ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 174 One Ride for a Thousand

Zhao Xing has become more anxious, and the scouts sent out have not returned for half an hour. If this is a march, it is normal for the scouts not to fall back for half an hour, but the problem is that they have explored ten miles away, which seems very strange.

All the officers were a little more worried, and they also felt that things were getting more and more out of their control. Just thinking about the end after someone asked before, everyone chose to shut up. They didn't want to be sent to the evil village at this time.

Suddenly, when everyone's patience was about to be exhausted, the Hundred Ghost Village, which had been silent for a long time, finally began to change.

"General!" Feeling the change of the Hundred Ghost Village, an officer finally dared to speak.

Zhao Xing answered calmly, and then said, "Be ready to attack at any time."

The soldiers who have been waiting for a long time are now full of energy. These people are really elite soldiers. They are not afraid of fighting, but afraid of endless waiting.


At the exit of Baigui Village, Li Mingyang carefully led people out. In order to better manage these 500 people, Chen Ji, Bai Ming, Tang Dong, Zhang Chong and Guo Yunshan led 100 people respectively, and Li Mingyang was in the middle. It's not that Li Mingyang is confident that he can fight better than Guo Yunshan, but the tactics they chose this time need to be distributed in this way.

Calling the scout sent by Zhao Xing, Li Mingyang asked, "Are you sure those people will take the initiative to attack?"

The scout nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Zhao Xing will... The old man Zhao Xing said that as long as someone comes out alive, he must be killed."

The words of the scout once again aroused the anger of the people behind him.

Li Mingyang waved his hand and said excitedly, "Okay, then let them attack."

The people were not in a hurry to leave. If there were only Guo Yunshan and others, even if Zhao Xing brought a thousand elite soldiers, as long as they wanted to escape, he had no way, but now they were 500 people, so they could only fight. However, everyone is very excited about this war.

They stopped directly not far away and put on a slightly strange formation. However, although they felt awkward, they still worked hard to arrange the formation. This is a war that Li Mingyang came up with. This is one of the few battles taught to him in turn. It is called Mandarin duck battle array, which is most suitable for melee warfare.

However, he did not expect this 500-person battle array to exert much power, not to mention that their personal combat effectiveness is not strong. They just heard that this battle array today is good enough to barely form a formation. Once the war starts, it is estimated that the formation may soon collapse.

The reason why Li Mingyang dares to fight is that he believes that Zhao Xing will definitely take the initiative to attack, and the other party has a numerical advantage. In addition, soldiers like Zhao Xing have always despised their monks who are used to fighting alone. Zhao Xing will definitely attack immediately after seeing that they are still alive.

In this way, they will have a defensive advantage.

Li Mingyang is still a novice and will never be Zhao Xing's opponent, but if it is a game array, even if Zhao Xing is a divine master, he probably doesn't have the master to play by himself. Li Mingyang has always been quite confident in his achievements in formation.

The reason why Li Mingyang chose to use the slightly complex battle array of mandarin duck battle arrays for these new military use is to cooperate with the subsequent French formation.

Li Mingyang is going to arrange a real second-level composite defensive array this time. The mandarin duck battle array and this composite defensive array can be perfectly combined. The defensive array can ensure that their team will not be fully attacked. Although it has the effect of killing the enemy, it can slow down the speed of these 500 people being scattered as much as possible.

In addition, it is the elite military policy that Li Mingyang and others had thought about before. Admittedly, in large-scale wars, it is difficult to show too much of personal strength. But after all, this is just a battle on the scale of 1,000 people. Li Mingyang is confident that this second-level compound defense may support half an hour under the siege of thousands of people.

And in this half an hour, with the advantage of guarding the array, strong men such as Guo Yunshan and Zhang Chong can definitely play a very strong effect. More importantly, he now has the biggest killer, an existence that even Guo Yunshan is very taboo.

Zhao Xing's heart suddenly sank after he found out that Li Mingyang and others had left the Hundred Ghost Village and were stationed directly in place not far away. Obviously, the scouts have been captured and have definitely explained their deployment.

"General, are we going to spend time with them?" The officer who was used to the war asked. Marching and fighting is not angry. Knowing that the other party knows its own deployment, if it still wants to rush, it will give the opponent a chance.

However, Zhao Xing has lost his mind at this moment. He feels like he has been teased as a clown today. First, he waited dryly for a long time. He thought that the other party had been destroyed, but even the scouts fell into the hands of the other party. All his calculations were known by the other party. As a handsome man, he was also a god. Xuanshi, Zhao Xing felt that this was an absolute shame.

The reason why he was so angry was mainly because of his jealousy and worry about Li Mingyang. When Li Mingyang appeared and showed his amazing success rate of the mysterious chain, Zhao Xing was already very wary of this young man. He has now become the object that King Ning must cultivate vigorously. Once Wang Chengwu raises his army, Li Mingyang is absolutely A very dangerous enemy in the future. Thinking of this, even though Zhao Xing knew that there would be far more than expected losses under such circumstances, in order to kill Li Mingyang, today's battle must be decided quickly.

Li Mingyang finally waited for Zhao Xing's attack. The scout was right. It seemed that their determination to destroy them was very sufficient.

"Lead up and meet the enemy." Li Mingyang has already arranged the second-level composite defense array. So far, Li Mingyang's favorite thing is the array. As long as there is a array, he can always have the confidence to arrange all kinds of magic arrays he wants to arrange.

Everyone was cheered. Before, they dared to fight with Zhao Xing with a cavity of anger, but after all, they were a group of new troops. Looking at the fierce elite soldiers who had been killed, everyone's hands couldn't help sweating after all.

At this time, Guo Yunshan looked very excited. Although he is not good at fighting, it is not that he has not experienced a big scene. Although Nanluo is not big, Guo Yunshan often participates in battles with the demons because it is on the border. The scene of the war between the two races is much bigger than the scene in front of him, but such a battle can arouse Guo Yunshan's blood, and he can finally be completely released once. Since the Battle of the South, Guo Yunshan has always been angry in his heart. It is impossible for anyone to be happy if he works hard for a fairy for decades and is finally driven away by some absurd reasons.

The soldiers on both sides held their breath. Zhao Xing tried to completely annihilate his opponents, and he was also quite confident in his combat strength. He never thought how strong monks from remote places like Li Mingyang would be.

On Li Mingyang's side, everyone wanted to slap each other loudly. Wang Chengwu regarded these 500 people as abandoned soldiers, but he even wanted to kill Li Mingyang. Thinking that he just wanted to buy a reincarnation stone and could be remembered by Wang Chengwu, Li Mingyang was naturally in a worse mood.

The war is imminent, and both sides want to completely kill each other.

Zhao Xing saw from afar that Li Mingyang had already set up the magic array in place. Seeing this scene, Zhao Xing sneered coldly: "Well, it's extremely ridiculous. I'll let you know what war is."

After saying that, Zhao Xing suddenly gave an order, and all his elite soldiers stopped the trend neatly, and then everyone took a short spear from the saddle.

Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang had not reacted, but Chen Ji had already shouted, "Ridun, stand the shield!"

Although the reaction was a little slow, they still set up a shield before the other party took action. After Li Mingyang hesitated, although he was puzzled, he still looked at Guo Yunshan and said, "Big Elder, please help protect it."

Guo Yunshan was ready to take action without waiting for Li Mingyang's request, but he could not arrange a protective layer to protect 500 people out of thin air. He could only prepare for the attack and wait for the other side to intercept.


Under the order from the opposite side, nearly a thousand short spears flew out, and in an instant, like a locust flying all over the sky, and the short spear attacked brazenly.

Guo Yunshan snorted coldly, and a storm followed the trend. What everyone didn't expect was that even if Guo Yunshan took action, he only blocked 70% of the short spears, and the remaining 300 short spears still came with cold light.

Li Mingyang had been confidently arranged before. In the face of the impact of the short spear, it had no effect. As soon as this situation appeared, Li Mingyang was immediately dumbfounded.

"This is a magic weapon that breaks all kinds of magic arrays." In the chaos, Chen Ji explained to Li Mingyang.

But as soon as he finished explaining, he heard the sound of the second short spear flying again. At the same time, the first wave of short spears finally fell into their positions. In an instant, dozens of screams sounded on the position. Even if there was a shield, dozens of short spears penetrated all their defenses and pierced their bodies fiercely.

Guo Yunshan and Zhang Chong, and even Bai Ming and Tang Dong began to help others protect without reservation. Zhao Xing's broken short spears threw out three waves one after another, working together to stop each other's love, and finally fell at least a thousand short spears in the magic array. Three rounds of short spear offensive directly killed more than 100 people and injured more than 100 people. Before the two sides officially fought, half of them had lost their combat effectiveness. Li Mingyang never thought of this situation before.

Zhao Xing looked proudly at his record and shouted with a sneer, "Young man, marching and fighting, the battle is still king's way, and the magic array is useless at all."

It can be said that Li Mingyang knew this truth with the lives of more than 100 people. After learning the array, he realized for the first time that the original array was not omnipotent. It's just that the danger hasn't passed yet, and it's obviously too early to sum up the experience.

Seeing Zhao Xing's proud face and looking at the wailing crowd around him, Li Mingyang clenched his teeth and finally suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.

"Well, pretend to be a ghost. Does he think a few strange screams can scare us away?" Seeing Li Mingyang's behavior, an officer said disdainfully.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the earth around him seemed to begin to tremble slightly. He couldn't help but feel this way, including Zhao Xing, who felt a burst of tremors of the earth.

"Keep the formation." Zhao Xing ordered calmly.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw a huge thing rushing over from behind them. Taking a close look, they found that the person who rushed over was actually a young man like a hill, with explosive muscles that made people feel fear after seeing it. Every time he runs, the earth will tremble because of his running.

took a few more glances, and suddenly an officer said tremblingly, "Real ghost, that's a real ghost."

In an instant, the elite soldiers who were just excited about their short spear attack suddenly felt that their hands and feet were cold. Among the rumors Zhao Xing told them before, the most horrible one was a real ghost here. Now when they see this real ghost running over and their whole body is full of horror, they immediately think of the one Zhao Xing said.

Zhao Xing couldn't help sweating coldly, but soon ordered: "Tss the spear."

"General, the broken spear has been used up." An officer warned.

"Then attack, do it quickly. You don't have to pay attention to any strategy. Collect the torch and bombard this ghost first." Zhao Xing almost shouted out this sentence.

Gong Yangwen's attack breathed a sigh of relief to everyone. They had seen the strength of Gong Yangwen before. Thinking that there was such a reinforcement, the morale that had just fallen down finally recovered a lot.

Seeing that Zhao Xing completely gave up attacking his side, Li Mingyang was a little more angry and immediately said, "Big Elder, let's go up."

The process of the battle is beyond everyone's imagination. Even though he has seen the strength of Gong Yangwen before, in such a group battle, Gong Yangwen showed his more terrible side - his ability to fight without a corpse.

The realm without a corpse is also divided. Gong Yangwen's realm without a corpse is not very high, and Guo Yunshan may even threaten his life. But he could only threaten. After fighting with Gong Yangwen, Guo Yunshan had to admit that even if he hit him with all his strength, he might not be able to kill him.

In such a group battle, in the face of a group of low-level monks, these so-called elite soldiers can't cause any threatening damage to Gongyangwen. All kinds of magic weapons and low-level spells seem to bombard him very violently, but after a burst of smoke, Gong Yangwen will still rush out strangely and continue to pounce on another group of people like a tiger.

He is a tiger, and these so-called elite soldiers are all lambs. Zhao Xing tried to punish Gong Yangwen, but was directly stopped by Guo Yunshan. As long as there are no high-level monks, Gong Yangwen can kill unscrupulously in the crowd.

Looking at the amazing performance of Gong Yangwen, Li Mingyang couldn't help but be stunned during the war and muttered, "Is this the legendary fierce general who rides a thousand?"