ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 252 New Journey

The scene in front of him made the Central Plains monks who were present not know what else to say. What happened here today was much beyond their expectations. First, when the siege of the fierce beast of the mysterious realm was about to succeed, a mysterious realm killer was suddenly killed, but soon after this strong man in the mysterious realm was almost inconceible. The way to kill.

But when they planned to eliminate the biggest threat of Li Mingyang, they had not succeeded. The entrance array of the mysterious world, which had just been discovered and had no one touched, was opened out of thin air. They even saw that Li Mingyang did not seem to take out a spiritual stone, and he and the other big man appeared in the magic array.

Li Mingyang's escape made all the Central Plains monks feel extremely sorry, but thinking of the way they left just now, some Central Plains generals became a little eye-catching. Not long, a Shu general quietly walked to Dou Jinhu and said in a polar voice: "Your Excellency, you said that this transmission array will not be It can be transmitted with a spiritual stone."

Hearing this, Dou Jinhu was shocked and looked at his subordinate for a long time. After a long time, he muttered, "Yes, can this transmission array be transmitted without a spirit stone?" After saying that, his eyes began to shine.

The initial stage of the conquest of the metaphysical world is the most dangerous. First of all, it is because this metaphysical world has just been discovered. Even if the Central Plains monks have the ability to know what the mysterious world looks like before entering this mysterious world, they can't know what it looks like. Therefore, the number of monks in the first dispatch to fight in the mysterious world is not too small, at least to ensure that the leading troops can stand firm in a strange mysterious world.

But there can't be too many monks. One of them is still because they don't know and can't confirm whether the mysterious world is suitable for human monks to live. Once a large number of monks are sent, they enter a dead place, and tens of thousands of monks are lost in an instant, which is a difficult loss for any force. The second point is the problem of transmission costs.

Although the magic array at the entrance of the mysterious world is very special, in the final analysis, it is a transmission array, and the transmission array naturally requires spiritual stones to transmit. Even the lowest level of transmission array requires the corresponding spiritual stone consumption to achieve the effect of transmission. However, it has to be said that the consumption of this transmission array at the entrance of the mysterious world is also quite huge for the power of the Central Plains.

Without saying, let's talk about the transmission array at the entrance of the mysterious world in front of us. Judging from the breath alone, it can be seen that one person needs at least ten top-grade spiritual stones. The transmission is calculated by the number of people. The consumption of an illusion monk and a Xuanling realm monk is the same, but the problem is that there are fewer people sent to fight in the mysterious world. It definitely won't work, but once the number of people is tens of thousands, the consumption will naturally increase accordingly.

The purpose of fighting in the metaphysical world is not simply to launch a war. If it is not profitable, who will take such a big risk to fight in a strange mysterious world, so transmission costs have always been the most concerned by the forces fighting in the metaphysical world. If there is no transmission fee, there are almost no spiritual stones consumed by fighting this mysterious world, and you only need to consume monks. But it is obvious that such a good thing basically does not exist.

The commanders and generals of the three forces realized the strangeness of Li Mingyang's transmission, but after testing, they all found that in order to succeed in transmission, they must still need spiritual stones. Seeing this, these Central Plains monks could only smile bitterly, thinking that Li Mingyang might have taken the spirit stone during the teleportation, but they didn't see it.

Although the beauty in fantasy has not been realized, the transmission array at the entrance of the mysterious world opens by itself, which is also a gratifying thing for them. Only at this moment, when the strong enemy disappeared and the opening of the magic array was in front of them, the three Central Plains monks, who had been fighting side by side against the strong enemy for the past few days suddenly became hostile to each other. Everyone did not take action, but they tacitly opened a distance and reassemated their formations.

As soon as the Shu army's formation was completed, Dou Jinhu did not hesitate to order and sent people to rush into the transmission array. Seeing that Xiliang Army and Changyun Army were eager to try, Dou Jinhu was not shocked, but said in a very free and easy voice, "Guys, see you in the battlefield of the mysterious world."

As soon as this statement came out, the commanders of Xiliang and Changyun only snorted coldly, but after all, they did not launch an offensive at this time, but coldly watched the Shu army enter the mysterious world from the magic array. Previously, they were able to join hands to besiege the fierce beast because their respective masters had ordered that this time's victory or defeat should be separated in the mysterious world, and which was stronger or weaker should also be known in the battlefield of the mysterious world.

It is not the first time to fight in the mysterious world. Although the transmission array is not too big, the Shu army still quickly transmitted 30,000 monks. After transmitting 30,000 people, Dou Jinhu did not continue to send, but looked at both sides with a smile and said, "You two, do you also move?"

The commander of the Xiliang Army glanced at Dou Jinhu. Although he was moved, he did not act. However, when the commander of the Changyun Army saw that the Shu army suddenly stopped, the Xiliang army did not move. Instead, he became excited and began to walk into the teleportation array without saying a word. This time, the Changyun army did not come here to kill Li Mingyang or to kill any fierce beasts. The monks of Changyun County are very clear that among the three counties in the southwest, Changyun County is the weakest county. Whether it is his personal ability, his generals, counselors, or the accumulation of the royal palace, he is not as good as the other two princes.

So this mysterious world found this time, Han Wang intends to try his best to dig out all the benefits inside. If Changyun County wants to rise completely, it naturally needs good luck to achieve it. This mysterious world is the good luck in the eyes of King Han.

Looking at the Changyun army rushing into the transmission array in a hurry, Dou Jinhu's face was expressionless, but his heart was already happy. The real plan of King Shu had been transmitted to him through the secret protection channel of Shu County. After learning that Shu County's next plan was not the main force to conquer this mysterious world, but to directly copy the hometown of King Han, Dou Jinhu has actually lost great interest in this Xuanjie campaign. If it hadn't been for playing here, he would have returned to Shu County to discuss the major events of attacking Changyun County with other generals and commanders.

50,000 monks in Changyun County did not stop at all and walked into the phalanx under the leadership of their commanders. With array mages, they can roughly specify the range of transmission, so as to ensure that their team will not be too scattered. These are the experience left by the Central Plains's many years of expedition against the mysterious world. As an expeditionary force, this group of Central Plains monks and their accompanying array mages are naturally familiar with these.

Seeing that 50,000 people of the Changyun army had entered the Xuanjie, and even the Shu army had entered 30,000, the monks of Xiliang County finally couldn't calm down and began to fight into the Xuanjie. This war should be a protracted battle. They all know that they can't be the only ones in the mysterious world, the indigenous monks or other races in the mysterious world, which is likely to be the biggest enemy. Everyone's mind is very complicated, but everyone enters the magic circle with the idea of building a career.

Each prince's army has its own contact information. When each expeditionary army enters the mysterious world, it will transmit their position in the mysterious world back to the prince's palace. This is not to ensure safety, but to prepare their respective forces accordingly. After that, when they want to send people to support, they at least know where to send. Instead of random transmission, the reinforcements are sent directly to the enemy's base camp.

Seeing that the 50,000 monks of the Xiliang Army and the Changyun Army entered the magic array, the remaining 30,000 Shu troops on the field all looked at each other and looked at Dou Jinhu one by one. They didn't know what he was thinking.

A general saw that there were no outsiders around and boldly asked, "Your Excellency, is it time for us to set out?"

"Yes, it's time to go." Dou Jinhu said lightly, and then picked up the flag and waved it in the opposite direction.

"Your Excellency, this is the way back. The transmission array is over there." The general carefully pointed to the Xuanjie entrance array in the opposite direction of the flag.

Dou Jinhu smiled and said, "It's back to Shu County. This Xuanjie campaign can only rely on the 30,000 people inside."

"Why is this?" The general asked confusedly.

"This time, Lord Yuan personally came out and formulated a battle plan for the next few years. Instead of going to fight in the Xuanjie, we fought back home, because there was a more important battle."

"Lord Yuan finally did it again?" Hearing the battle plan formulated by Yuan Wuwang, no one in Shu County monk questioned it. The general asked excitedly, "What kind of battle is more important?"

"Occupy Changyun County."

After a long silence, there were shocking cheers in the Shu army camp. Immediately, all the remaining Shu troops seemed to have taken some panacea and quickly marched towards Shu County.

After the Shu army left, all the news about the recent battle spread all over the south as if they had spread their wings. When the southern monks saw Li Mingyang appear again in this matter, and even this time they were silent after hearing that Li Mingyang had torn up a mysterious killer. This news also surprised many Central Plains monks. In the following period, many people tried to find Li Mingyang and wanted to have a good time with this mysterious young strong man. But they also knew that it was not easy to find Li Mingyang. If they wanted to find him, they had to go to the mysterious world. Just for a competition, no one wants to take such a huge risk.

When the news reached Xiliang County, Li Hong was first stunned. After Guo Yunshan and others learned that Li Mingyang was accidentally involved in the storm, and even directly spread to the Xuanjie, they also didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Among the people who are working hard to build Jingshan Town, almost all of them want to rush to the south and rush into the mysterious world to save people. Even Xu Xin was moved, but after all, he was an old strong man, and finally stopped the impulsive Yan brothers and Xiao Zhuer with Guo Yunshan.

"The famous will be fine. Isn't it rumored that he was involved in the mysterious world with the ram? It's not difficult for them to get out when they are together. Let's not make trouble." Although Guo Yunshan was also anxious, he could only persuade him with a cold face.


Xiao Zhuer still wanted to argue, but was dragged back by Xu Xin. Xu Xin also said coldly, "If you don't want to add trouble to Li Mingyang, don't go there to join in the fun. With his ability, the small mysterious world can't trap him."

The storm in Jingshan Town gradually subsided, but everyone's calm surface hides an impatient heart. They all know that the monks of the three counties and hundreds of thousands of troops have all rushed into a mysterious world, and there may be other enemies in the mysterious world. Under such circumstances, it is really too difficult for Li Mingyang to return safely, but now he can only believe that he can do this.

Unable to rescue Li Mingyang, everyone tried their best to work. They all hoped that when Li Mingyang came back, he would see a different Jingshan Town.

Just when people's eyes were on the mysterious world in the south, a major event broke out in the Central Plains that forced everyone's attention to be diverted.

The King of Shu declared war on the King of Han, and 300,000 Shu County monks entered Changyun County in three ways.

The battle of the prince officially begins.

And just as people were nervously and excitedly paying attention to the super collision between Shu County and Changyun County, in the south, the entrance to the mysterious world, which had attracted the attention of many people not long ago, began to slowly shrink. The color of the blood-red light curtain is also gradually fading, and the magic array tends to disappear.

However, at this moment, everyone is paying attention to the battle between the king of Shu and the king of Han. The entrance to the Xuanjie in the south and south seems to be gradually forgotten by people, and those who have gone to the Xuanjie seem to have completely disappeared from the world.


When Li Mingyang woke up, he was stunned to find that his whole body was unconscious. Except for his eyes that could rotate flexibly, all other parts could not be controlled.

"What's wrong with me? I'm paralyzed?" Li Mingyang thought puzzledly.

After a long time, Li Mingyang's body gradually became more conscious, barely raised his head a little, and finally saw his physical condition. It turned out that his body was tied into a zongzi by someone, and his whole body was tied tightly. At this time, he realized that there was a strong smell of medicine around him.

After trying to look at the surrounding environment, Li Mingyang found himself lying in a very dilapidated room. The whole room seemed to have nothing. Even with observation, Li Mingyang found that he was not lying on **, but on the ground. A big hole was exposed in the corner of the roof. Through the big hole, Li Mingyang saw the night sky and several small stars in the night sky.

"So it's night." Li Mingyang subconsciously muttered, but immediately thought puzzledly, "But where is this?"

As if he could hear his heart. As soon as he finished thinking like this, the voice of the fierce beast sounded again in the sea of knowledge: "If you don't die, lie down well."