ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 183 Constant Trouble

All the monks who hid in Xiliang Mountain were persecuted and hunted down by the Central Plains monks, or because Xianmen was captured by the Central Plains monks, they could only be displaced and fled here. Before that, they had seen too many massacres and too many confrontations of great power disparity. I thought that hiding in Xiliang Mountain could finally avoid such a scene, but I didn't expect them to experience it again this night.

Fortunately, they were not the party who was slaughtered.

Although Luo Qingyi and his Liuyang Mountain Thieves are not a powerful force for the whole south, Luo Qingyi and his bandits are quite strong for some monks who have come into contact with Liuyang Mountain Thieves. There was even a powerful Xianmen who wanted to destroy them, but the final result was the defeat of the Xianmen monks.

Although the people of Liuyang Mountain also hid here due to the rebellion in the south this time, they were blessed by misfortune and collected many doorless monks in Xiliang Mountain. Today's Liuyang Mountain can even be said to be the only remaining power in troubled times.

However, in the fight that night, the 86 Yangshan Mountain Thieves, facing the other party's team of only 600 people, were completely defeated by the other party's three crushing charge back and forth. After that, the battle was only the two swords brothers and several other strong men constantly raging on the battlefield. It was thought to be a needle attack on Mai Mang, but it turned out to be a unilateral massacre, which no one expected.

Luo Qingyi couldn't figure out why his people were defeated so quickly until his death. It seemed that when he met the Central Plains monk, the other party's offensive was not so fierce.

In fact, many monks present also had this idea. Before hiding in Xiliang Mountain, he had even seen some larger Central Plains monks, but they had never seen their combat strength reach such a high level.

It's just that these people don't know that there is such a big gap because the team of Central Plains monks fighting in the south received orders to kill half and half, so they often seem a little procrastinate during the slaughter. However, this group of Taihemen monks led by the Yan brothers have experienced too many long battles. This battle was originally intended to slaughter the other party, and the situation naturally seemed very cruel.

In the end, only dozens of people in Liuyang Mountain ran out, and the rest died here. The victory of this battle also made the people of Jingshan City cheer like a tsunami. Li Mingyang's friends are naturally people in the same camp as them, and the victory on their side is naturally worth celebrating.

However, after the victory, Li Mingyang immediately ordered everyone to pull out the village and set off. The current situation in Xiliang Mountain is complicated. This time, because of the accidental appearance of the Yan brothers, the Liuyang Mountain Thieves were destroyed. God knows whether there are any other large-scale forces here. Once they also know the reward of King Ning, they will Chasing it. The people of Jingshan City are no longer the weak people of those years. Even if they go on the road in the middle of the night, they are well trained.

Seeing that a group of ordinary people can have such quality, Yan Kuo couldn't help sighing: "Very good, really good."

"Brother Yan, what's going on? Why do you look so embarrassed?" Although the battle has just been won, and the scene of the Yan brothers rampaging with the monks of Taihemen did not show any weakness, Li Mingyang knew that something must have happened to them.

Yan Kuo looked bitter and said after a little silence, "We were abandoned and besieged by the Central Plains monks."

In Yan Kuo's narration, Li Mingyang learned that the south has been completely chaotic. Not only did the southern monks themselves begin to be in turmoil, but the Central Plains also secretly continue to contribute. In fact, people with the same idea as Taihemen don't seem to be when their family was fighting in the south. Once the Yan brothers led the team and suddenly met a group of highly powerful monks. After a short contact between the two sides, they found that each other was from the Central Plains.

However, to Yan Kuo's surprise, the other party is not a monk, which proves that there is more than one Central Plains force in the south now. It's just obvious that there are many people sent by other forces. Although the usual actions seem to be careless, once they go to war, they have a good connection and will soon form a siege.

After meeting other Central Plains monks several times in a row, Yan Kuo was actually targeted by those Central Plains monks. As a result, they were ambushed in the first war. Three teams of the other side, a total of more than 6,000 people besieged and killed them. In that war, the Yan brothers reversed the situation with amazing fighting power, but they only took These 500 people fled, and the lives of the other 2,000 brothers stayed on that battlefield forever.

"Is it the man of the King of Shu?" Li Mingyang asked curiously. Thinking that so many teams of Central Plains monks began to appear in the south, and even these monks could fight together and hang together, the only thing Li Mingyang could think of was that the king of Shu had begun the southern expedition.

But Yan Kuo shook his head and said very seriously, "The Jedi can't be the king of Shu. We deal with the monks in Shu County all year round. Although we can't say that we are familiar with the troops in Shu County, at least we are clear about their main fighting style, but the Central Plains monks we have met recently, they Obviously, it is well-trained, but there is no trace of the army of the King of Shu.

"Maybe it's just well hidden?" Li Mingyang asked.

Yan Kuo still shook his head and said firmly, "You don't know much about this. The formation of an army requires not only the command talent of officers, but also the personal strength of soldiers and monks, but also the tactical literacy of this unit. Tactics is a top priority in ordinary training, which have been It has formed subconscious things, and these things can't be hidden in the fierce battle. Those monks are obviously not formed temporarily, but they don't have the fighting style of Shu County monks at all, which proves that they can't be Shu County monks.

After saying that, Yan Kuo continued to add affirmatively: "No matter how strong the King of Shu is, it is impossible to cultivate so many elite teachers outside Shu County."

Listening to Yan Kuo's analysis without understanding, Li Mingyang only knows one situation now, that is, the south has begun to be in chaos, and chaos began before the king of Shu took action. The emergence of such a situation was far beyond his expectations.

"The south is in chaos so fast that your task has been completed." Li Mingyang suddenly said something.

Yan Kuo was stunned and said with a wry smile, "There is no task yet. We can no longer contact the door. We can only wander in the south, and there are other Central Plains forces chasing us. Today's south is no longer what we can gallop."

Li Mingyang is also very worried about the situation of the Yan brothers. According to what he said, the current southern part has almost become a battlefield for the Central Plains forces to compete, or even a chess game. They play games here, but it is the southern monks who suffer. And because Taihemen did not seem to be included in these Central Plains forces, they also became the target of clean-peal.

Thinking of the current form in the south, Li Mingyang couldn't help asking, "The south is chaotic enough now. If someone can stand up now, is it likely to twist the southern monks into a rope?"

Yan Kuo was suddenly shocked, looked straight at Li Mingyang, patted his forehead and said, "Yes, why didn't I expect that there were so many Central Plains monks suddenly? Is it possible that some Central Plains forces also planned to intervene in the south?"

Guo Yunshan, who had been listening, suddenly said, "There must be a Central Plains force other than the King of Shu and Taihe Gate, but maybe the Central Plains force did not want to send troops by itself, but had other plans?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Kuo and Li Mingyang all looked at Guo Yunshan curiously and said that no one in this team could catch up with Guo Yunshan.

In fact, Guo Yunshan had already speculated, but he knew too little from other monks who hid in Xiliang Mountain. But now with strict and more detailed supplement, Guo Yunshan finally affirmed his idea.

"First of all, whether it is a group or two groups, in short, there must be a third-party Central Plains force that has begun to intervene in the disputes in the south. But they certainly don't want to send troops to the south. If so, they will definitely go to war directly instead of disrupting the situation in the south. Once the southern monks are pushed to the opposite side and completely united, no one will take advantage of the south at that time. Guo Yunshan talked and talked.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "The famous speculation just now is very correct. The purpose of these people is most likely to accelerate the integration of the southern monks. As the saying goes, they continue to destroy the balance in the south, but they are creating conditions for a great balance. Now if a strong southern boss comes forward and begins to integrate the disrupted forces in the south and fight a few games with the Central Plains monks, preferably several battles, then this person is likely to become the ruler of the whole south in the future.

Hearing Guo Yunshan's words, Li Mingyang and they all fell into meditation. Although all this is only Guo Yunshan's guess, when you think about it carefully, the development of things seems to be really like this.

"Who would have done such a thing in secret?" Li Mingyang asked curiously.

Guo Yunshan also shook his head: "I don't know, but I should know soon."

"What do you say?"

It's just obvious that they still underestimate the ability of the Central Plains monks to cause trouble. Just as they were about to walk out of Xiliang Mountain and even completely get rid of the monks they wanted to follow, they suddenly saw that the monks began to flee in a hurry.

Li Ming frowned, signaled the formation to shrink and maintain the defensive formation, and then grabbed a fleeing monk and asked, "What's the matter? What are you running?"

The monk screamed randomly in Li Mingyang's hand for a long time, and finally said intermittently, "Zhong...Zhong...Zhong...Zhongyuan monk killed...killed in."