ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 178 Chaos

"My lord, Jingshan City... Li Mingyang and those others have disappeared."

"Is it gone?" Ning Wang's good mood suddenly disappeared, and his face was gloomy and he said, "More than 10,000 people disappeared after saying that they didn't see it? What are the people guarding outside doing? When did they leave?

"Our people have been outside, inseparable."

"Did they take the opportunity to escape when they were ** in the city?" King Ning asked doubtfully, but immediately rejected the idea himself. This war started, and even Ning Wang himself was surprised by the smooth process. Wang Chengwu's strength was almost pulled out in an instant, and the people who killed the city were exquisitely matched. Wang Chengwu's loyalist had also fought to the death, but Wang Chengwu had been captured at that time. Zhao Xing, the veteran general who had always been the coach, also disappeared for a long time, so that the war between the two sides soon ended.

If Li Mingyang took the opportunity to escape from the city with more than 10,000 people during this period, it can't be said.

When King Ning hesitated, his officers finally said, "They seem to have left from the transmission array."

"Transmission array? Wasn't the transmission array closed and opened it for them without authorization?

"It's not the transmission array in our city, but a transmission array in their residential area." The officer explained, and then added, "That transmission array has just been arranged, and it should be just a short-range transmission array."

King Ning's face was completely gloomy. He was not a martial artist like Wang Chengwu. Although the combat power shown by King Ning when he took action against Wang Chengwu just now surprised everyone, as a king, he still has the temperament of the king. It would be foolish to expect to order to chase out of the teleportation array now. The other party only needs to destroy the other end of the array, and it is impossible for them to track it even if they have the ability.

Just after cleaning up Wang Chengwu's joy, he was completely dispersed because of the sudden departure of Li Mingyang.

"Bouting people out of the city to search for me, a wanted notice has been issued throughout the south. There is no place for them in the south." King Ning's voice was extremely cold.

"Your Majesty, we still have a lot of big things to do now. There is no need to work hard because of such a boy." A veteran who had followed King Ning for many years couldn't help reminding him.

For his own people, King Ning did not behave too badly, but he still said with a gloomy face, "The whole south will definitely be under my rule in the near future. I will never tolerate others in my territory who want to be king."

"Self-reliance, your evaluation of him seems to be a little too high." The old man frowned and said.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm rated lower on him." Ning Wang sneered and said, "Go on. Since he doesn't want to do anything for me, he doesn't have to do anything anymore."


Before escaping, Li Mingyang thought that his decision was definitely correct, but after escaping, he suddenly began to confirm this idea.

The south began to be chaotic, and the chaos was thorough, and the spread was too fast. After escaping from Lingyan City, they only dared to get into the deep mountains along the way, but in the deep mountains, they met dozens of monks who also hid in the mountains and wanted to take refuge. The cultivation of these monks is generally not high, and the strongest of them is only the triple cultivation of the spiritual realm, and the weakest is the fivefold spiritual realm.

But from their mouth, Li Mingyang learned about almost half of the current situation in the south.

The Central Plains monk came.

This is the most common statement heard by Li Mingyang. When all the monks who fled to Xiliang Mountain, Li Mingyang inquired about the situation from them, they would say so. After listening to it a lot, Li Mingyang began to worry more.

Originally, his plan was to take the people of Jingshan City to escape and go all the way south, at least far away from the territory of the king of Ning, so that he could not only avoid the pursuit of the king of Ning, but also avoid being first attacked when the king of Shu went south. But now it seems that such an idea doesn't work.

The chaos in the south seems to have happened from all directions at the same time. Even above the southern border, many monastic cities have been impacted by Central Plains monks.

"Why can you confirm that the other party is a Central Plains monk?" Li Mingyang sometimes said curiously.

"The first sentence after they appear, they will say that they are Central Plains monks."

"Also, their tactics are also different from those of the southern monks. I didn't know until now that our southern monks were so backward, the same thousand to a thousand, and they all lost so badly."

Listening to the other party's explanation, Li Mingyang vaguely seemed to see the shadow of the troops led by Yan Kuo and Yan Guang. At that time, the Yan brothers said bluntly that their purpose was to disturb the south and make the southern monks realize the most important gap between the south and the Central Plains.

Only after Li Mingyang met more and more monks and inquired about more and more news, he gradually gave up the idea. Perhaps there is indeed a team led by the Yan brothers in the team that commit crimes everywhere in the south, but they only have one team, only 3,000 people. No matter how weak the southern monks are, it is impossible for the whole south to be afraid of the 3,000 people.

And Li Mingyang also heard from the monks who hid in Xiliangshan that the monks who kept attacking the city and pulling out the fortress in the south were different. Some people met only 1,000 monks, and their combat effectiveness was not very strong, but they cooperated very well, but the 1,000-person team also knew that their strength was not good, so they did not attack. The city is just chasing and killing single monks in the wilderness.

And some teams are even tall with 4,000 to 5,000 people. The horror of combat power makes people afraid when they think of it.

With such a big contrast, it proves that it is absolutely impossible to have only one team of the Yan brothers. Moreover, according to Li Mingyang's understanding, the Yan brothers absolutely do not have such high tactics and can play so many*.

Anyway, the current south is no longer the south of the past, and the past experience will be invalidated at this time. No one can guarantee that a team of highly powerful monks will suddenly appear in some safe places in the past.

Fortunately, Li Mingyang and the place they wanted to go before was not any city of monks. Their ultimate destination was to cross Xiliang Mountain and finally enter Heyang Mountain. Before leaving, they went to buy some news from the south. There is an abandoned spiritual stone mine in Heyang Mountain, which was once a place for many southern monks, but after the mine was abandoned, few people asked about it.

is an abandoned place for ordinary monks, but it is an absolute treasure for Li Mingyang. After the spiritual stone mine was abandoned, because that area consumed too much spiritual power in the past time, after a large number of spiritual stones were excavated, the place will become a place where the power of Xuanyin is correspondingly dense.

However, as long as there is no reincarnation stone, that kind of place will attract some real ghosts to pass by occasionally, but it will never form a hundred ghost villages. For the people of Jingshan City, the place with the power of natural Xuanyin is naturally the best.

There are more and more monks gathered in Xiliang Mountain, so that Li Mingyang encounters one or two single monks who fled for their lives every day. These monks are also quite curious about Li Mingyang's team. After all, although the south is in chaos, it does not have a great impact on ordinary people. Although these Central Plains monks who don't know how to appear and why they want to kill in the south are very crazy and belligerent, they will not hurt the people even after breaking through the city.

At present, although the monks in the south are in danger, many of them have hidden in the vast Xiliang Mountain, but at this time, seeing so many ordinary people also hiding in Xiliang Mountain naturally makes these monks feel curious. However, although the monks who fled into Xiliang Mountain are all embarrassed, they are still monks and do not have much interest in ordinary people. Especially when everyone is in danger, they are too lazy to do some boring activities to rob people and women.

In fact, there is indeed a huge gap between monks and ordinary people. Once they start practicing, monks are more ** to spiritual power and breath, and ordinary people are not very attractive to monks.

However, for whatever reason, although they meet several monks in Xiliang Mountain every day, they can be so knowledgeable, which still makes Li Mingyang and Guo Yunshan very satisfied. In order not to attract too much attention, everyone except Guo Yunshan has restrained their breath. If it weren't for detering some people, even Guo Yunshan wanted to pretend to be an ordinary person.

Xiliangshan and his party are not as difficult as they thought. In the one-month preparation in Lingyan City, Li Mingyang also saw that it was obviously unrealistic to cultivate some formed martial artists within a month, so he simply let all the people of Jingshan City practice Zhang Chong's modified ten-round reincarnation. Anyway, Jingshan The physique of the city people is all strange. As long as there is the power of Xuanyin, they can absorb it.

The time to practice ten turns of reincarnation is still short, but at least the overall strength of Jingshan City has increased several times. At least if you encounter some beasts in the deep mountains, some slightly older people can kill them with simple weapons. Li Mingyang was very satisfied with such achievements. What he wanted was not an elite army, but that he just hoped that they could have good self-preservation ability.

Xiliang Mountain is a refuge for many monks, and it is indeed safe to come here now, but it is just because there are not enough people hiding. Once there are more monks here, Li Mingyang doesn't think that those Central Plains monks will not chase them in. As more and more monks met, the speed of Li Mingyang's march began to improve.

Although they know that outside Xiliang Mountain, the whole south is about to become a pot of porridge, they just want to find a place to settle in troubled times. The hegemony in the south has nothing to do with them. They only want purity.

It's a pity that this thing never seems to belong to Li Mingyang.