ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 281 Fierce

"Oh?" Seeing that the other party looked different, Li Mingyang said, "T Talk about it."

The captain was overjoyed and began to talk. Li Mingyang also listened carefully, but listening, he was a little angry.

Although the frontal attack and the left and right detours will kill people, the danger of the frontal attack is basically predictable. To put it bluntly, as long as they are willing to invest in cannon fodder, after a large number of sacrifices, the elite troops can definitely win. In the left and right offensive, no one knows when there will be a sneak attack, so it is naturally difficult to predict casualties.

The captain also said their reasons for wanting to take a frontal attack. In the Eight-Nation Alliance, which is now the Jinzhu Army, the fixed team is actually the eight largest forces, so in fact, in addition to them, the remaining 6,000 or 7,000 small forces of monks can sacrifice to their heart's content. Even if it is launched to be cannon fodder, it doesn't matter. It is a good strategy to exchange their sacrifices for victory.

There is no immortal in war, and Li Mingyang also understands this truth, but he hates this way of fighting. The captain had said very ** and even said some specific battle plans, but seeing that Li Mingyang's face became more and more gloomy, he couldn't help asking, "Your Excellency, what's wrong?"

"There can't be cannon fodder." Li Mingyang shook his head.

"What?" The captain didn't understand.

Li Mingyang raised his head and said firmly, "No matter where our people came from before, since they are now the Jinzhu army, they must be treated equally. We can't let them die because they are weak."

Hearing Li Mingyang's words, the captain didn't know what to say for a while. In fact, he sincerely defected. Several previous commanders were actually not very popular. Li Mingyang killed them by thunderous means, which really convinced many Jinzhujun's strength. But he didn't expect that he didn't have the heart to send cannon fodder to kill the strong man in the real spiritual world.

"Your excellency, it's always going to die." The captain couldn't help reminding him.

"I know." Li Mingyang said lightly, and immediately stood up and walked to the noisy red-faced and thick-necked crowd.

Li Mingyang went straight to the map, waved his hand, pointed to the middle area and said, "Our Jinzhu army attacked head-on. You can divide the other two roads."

As soon as this statement came out, the originally chaotic scene suddenly calmed down. Everyone looked at Li Mingyang curiously, and all the captains of the Jinzhu Army were also a little stunned. After a while, a captain whispered, "Our new boss seems to be very fierce."

"Isn't that nonsense?" Another captain said.

Han Hu had seen that Li Mingyang was always silent and thought he was not going to participate, but he didn't expect that now he suddenly came to look at his finger pointing to the middle area, and Han Hu unexpectedly didn't know what to say.

But it was because of Li Mingyang's appearance that Han Hu suddenly found that he could choose either way. In fact, they had also had the idea of sending cannon fodder to death before. However, although this idea was good, they were also a little hesitant. After all, it was too chilling to do so, and the strong attack. Whether it will work or not is just speculation. In fact, the reason why the people of Changyun Army or the Tiandao League quarrel is that they actually have no independent opinions and talk about it here with the idea of idleness, just to see what the other party wants to choose.

Now that Li Mingyang has made a decision, although it was surprising, Han Hu suddenly felt a little interested and followed Li Mingyang's words and said, "Then my Changyun army will attack the left side."

After Li Mingyang appeared, Jiang Yaoming stared at Han Hu. Seeing that he was not angry at all because of Li Mingyang's appearance, he made a decision without saying anything. Jiang Yaoming strengthened his guess. Li Mingyang absolutely had a big back scene, and immediately broke his anger with him on such a small matter.

No one expected that the matter would suddenly end like this, including Li Mingyang. He had even thought about his plans before he came up, but seeing that Han Hu and Jiang Yaoming were calm, he would no longer look for trouble for no reason.

"This boss seems to be really good." Seeing that Li Mingyang made a vigorous decision and even made the other two bosses agree smoothly, the captains in the Jinzhu army all showed joy.

Previously, at this time, their eight leaders were like decorations here. They always couldn't say any successful decisions, which also made them feel shameless on this occasion. Now Li Mingyang's strength has convinced these unruly guys a little more.

Li Mingyang decisively returned to the station with all the captains, but did not let them disband, but gathered them together for another meeting.

After seeing the task of the middle attack grabbed by Li Mingyang, the reaction of the 23 captains was different. Seven or eight captains seemed to have guessed something, and their faces were a little helpless. They knew that cannon fodder was needed for the strong attack in the middle road. Although they would not be allowed to die at that time, they would not be happy with their subordinates.

Li Mingyang did not have any airs. After bringing all the captains together, he said bluntly, "I know that the middle attack requires cannon fodder, but don't worry, I will never use any of you to die."

As soon as he said this, all the captains were stunned. The captain who initially explained everything to Li Mingyang was even more puzzled and asked boldly, "What do you think, my lord?"

"I will find a way to get the cannon fodder troops. Don't worry." Li Mingyang said with a smile. When he was about to walk out, he turned around and said, "No matter what you used to do and who you used to be with, but since you are now a member of the Jinzhu Army, don't have any more common people's opinions. If you have difficulties, tell me if you have any opinions. I will find a way to help you solve them, as long as you can stay united.

After saying that, Li Mingyang Shiran went out, and then his voice came again: "I'm going out to do something. You can just listen to the arrangement of the public sheep text during this period."

All the captains of the Jinzhu Army are now confused. They don't know what they are thinking in their new and old brains. He always seem to think about it. Although his decisiveness is very admirable, after all, everyone doesn't know him. His practices really makes these captains a little worried. .

"Lin Hui, what do you think?" In the chaos, a captain came out and asked.

The person called Lin Hui is the person who explained everything to Li Mingyang before. In today's Jinzhu army, Lin Hui can actually be regarded as the most prestigious. At the beginning, when the eight leaders were there, in fact, all the trivial matters were also controlled by him.

Looking at Li Mingyang's back, Lin Hui's eyes looked very complicated. Lin Hui is a typical suffering monk. His talent is mediocre but he has some opportunities after all. He has also stumbled and cultivated the five-fold cultivation of the virtual spiritual realm. In terms of cultivation, he is higher than Li Mingyang, but he knows very well that it is impossible to be comparable to Li Mingyang in terms of combat effectiveness.

The biggest advantage of a monk like Lin Hui is that his experience and vision are very good, but he can't see through Li Mingyang. Listening to his companion's inquiry, Lin Hui could only smile bitterly: "Our new boss is really incomprehensible."

Although Lin Hui said how to send cannon fodder as usual, if there are other options, who wants to send his companions to death?

"I hope he can bring us back some surprises." Lin Hui said lightly that the captains beside him were also full of expectations, especially those who were not very strong. If they could really keep their men, it would be better.

Li Mingyang's departure was not to escape from the battle, nor to come out to see the scenery. Sitting on the wilderness, they almost galloped towards the Tianyin Kingdom like a streamer.

After coming out of the cold pool, Li Mingyang actually stayed in Tianyin for a period of time. During this period, he found some very useful news, that is, the more than 5,000 real ghost army he summoned was not killed. After he and Liu Ji fled in that battle, although the ghosts were extremely angry, they did not take those The real ghost vented his anger. This time, Li Mingyang went back to "steal" this group of real ghosts.

The real ghosts that were re summoned through soul refining, once they leave Li Mingyang too far away, they are almost like puppets. Not to mention fighting, even normal real ghosts are not as good as normal.

Because of their strange situation, they can no longer become real ghost warriors, so they are placed in a place called Sanshui Town as a whole, which is actually abandoned.

"Mir, are those guys over there sick? Why do they look like nerds every day?" Some people in Sanshui Town who do nothing always like to talk about this group of real ghosts like puppets. After all, this situation is also very rare for them.

Although the mayor of Sanshui Town has been in Tianyin for many years, he is also puzzled about this. He can only shake his head helplessly every time he is asked.

But on this day, when some real ghosts subconsciously talked about the puppet-like real ghosts on the edge of the town, a blue light flashed, and a teenager appeared in the town riding a huge fierce beast giant wolf.

Seeing the real body of the Qinghuang, all the real ghosts in the town screamed and fled. Once the Qinghuang did not restrain its breath, even the ghosts were really scared.

Some real ghosts dared not to run far away, but hid in the distance to look at the teenager and beast that suddenly appeared. Then they saw a more shocking scene. At this moment, those real ghosts like puppets stood up like well-trained soldiers and gathered in a circle almost in a blink of an eye. In an instant, bursts of blood killing burst out from these real ghosts who had just shaped like puppets.

Looking at the teenager again, he nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "It's not bad. I finally didn't go there for nothing."