ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 201 G rumor

When the whole south gradually became stable, Xiliang Mountain became the focus of all southern monks. To be precise, it crossed Xiliang Mountain and entered a city in Heyang Mountain, which became the view discussed by most southern monks.

No one knows where the news came from, but in a short time, many people began to talk about one thing - thousands of Central Plains monks were annihilated in Xiliang Mountain.

There are two battles in total, and thousands of Central Plains monks have been annihilated. Such a record has a great impact on any force in the south. Even those big cities that have not yet returned to King Ning, many monks were extremely shocked when they heard the news.

You know, the reason why these monks were able to fight against King Ning is mainly because during the chaos in the south, they themselves resisted the attack of the Central Plains monks, but the monks who fought against the Central Plains monks knew the horror of the Central Plains. Those who had low cultivation but cooperated with the low-level cultivation. Scholars can exert amazing combat power on the battlefield.

Even they only repelled the Central Plains monks in the end, and never thought that they could annihilate a team of Central Plains monks.

When King Ning began to appease other forces in the south, although he had also staged the good play of repelling the Central Plains monk team again and again, he had never repulsed it, and there had never been a large-scale annihilation record.

However, it is rumored that a teenager named Li Mingyang, with a team of more than 10,000 civilians, with a total of nearly 1,000 monks, defeated the Central Plains twice and was annihilated rather than simply repelled.

This situation may not work well if only some people talk about it lightly, but many people in the Zhenling Pavilion all over the south are still talking about this matter, and some of them have even seen the first war with their own eyes.

With the continuous relay of many monks and the more amazing news of the Second World War spread again, the name Li Mingyang gradually began to resound in the south. A mysterious teenager actually made such a brilliant record. In the south troubled by the Central Plains monks, many people are not even willing to explore the truth of the news. They believe that all this is true, because they need such a real and exciting victory over the Central Plains monks to inspire people.

However, with the news of the Second World War, many people have also heard some strange news.

The King Ning, who has integrated more than half of the southern part, actually has an affair with the Central Plains monk. In the rumor, these Central Plains monks who fought in the south were completely recruited by King Ning himself. They fought in the south and completely disrupted the pattern in the south. Then he came forward to save thousands of southern monks between water and fire and reap the benefits of fishermen.

The spread of the news instantly set off a thousand waves in the south. The south, which has finally calmed down, becomes boiling again. In fact, many people are also skeptical of the sudden news. First of all, the news came with the news of Li Mingyang's second victory over the Central Plains monks, but about the second war, the vast majority of monks only heard that few monks can stand up in this battle. He saw it with his own eyes.

And the specific description of the second war is also quite empty, almost only the word victory, but the comparison between the strength of the enemy and us is very exaggerated. One thousand pairs of 7,000, or even almost completely annihilated. Of course, people like to hear the news that the Central Plains monks were completely annihilated, but such a war is unbelievable to most monks. The southern monks have experienced the strength of the Central Plains monks. If it is said that 7,000 southern monks annihilated 1,000 Central Plains monks, it is possible to believe this.

For a while, there were different opinions. Some people believed it, some people doubted it, and some even proposed to go to Heyang Mountain to find out. It's just that more rational southern monks are paying attention to how King Ning responds to this matter.

To say that the news that came out with the Second World War, the most affected is definitely King Ning. Today's King Ning is no longer an idle prince who used to be in Xuanhua Mansion. After integrating most of the south, King Ning's strength is unprecedented, but this power needs good stability to be maintained. Obviously, this news will question many forces who have just returned to King Ning.

Although this news sounds absurd, it seems to stand up to scrutiny. In the south now, about the two battles between Li Mingyang and the Central Plains monk, although the second battle can only be regarded as a legend, the first battle has really happened. Perhaps Li Mingyang is different from ordinary people, and his subordinates are full of strong men, but no matter what, Li Mingyang can defeat the Central Plains monks and even defeat 2,000 Central Plains monks with inferior forces. This battle makes people realize that the Central Plains monks are not invincible, as long as they have enough strength.

It seems that this judgment seems to be complete nonsense. The southern monks died and fled under the butcher' knife of the Central Plains monks because they had no strength. However, the elite soldiers under the command of King Ning are also good, and many forces turn to it because they see the strength of King Ning. Many small forces in the south may not have the strength to fight against the Central Plains monks, but King Ning must have this strength.

There is only one thing that does puzzle many people, that is why King Ning has only driven away the Central Plains monks without a real killing. King Ning led his 10,000 elite soldiers every time he went out, and the Central Plains monks faced only about 3,000 at most, but 10,000 to 3,000 was just a "war", and then even the body of a Central Plains monk could not be left.

At first, no one questioned this too much. They only prayed for stability in the south. However, when the news of the collusion between King Ning and the Central Plains monk spread, people with intentions couldn't help thinking of this.

The news of the two wars kept spreading, and the fame of the talented teenager Li Mingyang began to spread in the south. It's just that there are many people who question him. But now, the number of people questioning King Ning has also quietly increased.

However, in any case, Heyang City in Heyang Mountain has completely become the most concerned place for southern monks. Li Mingyang's feud with the Central Plains monk has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how King Ning will deal with the "rumors" about him next, at least the Central Plains monk will certainly not give up. Unless they have escaped from the south, the Central Plains monks will inevitably go to Heyang City to seek revenge.

Everyone is waiting for this day to come.


Ningwang Mansion.

King Ning now has no calmness in the past, and even can't see any excitement after integrating the south on his face. King Ning walked around the hall with an impatient face, and many of his generals did not dare to breathe. They all know why Ning Wang is so manic, but they can't solve it either.

"Who, who the hell, say, tell me, who revealed this matter." King Ning casually grabbed a general and asked in a shrill voice.

The general looked at the others helplessly and dared not return to King Ning.

Yuntao's face was also gloomy at this time. While King Ning received the news of his own defeat, Yuntao also received the news that Zong Shen died outside Heyang City. When he heard the news, Yuntao was stunned.

Zong Shen is the first general under Yuntao. In fact, there is even little difference between Zong Shen and Yuntao. Yuntao knows how exquisite Zong Shen's way of using troops is. Otherwise, he would not be relieved to hand over 5,000 of his men to Zong Shen to take charge. However, he couldn't accept it anyway. Zong Shen, who led 5,000 elite soldiers, and even the monks of the 2,000 Ning Palace, finally died outside Heyang City, and even had no bones.

Yuntao could not accept this reality, but all the escaped deserters forced him to face this result.

Looking at Ning Wang's manic and restless anger at his men, Yun Tao's heart also felt irritable. If King Ning hadn't acted urgently and closed the network when he should not have collected the network, they would not have withdrawn from the battlefield in advance. Everything would have been carried out as planned, and there would have been no such changes.

In anger, Yun Tao suddenly stepped forward and pulled away King Ning's hand and said coldly, "What's the use of venting your men now? It's just a little unfounded news. Is it possible that you are still worried that it will affect your current power?"

"A little? Unfounded?" King Ning looked at Yuntao with a ferocious face and sneered, "What is groundless? These monks who escaped back are not human? The subordinates we died don't exist?"

"Will you let them talk about these things?" Yuntao asked directly, "Those who died are all our people, and those who escaped back are also ours. Those monks outside are just catching news and spread nonsense when they hear some news. Can't you even suppress this little thing?"

"You!" Ning Wang's staring boss, Yun Tao's attitude made him want to kill this ignorant guy now, but when he thought of the power behind him, he still put up with it and finally said, "Whether the people outside are catching the wind or not, I must solve this matter as soon as possible. I must not let the situation that has just been stabilized up again. Get up."

"This is a must, you just do yours." Yuntao said lurely.

"You need to cooperate with me." Ning Wang said.

"How to cooperate?" Yuntao asked.

"You sent someone to attack Pang Lion City, and then I took people to rescue them, and finally let me kill them all." King Ning said bluntly, "Didn't they say that I never kill the Central Plains monks? This time I will kill them. At that time, I will see what else they can say."

Yun Tao looked at King Ning as if looking at an idiot. The other party's whimsicality made him not know what else to say for a moment. Finally, he slowly said, "Are you sure you're not talking nonsense?"

The blue veins on Ning Wang's forehead suddenly soared.

However, Yuntao did not give him a chance to get angry. Suddenly, his tone was extremely cold and said, "I came to help you integrate the south. I completed the plan I made before without deviation. It was you who first disrupted my plan. Now it has led to the inability to completely integrate the south and become rumors. This is all It's something you need to deal with. If possible, I won't refuse to cooperate with you in a few more scenes, but if you want to kill my people, I will tell you that you think too much.

Still did not give King Ning a chance to speak. Yuntao continued, "Don't forget, my King Ning, King Cheng supports you to dominate in the south, but you have to recover enough rewards. If you are really not beautiful enough, we have many ways to replace you with someone else. Don't doubt our ability."

This is the first time that Yuntao has spoken so coldly to King Ning since he entered the south. His attitude even shocked many of the generals under King Ning around him. They only knew that Yuntao was the person sent by the Central Plains to support this plan, but they didn't expect him to dare to talk to King Ning like this.

But what's more shocking is that after Wang Ning's face turned blue and red for a while, he actually endured it and even asked with a smile, "Then what do you think about this matter?"

Yuntao looked at King Ning with a little surprise. Yuntao felt very fresh about King Ning's sudden awakening. At least his self-confidence has not expanded to the stupid level. Although they are all kings, the gap between King Ning and King Cheng is not a little bit.

Yuntao can't see the viciousness in his eyes under the patience of King Ning, but when he thought of the order given by King Cheng, if King Ning really falls, he can't go back. After thinking about it, Yun Tao said, "If there is no accident, it must be the monk of Heyang City who spread this news. We all have the same enemy now, and our enemy naturally knows this, so he must find you as much as possible to relieve the pressure on his side.

The so-called common enemy is naturally Li Mingyang. Outsiders don't know, but Yun Tao is very clear that a total of 7,000 of his men died at the hands of Li Mingyang. Although King Ning's people did not die as many as they did, King Ning was also affected. In addition to Li Mingyang, it is what they need to do most now.

"What should I do?" Ning Wang asked again.

Yun Tao replied directly: " Send someone to kill him. Don't be surprised. You must let him die there this time. Then put the shit basin of the monks secretly united with the Central Plains directly on his hand. I believe that many people are willing to believe that the news they conveyed will be pressed on him intact.

King Ning nodded decisively, but said slightly hesitantly, "At this time of **, will I seem to be a little guilty of attacking Heyang City?"

Yun Tao shook his head: "If you are afraid, you can't do anything. It is announced that Li Mingyang is a traitor of the royal palace and stole a large number of secret laws, magic weapons and spiritual stones from the royal palace. Didn't you offer him a reward before? Now that he knows his whereabouts, what's wrong with direct military expedition?"

Ning Wang finally made up his mind and said with hatred in his eyes, "Okay, that's it."

"Hmm." Yun Tao also made a decision: "This time, my people will act with you."