there any trouble with the wheel?"

Fan Wuju finally said, "The boss went out to work hard before his injury was healed, and the source was almost broken."

"The origin?" Li Mingyang suddenly panicked. Although he didn't know much about the power of the origin of the wheel before, he knew that the origin was definitely the lifeblood of the wheel. Yangjian suffered such a serious trauma, and his origin did not suffer any threat. As a result, now the origin was almost broken, which was enough to see him to the end. How hard it is.

"Where is the wheel now? I want to see him." Li Mingyang asked.

Xie Bi'an shook his head and said, "The boss's injury is too serious. Now he has begun to retreat to recover from his injury. I don't think he can recover well in three or five years."

"Three or five years? He is the ten halls of hell. Who dares to be unfavorable to him? Li Mingyang became more and more puzzled. In his opinion, the wheel should definitely be a horizontal role in hell. However, as soon as he finished speaking, he thought of the siege of Dinghai City when he came to hell for the first time.

At this time, Xie Bi'an also said solemnly, "You also know that the boss is ten halls of hell. In addition to him, there are nine kings in hell."

"There is also a war between the kings of the deen?" Hearing Xie Bi'an's words, Li Mingyang said in surprise.

Xie Bi'an said lightly, "Of course, and he fought fiercely."

It must be difficult to think of the wheel in hell. Although I don't know what his relationship is with other halls and Yan Luo, it proves that the hatred between them must be not small to think that he can be damaged by the origin of being beaten.

In this way, Li Mingyang did not hesitate at all and said directly, "How can I help the wheel? As long as I can, I will definitely do it."

Hearing Li Mingyang's answer, Xie Bi'an nodded with satisfaction: "Your words are enough. In fact, what I'm most afraid of is not that you don't help, but that you will have to shout to fight with other kings on impulse. In this case, I will push you into the fire pit with my own hands."

Li Mingyang said calmly, "I know how many catties I have, and the wheel has never been willing to say anything to me. It must be because of my poor strength. Now that you have told me, you must also feel that my strength is enough to do something. I definitely can't do it and dare not think about the king of hell alone. You can arrange what else you can do.

Xie Bi'an nodded more and more satisfiedly and sighed, "Actually, I'm really curious about whether you are really only a teenager. Sometimes your calmness makes me feel a little terrible."

"Haha, in fact, I'm just afraid of death." Li Mingyang laughed.

Xie Bi'an stopped joking and began to help Li Mingyang plan the immediate event.

If you want to gather the power of Xuanyin in Lingyan City, you first need to get a reincarnation stone. The reincarnation stone can naturally emit the power of Xuanyin. Because of this, the place where there is reincarnation stones will gradually form a place where real ghosts gather, and finally a hundred ghost villages will be formed.

Li Mingyang only wants to cultivate 1,000 people, but does not intend to cultivate them for a long time, so he only needs to find a small-scale 100 ghost village to eliminate and get a first-order reincarnation stone.

Xie Bi'an also gave Li Mingyang a magic array map, which is a magic array specially used to control the reincarnation stone to release the power of Xuanyin, called Lianyin Array. The Yin array is only level 2, so the control effect will not be very good, but at least it can meet Li Mingyang's requirements. This magic array is very necessary, because the people of Jingshan City cannot directly absorb the purest power of Xuanyin. Only the power of Xuanyin after being thinned is the best, so they must master this degree.

"Although the power of Xuanyin can be thinned by using the Yin array, the power of Xuanyin produced by the reincarnation stone itself will not dissipate out of thin air. If you don't want to be killed by human monks as a real ghost, you'd better arrange a more effective spirit array, and then cooperate with a few gathering arrays to prevent the power of Xuanyin from leaking with the spirit array. The spiritual array refines the extra power of Xuanyin, so that inside the spiritual array, it can reach the level you require. Xie Bi'an analyzed it little by little.

Li Mingyang's eyes lit up. He has always been very keen on the combination and collocation of the array. The composite array pays attention to the overlap of similar arrays to achieve a stronger effect after superposition. The combination of different arrays is actually the most worth learning point in the way of arrays.

Now Xie Bi'an has taught himself a good lesson. Refining the Yin array controls the reincarnation stone and is responsible for diluting part of the power of Xuanyin, and the spiritual array can consume the excess Xuanyin power with spiritual power, and then close the whole residential area with the spiritual array as a whole. In this way, it is really possible to arrange a closed space where the power of Xuanyin converges in such a city as Lingyan City.

is a very exquisite design. The grade of the array that needs to be combined is not high. A second-level array mage with a slightly better foundation can do this, but such a combination is not something that any second-level array mage can think of casually. Therefore, Li Mingyang often has a headache for Luo Su's learning of array. An excellent array mage is not enough to arrange the array perfectly. An uncreative array mage is really too weak.

With Xie Bi'an's design, Li Mingyang is really amazing.

"It's just a small skill of carving insects. I know your talent in the way of formation. You have only been in contact with it for too short time. Over time, these gadgets are just disdainful things for you." Looking at Li Mingyang's admiration expression, Xie Bi'an said.

"It doesn't make any sense in the future. There will be no one because you have the potential to let you kill. If you don't have strength, you won't have the strength. What I can't do now is that I'm still very weak, and I should focus on supplementing the weak points. Li Mingyang said calmly, "Thank you for your advice."

Put away the magic map given by Xie Bi'an, and Li Mingyang continued, "I'll go back and transfer the people of Jingshan City first. I estimate it will only take three months at most. As long as I deal with it, I will come here immediately."

Xie Bi'an smiled faintly, hugged Li Mingyang and said, "We are waiting for your good news."