ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 208 Secret

Li Mingyang was suddenly shocked. He found that once he couldn't hold his mind, he might even get lost in this strange space at any time. After a long adjustment, Li Mingyang asked, "Can this be bad?"

"No matter how shocking it is, it will happen after all." The wheel said in a low voice, "Not all six reincarnations are broken. The upper three still work, but the next three began to have problems thousands of years ago."

"Three above and three below?" Li Mingyang doesn't know much about this.

"The six paths refer to the heavenly path, the Asura path, the human path, the animal path, the hungry ghost path, and the hell path. The first three paths are three good ways, and the next three ways are the three evil ways. More than a thousand years ago, the three evil roads began to stop working.

Li Mingyang didn't have much contact with these things, but now he was still shocked after hearing it. After a long time, he slowly asked, "Then what?"

"The cessation of the operation of the three evil roads leads to a very serious consequence - all evil spirits in the world cannot be reincarnated, and they can't get a chance to survive when they fall into hell." The wheel said extremely heavily.

"Can't the devil be reincarnated?" Li Mingyang was shocked again, and then calmed down. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

"Is it possible that there are so many real ghosts in the world that even hundreds of ghost villages are damaged? Li Mingyang asked.

"Yes, that's right." Rotation road.

"Let's go out first. I feel like I may get lost here at any time." Li Mingyang suddenly proposed.

The wheel did not delay. Li Mingyang only felt dizzy again, and then finally woke up completely.

Recalling what happened just now, Li Mingyang is still palpitated. In that strange space, it is a luxury to concentrate on thinking about problems. It is a power space that he can't really touch. I believe that if it weren't for the fact that if it weren't for the wheel on the side to calm himself, he might have been completely into it. Lost at the bottom.

"The reincarnation is broken. How to fix this thing?" After waking up, Li Mingyang immediately asked.

The wheel looked bitter and said slowly, "If you want to repair the reincarnation path, you can't do it with my own strength, and even no one in hell can do it. That's why the situation of real ghosts in the sun is so serious."

Li Mingyang also has a headache now. Previously, he didn't expect such a difficult problem he was going to face, but after thinking about it, he immediately asked, "Didn't you say that there are ten halls in hell? There should be other hell besides you. Can't you work together to repair the reincarnation path?"

"Yan Luo from other temples?" Hearing this, the wry smile was even stronger: "If we can work together, the situation in hell will not be as bad as this. In fact, when there is a problem with the six reincarnations, we have tried many ways to save it, but it won't help in the end. The existence of the six reincarnations is not something we can touch. In the end, several other kings have left the hell and even entered the major mysterious worlds in Yangjian.

"The king of the world went to fight in the sun?" Hearing the news, Li Mingyang's biggest gesture was that he could even swallow his fist: "Are you kidding?"

"I would make such a joke? Can't you see the current situation in hell? The wheel said angrily, "I'm the only one in the hell now, and all the other nine halls of the hells have gone to the sun with the real ghost army."

Now, Li Mingyang is also the first two: "Why did the other halls of Yan Luo leave?"

"Because there is no hope." The reincarnation said extremely lonelyly, "After the six reincarnations were damaged, the hell has become more and more chaotic, and chaotic spaces have even appeared directly in many places. And because the devil has never been reincarnated, the hell began to seem more and more crowded, and there began to be large-scale melees in the hell. In the end, other halls and Yanluo thought that it would be better to go to the Yangjian to fight than to be destroyed here.

"Abandoned yourself?" Li Mingyang suddenly asked.

The wheel was stunned and finally said with a wry smile, "It can be understood in this way."

Li Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't know how to solve this problem at this time. Six reincarnations are damaged, which is a problem that can't even be solved by these ten halls and Yanluo. Naturally, it is impossible for a little monk to get involved. He has not felt so good about himself.

At the end, Li Mingyang simply asked, "Say, what can I do for you, as long as I can do it." In fact, Li Mingyang is a very lazy person. He doesn't like to think too much. In this case, as long as he gives him an order, he can naturally execute it well.

Seeing Li Mingyang's look at death, the wheel smiled again: "Don't worry so much. The reincarnation has been broken for thousands of years. The problems have been solved, and the ghost king who should run has also run away. Although there are many things to be done, everything can be laid out calmly."

With that, the wheel took out a strange stone, gently clicked, and a huge light curtain burst out from the stone. Above the light curtain was a fine and complex map.

"In fact, my enemy in hell is not a real ghost, but a chaotic clan. You can't participate in the battle with the chaotic clan. What you can do is to help me gather the real ghost army in Yangjian. The wheel pointed to the light curtain and began to explain to Li Mingyang.

Originally, Li Mingyang thought it was a map of hell, but later he found that it was a map of Shengyuan Continent, but it was not all, and it seemed to be only half.

"The most important part of the Shengyuan Continent is the Central Plains. To the north of the Central Plains is an endless desert, which is called the desert north. No one has explored the north of the desert, and it seems that there is no end to the desert north. There is no too strong force in Mobei, but there are many strong men with superior combat power.

"The East and West of the Central Plains are all vast oceans, the East China Sea and the West Sea respectively. The East China Sea and the West Sea are all vast, but no one knows what is in the two seas. Over the years, no strong enemy has appeared in the ocean that threatens mankind, and people have not paid attention to it. On the ocean.

"South of the Central Plains is the south, and the Central Plains monks like to call it the Southern Barbarian Continent. Compared with the north, the southern barbarian continent is a region worth developing, so some Central Plains forces began to want to dye the barbarian continent.

"The Central Plains is divided into eight counties and one capital. Among the dragon capital, there are the royal families of the whole Central Plains. Among the eight counties, there are eight princes. The princes only pay tribute and are not subordinates, so although they are eight counties, they can also be understood as eight countries. The situation in the Central Plains is complicated, and I can't finish it in a few months. Of course, I don't know all about it. In those years, I couldn't travel to the eight counties, but I also explored the situation of the four counties.

Listening to the explanation of the wheel, Li Mingyang gradually became fascinated. For a long time, he has only stayed in the Central Plains and is very good at fighting. There are Taihemen and Shuwangfu in the Central Plains, but he does not have an accurate concept of Taihemen and Shuwangfu. Now with the introduction of the wheel, he finally has a real impression.

What Li Mingyang needs to do is not to compete for hegemony in the sun. The wheel is not to build a king of the sun, but to be a qualified yin and yang envoy. In those years, the news of the exploration of the four counties of the Central Plains, including the southern barbarian continent, was all about the situation of other halls and hell. The wheel hopes that Li Mingyang can gather the army of real ghosts in Yangjian and attack the forces of Yan Luo in Yangjian. When the ten temples and Yanluo left the hell, they all carried a large number of real ghosts. After arriving at Yangjian, they did not choose to take the initiative to attack some forces in Yangjian, but forcibly opened up the spiritual world in Yangjian.

"Spirit World?" Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"Our ten halls of hell have experienced a long time, and we all have the spiritual monument of the treasure of hell. The earth spirit tablet was originally used to stabilize the foundation of the hell, but they all took away the earth spirit monument when they left. The earth spirit tablet has the power to open up chaos. They took the earth spirit tablet to the Yangjian and began to forcibly use the earth spirit tablet to open up the earth spirit world. The earth spirit world is a existence similar to hell, which you can understand as the most suitable world for real ghosts to survive. Once the earth spirit world is formed, in the place where the earth spirit world is formed, in the surrounding space of hundreds of thousands of miles, once ghosts appear, those souls will involuntarily converge towards the earth spirit world.

"They attract souls in the spiritual world?" Li Mingyang was shocked.

"Yes, they opened up the earth spirit world in the sun and created their own underworld, so that they can become the real king of the world, and use the breath of the earth spirit tablet to attract souls to prevent those souls from entering the hell, and the souls and real ghosts in the hell also begin to gradually decrease."

"That's not bad. You can't be reborn when you come to hell. At least it can relieve the pressure here." Li Mingyang suddenly felt that this seemed to be good.

The wheel stared at Li Mingyang fiercely and said, "The reincarnation is only damaged, not all of them. The upper three can still operate, and the good people in the world can still be reborn after death. But now they use the earth spirit world to block not only evil spirits, but also good souls. The six reincarnations are also spiritual. If there is always no soul to devote themselves to it, the situation in the hell will be worse. The power of Xuanyin will become thinner, and the power of chaos will become more and more prosperous. If the chaotic clan is really occupied After the hell, the hell is really destroyed.

"What will happen if the hell is really destroyed?" Li Mingyang asked subconsciously.

"I don't know what will happen, but I think if the hell really ceases to exist, the world may also perish."

"Is it so serious?" Li Mingyang was shocked.

The wheel said extremely seriously: "Yin and yang are compatible with each other, but yin and yang are also symbiotic. If the hell is really destroyed, the yang pole may lose its balance."

Li Mingyang finally understood what he was going to do, with an unbelievable face, and then said with tears and laughter, "That is to say, I will embark on a road to save the world?"