ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 185 Tactics

"Civilian?" After really seeing the situation in front of him, Zhou Yi couldn't help laughing: "You're not going to laugh me to death, are you?"

As soon as he said this, all the monks behind him burst into laughter. No one can understand Li Mingyang's strange tactic, but it is only for some civilians to stand up, and it is difficult for anyone to be vigilant at all.

The monks watching the battle around were also confused. At this time, Li Mingyang sent 1,000 civilians to stand in the front of the team. In addition to reminding that he wanted to send people to death, such a move was difficult to remind people of other places.

In the face of everyone's doubts and the opposite ridicule, Li Mingyang was unmoved. After seeing He Chaorong give him a positive look, Li Mingyang finally put down his raised hand and then said, "Let go."

As soon as Li Mingyang's word "play" was exported, people saw that those civilians seemed to be a trick. In a blink of an eye, everyone held a short axe, and then threw the short axe out without hesitation.

From their pulling out the short axe to completing the throwing, it was almost completed in a breath. This speed surprised everyone. This is definitely not the speed of ordinary people, and when they see the speed at which the short axe flies out, they suddenly wake up, which is definitely not the power that ordinary people can achieve. The two sides are at least one miles apart, and the short axes in their hands are obviously made of metal, but these civilians who look like refugees threw the short axes accurately into each other's camp.

These people are definitely not ordinary people. They are warriors, at least they have the strength of warriors!

Such a discovery shocked everyone, and then all the southern monks watching the battle were excited.

But this is not over yet. At the moment when the first thousand-person team threw the short axe, Li Mingyang had already given the second order, and then the second thousand-person team immediately filled the position, and the second wave of short axe impact immediately flew out.

This is still endless. The second wave of flying axe offensive has just been launched, and the third wave of flying axe has followed.

It can be seen that these people are not orthodox warriors after all. Although the throwing power is very large, the speed and accuracy are indeed lacking, but the sudden appearance of 3,000 flying axes appeared almost at the same time, and the flying axe in the sky is like a locust.

"Spatter, disperse it all." Zhou Yi finally paid the price for his careless intentions. The sudden flying axe attack really shocked him and could only order people to disperse.

The appearance of the Central Plains monks is a nightmare for the southern monks, and the most frightening part of this nightmare is the terrible military quality of the Central Plains monks. They train monks as soldiers. Once the war breaks out, the strict cooperation between all the monks makes the southern monks feel desperate.

However, although the sudden flying axe offensive did not achieve such effective results in killing the enemy, or even did not kill a person, these flying axes played a more important role - disrupting the formation.

This is actually Li Mingyang's ultimate plan. He was opposed by Guo Yunshan when designing this secret tactic. In Guo Yunshan's view, it is impossible for a group of practitioners who are not even the most elementary practitioners to throw a flying axe made by basal iron, which is impossible to cause any harm to well-trained monks. At that time, Li Mingyang did not explain much, and now it proves that his original idea was correct.

After meeting with the Yan brothers for the second time and seeing the 3,000 monks led by them, Li Mingyang noticed the most important problem - none of these Central Plains monks held a shield. This is very different from the monks in Lingyan City. In the real battle, a large number of attackers are needed, but defenders are also needed. However, these teams of Central Plains monks do not have, because they are confident that they can take the lead with their strong offensive, so that naturally there is no need for defenders.

After this discovery, Li Mingyang bet once that all the other Central Plainsxiu shi teams that sneaked into the south this time should all be in this configuration, and they all took the route of full attack.

Fly, it is impossible for the flying axe to cause any damage to the other party, but such a group of civilians who are not favored have successfully cut the other party's formation. That's the so-called tactics.

He Chaorong threw very hard, but after three waves of flying axes, he found that the other party did not kill or injure anyone because of this. Suddenly, he couldn't help feeling sad: "It disappointed the adults again."

"What does Uncle He think? Hurry up and prepare for the second round." Just as He Chaorong hesitated, Li Mingyang suddenly shouted.

"Your Excellency, is this useful?" He Chaorong couldn't help hesitating.

"Useful, absolutely useful, just cast it." Li Mingyang continued to urge.

The attack of the flying axe cannot be stopped, at least not just a drum. Once the attack of the flying axe stops, the other party can still form a formation. Li Mingyang arranged a total of 3,000 people to hold axes, and the three rounds of offensive was 9,000 short axes. If the opposite side were all in the Qingling Realm, these short axes would naturally be fine, but they were only the monks of the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm of the Central Plains was also the spiritual realm, which was not much stronger than the spiritual realm monks in the south. They could only hide.

Zhou Yi did intend to wait until the end of the short axe offensive, but when he saw the other party's endless throwing, Zhou Yi became more angry in an instant and roared in the chaos: "Kill them all."

All the Central Plains monks now have the same idea as Zhou Yi, killing them and killing these jumping clowns. Thinking of their Central Plains monks, they met countless strong enemies along the way. Unexpectedly, they were forced into such an embarrassing situation by a group of civilians with ordinary black iron axes today. Such humiliation has never been encountered before. Now they just want to be ashamed.

"Unfortunately, this idea is good, but it is still difficult to resist these tigers and wolves in the Central Plains alone." Seeing that Li Mingyang and others were just throwing flying axes, many monks began to sigh secretly.

On the one hand, there is the instructions of Li Mingyang, and on the other hand, it is true that the people of Jingshan City are not accurate enough to throw short axes. The flying axes all over the sky do not form such a terrible intensive offensive, but are fragmentary. But because of this, Zhou Yi's 2,000-person team was divided into more than a dozen small teams.

Li Mingyang's offensive has begun to become more and more monotonous. The second round of flying axe offensive still failed to cause any damage, but divided the opponent's formation more thoroughly. It's just that not many people realize their real strategic intentions. In the eyes of everyone, Li Mingyang and others are just a group of poor people who have been exhausted and waiting for each other to be slaughtered.

But at this time, the change suddenly emerged.

Just as Zhou Yi and his people were about to rush into the crowd of Jingshan City, a huge object suddenly emerged from the ground between their camps.

Gong Yangwen had endured for too long. When he received Li Mingyang's order, he was ready to go. Now he finally got the opportunity to take action. Gong Yangwen's whole body exuded a horrible killing atmosphere and rushed to Zhou Yi's team like a killing god.

"What the hell is this!?" The appearance of Gongyangwen shocked Zhou Yi and felt the amazing pressure from the other party. Zhou Yi chose to retreat in the southern battle for the first time. The strong enemy in front of him involuntarily gave him a feeling of invincible.

"Is this?" Seeing the appearance of Gongyangwen, Yan Kuo, who had planned to join the regiment, couldn't help but stop hesitatingly and even looked at Gongyangwen on the field with some horror.

In fact, when Gong Yangwen attacked, all the flying axes of Jingshan City had not failed, but he regarded those short axes as nothing and killed them. With a flying axe all over the sky, he still easily killed one panicked Central Plains monk after another.

"Don't worry, this is my brother." I have to admit that watching Gong Yangwen fighting on the battlefield is really a visual feast. His strong and huge body burst out again and again with the agility and speed that are not in line with his figure. Such an unbelievable physique makes Li Mingyang can't help but want to appreciate it every time he sees it.

"Brother Yan, don't worry, he can distinguish between the enemy and me." After a greeting, Li Mingyang finally couldn't hold back the blood in his heart and joined the regiment with a strange scream. Holding the blade completely condensed by the power of Huangquan, he also flew back and forth in the battlefield with a strange atmosphere.

It's messy, completely messy. Neither Zhou Yihe nor the people watching the battle around him expected such a change in the war situation. The appearance of Gong Yangwen completely messed up Zhou Yifang, who had been in a chaotic formation, and the Yan brothers who took the opportunity to kill the regiment and the 500 elites under them became the most horrible killing weapon. Where their people passed, they would not leave a living mouth.

When it comes to the efficiency of killing, the Yan brothers are definitely the highest. But now everyone's eyes are focused on Gong Yangwen. This huge terrorist general is the focus of everyone's attention.

His fists are comparable to two sledgehammers, but his legs are like two thick tree trunks. The moment of punching and kicking is as powerful as a tsunami. The most terrible thing is his defense ability. His speed is very fast, but it is impossible to pass the flying sword and magic weapon. It's not that no one can hit him, but the person who hits him can't hurt him at all.

Almost immortal existence, which is the most frightening.

Zhou Yi didn't expect to fall into such a huge disadvantage. In less than a fragrance, more than half of their people were killed and injured. What's worse, the rest of them also had no fighting spirit. In the face of an invincible monster, it is difficult for anyone to raise their fighting spirit.

Zhou Yi gritted his teeth with hatred. Although he hated Li Mingyang's mystery, he hated the culprit who led to his failure the most. During the chaos, Zhou Yi suddenly turned around and quietly killed Gong Yangwen. Only by killing this monster can he revive the morale of the team and reverse the defeat.

But when he was about to pounce on the public, he suddenly felt a knife flash in front of him. Zhou Yi was alert and was about to dodge, but suddenly his chest felt cold. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw two war knives.

"What a fast knife."